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Book online «Mr. Maker by Rayven WoodSong (red scrolls of magic .txt) 📖». Author Rayven WoodSong

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travels downwards and a finger circles me then presses its way inside. He kisses his way back up and claims my lips again, his finger still moving. I moan into his mouth and he adds another finger. He’s winding me up and he knows it.

“Mr. Masters, please.” I beg when his lips move back to my neck. He lets out a growl and suddenly he’s pinning my wrists above me, poised to enter. He presses against me, then freezes. I open my eyes and meet his.

“We can’t...”

“Mr. Masters.”

“You haven’t made your decision yet.” He pulls away completely and sits next to me.

“Now it’s my turn to call you an idiot. Can’t you tell I’ve already chosen?” I sit up so that I can see his face. “Whose side did I run to when the Marcos beat you up? Who did I take care of and bathe after that fight? Who have I spent almost every moment of the last 3 months with?”

“Why? I don’t deserve you. I’m the outcast in my own my home. You saw how mother reacted. I’ve done nothing but hurt you. I even hit you. Why choose me?”

“I’m not sure, Mr. Masters. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent more time with you? Maybe it’s because you’re my Maker. But maybe it’s because I chose you that night in club  and was already falling for you when I met the Marcos. They never had a chance because I had already chosen to stay with you.” I’ve moved during my speech and am now sitting in front of him.

“I’m a terrible creature, Anastasia. I’ve killed countless people. My own kind despises me. I’m a monster.”

“You’re not a monster, Adrian. You’re a Vampyre.” I’ve now climbed into his lap, and I rest my hands on his chest. “And whether you accept it or not, you’re my Vampyre.” His arms wrap around me again. I meet his eyes and am greatly surprised to see tears flooding them.

“Don’t cry, baby. It’s okay.” I caress his cheek again.

He lets out a growl and I’m suddenly being pinned down, my hands above my head. He buries his face in my neck and positions himself at my entrance. His fangs sink into me at the same time he thrusts into me.

I let out a sound that’s between a grunt and a moan. My eyes roll back as he takes me in two different ways. Once of his hands move from my wrist to my ribcage as he keeps me from scooting away from his pounding into me. I’m being wound up again and my moans get louder. He pulls away from my neck and kisses me. His tongue fighting mine for dominance, then sliding over my elongated fangs. When he stops kissing me and tilts his head back, exposing his throat to me, I instantly know what he wants. I sink my teeth and all it takes is a drop of his blood hitting my tongue to send me over the edge. I scream his name in my head as I clamp around him. He lets out one last moan as he reaches his climax right after me.

He’s pulling out to lay next when he’s flung to the other side of the room.

Chapter 21


“WHAT THE FUCK, ADRIAN.” Elizabeth’s voice screeches. I let out an exasperated sigh and collapse backwards. Can I not get a break from this woman?

“What is your problem woman?” Adrian exclaims.

“Do you have any idea what happened to your brother when you went and fucked the harlot? You just claimed his mate. He collapsed and won’t wake up. You just killed the King!”

Adrian snorts. “He’ll recover. Get out.” Adrian stands up and starts to walk back to the bed.

“Don’t tell me what to do! Did you not hear me? YOU’VE KILLED YOUR REMAINING BROTHER.”

“All mates go into a brief coma when rejected. He’ll wake up in a few days. Now get out.”

She turns to me. “Even though you chose Adrian instead of Marco, you’re still his Mate, so you’ll still be queen. But know that no one will be happy about this. No one.” She turns and storms out of the room.

“Why are you so disliked, Adrian?” He pauses in the process of climbing onto the bed next to me.

“You really don’t want to know. I’ve... hurt a lot of people. Of several species. Before I became this emotionless.. shell.. I was full of anger. Lots of anger.”

“You’re still full of anger.”

“No. What you’ve experienced is nothing like the way I used to be. I’ve burned down villages just because I didn’t like the way the buildings were built..”

“So you burned some buildings down, no biggie those can be rebuilt.”

“I made sure every villager, and their livestock, were locked inside when I burned them.”


“You don’t want to know the things I’ve done to get hated. It’ll... alter your image of me.”

“Your past may change the way I see you, but I doubt it’d be in a bad way. Knowing your past will allow me to feel closer to you, my Mate.”

He shakes his head. “No. Drop it, Ana.”

I can tell by his tone he’s being serious. So I let the topic drop, for now.

“So, what does this whole Mate thing entitle? Now that we’ve completed the bond?”

“We’re considered married in the eyes of Supernatural community.”

“Does that mean my last name is ‘Masters’ now?”

