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actually listened, it was something I didn’t really want him to understand...


I was saved. Seth and Nate came back inside, covered in snow. Seth’s hand was bleeding, so I shot from the couch to assist. Crimson blood covered the counter. I breathed deeply and cleaned his hand, which was healed in a matter of minutes. He said that he and Nate were just goofing off until he fell and his hand landed on something sharp. He held up a sharp, perfectly white tooth. I immediately knew what it was, and froze.

“Seth, this is a vampire tooth,” I said, a little fear in my voice.

“No bloodsuckers have been through the border in weeks,” Nate commented. Jake shot him a warning glance. I glared at Nate, who had a grin. The word ‘bloodsucker’ was what I considered the most offensive thing people could call me. Nate was so sure of himself. So sure that nothing had gotten through the border.

“This tooth is still sharp,” Jake observed. “And small.”

I looked at the tooth even more closely. I noticed that the tooth was smaller than mine. Not by much, but still visibly smaller. This vampire must have only been fourteen, maybe even younger, when they were changed. I looked at Jake, then went back to the tooth.

“Only newborns have this sharp of teeth. Their teeth are unusually sharper, and dull down slightly when they get older. Vampire teeth become more and more human-like if we eat animals, but a diet of human makes the teeth visible sharper. The perfect hunter. And if this is a young newborn, this close to Forks, it could be anywhere. And judging by the tooth, this newborn looks young, meaning still has its hormonal human tissues. Dangerous,” I told Jake, who was listening intently.

“Ness, we shouldn’t focus on this. This tooth might have just been a vampire that we already got. We should focus on Christmas,” Seth said. I nodded reluctantly, and Jacob tried to muster up a smile. I smiled too, more genuine, continuing with the decorations. We both were happier by the end of the day. We all came outside to see the glittering glory we had set up. Jake put his arm around me, Seth stared in awe, and Nate shrugged. But the one thing that made me happy was that this would be the first night I stayed here. With Jake. In his bed.

We ate take out. Jake said I’d done enough with the house, and cooking wasn’t necessary. I shrugged it off. Jake was too worried. He should be happier.

“The house smells so much better!” I yelled from the bathroom. I was changing, and Alice had switched a few things.

“Uh, Jake? Can I borrow a shirt?”

“Alice get into your luggage again?” he asked. He laughed aloud, but I simply repeated my question.

“Jake, please, just give me a shirt.”

He grabbed a shirt from his drawer and walked over to the door. I slid my hand through the partially open door, grabbing the shirt and retreating hastily. He just laughed to himself. So he found other’s embarrassment funny. Real nice…

The shirt was still short, but its long sleeves would keep me warm. Jake’s only long-sleeve shirt made me feel…special. I showered and shaved, putting my hair up into a bun. After I got out, I brushed my hair, letting it down from a tight bun. I brushed my teeth thoroughly, and slipped lip balm over my lips. I slipped the shirt on, and took a deep breath in the mirror. Jacob’s scent rushed up my nose, making my stomach flutter. Luckily, the shirt was black, covering my undergarments safely. I slowly opened the door, but Jake wasn’t there. I walked over, and then jumped when I heard a flush. The bathroom door down the hall opened, and Jake walked out. I walked back to the bed, and crawled on the dark red comforter. I fixed the black pillow that had fallen over on Jacob’s side when he came through the door.

“Sorry, the shirt doesn’t fit right,” I said.

“Fits perfect to me,” Jake said, with a mischievous grin. Blood rushed to my face, and I lay down. But before I could, I hit my head on the headboard of the bed. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Jake rushed to me the second I sat up and held my head. I blinked, and shook for a second. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, fine. Just clumsy.”

I’d never really talked about that with Bella, but she had told me. She told me anything I asked about. She said I had the right to know what I asked to know. She told me that Jake had fallen in love with her (or so he thought) after she came back to Forks, around the time she met Edward. Jake wouldn’t give up, but he finally did when Edward married Bella. After I was born, Jacob wasn't confused by false love or infatuations. He’d never endured true imprinting until he’d made eye contact with me that day. My birth day.

But now...I could hardly focus. Jake was too…beautiful. He had on his beige cargo shorts, no shoes, no shirt. I started shivering, but I wasn’t cold. I was awestruck. His dark brown eyes looked at me, as though I was a goddess. How I deserved his perfection, his soul, I did not know. He laid down next to be, and I lay on his chest, perfectly warm. His chest was firm, but warm and velvet to touch. I could hardly stay awake, being in perfect union with my bodily temperature. Jacob twirled my hair, lifting it every now and then to smell. He said I always smelled the same: lavender and vanilla. He reached down and softly kissed my head. That kiss was the last leaf that fell from my conscious tree, and I fell deeply asleep.

