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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (e ink epub reader .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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do for you, Braken Joel?”
Quickly, he explained his secret mission. At the end, the two Originators looked at each other. They showed him to the Ancient Mystic Mirror, which brought the memories of his mother’s death closer to his mind. Once they told him the spell, Joel was on his way to Ariana Reading’s house.

Braken Joel used his Magic to find her. Placing a hand on the front door, he transparently disappeared inside. His feline instincts told him Young Guardian was here, alone. It was the middle of the day, so he know all four of her children were in school, and Protector Derrick was at work. He sauntered downstairs with the speed and stealth of a cat.
Unfortunately, she sensed his presence.
“Who’s there?” Ariana Reading’s voice called from the laundry room. “Derrick, is that you?”
Joel hesitated coming out of the shadows. When he did, he shook his head.
“Braken Joel, what are you doing here?” Ariana held her chest.
“I have come to tell you of a special quest.” Joel replied.
“Did anyone see you?”
“I do not believe so. Why?”
“You’re still in Companion form.”
“Can you shift to a full human? You see, we don’t have half-cats here.” Ariana tried to explain lightly.
“Certainly.” Joel nodded, closing his eyes and changing his image. His fur disappeared, leaving his head full of baby-brown hair. He opened his eyes once the change was complete. “Better?”
Ariana breathed a thankful sigh. “Much. Now, what brings you here?”
“Something I must tell you.” Joel announced quietly. “Do you remember anything about the Wars for Power?” He asked, then spoke again, shaking his head. “Of course not, you were not there, and neither was the Grand Magus.”
The Grand Magus was Luna, Ariana’s twin sister.
“I know some, gathered from stories and my own experience recreating it.” Ariana objected. “But I don’t know much about your side, only that you ran away.”
“I did not run from fear, I assure you.” Joel said. “I ran because I had to. Both to save the lives of my sisters, then of the Elders.”
Ariana sat on the nearest chair and Joel followed.
“I must tell you my side, Young Guardian.” He said. She nodded, not wanting to complicate things by having him call her by her real name. She listened as he told his story.
“Mother entrusted me to take care of my newborn kitten sisters.” Joel started. “I fled to a secret place in the Province Wood where I could hide and be safe from the Wars. It was there I kept them safe from the Master’s harm. With help from the four Goddesses, Dana, Aura, Brianna and Hestia, I took care of Kit and Kat.”
“How did you keep hidden so long?” Ariana asked.
“The Magic kept us safely hidden.” Joel said. “It did not keep me from the pain of knowing my own mother was dead.” He heard her quiet gasp, but continued his story, entranced in the memories. “Of course, once Mother died in the Wars, they ended. For a while, we were safe. I headed back to the Ancient Mystic Palace to say goodbye. I bundled my twin sisters, taking each of their hands. Being smart, Kat only had to look at my solemn face to see what was going to happen. Kit did not have a clue. Both kits were silent on our way back to the Palace. When we arrived, I saw the Originators and the man I called Father gathered in ceremony.”
Joel had to pause, to get the story straight in his mind. Ariana took his hand and squeezed, silently telling him to go on when he could. When Joel met Ariana’s eyes, she smiled in assurance.
“The ceremony was not a pleasant one. Lying on two mantles were Lady Jezebel, the Master’s bride, and my mother, Lady Sibylline. They were still dressed in battle armors, identical, yet opposites. My father Braken Hawk stood staring at his bride’s silent body. Mother was in her full human form, no longer the lively Persian Feline he had loved.”
“What did the kits think?”
“Katherine, as I said, was silent. Kitten’s Claw was not. She asked why the Originators were gathered around these two women.” Joel replied. “I was not able to tell her the painful truth, only silence her and make her listen and watch. Enchantra and Challandra had their eyes closed, hands clasped. They chanted something in what I learned was the Ancient’s Tongue. Lord Guardian and his remaining brother Lord Byron comforted my father.”
“If they both live peacefully now, how did it happen?” Ariana asked him. “I don’t get it.”
Joel nodded, smiling a little. “You will, once I finish. As I said, the two Lord brothers comforted my father as he wept. I overheard their conversation as I stood silently in the shadows, holding on to my sisters hands. Braken asked the Ancient Mystic Guardians to give his true love back to him. The Ancient Mystic Sisters were doing just that. They did not want their sisters to die, so they pleaded with the Guardians to somehow bring their sisters back to life. The Guardian of Destiny, Mihanos himself answered their pleas, on one condition: O’Dell’s brother Orthos, the Master himself, would not provoke any more senseless wars. O’Dell agreed on his twin brother’s behalf. Guardian Mihanos granted their wishes, disappearing afterward. We waited in silence until both Lady Sibylline and Lady Jezebel moved. Lady Jezebel pleaded for forgiveness from Lord Guardian, but he refused, Exiling her back to the Master’s side. Braken was happy, but Sibylline told him it was time to use the Mirror. To Braken Hawk, it meant Exile, save for his love being back with him. Once everyone but Lord Guardian and myself were gone, I spoke up. We both knew what I had to do next. In order to do so, I had to hand my young twin kitten sisters back to him.”
