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Book online «The Netheron Chronicles by Joseph Black (8 ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Joseph Black

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life-like, yet he wasn’t. He appeared to be hardly a day over twenty, but he didn’t know quite what to expect in this magical room.
His clothes were simple, a warriors clothes, the same as the men who had frozen defending him, and if it hadn’t been for the beautiful thin, jewel encrusted crown on his brow, Tauren would probably have mistaken him for a common soldier in the kings throne.
“Tauren” He heard Detrick’s un-urgent warning, and turned to see his companion pointing grimly at the wall.
He turned and there saw to his surprise that the moss was moving, peeling back to leave an open space of wall about twenty feet long and the same high. The wall behind it appeared to be some kind of wood, dark, beautiful, so shiny it seemed like marble, in perfect condition, no marks visible.
Welcome Traveler. Tauren jerked his bow up, but there was nothing to shoot, the voice had come from the wall just as much as it had come from some inner recess of his mind.
Detrick lowered his axe and glanced at Tauren, what was it now?
“Long have I waited for you to arrive “. The voice continued, young and friendly,” And as you have come, I shall tell you what I ask you to do, I shall tell you why, and I shall tell you who it is who asks you to do this.”
I am Lord Arlon Netharuil, Emperor of Netheron, Lord of Arreland, Sword of the Trusty, and Friend to the Weak.
In the last desperate moments of the war, as our castle burned about us, as our last Warriors defended us to the bitter end, I came to a decision. No matter what may happen to me, I shall not lose this fight. I may die, but my son may not have my kingdom.
About you, you no doubt see the effects of what I did that day.
For you see, I found myself in a powerful position. I had in my hands at that moment the Nine Relics of Imrahia; I did not know it till my last warriors stood about my throne, fighting to the last.
Before you is the Throne of Netheron, power seat of this world. Should this was lost, then Netheron would cease to exist, and I could not allow that to happen. I simply cannot imagine everything I have fought for in my many years going to nothing. I will not dishonor the dead.
So, I did what I had to. I took the nine relics and I hid them, all over the kingdoms.
I knew that their owners would search for them with all their might, and that they would do anything to get them. But, I have a trap laid I am afraid. To find the relics, one must swear eternal loyalty to the Throne of Netheron. And only then will the knowledge be revealed to you. Otherwise there is no hope of them ever being found.
Therefore I call upon you, wayward traveler, to swear this oath before me.
May you be warned, there will be no turning back, once you have sworn, it is to your death.”
Tauren gulped.
“You are warned.
Hail King of Netheron
I hereby do swear to forever abide by the law
To obey your orders without question
To honor you forever
To ensure that the throne forever stays safe
And should Netheron ever need me
I swear to do all I, as a man, can to fulfill that need
I swear to live with nothing less than the best
I swear to bring the Throne to every glory I can see
I do swear this for life
On my life, on all I hold dear, and upon this world’s fate.”
“Tauren”! Detrick gasped.
Tauren stood there aghast, not realizing he had just repeated what the mysterious voice had said.
But the voice wasn’t done yet.
“Traveler, this world now rests on your shoulders, my pardon for doing this to you. But what must be done must be done. Fulfill your duty. Honor the glorious dead. And when your time may come, may you find a place for you in our halls”
The voice echoed about the room, seeming to trail away.
Tauren sighed, what had he done?

If you can't Win, Die trying.

