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Book online «Jacob Black - True Imprint by Jessley (the chimp paradox .TXT) 📖». Author Jessley

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I…er…didn’t want to tell you, but I am kinda kidnapping you for a week” I said quickly. “Ha, kidnap me, I don’t think you could do that” he stated. “Awwe, don’t be such a pooper!” I said. “Mmm, pooper, at least I didn’t forget!” he said sounding disappointed. “Forget, forgot what?” I asked not sure what he was on about.

“Just leave it” he snapped, and walked into the bathroom closing the door, leaving me standing there in the bedroom shocked. I finalised things before Jake got out the bathroom, I kissed him as he walked past and I went to shower. I could hear Nana saying goodnight to Jake and then tapped on the bathroom door. I opened it, “night my baby” she said. “Night Nana, sweet dreams” I replied. “Sam will be here at six” she whispered glancing at my door.

“Thanks for that Nana, I hope he likes it” I replied. I walked back to my room, Jake was standing in the middle of the room looking angry and shaking. “Jacob, what’s wrong?” I asked feeling slightly panicked. “Where are you going, why is Sam coming here tomorrow morning?” he asked through gritted teeth and glaring at two packed suitcases near the door.
I then noticed tears running down his cheek. “Oh Jacob, no, no, it’s not what you think, arrgh, okay this was going to be your birthday present. I said taking his hands into mine.

"We are flying away for a week” I quickly said. Jake started shaking even more. “What, you, Sam, why, Kayla?” he pleaded. “Jake, no!” I raised my voice a bit, catching Jake’s attention. “You and I are going away for a week, this is my present to you” I said sounding a bit snappy, which ended Jake’s shaking. “What?” he replied sounding like an idiot. “Oh no, I am so sorry, I’ve just blown it haven’t I, the surprise?” he asked and I nodded.

Jake smiled the biggest smile and picked me up and hugged me. “I am so sorry, thank you!” he said in my ear. He put me down and I smacked his arm. “Ow” he said. “Please you didn’t even feel that!” I said as he laughed at my facial expression, which caused me to laugh. “We need to get to sleep, up early for us tomorrow morning” I said setting the alarm. “Where are we going?” asked Jacob as he wrapped his arms around me. “Now you’re going to have to wait for tomorrow for that bit of your present” I said switching the bedside lamp off.

Chapter 36

I woke up with the sound of the alarm going at five in the morning. “Jake, wake up, come on” I said nudging him awake, but he just rolled over and held onto me, that’s when we heard a noise downstairs. Jake sat up, “breakfast” he whispered smiling. “Morning to you too” I commented. “Morning my baby” he replied kissing me. “But the stomach is talking” he grinned pulling me up from the bed and going downstairs, Nana was already in the kitchen making breakfast.

“Morning Nana, what you doing up so early?” I asked. “Making my babies some breakfast” she replied. “Ah, thanks Nana, just what I needed” said Jake as he sat down, Nana put some bacon in his plate with some toast and eggs. “Nana, you didn't have to” I answered. “It’s no problem at all, I’m up every morning at this time” she responded as she put some toast, bacon and egg onto a plate for me and her.

We finished our breakfast, Jake and I offered to do the dishes but Nana insisted we go and get finished as Sam would be here in a half an hour. “Er, Kayla” called Nana as Jake and I were leaving the kitchen. “Yes Nana?” I answered and entered the kitchen again and Jake made his way upstairs. “Just wanted to speak to you about, about you know when a boy and a girl…” she stammered. “Nana, no, we are not going there, you don’t have to, mums already given me the lecture and we got it at school” I insisted. “Phew, okay, then just be safe please” she responded. “Nana!” I squealed and left to go and get done.

As I entered the room Jake was grinning ear to ear, he had obviously heard the conversation. “Don’t you even say anything Jacob Black” I said feeling embarrassed I threw a pillow at him. “What!” he laughed as he caught the pillow, then walked past me and kissed me, leaving the room so I could get dressed. Once I was done I collected our bags and was on my way down stairs, Nana and Jake were having a conversation. Jake saw me with the bags and came up the stairs to collect them and put them at the front door.

We were chatting to Nana a bit when there was a knock at the door, Sam entered. “Morning all” he greeted. “Hi Sam” we responded. “Ready?” he asked spotting the bags near the door. “Yip” Jake responded and picked up the bags and followed Sam out the door to put it in the car. “Take care my baby and have fun now, I love you two” she said as she kissed and hugged us goodbye. I quickly doubled checked I had all the necessary paperwork for our trip and left.

