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Book online «The Crystal 2 by Jones M (top ten books to read txt) 📖». Author Jones M

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attention back to the laptop. I stood up as I grabbed it, heading towards the room with the bunk beds. Everyone ignored me, and I was glad.

Once I was in the room, I hid by blocking the view of the others with the curtains that hung from the bus ceiling. 

I was soon chanting the spell. A surprisingly pink stardust illuminated the dark area, flowing from the laptop and into me. I continued the chant with an increased volume, feeling a tingle in my head. Once the spell was done, I was thrown to the side. Luckily, I didn't pass out.

Was that supposed to happen? Did I get the spell wrong?

"Emery!" Selena called out to me as a couple of footsteps ran towards the room. The curtains were moved back as Ethan and Selena came into view, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Is there an erwich attack?"

I looked at my laptop. I felt something being added into my brain. I winced at a headache before turning my attention to the two people in front of me.

"No," I replied. "Everything is fine. Just slipped and fell off the bunk bed," I stated. Ethan and my cousin gave me weird looks before turning to head to their seats.

Once they were far from me, I turned to the laptop. I felt a tremendous amount of knowledge about the device in front of me. On their own accord, my fingers typed on the keyboard. I had no idea of what I was doing. I realized I had opened a browser window split in half, one showing my Twitter page and the other showing the code.


Somehow, I understood the programming code. I changed everything that was written in code to Crystalic symbols. They were enchanted, and they would block the hacker from posting on my Twitter account again. 

I had also set up a kind of notification program on my laptop. It was set to inform me when the hacker would try to hack into my account. I had just posted a warning to them, and if they kept trying to enter my account, I would not hesitate to hand them over to the police.


Four days later

Third Person's P.O.V

"It's not working," an individual spoke through the phone.

"What do you mean it's not working?" Bianca asked in anger. "Try again!"

"I can't!" the masculine voice on the other line replied. "It's like the code language has been changed to another."


"I'm seeing symbols, and I have no idea of how to get through them. It's like she knew a way around the codes and made her own."

"That's impossible! Look. We need to meet about this. I'm in San Diego. Are you here?"

"Yes," the person replied.

"Good. I'll text you where to find me."

Bianca ended the call and looked at where Emery had left her phone. She had gone to the bathroom, and by the looks of it, she wouldn't be getting out anytime soon.

The guys and Selena had sat next to each other as they conversed about the tour. Bianca found this as an opportunity for her. She quickly approached Emery's phone and entered her Twitter account. It had automatically logged in. 

Emery had forgotten to uncheck the 'Remember Me' box.

Stupid bitch, Bianca thought with a smirk.

@EmeryDavis: Kill yourselves OBers!

Bianca posted the message on Twitter, leaving the phone where she found it as she moved around the tour bus, resuming her façade of goodness and innocence.

Emery's P.O.V

My mouth dropped in shock as I looked at the tweet I allegedly posted. My neutral mood was immediately ruined once I had seen it.

Ashley had called me a couple of minutes later after the tweet had been posted. It was confusing at first. I knew the hacker couldn't get into my account on their end since I had changed my password and turned the code to Crystalic. That left one thing.

Someone had posted the tweet from the tour bus.

Bianca had posted the tweet.

Fury clouded my judgment as I made quick work of looking for her. Everyone was on the bus, but I couldn't spot Bianca.

"Where is that bitch?" I yelled in question. Liam was looking through his phone. His expression suddenly changed to fury, and I immediately knew what he was going to say.

Before he spoke, I cut him off. "Shut up, Liam! I have no time to deal with you right now. Where the hell is Bianca?"

"You insulted our fans? Again?" Harry asked in anger and disbelief. I ignored him.

"Hey guys!" Bianca said as she entered the tour bus with a cheery smile. She spotted me and then her expression turned into fear.

"You BITCH!" I yelled, running towards her.

"Emery!" Zane yelled, wrapping his arms around my form before I could tear the bitch apart.

I thrashed in his hold.

"Let me go!" I shouted. "STRIKE TWO, BIANCA! I know you did this, and I will make you pay for this. LET ME GO YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled again, finally getting free of Zane's hold. I resumed my approach towards Bianca. However, Ethan was nearby, and he held me back.

I gave him a glare so fierce, it should have made him pee his pants.

"Why do you always keep blaming my girlfriend for things you did?" Zane asked in anger. I stared at him in disbelief.

"Are you an idiot or what?" I asked. "Your asshat of a girlfriend tried to kill me, placed me in jail for something I didn't even do and is now ruining my image!"


"Why would I ruin my own image? Sometimes I swear I am surrounded by stupid, blind, egotistical idiots!" I thrashed, finally free from of the hold Ethan had on me. I turned to face Bianca with a glare.

