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she. Raising her staff she waved it at the party before her and a gust of wind swept over them. Except for a few bumps with Wizard and Albadeluz; it was to be expected. She respected that. With everyone else done she refocused on the boy and pointed her staff in his direction.

The boy flinched then stumbled, his friend made to catch him, concern on his face; she was through but all was blank. Somehow he had purged his mind of all thought, emotion and even memory, leaving nothing but a vast endless void.

Lost in the endless nothingness she did not see him coming but she felt him. She felt the knuckle connect and the build of pressure as his momentum transferred to her; then ripple through her body and send her crashing to the ground.

“Release him telepath!” commanded the boy standing above her. Kalende blinked. He had trapped her. Somehow this untrained ordinary boy had trapped her in his mind long enough for the other to strike. He could have landed a fatal blow but only stunned her. She smiled then rose to her feet.

“I believe you are done here.” Said another commanding voice; Bbale Denis leader of the phoenix resistance army was there. He gazed disapprovingly at her then turned to the guests that he and many others had so anxiously been waiting for. Kneeling before Alexandria he said “Princess welcome home.”

Alexandria held her head high with pride and answered “Rise.” So he did; “You honor me, but, I would like to earn this honor among my people. So please I ask you, do not bow until I have earned that privilege in your eyes. Until then I am but a lost soul who has found her way into your generous care.”

From there they proceeded to the encampment where Bbale was currently stationed. They went over the events that led them there and told him of their plans. They then discussed their next course of action. By the time they were done it was night fall and no one had the strength to ask how; except for Ntende for whom no one had the patience to answer.

They were led further into the forest where it thinned out and came upon a town. It was here that they spent the night and let their worries drift away in the satisfying feeling of their first accomplishment.


“Achooo!!” Mihigo sneezed. “Guess it was too much to hope huh?” Ntende asked from his bed beside the window. “Yeah I suppose.” answered Mihigo. “Do you still have it?” Ntende asked with concern as he realized the danger his friend now faced. “Destroyed when we landed, it’s useless now.” Mihigo answered as he reached into his pocket and fished out a cracked white cylindrical tube. Ntende averted his gaze in sorrow.

“Quit that.” Mihigo said “We are in a world where people appear out of nowhere and auroras hover in one spot in the sky. Perhaps we can find a magical solution.” Ntende smiled and his face lit up as he remembered where they were. He sprang out of bed and out the door only to find the bathroom. Mihigo laughed. “The door is this way.” He said and pointed to the door at the foot of his bed.

“Who sleeps facing the door way?” Ntende grumbled “Many do.” answered Mihigo “That’s not how I used to sleep.” Mihigo simply chuckled then sucked in his breath. Ntende starred at him worry evident in his eyes. “I’ll be fine as the day goes on, besides isn’t this place in a forest. There’s plenty of fresh air here.” Ntende mumbled something along the lines of ‘For now’ but Mihigo paid no attention. He stretched out of bed and shuffled to the door.

Once out of the bedroom they walked through a narrow corridor to a balcony of wood. It was then that Ntende noticed that the entire structure was made of wood. “Guess they don’t have much else to build with, out here.” Mihigo commented. They made their way down the stair case and out the front door. They now stood on the front porch of a small cabin house. Mihigo caressed the wood of the porch railing and beams. “This wood was curved with magic similar to what was used at the eternal forest.” He said.

Enzo gasped and Mihigo turned to see what was wrong only to gasp himself. Before them was a landscape unlike any other they had seen. Mountains, hills and valleys as far as the eye could see and all covered in a vast expanse of trees. The crystals they had seen the night before sparkled exquisitely as they reflected the light around them. This made the forest seem ever more magical.

From their vantage point they could see the town through which they had walked the night before. It sat in a basin formed by the four hills surrounding it. Clear roads could be seen that cut through the town along with the structures that made up the town. People bustled around going about their own business for the day.