The next day, I woke up with Jake’s arms tight around me. His snoring was deep, and he was so asleep, I made my escape without disturbing him. I crept back down through the living room. Nate went home, and Seth was sound asleep. I could hear him sleep talking, about some girl he’d met in school. I giggled, and went back into spy mode, making my way to the tree. I glanced at the kitchen clock. 10:30, it read. Christmas Eve. But since Jake had just gotten a tree, I had some planning to do. The wolves would wake up at twelve, so I had just that much time to go and get their gifts. I wondered…where could I hide Christmas gifts from werewolves? Hmm…

It was about twelve-thirty when I returned. Shopping was brutal during Christmas time, but I still managed to get a few things. It was strange, being around humans now, even more then I had been. It was uncomfortable, but I could easily blend. I could blend much better than my family, because of my more human-like features, like my warm skin and rosy complexion.

Seth was watching TV in the living room when I burst through the door.

“Don’t look!” I yelled, hauling the gifts through the house.

“Why?” Seth asked, already intrigued. He was about to turn, but I through a magazine at him.

I stuffed my Christmas secrets in the hall closet, and then walked back to the living room. “Do you ever listen?” I asked.

“Only to me,” I heard Jake call. Before I knew it, he scooped me up and twirled me around in his arms. “So, whatcha get me?”

“Not until Christmas. And don’t sneak around trying to find them,” I said, slipping out of his arms.

“Jake, we’re still going on patrol, remember?” Seth reminded. Jake sighed loudly, and I looked at him in confusion. Then, a scowl clouded my expressions.

“We’re going patrolling for the vampire that left the tooth. She could be anywhere, but I doubt she went into town. She’s probably going after hikers,” Jake explained. A rush of shivers went down my back. Those poor people, being hunted like animals. I shot a glance of fear at Jake. He hugged me tight, whispering in my ear, “I’ll be back before 4:00, I promise.” He kissed the top of my head and he and Seth ran out of the door. Nate met up with them just as they walked outside, Leah following. She shot me an angry glare as she phased and ran off. “Stay safe,” I whispered. Jake winked at me, and phased. His eyes were the same in wolf form: caring and calm. He walked to the trail, growling at Leah before sprinting ahead, with the others following loyally. I started on those marshmallow chocolate-chip cookies I promised Seth I’d make, though my mind was a thousand miles away while doing so.

I looked in the mirror of the bathroom. It was about 2:00 pm now, and Jake was going to come back soon. The girl who looked back at me didn’t look exactly like me. I blinked my eyes, and there she was. There I was. My hair was the same, but my face was a little bit different. My lips were a little plumper, and my chin was a little bit broader. My waist was tighter, and I was about three inches taller. It was a pleasant, unexpected surprise. I grew, again, in such a short manner of time...

Jake and the others returned at exactly 4 pm. I changed into a white tee-shirt, white ballet flats, and dark blue jeans. I put on a dark red scarf from some holiday style. I made all kinds of Christmassy foods. Fruitcake, cookies, chocolate cherry cake. Vampire speed helped.

They burst through the door, laughing and hollering. Leah walked through, gloomily and quiet. Not a new sight. Her mood was all too familiar. Jake came through the door last, smiling at he leaned against the doorframe, even wider taking in my slightly changed form. He moved his finger, motioning for me to come. I walked over, smiling as though I was waiting for something.

“Jake,” Leah said, ruining our moment. “Tell her.”

Leah wasn’t always this way. Jake told me of how she used to be nice. Even fun! But after the Sam and Emily thing, she turned bitter. She’s always risen to certain occasions to be nice, but only when the situation absolutely demands it.

I turned back to Jake. “What?” I asked.

“We chased down the vampire, but she won’t be back for a while,” Jake said. “She’s just like you said. Dangerous, newborn and young. Only about fourteen. She had reddish-blonde hair and red eyes. She kind of looks like…”

“Like, what?”


I froze. Victoria? That’s impossible! Victoria is dead. Her body was burned in front of Edward’s eyes. Bella told me so.

“What do you mean by she ‘kind of’ looks like Victoria?”

“She has reddish-blonde hair, not bright red hair. She’s smaller and her hair is straight instead of curly and puffy,” Jake described. I was shocked. Bella had shown me what Victoria looked like. She was scary, but like all vampires, she was also very pretty. How could this happen? Victoria’s been dead for years.

“It’s impossible right? I mean, Victoria can’t come back to life.”

Leah huffed. “Don’t freak out. You start hyperventilating. It gets annoying.”

Jake shot an angry glance, but I ignored Leah. I was too scared about Victoria. The thought of her return rattled me. She tried to kill Bella. James, her mate, was after Bella for no reason but his own sick games. The way I see it, a murderer (James) was after my mom, they killed him, and then another murderer (Victoria) was trying to avenge the first. It’s confusing…I know. But more petrifying through my eyes.

“Nessie, we got it. There’s nothing to be afraid of,” Seth attempted to assure me. Jake touched me shoulder, and I realized just how scared I appeared. I was shaking slightly, but Jake’s grip on my shoulder make the shaking stop.

“You’re safe,” Jake whispered.

I nodded, and everyone started eating. I lay on the couch, and just as my head touched the pillow, the pain and burn of my throat seared into

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