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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (the lemonade war series .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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stepped up to us.
Derrick grabbed his Pendant and I grabbed both my Dream Locket and Sisterhood Ring. We put them back on, doing as we were told. As soon as the Locket was again around my neck, I felt rejuvenated. Something warm all through my system, as if a new Magic was waiting to be used.
I saw Derrick’s Pendant glow the color of my Sisterhood Ring – Pink. He noticed it, too, and stared at me with a smile.
Enchantra took our hands and made us hold hands. “Young Guardian,” She said, then turned to Derrick, “Protector Derrick, repeat after me.”

“The Mystic Force of Magic Be
“A very Healthy and Blessed thing
“As the years may come and go for thee,
“May our love for another grow each spring?”

We recited to the letter what she said. It sounded right with us, and Derrick and I knew it was.
“To seal the Mystic Oath of Love, share a simple solitary kiss.” Enchantra replied, standing before us.
“I’d love to.” Derrick whispered, kissing me.
Feelings of love and longing went through my mind, and visions of us together forever began to grow clearer. As we parted, we stared at each other.
We stood aside as Luna and Shane did the same, with Challandra’s help.
When it came to the Companions, it was a little different.
With a deep breath, Sibylline herself, with the feline Braken Hawk, stepped up to the kits.
“Katherine, Kitten’s Claw, come to me.”
“Yes, Mistress Sibylline.” The twin kits chorused, bowing.
“Do you remember a time, before the Wars began?” Sibylline asked.
Katherine looked up at her. “Yes, Mistress. A time when our family was one.”
“Your family were in the Feline Forests, correct?” Braken Hawk asked.
“Aye, milord.” Katherine looked away.
Why didn’t they just get on with it, instead of keeping the kits and the rest of us in suspense?
Just tell them, already! I thought to myself, but could tell Sibylline heard my thoughts.
She looked up at me and smiled, changing form.
Before our eyes, Mistress Sibylline turned from a human female to a Persian Feline.
Katherine couldn’t believe it. She stood up, silent with tears in her eyes. “Mother?”
“Yes, darling Kat. It is I, your mother.” Sibylline had a tear in her eyes as well.
“Why did you abandon us?” Kit asked her, crying tears of pain. “You knew how Uncle Orthos and Aunt Jezebel were back then! Why?”
“We will answer all questions later, my daughters.” Braken replied. “For now, time to wed your long-time beaus.”
“You mean, we really were meant to be?” Katherine snuck a look at a very happy Wolf Stargazer.
“'It is Destiny.” Sibylline supplied. She looked up over her daughters’ shoulders at the male Companions. “Wolfton, Tobias, and Panther. Come to me. Marie, I know of your love for Panther, so I will include you.”
They obeyed.
Sibylline looked to O’Dell for assurance and he let her take over their ceremonies.
“Grab the hand of your loves.” Sibylline told them. “Katherine and Wolfton Stargazer, step up and kneel before me.”
“Aye, Mistress.” They chorused.
Sibylline’s staff appeared in her hands as she reached into the air. “From this moment on, I wed you. You shall be Lady Katherine and Sire Wolfton of Stargazer Castle.” She tapped each of their shoulders. “Keep each other safe and well, and live to bring peace to the Dream Realm. May this be your vow.”
“Aye, Mistress.” They chorused.
“Rise and stand before me.”
They obeyed, with Katherine looking at both her parents and her new canine husband. The two lovers still held hands, which was part of their own oath.
The staff disappeared and, in its place, Sibylline’s hand held two odd-looking rings. “Hold out your hands.” They did, and she continued, placing each ring on the desired finger. “Lady Katherine, with this ring, your Mystic Power with abound you. Learn it, and teach it well to many generations of Young Companions. Understand?”
Katherine stared deep into Sibylline’s eyes, nodding. “Aye, Mistress.”
“Sire Wolfton, with your given name, which your lost parents gave you before the Wars, comes your own responsibility. Being the Earthly and Dream Realm Protector of a Mystic Daughter, you must help her be safe herself. It will be hard at first, for some Companions still think of the time before the Wars, when Felines and Canines did not get along. Show them all different, is that understood?”
Wolf smiled, growling happily. “Aye, Mistress.”
“I give you my blessings, as well as those in the entire Sisterhood. What was once two, now become one.” Sibylline hugged her daughter, then Wolf. “Go, be the best at who you are.”
Katherine curtseyed. “Aye, —.” The words stuck on her tongue. She smiled, glancing into the eyes of Sibylline. “Aye, Mother.”
Once that was finished, she did the same with Kit to Toby and Panther to Marie.
When we were all through, morning had come in the Outer Realm, and it was time to go home.
I hugged Katherine goodbye.
“Congratulations, Katherine.” I whispered in her ear, a tear falling from my cheek. I was so happy for her and Wolf. For as long as they had been courting, I was surprised they couldn’t do this sooner. “I’ll see you soon, my Companion friend.”
“And I, you, My Young Guardian friend.” Katherine’s face was tearful as well. “Goodbye for now.”
I waved to her and was on my way home.

It had been a tiring day, and night, and visit to the Dream Realm.
It was all worth it.

