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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (e ink epub reader .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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disappeared in the massive group of trees, so I took a chance and sang for him.”
“Wolves sing to each other, letting them know of joy, sorrow, food, or danger.” Wolf explained. “The song I got back was not the one I expected. Instead of the fresh hunt song, I got the kill song. To a wolf, the kill song heard meant the singer was in danger. Quickly, I raced to where I heard the song. To my surprise, there he was, hunched over a male Dreamer. I saw two bite marks in the Dreamer’s neck and shifted immediately. Once sensing me behind him, he dropped his victim. Thankfully, the mortal was still breathing, but barely.
“There was blood dripping from his mouth. I asked him what had he done, to which he replied. ‘I Hungered, so I Fed.’ I thought he meant the hunger calls of a wolf, but I was mistaken. That’s when he told me. He was half-Dweller, half-Mountain Wolf Companion.”
“Okay, I’m confused.” Ariana replied. “He’s what?”
“His mother Celeste is from a race of vampire-like hunters called Dwellers.” Wolf explained. “I do not know much about it, but I know he is very sensitive when it comes to his kind.”
“So, what does Hungered mean?”
“He Hungered for blood, so he took it from the nearest victim he could find.” Wolf said. He looked over to the camp fire, finding Red lighting it with a deep purple-and-red fire magic. “He is a gentle soul underneath, if not confused. Strong and dependable – he was one of the best Warriors in the Master’s Army.”
“You can’t hide that wistful stare from me, Wolfton Stargazer.” Ariana grinned. “I know you too well. You wish to be in the Warrior Army again.”
“Never!” Wolf announced. “I was crushed enough to find myself fighting on the wrong side. I never want to be a Warrior again.”
“What about your own Army?” Ariana asked. “After all, the Canine Valley always needs watching over.”
This statement got Wolf’s attention. “Who would be in it?”
Now Ariana looked to Red. He was sitting in front of the campfire in his full-Mountain Wolf Companion form, smiling as he stared at it. Wolf looked to where her eyes went.
Ariana nodded. “Why not? He was your good friend, wasn’t he?”
Wolf grinned at her. “I will speak to him about it if you will speak to Lord Guardian about a Canine Valley Army.”
“No problem there.” Ariana said.
“Thank you for the suggestion, Young Guardian.”
Ariana stood from her sitting position with his help. “Anytime, Sire Wolfton.”
Story #2:
Renegades and Revolutionaries

“How far is it, Braken Joel?” Ariana asked, heaving her own gear up a treacherous trail.
“Not much farther, Ariana.” Joel remarked with a smile. “Shifting would make it easier, you know.”
“I know, but who’ll carry my pack?” Ariana grinned back. “Just lead on. I can’t wait to meet their families. They must have some history stuck in their heads.”
“The only way to learn is to listen, agree?” Wolf asked, coming up beside her. “The Stargazers and the Moondancers are two of the oldest families in all the Realms.”
“My family is immortal.” Red Wolf came up on her other side. He grinned before trekking ahead of them, staying behind Joel.
“He is a strange Companion.” Ariana remarked. “I like him.”
Wolf laughed. “I knew you would.”
They climbed up a hill until Braken Joel stopped.
Ariana went up to him. “What is it, Joel?”
Joel pointed to a tree that stood over fifty feet tall. “Entrance to the Underground is beneath the Elder Tree. Follow me.”
At the tree’s trunk, they stopped again. Ariana walked around it, guessing its width was at least five yards around. She felt around the trunk, noting the bark’s texture. “This is amazing!”
She continued to feel the bark until her hand hit a knot. To her surprise, the knot moved. Afraid, she stepped back.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“Nay, you found the key.” Joel told her. “The entrance awaits.”
Sure enough, there was a small opening, just enough to fit a mid-size Companion.
“Leave the gear here. It will be safe.” Joel replied. “Time to shift.”
At that, he shifted to his full Companion form. He waited at the entrance for the others to shift. Once they did, only Ariana remained in her mortal-form. Wolf waited for her in his own Timber Wolf form.
Come, his head beckoned. Wolf’s tail wagged in excitement as he watched her shift to her own female-wolf form. We go.
Side by side, they loped through the winding tunnels of the Underground. The tunnel trails led to a large area, which housed more than sixty small homes. The homes were circled around a well. There were Companion children playing, running around the well and laughing.
Ariana was so awed by the sight of the small village, she shifted back. She hadn’t been the first. The first had been Joel, who was now standing in the middle of the small village, shooing the children away. He stood on the well’s edge and announced.
“The Wars are over, and it is safe to come out.” Joel cried, echoing his voice with Magic so all could hear. “The time has come for us to return to Dream Realm society.”
Ariana stood and stared while the villagers dared come out of their homes. Beside her, Wolf, Toby and Red Wolf changed forms. She could feel their excitement.
“What if they do not remember me?” Wolf was mumbling under his breath.
Ariana looked to him and held his hand. “They’ll remember you. You’re their son.”
Wolf exchanged a smile with her before hearing a woman calling his name.
Both looked and found a Timber-Wolf Companion woman running up to them. As they embraced, Wolf cried, “Matéré!”
“It has been too long, my Donar.” Wolf’s mother announced as she broke from the hug. “Who are your friends?”
“You tell her.” Wolf replied to Ariana. “I need to find Pérat, Strath and Toriam.”
“They are hunting, but will return later.”
Before Ariana could open her mouth, they heard a scream. “Joel!”
