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Book online «The Netheron Chronicles by Joseph Black (8 ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Joseph Black

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as his brother-in-law, but he knew enough to know that it was a good plan.
“. There’s only one problem.” Jaden said firmly.
“. Oh?” Jacob asked, unable to find a flaw in the plan.
“. I haven’t heard from Jhanzil in six years, and I’m not sure I really want to go to Azquelden itself to talk to him.” Jaden kept staring at the colors of the falling sun.” He may not be able to help anyway; he’s got his own problems after all.”
Jacob shook his head.” Just get Danerack to send a probe to Azquelden if all else fails. And after all, he is your brother; I think he’d help you.”
Jaden glanced over at his friend.” Oh he’ll help, but not because we’re brothers. He was just as much a friend of Arlon as I was, and he’d do a lot for what Arlon upheld and cared for.”
There was silence for a few minutes, finally broken by Jacob.” Jaden, I don’t like it. The Halavardes are very powerful, and even with Danerack and Jhanzil, you may not be able to beat them.” He shook his head.” When are you leaving?”
Jaden shrugged.” There’s not need to waste time, actually, every second counts. I’m leaving in five minutes.”
“. What about your things? Aren’t you saying goodbye to all your friends?” Jacob asked in surprise.
Jaden gave him a bitter side glance.” What friends? What things?”
Jacob looked away, ashamed, he had it all, a good home, a wife, children, power, money, and he was content, happy even. Jaden had none of that now . . .
Jaden turned away.” I’m going to leave now.” He said finally.” Goodbye Jacob, give my best to Maria and the kids.” He stood in-between two of the crenulations in the wall, his arms outstretched, inhaling the cold wind, ready to make the leap that would bring him out of this world.
He was just about to jump when Jacob stopped him.” Jaden, before you go, there’s something you should know.” He sounded uncertain, afraid almost.
Jaden frowned.” What?”
Jacob looked down at his armored boots.” Edrin was killed.”
Jacob felt bad telling him now, especially now, and looked away from Jaden’s stricken expression quickly.” How? ” Jaden asked, his eyes confused and filled with sorrow.
“. A Durwing killed him.”
“. Pah.” Jaden spat”. Edrin could have killed one of those with a flick of his little finger.”
“. You must remember.” Jacob said slowly.” Magic isn’t allowed on Netheron without special permissions, Edrin wasn’t the man he used to be, he’d grown old.” Jacob was sad himself; he had liked Edrin, though he hadn’t been as close to him as Jaden had.
Jaden nodded, and they bowed their heads in respectful silence for a few moments, then Jaden looked up, an angry fire in his eyes.” And the Box?”
Jacob smiled slowly.” Apparently he had a grandson whom he gave it to; he gave him orders to bring it to you actually. At the moment however I think he’s not sure what to do . . .”
Jaden looked surprised at this piece of news.” Well I’d better go get it then.”
Jacobs’s eyes hardened and he shook his head firmly.” No Jaden, you have to leave this boy to his own path. You will get the Box in time. He’s not just any kid, he has a fate.”
Jaden frowned and was about to say something but Jacob cut him off.” Forget I ever told you about him, Jaden. Leave him alone. There’s something very . . . fishy about this whole business.”
Jaden frowned harder.” Does this have something to do with your mystery employer?”
Jacob nodded turning to look at the grassy courtyard inside the wall.” Goodbye Jaden.” He said, his voice pronouncing the finality of the statement.
Jaden grinned, shaking off the uncomfortable moment.” Fishy? Was that the best you could do?”
Jacob grinned to himself and turned to give some sarcastic answer but the words died in his throat, the limestone ramparts before him were empty, Jaden had disappeared into thin air.
He shook his head and turned around, starting with surprise when he saw another man standing there, as though he had been listening to them the entire time.” Dracon Du’Renskold.” He growled, recognizing him instantly.” Have you been eavesdropping?”
Du’Renskold was a tall man, extremely heavily built, and always in his armor, he had long black hair, and blue eyes that, for the first time Jacob had ever seen, looked sad.” I didn’t want this.” He stated simply.
“. What?” Jacob asked, not understanding, he knew Du’Renskold was a hard, practical man, formed by the cruelty of life, but he wasn’t evil.
“. I thought he’d stick around. I thought our friendship meant more to him than the throne.” Du’Renskold looked seriously regretful.