In the Dream Realm

As my Outer Realm life was slowly returning to normal, and to a pleasant routine, Katherine Hawk-Stargazer’s Dream Realm life was just beginning. I visited her for a week, catching up on the past, and practicing the more Advanced Mystic Magics with her. As I had said before, Katherine had been my best Companion friend, and the only one that was there for me when no one else cared. She often helped me understand and control my power, taking me to the Province to escape from Mrs. Gertrude shortly before the Wars. After the Wars, she disappeared, and I never could find her.
That’s when I found she was Banished to me, for snooping where she didn’t belong. She’d found out her evil Uncle Orthos’ plan to kill Lord Guardian and his successor (me), before anything good would be able to happen to us. This was way before the Crusades, first and second-generations of Crusaders would fight him until we each exiled him to the Unknown.
That was then, and this was now.

Behind her back, her new beau had disappeared. When he reappeared, with the Sisterhood Amulet around his neck still, he had a kind look in his eyes. He took us to the Canine Wood, where he showed us the most amazing thing.
“Wolf – your home!” Katherine cried, hugging him.
“It’s fixed up.” I replied. “I like it.”
“Thank you, Young Guardian.” Wolf turned to me after kissing his bride. “It needs your special touch to make it official.”
Kat and I stared at each other. “What do you mean?” I asked him.
Wolf knelt to me, taking my hand in his. “Young Guardian, will you bless this house, and make our Magic and love grow?”
“I don’t know about your love or Magic, but I’ll be glad to bless your home, Wolf. Or should I say, Sire Wolf?”
“Any you wish, Young Guardian.” He stood and smiled at me.
How to bless their home? That was the question. I thought of how the Sisters had worked with Derrick’s and my marriage, and thought of my own little Blessing Spell.

“For health and happiness I give to you
“My blessing of Stargazer Castle
“In the names of Wolfton and Katherine Hawk-Stargazer,
“May each and every day bring joy and wealth throughout your lives.”

I opened my eyes and looked at them. “Well, how was that?”
“Look at the Castle.” Katherine whispered.
I did. When I saw the bright colors around the Castle, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
My Magic Spell did this? It was once so dreary and old, as the Dominion had been, but now, it was so beautiful.
“Thank you, Young Guardian. Your blessings mean so much to us.” Wolf replied.
“Speaking of which, I have to visit Panther and Marie. See you two later. Good luck!” I cried, taking flight. It was a favorite activity of mine in the Dream Realm. To fly was to be free in my soul-self.
I found Panther’s Feline Castle and descended down to it. Knocking on the door, Marie answered it right away.
“Young Guardian! What a pleasant surprise!” Marie bowed, escorting me inside.
I’d never seen the inside of Panther’s Castle before. It looked homey.
Panther himself was studying his Crystal intently.
I walked up to him, without letting Marie announce my arrival.
“What do you see, Panther?” I whispered in his ear, looking at both him and his Crystal.
He was startled out of his trance. “Oh, Young Guardian, I didn’t know you’d arrived.” He turned to Marie. “Why didn’t you tell me she was here?”
“She wouldn’t let me.” Marie smiled. “What brings you here, my Young Guardian?”
“I came to see how you were fairing, Marie.” I told her. “All the excitement of the ceremonies must have overwhelmed you.”
She smiled. “Yes, they did actually, but it was worth it.” Marie walked up to Panther and hugged him. He smiled at me. “I am wed to Panther, and he to me. What more can I ask for?”
“How about your Companionship? How are your lessons with Lady Katherine coming?”
To call my own friend by a title seemed odd. I guess I’d have to get used to it, as they had with mine.
“The Unicorn Magic in my system is invigorating.” Marie cried happily. “I love it. To be able to talk to the animals, heal nature, fly. It’s all so fun and exciting.”
“You still have to be aware, my love.” Panther warned her. “Orthos could strike at any moment, you know.”
“How can he strike if he’s in the Unknown, stuck with Sabrina and Damian?” I questioned him.
“Good point, Ariana.” Panther said, and then gasped. “I’m sorry. Young Guardian.”
“No, Panther, it’s okay. You call me Ariana anytime,” I turned to Marie. “And so can you. I’m still uncomfortable with my title. You can still show me the respect you have been, but please, I beg of you, call me Ariana.” I laughed.
Panther managed a small smile. “Yes, Ariana.”
“What of other evil Dominionites?” Marie asked me. “There probably will be, along the line. Like Orthos, they’ll want power and revenge.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” I told them. I looked at the two of them closely.
They were perfect for each other. Panther, who used to be Mark Grey, had finally found the girl of his dreams. His adopted sister, Bonnie Marie.
“What are you smiling about?” Panther asked.
I hugged first him, then Marie. “I’m so happy for you guys. You’ve found your true loves along with helping with the Crusades.” I replied. “I’d have to say I’m very proud of you, and I bet even Lord Guardian himself is, too.”
“You really think so?” Marie asked, interested.
I nodded. “Yep. For now, what grabbed your attention in the Crystal?”
Panther looked at his bride. “My future past.”
I didn’t understand. “Future past? Which one? Future or past?”
“Something that had already happened, yet it hasn’t.”
“What’s that?”
“I saw the birth of my own daughter.” Panther smiled at me.
Marie grinned. “I’m pregnant.”
I hugged her again. “That’s great! I wonder what the baby will look like. A half-cat, half-human?”
“No stranger than what Katherine and Wolf’s would look like
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