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Book online «We're All Stories In The End by Megan Rees (novel24 .TXT) 📖». Author Megan Rees

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attention seemed to be fixed on Ash in general rather than him talking about Atlas, which somehow disturbed her deep down. She had tried hard to be friends with Celeste, but now she was taking advantage of her best friend. And Luna was not pleased at all.

“We could play hide and seek around The Lodge, if you’re really bored,” Leon suggested. “Celeste and I always used to play it on rainy days when we were little. There are so many rooms around here and most of them are empty, so there’s a variety of hiding spots.”

“That sounds horrendously boring. I think I’d rather go and listen to some old man droning on and on about the same thing for the rest of the day.” Ash retorted sourly.

“I think it sounds nice, actually,” Luna assured the Halfblood, taking no notice of her companion. “I’ll count first. Shall we go to 100?”

“Sounds good.” Leon agreed, nodding.



Ash pelted up the stairs, listening to Luna as she started counting out loud. He didn’t like the idea of playing such a childish game when he was nearly 15, but the odds were not in his favour. Besides, he didn’t really want to argue with Luna because he knew well that it would end badly. He had wanted them out of the safe house after breakfast, but Nigel and the others had somehow stopped them from leaving.

He halted outside a door halfway along the corridor and turned the handle, stepping inside. It was empty – a lucky prediction.

This would be really awkward if someone was actually in here.

There was a plain bed next to the window and a wardrobe against one of the white-grey walls, which looked large enough to fit him in there. With a reluctant grumble, Ash turned the key and let himself inside, squeezing himself inside and closing the large oak door behind him.

It was tighter than he had previously estimated, but it would have to do. He didn’t have time to find another hiding spot without being followed or spotted.

Ash was about to cough when he heard the bedroom door open and close suddenly, stunning him into silence. He managed to get rid of the cough before it surfaced, but he was slightly confused. Luna shouldn’t have finished counting now. Who else could possibly be up here? He wondered to himself.

The wardrobe door opened with a start and a hand appeared, grabbing Ash’s shoulder firmly and yanking him out.





Luna had finally finished counting and thought for a moment. She had heard someone go up the stairs and someone go into the kitchen or somewhere near there, but she hadn’t heard where the third person had disappeared to.

She decided to check out the kitchen first, where Bungalow sat on the table grooming his ragged dark grey fur and ignoring the world. Luna just sighed at him, giving the cat a quick stroke on the fluffy head before moving on.

A chair suddenly screeched across the floor, making Bungalow yowl in surprise and leap off the table, fleeing out of the room. Luna pulled back the red and white check tablecloth to reveal Leon sprawled out on the floor beneath the table. He had a lazy grin on his face. “I guess the table wasn’t the best place in the world to hide. It used to be when I was little.”

“Well, you aren’t that little anymore,” Luna teased. “Get up – I’ve still got work to do. Do you know where Ash and Celeste are?”

Leon crawled out and stood up, brushing his jeans. “I heard movement upstairs, but I can’t say whereabouts.”

“Then let’s go and investigate.”

Exiting the kitchen, Luna swiftly made her way up the stairs, careful not to trip up any steps. She could hear something just across the corridor, which gave her the impression that she’d probably found Celeste. Ash was sneaky and quiet – he’d probably be hiding all day before someone would eventually find him.

Leon pointed at the seventeenth door along. “Someone there.” he whispered in Luna’s ear, his breath making the hairs on Luna’s neck stand up suddenly.

Once the two teenagers had reached the door, Luna heard a creak from what sounded like a bed. She placed her ear against the door, fumbling around with the handle before successfully opening it, nearly falling over as she and Leon entered. When Luna regained her balance, she felt all the blood drain from her face.

Celeste was in there. She wasn’t alone though; Ash was with her. But that’s not what had disturbed Luna.

They were kissing.

Chapter 21 - Acknowledging The Truth

Leon noticed Luna stiffen at the revolting sight. Frankly, he couldn’t blame her – the very thought of his childhood friend with his cousin made him want to vomit.


Celeste had her arms flung around Ash’s neck with her hands in his hair, twiddling with it fondly. Ash stood pretty straight as usual, but one of his large hands was resting on her shoulder.


“Have we disturbed something?” Luna asked bitterly, clenching her fists.


Ash drew away from Celeste with a sharp jerking movement and stared at her. His face was pale and his dark green eyes were widened in horror. “Luna, I-I can explain”


“I’ll put it for you; you’re a two-faced lying little cow!” Luna spat furiously. “All that stuff you said was just a bunch of lies to keep me fooled!”


“Just hear me out, okay?” Ash sighed, wiping his brow.


“No! I’m tired of listening to people who are dishonest! I want to start living in an honest world where things like you don’t exist!” his companion interrupted, her eyes blazing as she lifted one hand. Leon quickly realised what she was doing and snapped into action, pushing her aside. “Luna, perhaps it would be best if you cooled down in the kitchen. I’m sure Cassie or someone can keep you entertained while I sort this situation out. Okay?”


