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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (the lemonade war series .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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the subject here.” I heard someone call. “The point is; the Woods’ have always been in the middle of any strange goings-on around our city of Hill View. I don’t know about you, but I want them out.”
I clenched my fists together, trying to keep the anger inside me. I didn’t want the Dark Magic to take over. I wouldn’t know what to do if it did, anyway.
This was getting ridiculous. I wanted this humiliation of my family to end.
“I may not have grown up around the Woods’, but I know one thing. We’re good people.” I cried. “If you want to know the explanation as to why I didn’t grow up with them, feel free to come over and ask me anytime. I promise not to bite.”
“You’ll hex us all!” Someone shouted.
“Shut up, Mr. Leonard!” Andrea shouted at him. “I’ve known Ariana’s family personally since she moved in. I have to say, all the rumors being spread about them are lies, and jealousy at that.”
“I suggest we get back to the real PTA meeting.” I announced. “This is for the children, after all. Isn’t it? Let’s forget our own troubles and worries long enough to care about the welfare of Hill View’s children. All agreed, say ‘Aye.’”
Choruses of “Aye” were heard, one by one, and then the entire crowd of parents cried it at the same time.
I took my seat and sat silent for the rest of the meeting. Aaron and Aimee smiled at me, proud.
At the end, Derrick took my hand as we filed out of the auditorium. “Now do you know what Kenny and I were talking about?”
I sighed, frustrated, but calming. “Yes, I know.”
“Thing is: is there a way to change the minds of the community without resorting to what it hates?” Aaron asked.
“I can’t do anything, yet. You know that.” I told him. I shook my head, the thoughts rumbling through it of the meeting’s argument. “For now, let’s go home. I’m about ready for a nap.”
“Don’t we have to figure out how to change their minds?” Aimee asked.
“Not right away, we don’t.” I told them. “It’ll come in time, I promise.”
“In time.” Derrick nodded after me.


I recalled the last time I had been this exhausted. It was during the Crusades, shortly after Kelly and I had escaped from the Unknown and the Abyss, Jezebel had visited me. She warned me of what her ‘husband’ Orthos, the Dream Master, was planning to do. In that last time-traveling adventure, the Crusaders were made to find each other again. I was made to find Derrick, and he was reminded of his Dream-Girl – me, and forced to find me again. In thoughts, I reminded him of who we were. Luna, Shannon, and I were the only ones to have knowledge of the ‘now;’ that is, the present, true-time. In the end, we found each other again and returned home safe and sound.
Right away, as my head hit the pillow, I was sleeping.

In my mind, a deep-colored rainbow mist came around me. My Dream-self was left searching, wondering where I was.
“Hello.” I called into the air.
“Young Guardian.” I heard Jezebel’s own voice calling my name. She came into view, a sad look in her eyes.
I bowed to her. “Mistress Jezebel. What do you wish of me?”
“Only a warning.” Jezebel said softly.
I saw she was wearing a rainbow-colored gown, and a thin cape hung over her shoulders. To me, she looked beautiful. I could see she was really trying to be good again. After Orthos, I could tell it would take time.
“Of what, Mistress?” I asked her, not meeting her eyes. I stayed bowed.
“The Dark Magic.” Jezebel told me.
I finally looked up at her with horror in my eyes.
“Yes, that is the reason your past has come back to you threefold.” Jezebel continued. “My Young Guardian, please, take care with wounded and empty thoughts.”
I didn’t know what to say.
“As you recall, your power grew immensely when you sent Sabrina to the Unknown.” She replied. “When you thought about what she had done to you and your loved ones, your anger toward her fueled that power.”
I gasped. I was right all along.
“Is that the only way a Mystic’s Magic can kill?”
“Aye,” Jezebel nodded. “Otherwise, it cannot harm anyone.”
I stood now. “Mistress, how did you know what happened in the Crusades?” I asked her. “You weren’t there – were you?”
“Nay, you are correct in saying I was not there.” Jezebel said. “I saw it in my Dark Mirror, back in the Unknown. When I had confronted you there, with the Enchanted Child, I hoped you would further understand the dangers of the Dark Magic.”
“I’m trying to understand, Mistress.” I told her. “What I don’t understand is why now? Why is my past coming back to me in the present?”
My eyes began to tear, and I had to hold myself high in order not to cry.
“My family is perfect, my life is perfect. I’m complete.” I told her, looking down at the ground. “Why does this have to go wrong with the Magic when everything else is right?”
To my surprise, Jezebel wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. “Do not fear, Young Guardian. The testing is almost done. Once it is, the Dark Magic will find it harder to come out and haunt you. Please, be patient, and keep your hopes up.”
“You’re one to talk.” I grinned despite my lousy mood.
“I guess I am.” She grinned as well, pulling back. “Please heed my warnings. I know how it is to be turned over by the Dark Magic.”
I listened to her, my anger disappearing.
“Remember what happened to me, Young Guardian.” Jezebel was nearly in tears. “I do not wish that on even our worst enemy.”
I hugged her.
“Thank you for telling me, Mistress.” I whispered. “I’ll be sure to keep my feelings to myself.”
With that final hug and a flash of misty rainbow Magic, Jezebel disappeared.

