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it may be you must seal it away or your lessons will be just as sloppy and endanger the lives of your students in the long run.”

Ngororano sighed “You’re right, I have reflected on my actions and realized to my dismay that my students are indeed lacking in many areas due to my own anxiety. I ask for your forgiveness Ntende, I understand if you reconsider being my student.” “No.” was Ntende’s simple, direct and final answer. The witch Lyna clapped once, “Well, now that you’ve all made up, go away.” She said to Ngororano while making shooing actions with her hands. Ngororano respectfully left; and so Mihigo and Ntende began their magic lessons.

Weeks passed as Mihigo, Ntende, Alexandria, and Amber trained their bodies with Nowamani and magic with Lyna.

Ntende was found to be eerily handy with a sword while Alexandria was unmatched with the bow; Amber’s fighting style kept Ngororano vexed for while her movements were strange they were indeed effective. She was unpredictable yet still moved smoothly and would switch attacks midway the execution of another; though what really threw Ngororano off was how she occasionally appeared to have animalistic traits such as claws and unnaturally long canines. This often left Ngororano wondering whether she was human, but she simply smiled and said it was her special form of magic.

Mihigo’s bursts of strength made him a formidable melee fighter in close combat and there was yet to be any one left standing after his finishing blow.

 When it came to magic Ntende’s enthusiastic nature was the perfect fuel for the chaos magic he wielded. Alexandria’s kind heart extended to wield the empathic magic of healing while Amber took to transformation magic like a fish to water.

Mihigo was found to have no particular affinity but extensive magic absorption and containment capacity with an equally large reserve to boot. This allowed him to maintain the other’s magic power during battle enabling them to use multiple spells consistently and even boost their power; though Lyna discouraged this and encouraged them to grow their own abilities.


 The clang and clash of steel could be heard over the passionate cries of Ngororano’s students at the training grounds. “Haaa!!” clang! Was the unmistakable sound as both their swords collided? His opponent drenched in sweat panting heavily brought a sly smile to Ntende’s face “Is it over?” he asked in a mock sad voice. The opponent clenched his jaw “Don’t be so proud of being a monster, you know the students call you the sword demon Ntende right?” Ntende laughed “What an awesome name! I would really like to meet the person who came up with it.”

Sitting on a bench out of ear shot watching his friend practice Mihigo sneezed. ‘Hmmm is someone talking about be me I wonder?’ He thought to himself.

“Ok, time to end this!” yelled Ntende as he charged and struck his opponents sword sending it flying, and halting his own blade right at his throat and ending the battle; As Ntende turned to leave a voice called out “Hey sword demon, up for a little challenge?” Ntende turned to see one of the older students holding out a scroll. “Swiped this from the forbidden section of the library, it is a summoning spell. I say if you can handle this then you earn your title.”

“No.” said a firm voice Ntende saw Mihigo walk up to him. We have our final test today; if we fail we will have to remain here longer. I am sure you’re enjoying your stay but we need to continue on our original plan.”

“Oho are you scared?” said the older student when a low growling sound came from behind him; he turned to find Amber and Alexandria standing behind him. “If Ntende is a demon then I am a devil.” Said Amber as her finger nails morphed into gleaming menacing claws right before the boy’s eyes. “Care to test me?” The boy backed away slowly, “Guys I can handle this.” said Ntende walking up to the boy. Amber grabbed his hand “Ntende we need to move on.” She said “Please.” added Alexandria. Ntende sighed “Fine, but we all know I could’ve beaten whatever is in that scroll right?”

“Let’s find out.” said the older student as he dropped the opened scroll and walked up to the river.

When Amber glanced at the scroll she gasped “Mihigo…” she said as she pointed to the scroll. One look and Mihigo yelled out “Don’t do the spell!” but it was too late. “Come forth water elemental!” yelled the student as he completed the summon gestures illustrated in the scroll.

A burst of air seemed to rush from the boy as he released his magic. A column of water rose up from the river and begun to take shape. Soon an eight foot being of water stood before them.

“Seriously, you do know that I can use fire magic right? I’ll just boil that walking bubble.” Amber gave him a mortified look “Don’t you battle maniac. Elementals are living elements turn that thing to steam and it will simply have a wider range of attack. I’ll run ahead to get the master the rest of you simply keep it occupied don’t let it reach the city.” With that Amber set of for the city where Ngororano, Commander Bbale and the Witch Lyna were planning their final test at an inhuman speed.