“Did we move?” Ntende asked “No,” Mihigo answered “we are still underground. The air is warm when normally at this altitude it should be cold.”

“Nothing gets passed you does it.” Ntende and Mihigo turned to see Amber walk up to them. “Good morning Amber, where did you spend the night?” Ntende asked. She pointed behind her to the forest. Ntende gaped in confusion while Mihigo smiled.

“Alexandria spent the night at the local inn close to Commander Bbale Denis’s headquarters along with Wizard and Albadeluz. They spent most of the night talking about who knows what.” Ntende raised an eye brow in question “So you decided to climb a hill and sleep in a forest.” Amber yawned and stretched “We were all supposed to spend the night up here but Alex and the others decided to go begin their war plans. The two of you were so spent that you practically passed out. So the accommodation was modified for you two.”

“We better get down there.” Declared Ntende but Amber giggled “Not unless you want to scare away everyone with a sense of smell. When was the last time you two took a bath? A change of clothes has been provided so better get going I’ll wait for you.”

Within twenty minutes both Ntende and Mihigo were done with their bathes. On their way down hill Ntende asked “When did you take a bath Amber?” All he got for an answer was a sly smile. They soon arrived at the inn Alexandria and the others had spent the night. Albadeluz and Wizard were already awake and having breakfast. Mihigo and Enzo didn’t hesitate to join them while Amber went to check on Alexandria.

After a quick review Amber and Alexandria joined them. Not long after their breakfast Imongit Michael the lieutenant who accompanied them to the infinite city arrived to escort them to Bbale Denis’s command office.

“Stay close.” Said Imongit and he flashed a pin he wore on the left corner of his collar. They were all enveloped in a bright light.



Once the light had faded they found themselves in a round office room. Commander Bbale sat behind a large desk of chestnut brown; it was covered in neat organization of assortments such as books and papers.

When Commander Bbale noticed them he tapped his desk and asked them to each have a seat. As he spoke his desk narrowed and lengthened while a number of chairs made of rock rose from the ground at different intervals along its length.

Once they were all seated Commander Bbale spoke. “I am up to date about the events leading up to this point. So based on that information we should straight up discuss how to proceed. Let me begin by saying I am glad you are here however the circumstances surrounding your arrival are… questionable to say the least. Without divulging all information about your experiences it would be difficult for a lay man or woman to understand. As such we will need to come up with a story to tell the people and cutoff any and all questions as well as put to rest any doubts in their minds. Prince… Alexandria has agreed to this along with Albadeluz and Wizard.”

Mihigo raised his hand. “I have a few questions of my own as well as a few points I would like to make very clear. I will not repeat myself on this.” “This should be good.” said a familiar voice. Enzo turned to see Kalende Lyna walk in through a door at the end of the room. He clenched his fist, she smiled.

“To start, while Alex… princess Alexandria would like to earn her title from her people, you will have to earn my loyalty. Know this, trust is practiced, friendship is born and loyalty must be earned. If we are to work together one or a combination of these or even all may exist between us. However do not make the mistake of ordering me or Enzo around. We are not bound in any way to you or your world; there is no reason for us to be here or to help. We are our own selves and if any one wishes to use us it better be by our own free wills. Bribery is accepted. BUT! ...” he now faced to look straight at Lyna across the table.

“Make no mistake; try to force either of us to do anything in any way and I will deem you a threat and eliminate you. Make an enemy of me and the only way to stop me will be to kill me, and make sure you do not miss because; I will remove you from existence by hunting down any and all who may have ties to you and thus are a risk of enacting revenge. Make an enemy of me and I will end your blood line!”

Everyone in the office was paralyzed by the intensity in Mihigo’s voice. Alexandria had heard it before but back then all he said was one word. Now he had threatened not only a powerful witch but the entire phoenix resistance army. It was to be expected; once people found out about them they would most likely try to manipulate them. Such is the politics of war and politics in general.

The witch Lyna did not break eye contact with the sapling though out of fear she did not know. Her grip on her staff was so tight that her

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