This Dark Magic thing sounded truly evil. Where it came from, no one knew.
All I knew is that I didn’t want any part of it, or have it be any part of me.
Story: #3:
Destiny Awaits

I was so nervous that night. Sure, the Dark Magic that had awaited me earlier that day was calm now, and I didn’t even think about it. All I thought about was meeting my husband’s family. I already knew Kendra, being she was over so much that first year for the twins. I could tell she loved having a sister, because she was the only girl in the family.
My palms were wet from sweating over it. Turns out, I had a right to be nervous.
My new father-in-law, Alexander Reading, Sr. was a prominent businessman with a lot of class in society. He had high hopes for all his children. I wondered if he had those kinds of hopes for me as well. My new mother-in-law, Evelyn, was proud of her appearance. With her light brown hair and fair features, she was beautiful. She had an aura of success to her, as if beauty was her life, after her children. She was amazing.
Derrick’s older brother Jake was just as handsome as he was. Only, his eyes were on my older sister Anna, and they stayed together throughout the party. Derrick’s other brother, Brian, was the perfect teenager. He looked up to Derrick like his mentor. I could tell the whole Reading clan loved each other dearly.
When I met little Alexander, only nine years old, I could have sworn he and Kelly had already met. He and Bradley were friends, I knew, despite the rumors around the city about us.
“I really like your family, Derrick.” I told him, helping myself to some appetizers at the banquet table.
“I’m glad.” He said, a little out of it. “Have you seen Craig and Andrea around anywhere?”
“No, I haven’t.” I told my husband, looking at him. He seemed far away. “Is there anything wrong, Love?”
He finally looked at me, pasting on a fake smile. “No, nothing’s wrong.” He kissed me, leaving once he saw his best friend in the crowd.
I sighed, playing with the wedding rings on my finger. I still had the Sisterhood Ring on below it; and now, it was glowing a bright pink. Peace and harmony in the Dream Realm. For now, anyway.
I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. “Isn’t this a great party? I bet you’re triple happy now!”
My youngest sister Claudia had a bright smile on her face. Her red curls were up in a pretty bun, making her look older.
I smiled. “Yeah, I am.”
“I’m just glad Craig and I are hitting it off.” She told me, jumping in one place. “He just asked me out – isn’t that great?”
I kept my smile. “Craig Richardson asked you out?”
Claudia nodded, sighing dreamily.
“I’m happy for you, Claud.” I told her. My mind was still on my husband’s faraway look.
She stared at me for a moment. “Don’t tell me this is too much for you?”
I tried to laugh. “I’m not going to. Don’t worry so much.”
“Then why do you have a horrified look on your face?” She asked.
I looked at her. “I’m just worried about fitting in, that’s all. You know all the rumors going around about us, don’t you?”
“Sure,” Claudia shrugged. “How couldn’t I? I grew up with people hating me, but playfully ignored it. I remember one time...”
I let her ramble on while my eyes searched the dance floor for my loving husband. Instead, I saw my in-laws, chatting with my parents. “Sorry to interrupt, Claud, but I have business to attend to.”
She stopped, looking where my attention was. “Oh, okay. See you later.”
“Yeah, see ya.” I replied, going over to them. “I’m glad some of us are having fun.” I mumbled under my breath.
I’d have fun too, if it weren’t for my father-in-law. Thanks to Derrick, he’s placed me on a high pedestal, and now I have to live up to his expectations.
I met Mother’s eyes, giving her a loving smile.
“Ariana, dear, how are you feeling?” Mother asked me.
“Great. I’m somebody, at last.” I told her.
“You were always somebody, don’t think so negative.” Father chided with a grin. “Where’s your loving husband?”
“I think he’s trying to find Andrea and Craig. I don’t know.”
“Susan has been bragging about your secretarial skills.” Father Reading replied. “We have a position at Reading Industries open for a Secretary. Would you be interested?”
What could I say? What should I say? To make him happy, I could say yes, but in my heart, I had to say no. I wanted to raise my children, and not be bothered by high expectations every day.
“I’m sorry,” I told him gently. “Maybe someday, when my children are grown, I’ll take you up on it, but not right now.”
“Oh, all right then.” Father Reading didn’t know what to think.
Then again, by the look on his face, neither did I.
“Speaking of children, I haven’t met my grandsons yet.” Mother Reading replied brightly. “Are they sleeping in the nursery?”
Finally, something I loved, for I was so proud of my sons.
I relaxed and smiled. “Yes, Mother Reading. If you’ll follow me, I’ll lead you to their room.”
“Thank you dear, but call me Evelyn.” She announced.
When we walked in, we found Mark Antony standing up in his crib. I picked him up. “Well, look who’s awake? Mark-Antony Reading, meet your grandmother.”
“As your grandma, I’ll spoil you like nothing else!” Evelyn
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