It wasn't long we were on the open road on our way to the airport. I was in the back seat and watched as the sun rose on the horizon, it looked beautiful. Jake and Sam were chatting and catching up on some news. Apparently there had been a new unfamiliar scent around Forkes and La Push, it was around for short time and disappeared after they chased it. The source of the scent hadn't been back since, Jake wanted to know if it would be better if he stayed in La Push, but Sam insisted that all was fine and that we deserved time out.

We arrived at the airport with enough time on our hands. “Thanks Sam, see you in a week” I said. Jake said his goodbyes as he pulled our bags from the car. We headed for departures and I pulled out our flight tickets and passports from my bag and went to check in. Jake, up until that time still had no idea where we were going, we went to the waiting area to board our flight, as we entered the waiting area, Jake who was right behind me moved closer to my ear “Hawaii, we’re going to Hawaii?” he squealed. “Happy Birthday Jake, this is your present from me to you, time together on our own” I said turning to face him, he facial expression confused me. “You don’t like it” I asked not sure. “Like it, I love it!” he said grabbing me into a hug and giving me one of those electrifying kisses and then back away with a huge smile on his face.

People in the waiting area were looking at us, probably thinking “honeymooners, newly weds” I thought. He picked up the bags and we went to sit down and wait till boarding started.

We didn’t have long to wait before they started to call to board, thank goodness for that because Jake just couldn’t sit still from all the excitement, he was like a little child before Christmas. We were on the plane; Jake put our luggage into the overhead compartments above our seats. People seemed to try and avoid Jake, I think he buffed size and height might have intimidated a lot of people, Jake was turning nineteen but he looked like a man of late twenties and hell of a build to go with it.

Jake was eager to get off the ground, as he had never flown before and it was a new experience for him. The air hostess did their safety instructions bit and advised that we were on time and that it would take about five hours until we arrived in Hawaii. She also advised that she would let us know when we had flown over the time zone so we could set our watches back two hours.

“So we’ll be going back two hours?” asked Jake. “Yeah” I responded. “So we gain two hours, cool” he smirked. We got chatting a while, I took out the brochure of the resort we were going to and showed him all the things we could do while there. There was scuba diving, jet skiing, yachting, surfing, snorkelling etc. “But Kayla, how are we going to pay for all of this?” asked Jake. “With this” I replied pulling out my bank card. “No Kayla, I can’t expect you to pay for this from you own money” he said.

“It’s your birthday, and I am supposed to spoil you for your birthday, and besides remember, what’s mine is yours and vice versa, so this is yours” I said pulling out an envelope with Jake’s name on it and passing it to him. “This is yours, whenever you need it” I said handing it to him, reluctantly taking it he opened it. “I can’t accept this, it’s your money” he insisted, but after some whispered debating and me then ignoring him, he finally gave in and accepted the card.

I leaned my head on Jake’s shoulder and closed my eyes for a bit; Jake was staring out of the window while playing with my curls. I must've dosed off because Jake nudged me awake, “Kayla, time to wake up, we need to put our belts on, we’re landing” he said sounding a bit excited again. I sat up and put my belt on as I checked my time. “You must put your watch back by two hours” he said glancing at my watch and then I turned the time back.

“So have you decided what all you want to do?” I asked. “No, not really” he responded sounding a bit dull. I decided there and then we would try and do a bit of everything, because he still felt bad about the money situation. I would need to speak to him really soon about the idea I had planned or at least an offer I had for him.

We disembarked the plane and were in a taxi on our way to the resort we were booked into, it was a quick drive, about twenty minutes. The drive to the resort was absolutely breathtaking, even Jake couldn’t deny it. I took photos as we drove. Jake and I checked in at the hotel, we were escorted to our room. Our room had a lovely little terrace facing the sea and the scenery was awesome. Jake couldn't stop smiling; he walked from the living room into the bedroom and straight into the bathroom.

“Kayla, come see this bath” Jake called, I went into the bathroom and it was round bath / Jacuzzi, separate shower, it was cool. He stepped out of the bathroom and awed at the bed, it was huge and looked really good to sleep on, he put the bags down and went out to the terrace, and I followed him there. “This is an awesome birthday present, thank you so much, I love it” he said, I kissed him. “It’s a pleasure, now you must just enjoy yourself” I replied as we stood and watched the scenery for a bit.

“Time to unpack before we head out” I said going back inside. “So how long did you say we are going to be here for?” asked Jake. “An entire week” I said smiling. “Cool” he said unzipping his bag. “What all did you pack in for me?” he asked. “A bit of everything” I responded. I walked
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