Jacob sighed, he was glad to hear some regret in the other man’s voice.” It’s hard to face it when people make choices like that, but you pushed him, you pushed him hard.”
Du’Renskold nodded slowly, his eyes almost watering; he remembered the day that he had marched into the massive throne rooms, only three days after the disaster of TriPrand.
It had been a cold morning, and he was tired after three days of hard fighting, and angry after having gotten beaten, and he was in a terrible mood.
Jaden had sat as ever, on his massive golden throne, surrounded by his courtiers and servants, and when he had seen Du’Renskold he had stood and called him a welcome back.
“. I need to speak to you.” Du’Renskold had said, taking the kings arm and pulling him into the small room behind the throne.” TriPrand was lost.” He had stated simply, once they were alone.
Jaden hadn’t seemed too shattered by the news, troubled, but not overly so.
In a flash of anger Du’Renskold had reached forward and grabbed the massive, brocaded cloak, pulling the king so they were face to face, hissing angrily.” Jaden, you have to pull our men out of Netheron, if I had had all of my men today I wouldn’t come back in shame.”
Jaden had shaken his head, twisting out of his grip.” No, I told you, I am king of Netheron as well as Arreland, we must protect Netheron. I won’t argue with you about it, you can’t convince me.”
“.This is about that damned king of theirs, Arlon.” Du’Renskold had muttered.” Your old friend, you want to respect his memory? Well respect it without –“
Jaden had cut him off, angry himself now.” He was your friend as well, if you remember. Don’t make me have order you to leave; we’ve been friends for too long for that.”
Du’Renskold had stood, trying to take himself under control, slightly ashamed of himself. There had been a long pause.
“. But Jaden,” Du’Renskold had pleaded,” Arrels should never have to protect land that isn’t theirs, you are Arrel. Let the Nethers protect their own lands, please. You’re not even of the Nether line, you’re not a true king of Netheron and you know it. No man should have to die for something that he doesn’t believe in as right. No man!”
Jaden held up a placating hand.” Dracon, those men chose me as their king, in doing so they put themselves under my authority, under my decisions. They trusted me to make the right decisions, they believe in me to do what’s right, they made that choice. And we have to protect Netheron, for Arlons sake, and for Netherons sake, there are people there, families, children, we must protect them.”
“.BUT MY MEN ARE DYING!” Du’Renskold had roared furiously.” My men are out there, dying, dying, dying, if we don’t get our men all in one spot and face the Halavardes, soon there won’t be an Arreland to protect Netheron. Let Nethers protect Nethers!”
Jaden had pushed his angry friend back.” NO!” He had roared with finality.
Du’Renskold had stood, his anger gone, and replaced by pure bitterness.” Then I’ll make you!”
He had turned away and stormed out of the king’s presence.
It had taken him a couple of days to reason himself out of his anger, but he had, and had proposed that the people make a vote on which of the two of them they wanted as king.
The suggestion effectively ended their friendship, but Jaden believe the king served the people and not the other way around, and had little way to refuse . . . Jaden had been rejected by his own people nine to one. . .
But now that he looked back, Du’Renskold didn’t want Jaden to leave . . . he was still his friend . . .
Jacob shrugged.” Sorry, he won’t be coming back I think. The Halavardes are being very serious about this invasion, and he’ll soon see that there isn’t much he can do to stop it on his own.” He sighed sadly.” And Jaden Clasheron lives by one rule.”
Du’Renskold looked sidelong at Jacob.” What’s that?”
“. Never let yourself defeated, no matter what you have to do to make sure you aren’t. If you can’t win, then die trying.”

Note: This chapter should technically be the fifth, but I made a slight mistake and it ended up the tenth. But that isn't critically important.

The Fall of Vaetrion

Vaetrion Castle, Eastern Caraca, Netheron.
The sun had been over the horizon for only four hours that night, a warm breeze blew in from the ocean, and the stars shone brightly in the night sky.
The soldiers on the walls would never have expected an attack at that time, it wasn’t an ideal time, it was not dark enough to slip by unseen, and it was too early for the guards to begin dozing off. As a result the watch wasn’t

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