He half smiles. “Masters isn’t my real last name. It was an alias for the Humans. And you technically took my name when I Turned you.”

“Then what is my name?”

“Names are slightly different here. You have my name, but also your original, and your Clan’s, since you have Witch blood. Your name is Queen Anastasia Soleria Van Helsing Blut Aias Aischylos Alexios Ambrosios. My full name is Prince Adryano Aias Aischylos Alexios Ambrosios. It means ‘Immortally Shamed Mourning Defending Warrior”. Ambrosios is the Royal Family name.

“Your parents named you ‘immortally shamed, mourning defending warrior?”

“No. I was named Adryano Ambrosios at birth. I’ve earned the others.”

“I liked ‘Masters’ better..”

“You can take that one too. With your Human persona, if you want.”

“Will I have to go back to school?”

“Yes. You may be Immortal now, but you still need an education. We should get dressed. We need to make an appearance at Dinner. Your reputation is still decent, we mustn’t ruin it. And when we get back from Dinner, both yours and Jace’s things will get moved to my chambers.”

“How, ‘unhappy’ will the people be with me?” I ask, deliberately climbing over Adrian to get off of the bed.

“Some will scorn you, but some will understand. Multiple Mates is rare, not unheard of. No one can technically blame you for choosing me over Marco. But some will. Just be prepared for anything.” His hands slide over my hips as I move. I walk towards my closet and open the doors. What should I wear?”

“You’re both in mourning, and newly mated. You can wear virtually anything.”

“What are you going to wear?”

“I always wear black.”

“Then I’ll dress to match. Come, help me pick something.”

Adrian dresses me in a simple black dress. No bloomers, hoops, or anything fancy. There’s a corset, which is making me start to believe he has a thing for them.

Chapter 22


Dinner is mostly a blur. The room went silent when we entered, hand in hand, and was then quickly filled with whispers and murmers. My Vampire hearing allows me to hear what they’re saying. After hearing several “She chose him?” “The poor King, losing both his Mate and Brother,” I tune them out. Adrian and I sit next to three empty chairs. I assume the chairs are where the Marco’s are supposed to sit. On the other side of the empty chairs, sits my in-laws and next to them is Elizabeth. I’m surprised to see her all the way down there, instead of next to Adrian. Lord Lucus and Lady Isabelle barely speak to me, the little words spoken to me are a stiff congratulations. Elizabeth completely ignores us. I understand why, she feels like I stole her man, I’d ignore me too.

After dinner, we, meaning Adrian, Jace and I, retire to Adrian’s quarters, which surprisingly enough is right next to the rooms I previously occupied. Adrian and I attempt to cuddle up on the sofa to watch a movie, Adrian wouldn’t tell me the movie, but Jace’s constant ‘awing’ of our acting like a couple aggravates Adrian so he retires to our bedroom. I stay with Jace, listening to him gossip about all the Vampyres he’s met and how much fun he’s having here. Just as Jace is starting to tell me about some maid he ‘rendezvoused’ with in the kitchen pantry, Adrian comes back into the room to inform us that we’re returning to the Human Realm tomorrow and that we’re leaving early, so we should get to sleep.

Are we sneaking out? I ask Adrian as he’s leading my Guardian and I through the halls of the Palace. I haven’t seen a person since yesterday at dinner. I seriously think we’re sneaking away.


Care to explain why?

Later. I shrug and go along with him. He probably has his reasons.

We make it to the portal before we’re stopped. The guards who are assigned to portal demand to see our paperwork, until they realize who Adrian is. Once they allow us through, it takes a long ride in a plane then a car ride that seems equally as long, to get back to Adrian’s apartment. Clari waiting outside the door and appear to have been for a while.

“Where have you been?!” She exclaims practically tackling Jace.

“I told you I had to attend the funeral.”

Adrian unlocks the door and I follow him, leaving Jace to deal with his girlfriend.

“We’re going to school tomorrow, so prepare yourself.”

“I want to take your name.”  He nods.

“We can go to the courthouse later and get legally married. Have you fed recently?”

“Why did we sneak away from the Palace?”

“Answer the question, Ana.”

“You answer the question, Adrian.”

“People were starting to say things I didn’t like, so we left.”

“That doesn’t explain why we had to sneak.”

“As Mate to the deceased, you’re supposed to have a slightly longer mourning period than the rest of us.A group of people were so offended of you ‘moving on’ so quickly, they planned on ‘teaching you a lesson.’”

“I could have protected myself, Adrian.”

“You’re my mate, I didn’t want to risk it.”

“Are you going to be making these kind of decisions often?”

“Yes. Now, lets go Hunting. We’ll stop by the courthouse afterwards.”

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