A young feline, looking like a female version of Toby Snow, raced up to him and gave Joel a hug and kiss on the lips. “I knew you would return!” The feline announced, hugging him extra hard.
Ariana laughed.
“Nikita, behave around your Young Guardian.” Joel supplied gently, sharing a grin with Ariana.
At this, Nikita drew back and knelt to Ariana’s feet. “It is an honor to finally meet you, Young Guardian.”
“Pleasure’s mine, Nikita...”
“White-Snow.” She finished.
“Do I get a hug, ‘Kita?” Toby’s voice came from behind Ariana.
She squealed, standing. “My, you have grown handsome, little brother.” Nikita hugged Toby, who laughed.
“Not only that, I am wiser and older.” Toby told her, pecking his older sister on the cheek. “Where are our parents?”
“In the den, come!” Nikita cried. She winked at Joel. “Would you like to join us?”
“Certainly my dear.” Braken Joel smiled. He turned to Ariana. “We will meet up with you later.”
Ariana couldn’t help laughing out loud. “Imagine that. Joel’s in love with Toby’s sister! Here, I thought he was a loner!”
Wolf laughed with her.
“That is where you are wrong.” A female voice growled gently. She curtseyed to Ariana. “I am Celeste Moondancer, Chikité’s Matéré.” She saw Ariana’s eyes narrow at the word ‘Matéré’, so she supplied. “‘Mother’ in the Ancient Wolf Tongue.” Ariana nodded at that, and she rose. “Few of us remember it, and fewer of us actually use it. The kin-packs still use it, from time to time.”
Celeste now faced Red Wolf. “Why do you hide from me, my Donar? Do you still despise who you are?”
Red Wolf shook his head. “Nay, Matéré, but I wish to be called by another name. Red Wolf.”
“You are ashamed of your Dweller-kin ties.” Celeste went on. “Come, there is someone I wish you to meet.” She turned to Ariana again, nodding. “You may come too, if you wish.”
“Go.” Wolf supplied. He was still standing by his mother’s side. “I will find my family and meet you later.”
With a grin and a sigh, Ariana supplied. “What are we waiting for?”
As they walked, Celeste asked her. “Do you know what a Dweller is?”
Not wanting to say her wolf Companion friend had told her, she replied. “No, what is it?”
“I come from a clan of vampire-like hunters in the Outer Realm called Dwellers.” Celeste replied. “We walk the night, searching for the life-giving fluid of mortals and our turned kin, who we call Stalkers. The Stalkers are like real vampires of your world, hunting and killing for the fun of it. Most Dwellers just hunt to survive. Others are chosen Hunters, Hunting the Stalkers and destroying them on site.”
“Amazing.” Ariana breathed.
“My kin-Clan were called the Apprentices.” Celeste supplied sadly. “Of hundreds, only my brother Daniel and myself are left.”
Ariana was silent, digesting the information.
The trio came upon a cavern, which was hidden from the rest of the village.
“You are welcome into my home.” Celeste remarked as she pulled back a curtain. Inside, both Ariana and Red Wolf saw nothing but darkness.
“Chase, we have visitors.” Celeste called into the air.
Out of the shadows came an older Mountain Wolf Companion and a younger version of Celeste. Ariana and Red Wolf exchanged glances.
Once they were out in the open, the male greeted them. “Chikité...” His thin mouth formed a welcoming smile.
“Pérat? Who is this girl?” Red Wolf asked when he shook his father’s hand.
Chase touched the girl’s shoulder, forcing her to come from behind his legs. “Go on, child. Introduce yourself to your brother.”
“I am Cherokee.” She announced softly. “Are you Chikité?”
“I go by Red Wolf now.” Red Wolf announced. “But, aye. I am.”
Cherokee raced to embrace him. “You have come for us! I knew you would!”
“You do not know that, dear girl.” Chase supplied.
“It is time, Chase.” Celeste kissed her wolf husband’s ear. “Braken Joel has returned for us, as promised.”
“Where will we go my sweet?”
Celeste looked to Ariana. “Where will we go?”
“Wherever you were before, I guess.” Ariana answered. “Where were you before the Wars?”
“In the Outer Realm, with my kin.” Celeste remarked. “Only, Enchantra and Lord Guardian made a deal with me. In order to be with Chase, who was born and raised and fought with the Ancient Mystic Army in this world, I would stay here with him while my kin and I rested. At night, he would return with me. Thanks to me, he is now a Dweller-Companion, and must be with the kin-Clans.”
“What about now? I’m sure, if I spoke to O’Dell, he would grant you a place of your own here in the Province.” Ariana said.
Celeste and Chase gasped.
“How dare you disrespect Lord Guardian!” Chase huffed.
“I’m not disrespecting him.” Ariana replied. “Let me introduce myself correctly. My Earthbound name is Ariana Reading. I am the Young Guardian of the Dream Realm. I am not only O’Dell’s great-granddaughter, but I’m also his successor and an Ancient Mystic. It was his idea I call him and the other Originators by their given names.”
Celeste stared at her, her bright red eyes aglow. To Ariana, this usually meant a Dominionite in disguise. This wasn’t the case in Celeste. She had the same feeling about her Red Wolf did. Oddly enough, she felt harmless.
“I believe you.”
“You should. It’s only been destined since I was born.” Ariana remarked lightly. She sensed something in the air, closing her eyes and listening with her empathic ears. “We’re to go now. If you want to come with us, you can. That’s what we’re here for.”
“You promise to speak to Lord Guardian on
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