"That hacker of yours is now on the top of my list. I will make quick work of getting rid of their... oh, I'm sorry. No. What I meant to say was his ass."

I noticed a sudden shift in Bianca's expression. I had just guessed the gender of the hacker. Bianca's face betrayed her, and that was all I needed to know that the hacker was male.

"You better hope you aren't next," I told Bianca, turning to go out of the bus. I planned to take a walk to calm my nerves, but that was not going to happen.

There was a horde of girls in front of me. There were like twenty or thirty of them. They all had furious expressions, and their attention was focused on me. Judging by the prints of the boys' names and logos on their clothes with pictures of the Ordinary Brothers, I knew they were OBers. I was surprised they even found the tour bus.

How did they find it—Bianca.

"What was it you said? Kill yourselves?" a brunette girl in the front of the group asked me with raised eyebrows. I raised my eyebrows as I surveyed the group again. 

What surprised me was that they were all teenagers, some even twelve years old. I felt the guys move to inspect what was happening. They stood behind me, and I felt their forms tense in shock.

"Yeah... I didn't post that." I stated, trying to seem calm when I was angry on the inside. "Bianca did."

"Oh please!" another fan beside the brunette said. "Bianca is a wonderful girl, nothing like the slut you are. We know you posted the tweet and that you're trying to get rid of Bianca. What's your deal with her, anyway?"

I went to speak, but then I realized something. Defending myself would be useless. Just like the boys, they would not believe me. In fact, it woud just make things worse. There would be another back and forth moment, and I still wouldn't win. 

"Emery, it's okay. I called Trevor. He said he got security--" Liam was beside me as he talked, but I cut him off.

"Don't bother, Liam. I can deal with this myself."


I interrupted him with a look, and he chose to wisely shut up. With a smile that was far from pleasant, I turned to face the horde of hormonal teenagers.

"Bianca--" I went to yell, but I stopped myself. "You know what? Why do I even bother? You guys are just going to take her side," I pointed at Bianca, "no matter what I do."

"If there is someone who should kill themselves, it's you," a fan commented, and shouts of agreement filled the air.

Oh, they had no idea of how many times that thought came to me when I was in prison.

I rolled my eyes at them. 

Wow. Was that how I was doomed to live my life? Was I to remain scared of facing the boys' fans? Was I to live in fear of meeting anyone who would recognize me and start hating me from the start?

Was I to remain hated by everyone for the rest of my life?

The situation fully dawned on me. I felt trapped like I couldn't enjoy my life anymore. I had gone through such a moment when I was in high school. I couldn't make friends then.

In a way, my life currently felt like my first high school. The only difference was that instead of five people hating me, I was hated by thousands. I was forced to hide from everyone I would meet, all because of the boys, my cousin and that stupid bitch Bianca. 

I wanted to cry at the moment, but at the same time, I wanted to snap. I had been playing the role of a good girl for most of my life. 

Look at how my life had become because of it.

I was tired of being restricted to one area. I was tired of being ambushed by the boys' fans. I was tired of Bianca and her hacker; and most of all, I was tired of being blamed for something I never did.

"Would you like us to end your life for you?" the brunette girl who had first spoken to me asked. The she and the rest of the fans began marching towards me.

Oh, hell no!

A furious expression took over my face. I hid my hand behind my back as I willed for a gun to materialize on the palm. Once it had been fully formed, I quickly took it out, aiming at the brunette. 

The expressions of determination and victory quickly turned into fear. Everyone stopped walking as soon as they saw the weapon.

"Move, or your head gets blown off," I threatened.

"Emery!" Logan shouted in shock.

"Put that gun down. They are our fans--"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at everyone behind me without facing them. "You all believe that I posted those awful tweets about you and your fans. Well, I didn't. And I will be damned if I let a couple of OBers control my life again. I am done hiding from you guys, and I will do whatever it takes to get you away from me. I will grab my life back even if it is by force."

The brunette didn't look fazed.

She smirked.

"I doubt you even know how to use that--"

That girl had no idea of who she was messing with.

I cut her off when I aimed the gun in the air, firing for a couple of times. The sound of the shots was loud. Birds around the area flew away. There were some screams, and some of the fans cowered in fright. I aimed the gun at the girl who had the nerve to challenge me.

"What were you going to say? That I don't know how to use it?" I released a dark chuckle. "I know damn well how to handle it. In fact, I could give you a demonstration," I told the girl as I moved closer towards her and placed the gun beside her head. I fired, missing her on purpose and hitting the ground. The girl flinched, scared by the closeness of the gun.

"You will hear from the police!" the brunette, who was once confident, was now shaking in fear.

"Really?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Go tell them. I have nothing to lose. I was in prison once and I got out. I could get out again. Besides, why would you tell the police about this when I have a video recording of all of you threatening to kill

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