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Book online «The Girl with Silver Eyes by Kaitlyn Fetterman (best feel good books .TXT) 📖». Author Kaitlyn Fetterman

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we got upstairs and in his bed he was a lot calmer and I could tell by the reactions I got from things I did.
“Why did you stay with him?”
I hesitated a moment before answering. “His best friend pulled a knife on me and told me that he would kill me if I broke up with Josh because he raped me. Trust me, I didn’t want to be within a hundred feet of Josh after that but I didn’t see any other choice”
He didn’t say anything for a long time after that. I began to think he had fallen asleep but he spoke the next second. “If you don’t mind me asking, why did Josh…”
“His parents were gone for the weekend and he was throwing a party because school was about to start again. Of course, he invited me and I went not knowing that he had been drinking. He had been drinking a lot, so much the entire house smelled like a bar. He tried to get me to have some but I was underage so I didn’t.
“About half way through the party, him and his friends were playing spin the bottle and I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It landed on me and he kissed me, but he wanted sex, and I didn’t. I…” I trailed off into his chest.
“I’m going to kill him the next time I see him” he muttered.
I hadn’t noticed I was crying until I felt a small wet spot on his shirt. I shrugged and cried into his chest like a baby. It felt good to finally get that off my chest and to tell someone what happened that night.
“I won’t make you talk about it anymore, I’m sorry”
I shook my head. “No, I’m glad. I’ve never told anyone what happened that night and it feels good to finally tell someone.”
He sighed. “I still feel guilty”
He nodded. And I fell asleep just like that.
A Clan