Tia’DiLeorna Fortress, Kinsingskeld city, Arreland.
Fortresses always looked the best at sunset, decided Jaden Clasheron, the late king of Arreland.
He stood, the wind whipping his long black hair about his scarred face, on the northern tower adjoining the keep’ outer wall.
It was his favorite place to spend his time; a place where he could stop thinking about all the things, he, as king, was required to consider, if only for a few minutes every evening.
He leaned over the massive crenulations on the battlements, looking over the edge of the limestone tower down at the moat almost a hundred and fifty feet below.
He smiled, remembering the day he had climbed over the burning ruin of this very tower, his faithful soldiers behind him, cheering him on, his sister, friends, and brother on either side . . . what he would not give now to go back and relive those days.
He sighed, his detecting spells already alerting him to the identity of the man standing behind him.
He answered without turning.” Jacob.”
On any other day he would have been happy to see his brother-in-law but today wasn’t a day that would be remembered happily . . . not for him anyway.
A heavy, calloused hand fell on his shoulder.” I’m sorry.” The other said simply.
Jaden turned, looking his friend over; he was the same as ever, short brown hair, a heavy chain mail suit covered by a vest depicting the raven that was his people’s symbol, and his eyes, deep, wise, and sad as ever.
He shrugged in response.” It’s not important.”
Jacob laughed now, deep and hearty.” Not important? You may be able to fool everyone else, but you can’t fool me, this has hit you hard, as it should. You’ve dedicated your life to the Arrel people, and now they’ve spurned you.”
Jaden dropped his carefree stance, the true sadness and anger in his heart surfacing.” If only it had been a bit better ratio.” He said in a despairing tone”. But nine to one . . .! “
“.I warned you.” Jacob answered simply.
Jaden nodded, remembering what Jake had told him long ago. Life isn’t fair, what life produces is even less so. You trust a person, and they will betray you. You serve someone, and they will refuse to pay you. You love someone, and they will hate you. You give a people your life, and in the end they’ll spit you out and grind you into the dirt.
Granted that was a rather pessimistic view of life, not all of it was true all the time . . . but it was wise to expect little of people, and chances were you wouldn’t be disappointed.
“. What are you going to do now?” Jacob asked grimly.” You always have a home in Isarua, should you need one.”
“. I have a plan . . .” Jaden said vaguely, trailing off, not sure if his friend would approve of what he had in mind now that he wasn’t King of Arreland anymore.
Jacob grunted, waiting.
“. It’s crazy . . . “
Jacob chuckled.” I recall some pretty crazy plans that you’ve come up with. What’s this one?”
Jaden sighed; he might as well tell Jacob.” If my own people don’t want me, then I think I should go and find another people who do.” He gazed up at the hazy orange sun falling behind the mountains in the distance.
Jacob frowned.” Isarua could use you . . . but I have a feeling that wasn’t what you had in mind.”
“. I was actually thinking Netheron.” Jaden said clenching his teeth, knowing what was about to happen.
“. What?! ”
“. Netheron needs help, they’re about to be invaded. I hear some of the nobles there are trying to make a stand, but they don’t stand a chance. I can give them the experience and power that they’ll need.” His argument was well thought over, and he was planning on going whether his brother-in-law wanted him too or not.
Jacob looked worried; he knew that Jaden would as well.” Jaden, seriously? They’re farmers; they won’t even slow the Halavardes down. You’re practically suggesting taking on the entire Halavarde Empire on by yourself?!”
Jaden chuckled.” Sure would be a nice climax to my career wouldn’t it? Taking on the entire Halavarde Empire by myself! Sounds rather epic, doesn’t it?”
“. It’d be the end to your ‘career’.” Jacob answered angrily.
There was an uncomfortable silence between them.
“. I was actually planning on trying to get a bit of help.” Jaden said after a few moments.
Jacob frowned.” Who? You’re not king here anymore, you don’t control the army now. Well, not officially anyway. I’d help you, but Netheron isn’t Isarua, and I can’t ask Isaruan soldiers to defend land that isn’t theirs.”
“.I was planning on checking with Jhanzil and Danerack.” Jaden answered.
Jacob looked thoughtful.” Danerack will help you; he’s always itching to try out one of his combat thingy’s. He’ll give you a hard fighting core and good surveillance, but not the kind of numbers or power you’ll need. So Jhanzil . . . “Jacob looked thoughtful, he wasn’t as into war and fighting

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