“You heard her spread out!” yelled Ntende “focus on controlling it.” He said to the older student who gave him a bewildered look “There is nothing about controlling it; just the summon and specifying the enemy.” He said.

Ntende gripped his sword tighter “Okay, every one draw its attention and get it out of the water where it draws its strength.” “Ntende!” yelled Alexandria “Draw it to me I will ground it.” She said as she notched her arrow.

“Enzo, remove its reason for being in the water first then lead it by the nose.” said Mihigo without taking his eyes of the elemental.

Ntende nodded and sheathed his sword then took a deep breath followed by a fighting stance. He then went on to stomp the ground with his right leg forward and an uppercut motion with his right fist. A slab of stone rose up from the river acting like a small dam, seeing this some of the other students begun doing the same and eventually a one meter wide bridge spanned from one bank to the other and cutting off the elementals access to the water.

The others formed spheres of water in front of the elemental which followed them like a dog. “Ok, I am done.” said Mihigo handing Alexandria one of her arrows “Make it count.” He added as she took it. The creature was now attacking the students, waving around its huge arms as if to sweep them away. Alexandria took aim for its center and let loose the arrow.

It travelled straight and true its tip glowing ominously as a glowing text wove itself around the shaft. The mindless creature paid no heed to the projectile as it struck home and sunk into its watery depths. As soon as it did though the arrow burst in a flash of light and in its place vines sprouted and flourished faster than any normal plant would.

In a manner of seconds the creature’s insides seemed to have a skeleton like structure. The moment the vines touched the ground massive roots spread as the vines begun to expand in girth, while the elemental faded. In no time a new tree dotted the landscape while the elemental was no more.

“What was that?” Ntende asked. Mihigo thrust out his chest comically in pride “That was my ingenious idea. As the elemental was made of water in had it consumed by a creature that needed the water.” Ntende looked at him sneeringly, then with an evil grin creeping up on his lips “Is that so? Basically you had plenty of water to spare and simply gave it away. Any monkey could have come up with that idea, well, I suppose since you’re the only one cable of completing such a spell with the amount of magic you can contain…” Then in an audible whisper he added “You magic glutton.”

“Why do I feel like I’ve just been insulted and praised at the same time?” Mihigo moped. Ntende snickered.

By the time Ngororano and Lyna arrived all had calmed down. The older student took responsibility for his actions, not that he could deny it with all the witnesses around. “Well this puts off all our plans.” said Lyna as she stood before the four of them. “We had planned a surprise attack for the test to gauge your reactions, but considering the circumstances all we can do is grade you now.” added Ngororano. Ntende kept tapping his foot on the ground like a hyper rabbit. “Quit that boy, contain yourself.” Lyna chastised as Ngororano sighed; then hesitantly even ruefully said “You are all now minimally qualified to travel the outside world, congratulations on passing our crash course of ‘how to survive in the old world of Elebor.’ ”

In Commander Bbale Denis’s office Mihigo, Ntende, Alexandria and Amber sat waiting “Why are we here again?” asked Ntende. “To meet your teammates of course.” answered Albadeluz

In answer to their perplexed looks Wizard spoke. “You didn’t expect us to send you out there all on your own did you?” “Aren’t you coming with us?” asked Alexandria “We have a few things we must take care of first.” Albadeluz answered. “So who are our teammates?” Mihigo asked.

No sooner had he said so than a door materialized in the wall across from them and out walked Nezza of the Internal Planetary Transport center.


“Master,” Nezza bowed as she acknowledged the presence of Wizard then turned to Albadeluz saying “I am honored to be here.” Albadeluz nodded in response. “Who is that with you?” Alexandria asked.

From behind Nezza a shadowy figure lurked. “She’s beautiful.” Commented Mihigo rather loudly.

The moment he spoke the figure walked out away from Nezza and revealed itself to be a young girl. Ntende leaned over to Mihigo “How did you know it was a girl?” he asked “All females regardless of species are a bit vainer than the rest of us.” Mihigo answered “So whatever response we you would have known the gender of whoever it was, huh, how clever of you.” Ntende reasoned “I expect no less from the most cunning person in asylum.” Mihigo scoffed “If I was the most I wouldn’t

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