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Austin” I said to Emily’s brother. He wasn’t a werewolf or anything but he knew, and he was very aware of everything. He was about my size, 5’7 and he was just like Emily. He had the red hair, facial features and slim body, but he had blue eyes instead of yellow. Another thing they had in common was annoying the hell out of me.
“Oh, I think you do. You have a mate and you are going to tell me who he is before I throw something at you” He said in his guy-Emily voice.
I felt Carter come up to me, wrap his arms around my waist and put his chin in my shoulder. Just one breath and shivers went up and down my back and my heartbeat accelerated.
“Morning, babe” he whispered into my ear. I turned around and gave him a quick kiss before returning to making my breakfast. It wasn’t much of a breakfast, just cereal and toast but it worked.
“Morning” I said when I found my voice.
“Would you like to explain to me how you got out of bed without waking me up?” he asked going to grab my toast.
“Moving very slowly and quietly. You were out cold and you’re a light sleeper, I didn’t want to wake you up” I explained.
“Your mate is going to be pissed if he finds out your cheating on him” Austin said.
Carter jerked his head up to look up at me, dropping the toast. “What?”
“Austin, he’s my mate”
“Oh, sorry dude.”
“Like you would actually cheat on me. I’m perfect” he said handing me my toast. He had taken a bite.
“Far from it” I said taking a bite of my toast.
“So are you saying you’d cheat on me?”
“Hell no, I just meant that you aren’t perfect” I explained. I finished my breakfast having a small conversation with Carter but it was mostly quiet. That was until Emily woke up and came down stairs.
“What’s up, crazy people?” she said skipping into the kitchen. I laughed and Carter chuckled but Austin stayed quiet.
“We aren’t crazy, just abnormal” I said. Carter chuckled more at that answer and I smacked him across the head on my way to the dishwasher. As I put it away his hands were around my waist and his lips on my ear. He knew that drove me crazy, almost as much as when he kissed his mark.
“You two are inseparable” Dylan said coming into the kitchen.
Carter pecked my neck then spun around and thumped Dylan in the back of the head before starting his breakfast. The whole time watching my reaction.
“So not funny, Carter” I scowled.
“I thought it was funny, though I could see were you would disagree.” he chuckled. “Sorry if I upset you, babe”
“Sure you are” I mumbled to myself.
“We are trying to eat over here, so if you’re going to make-out or something go upstairs” Emily said.
I gave her a sour look. “You and Lucas are the same way”
“They were worst right after he marked her, they were all over each other in every room in the house. It lasted for weeks” Carter said taking a bite of his toast.
“Thanks for putting that image in my mind, Carter”
He shrugged and finished his toast. “Just the truth”
“Okay, so what did Austin do this morning to annoy you?” Emily asked putting her dishes in the dishwasher.
“He said that my mate was going to be pissed if he finds out that I was cheating on him, with Carter” I explained.
“Carter actually thought she was cheating”
“Well, I was just making sure because I’d kill him then not talk to her for a day or two” He said. “When you hear someone say your mate is cheating, you don’t deny it, you believe it.”
“But, you should know I would never cheat on you” I muttered.
“You muttering things under your breath is going to get you in a lot of trouble someday, Ms. Redford” Jack said entering the kitchen. As soon as he did Carter growled and Dylan left the room.
“I’m the only one that will be punishing her, she’s my mate.” He told Jack and walked over to me, to kiss my forehead. “Not yours, Jack”
“I know, Carter” he said and left the kitchen with a bag of chips. He was so unhealthy.
“He really gets under my skin” Carter said.
“Oh, I know he does. But look on the bright side, at least he’s not hitting on me or something”
“Don’t jinx it, babe, please”
I laughed then went out into his study. I knew what was coming, and I wasn’t sure how or why but they were and fast. I hoped nothing bad could happen to me considering I was what I was but I couldn’t help but think about Carter and Emily. Even the rest of them, that I don’t know so well. I didn’t want any of them to die for me, I wanted them to die when they got old and had grandchildren not young and no children. Life wasn’t meant to end that way.
“Babe, what’s wrong” Carter asked walking into the study and closing the door behind him.
“Nothing, just thinking” I lied. He sat on the desk and watched me curiously.
“I know you’re lying, Emma. What’s really bothering you?”
I turned around to look him in the eyes. “I’m not just a werewolf, Carter. I’m a sprit, half vampire and half werewolf. A clan of vampires is coming here to see me, I don’t know for what though. That’s what’s really bothering me”
He didn’t say anything, he just continued to stare at me like I was speaking a foreign language. I could tell he wasn’t thrilled to hear the truth but, I had to tell him sooner or later. “Vampire?”
“Yes, is something wrong with that?”
“Not with you, no. Just we don’t communicate with them, they are our enemies, and we are theirs.” He spoke in a quiet voice.
“Oh, well in a way you do.” I said and he chuckled.
“You don’t smell or act like one though, if you did you’d be different” he told me.
I took his hand put him on my back like he weighed nothing. I ran out of the house with my vampire speed and around the territory once before returning to the Pack house and his study. I put him on the desk and sat on the couch.
“I can if I chose to. That’s how I was able to resist you, because I’m not a full werewolf”
“Wow, that was amazing” he breathed. “How do you do that?”
“Running with Vampire speed”
He sighed. “Better then a werewolf, that’s for sure”
I shrugged. “Werewolves are better, a lot better”
“And why is that? If you can run that fast, why would you say werewolves are better?”
“Because of you. I was meant to be with you, and I would never change that…” I trailed off at the knock on the door. I ran over to it using my speed once more. It was them. There were two of them, one tall one short and both pale white and ice cold. Carter walked up behind me and gasped at the sight of them, this was going to be interesting.
“Emma Redford, the sprit, pleasure to finally meet you” the short blonde girl said. The tall male wasn’t as happy as she was though.
“No pleasure from me, pure hatred instead.” he said.
“Okay” I said. “So, what are you here for?”
“Come outside and we will talk farther, no need to fret, we are the nice ones.” She said.
Carter and I walked outside and leaned against the house, watching for any sign of movement. My eyes were faster to sense movement then his, but he could still help.
“What’s the man doing here?” The male asked.
“He’s my mate” I said loving the words.
“Wonderful” he said.
“Now, I understand that a few months ago you joined this pack of dogs before you met us. We are a clan of vampires and in many ways, can give you more then them, but that is off the topic. Right now, we are giving you two months to decide to stay with these filthy dogs or you can join our clan and forget them. Two months, Emma, we will need your answer.” She said and right as she said the last word they were gone. Not even here for five minutes, that must be a new record.
“Of course, you are staying a werewolf, right?” There was doubt clear as day in his voice.
“I don’t know” I said and ran up to his room. I laid across the bed hoping he wouldn’t follow me. I didn’t want anyone to comfort me right now, not even him, not even Emily.
Why did my life have to be so complicated? I mean, if I look at the benefits of both

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