“You knew they grew up with Orthos and Jezebel?”
Sadly, he nodded. “I had no choice at the time. There were more important matters on my young mind.” Braken Joel continued. “Lord Guardian bade me fare thee well, sending me to the very site of the Wars. You would not believe what physical destruction the Wars for Power caused. Bodies everywhere, blood, the stench of war and death was unmistakable. I was at the site and still, I do not believe. I had to do something. Cowering were those survivors of the Wars, fearful of all. I recognized the Elder version of the Warrior Wolf, Sheldon Stargazer, huddling with his family. Other Companion families that were left standing huddled together, stripped of their Companion Magics. I gathered them all and fled back to the Province Wood, to hide them.”
Ariana was amazed at his story. The Young Guardian had to know. “Where are they now?”
“Still hidden, unaware the Wars and Crusades are long over.” Joel told her. “They do not know it is safe to live above.”
“Above? Braken Joel, where did you take the Companion survivors?”
“To a place I called the Province Underground. There, they regained their strength, formed alliances with their enemies and lived happily.” Joel said.
“You say they’re still there?” Ariana asked. Joel nodded.
Ariana smiled. “I do believe it’s finally time to bring them home. Braken Joel, would you do the honors of showing me to the Province Underground?”
Now Joel smiled. He knew telling his true father’s successor would be a good thing.
Red Wolf’s Vision

Red Wolf Moondancer used to be part of the Master’s Dominionite Army, but that was eons ago. Now, he was a confused ex-Dominionite who longed for the days before the Wars for Power.
To see him, Red Wolf was an ordinary wolf-man, standing on furry human legs, baring a thick fur tail with a burgundy tip. He even had the face of a half-human, half-wolf. His wolf snout may have been pushed in on his face as he kept this Companion shape, but it still allowed him to sniff out danger and food from miles away. His wolf ears resembled those of a fairy elf or a sprite, pointed and furry. They acted as his sonar when hunting, helping him listen if any creatures were approaching. His eyes were human, allowing him to see color instead of the usual wolf-like black-and-white.
Maybe this form was one reason he was chosen – abducted from his own family – to become a part of the Dominionite Warrior Army? At first, he didn’t mind fighting against the very barbarians who he thought killed his own family. He wasn’t that young of a pup when he was taken away. His mother, Celeste, cried when she found out. Her Dweller powers, the clan of vampire-like hunters she was born from, allowed him to see that in his mind, day after day. His father, Chase, was furious, but his power was taken from him. The memories of his lost family plagued him, keeping his mind focused on the mission. Kill all Ancient Mystics. They were the enemy.
As he found out, Red Wolf hadn’t been the only one abducted from his family. There were Companions of all breeds, from feline, to canine, equine, bovine, pachyderm, amphibian, and birds. Not one of the Goddess Dana’s Creatures were spared, and that didn’t make either of the Elemental Goddesses happy. All they could do was stand in the Realm of the Ancients and keep watch over the Wars for Power in the Dream Realm.
Fortunately for him, Red Wolf met a similar wolf pup and became fast friends with the Timber Wolf. His name was Wolfton Stargazer, but he went by the name Wolf. Red Wolf thought it was amusing that they had similar names, so Wolf suggested the nickname “Red” for him. They were inseparable, sharing common traits and instincts as they were paired to lead teams of Seekers. The Seekers were those with heightened senses of smell, hearing, and sight, to guard any oncoming attacks from the Ancient Mystic Warriors.
One night, Wolf grew restless and decided to look around. It was the dead of night and the two pups were on watch together. Red knew his canine friend was going to find something. He was afraid, so he stayed behind, waiting. To his dismay, it was something neither Wolf Companion wanted to see or hear.
Wolfton came back, his wolf-human face white with terror. He gathered the Brigade together to tell them something shocking. They were fighting for the wrong side. After that, Wolf led the Rebellion against the Master Orthos once the Wars were officially over. When Wolf left with a feline consort, Toby Snow, and the entire Brigade of Warriors suddenly against the Master Orthos, Red Wolf Moondancer chose to stay behind.
In doing so, he lost the best Companion friend he ever had. Of course, the Dominionite Warriors and Orthos lost the Wars for Power, and soon were Exiled by the Crusaders. Red Wolf remembered the day as it played in his mind.
He was called to battle once more by the Master’s son, Damian. He protested, but the Merchant’s power was greater than even Red Wolf’s stealth and skill, so he went along with the new Warrior Pack. Before he knew it, he was standing beside Companions he once fought with, ready for battle. He didn’t want to fight, for he knew the truth. He just wanted the senseless fighting to end. It was no use. The Merchant had Red Wolf’s power in the palm of his hands, using it against him. Red Wolf stood behind Orthos, ready for a command that never came.
Lord Guardian approached in his human-male form, one that intimidated with ease. Behind him were the Dream Realm Crusaders, ready to kill them all. The Young Guardian, feared yet revered, was with him, along with her friends,
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