“Thank you, Leon. It’s nice to see that some people know where their loyalties lie.” Luna responded icily, shooting an accusing gaze at Ash, who looked blank.


Once she left, Leon closed the door before stalking over to Ash, grabbing the collar of his t-shirt and shoving him against the wall harshly. “How many hearts have you broken in your past?” he yelled at the Pureblood. “You can’t just lie to people like that!”


Ash winced as his back hit the wall, but looked Leon dead in the eye as he spoke. “Ask her. Ask Celeste for the full story.”


Leon turned his head to glare at his friend. “Well?”


“Luna said that she didn’t care about him romantically, so I took a shot. You know what I’m like, Lee.” Celeste replied dully, tossing her hair back.


“No, she stated that she and Ash weren’t an item. She never said that she didn’t love him. From what I just witnessed there, she’s heartbroken, you sick creature.” the Halfblood hissed.


Celeste shrugged. “I didn’t know – don’t pin the blame all on me. I just thought he was cute and wanted to get to know him.”


“Did you mention the amount of boyfriends you’ve had?” Leon retorted. “I think you’ve been out with more boys than I’ve been attacked by one of those mangy cats,” He then paused to take a deep breath and return his gaze back to Ash. “As for you, I’m pretty ashamed that you’d stoop so low.”


“She came at me: I swear on the Phoenix that I didn’t make any attempts to go for her,” Ash responded bluntly. “I tried to get her away, but she overpowered me because I’m wounded at the moment. Check my back and my hand if you don’t believe me.”


“I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now, cousin,” Leon decided, his voice still taking a sharp edge. “However, if I catch you out again, I’ll skin you and feed your remains to the Demons. Understood?”


Ash nodded hastily, so Leon removed his grip and the Pureblood crumbled onto the floor. “Now, you’ve got a big apology to say. You’ll have to do some work if you’re going to make it up to that girl.”




Luna lay down on one of the comfy sofas with a colourful crochet blanket draped over her, her head in Cassie’s lap. The young woman was gently stroking her wavy blonde hair, murmuring an old Pureblood lullaby to herself.


From the top of the TV, Meow was watching the situation while grooming her black and white pelt. Her large blue eyes were blinking uncertainly, but she didn’t seem to have a care in the world. After all, she was just a well-loved cat with nothing to fear apart from Celeste wolfing out or Flint’s drunken rages.


Will suddenly poked his head around the living room door. “Having a little nap, are we?”


“Leave it, Will. The kid’s had a tough day,” Cassie murmured gently. “Speaking of which, have you seen Ash anywhere? I want a little word with him.”


The tall Pureblood shook his head. “I haven’t. I’ll keep an eye out for him.”


Cassie smiled at her husband. “Thank you, Will.”


Once the black-haired man had left the room, Cassie turned her sharp blue gaze back onto Luna. “Did your mother sing you any lullabies when you had trouble sleeping?” she asked.


“She sung the one you’ve been singing. I know it off by heart,” Luna replied with a sniff. “Some carollers sung it the day after the battle where we remembered those who had died. I had to leave because I was too upset, but now when I hear it I think of her all the time.”


“Sing it to me,” Cassie said quietly. “You might fall asleep and forget what has happened today.”


Luna took a deep breath before beginning to sing,


“Hush now, little one,

Why are you so scared?

The moon is calling undesirables,

But you must not be afraid.

Be brave, be strong, be honest my dear,

And you shall never fear again.


Quiet now, little one,

Why are you so lost?

There are many paths in life,

But you must choose the right one.

Be cunning, be thoughtful, be smart my dear,

And you shall never be lost again.


Silence now, little one,

Why are you so sad?

Death is a natural part of life,

But you must not be wary.

Be happy, be cheerful, be bright my dear,

And you shall never be sad again.”


Luna began to shut her eyes once she’d finished, allowing herself to calm and let sleep come creeping up on her like a cat. She could feel Cassie tense angrily about something, but she was far too sleepy to bother listening.




Once Ash knew Luna had fallen asleep, he strode into the room with his hands in his jeans pockets casually, leaning against the door. “She has a nice voice.”


Cassie looked up instantly and turned her blue gaze onto her son. “I expected better of you, Ash.”


He was about to question her before realising that Luna had obviously told his mother about what he’d done. The Pureblood raised his hands above his head. “Look, I swear that none of it was my doing. Celeste followed me and just came at me. I sustained injuries yesterday, so I’m not exactly at my strongest.”


“That disturbs me. However, I’m also quite disappointed that you wait until the kid’s asleep before you attempt to apologise,” Cassie replied sternly, raising an eyebrow. “Where have you been? Why have you

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