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Book online «Most Eligible Wolf by Julie Steimle (the best e book reader txt) 📖». Author Julie Steimle

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was getting hot and excited, he showed her the way from the dining hall to the nearest elevator. There, he impatiently pressed the button.

She stood in his shadow, holding onto his arm, covering him with her intoxicating scent. And when the doors opened, she took his hand and pulled as they stepped on together.

He hastily pushed the button to his floor.

The moment the doors shut, she closed the distance between them kissing him passionately. Oh… he missed that.

Embracing her, receiving her, Rick engaged every kiss and touch she put on him, savoring her taste, as it had been years since they were last together. And though that little shouting voice was still there, clawing inside his skull for him to use logic and add up that he was just being manipulated again so that she could get pregnant once more and the pack could reclaim him as theirs, he was unable to fight his addiction for her. He wanted her badly.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened.

Daisy broke from their kiss to lead them off the elevator so they could continue in the privacy of his room. Panting, Rick obediently guided them down the correct hallway. He could not get there fast enough, though she did not allow them to run.

When they reached the room, his heart thumped against his ribs, demanding he open the door immediately. Fumbling with his key card, he shoved it into the slot. They soon got it open. Going inside, he tossed the card to the side, turning toward her. As the door made the loud click when it slid back into the lock, they resumed their lip lock, engaging each other like they would eat each other. 

Hastily, hands pried off shirts, pants, and shoes. They removed all barriers between them, tossing each article of clothing aside as fast as they could on their way to the bed. Freed from obstruction, they fell together against the soft blankets. Her aroma drew him in stronger than he remembered. That logical tiny voice shouted that she must have done something to increase his ability to smell her. But the voice was drowned out by the thundering in his ears and the feel of her skin against his and the pulsing of his blood throughout all his limbs as he engaged her once more in ardent embrace. He felt like swallowing her up, devouring her so that they were entirely one creature. And just like his memory of her—his dreams repeating over and over that passionate full moon in Alabama, haunting him—she was luscious to the touch and everything his wolf desires craved.

You’ll get her pregnant again, that tiny voice in his head screamed.

Rick leaned up a little for a breath, pausing on that thought.

But Daisy drew him down again, eagerly pulling him into her so that he did not care.

“Rick!” Randon threw open the door, followed by Tom and Matthew who were breathless and shocked. “Dammit! You said that… Oh!... Your eyes! They’re all wolf.”

Mad Insane Passion







Chapter Ten



It couldn’t have been the worst timing. If they had waited just five more minutes he would be done. It was already too late anyway. He belonged to Daisy. She owned him. And he didn’t want to part from her yet.

“He’s totally whipped,” Matt muttered out in horror.

Tom shouted to the air, “Break them up!”

Immediately a whirlwind tore up the room. Unseen hands pulled at Daisy and Rick who clung to each other savagely, refusing to untangle. And they did not let go no matter how much the invisible opposition pulled.

“Oh, for pity’s sake, let her go!” Randon snapped at him, reaching in.

“No!” Rick snarled with sharp teeth. “She’s mine!”

“He is really whipped,” Matt muttered, dragging Randon from him so he would not get hurt. “His mind is entirely screwed up. He’s not thinking straight.”

“Stay out of it!” Daisy growled. Then, with concerted effort, her body twisted into her honey colored wolf form. Rick automatically followed suit, fleshing out into a reddish wolf, not parting from her.

“Holy heavens.” Randon staggered back. “I don’t want to take on Rick while he’s with a she-wolf in heat.”

His two friends stared at him.

“Don’t you see? This way she can hang onto him,” Randon said, cringing.

Tom Brown hopped back. He then rounded on Rick and slapped his wolf face. “Snap out of it!”

Rick-the-wolf yelped, pulling back.

Daisy-the-wolf snapped at Tom as she fell backward with Rick.

But quicker than she was, Tom did a mid-air flip and stood on the ceiling straight over their heads, hands on hips. “That’s it! I don’t like people manipulating my friends! Wolf-boy in his right mind would not act like this!”

Daisy-the-wolf stared up in horror at the upside-down, gravity-defying half-imp while Rick-the-wolf rubbed his smarting snout with his paw. Tom tromped across the ceiling from them to the bathroom and grabbed the shower hose. Yanking it out the door, he performed a perfect somersault to the ground in the doorway while turning the water to cold as he sprayed it out the door at them.

Both wolves yelped.

“Get her away from him!” Tom shouted to the imps which only he could see.

Under the shower of freezing water, in the smell of his own wet hair, and with tiny hands yanking at his tail to separate them, Rick tumbled into human shape to shake those imps off. He jumped up and away from her, pouncing in human form on Tom. Smashing him against the bathroom wall, his teeth bared.

Matt and Randon got out of the way.

“I’m trying to save you, you moron.” Tom’s orange eyes glared back. “Your imps are shouting stupid things for you to do which would ruin your life.”

“I don’t care!” Rick shouted. Then he started to sob. “I want her. I… need her.”

“You don’t need her,” Matt called in to them then joined Tom to hold Rick back. “She’s manipulating you.”

Rick shook his head, pushing off Tom and shoving Matt back. He would have run back to Daisy who was fighting off imps in her wolf form, but Randon blocked him, arms splayed. “No! You told me that you did not want to live that life! Remember?”

“Get out of my way, cat,” Rick growled.

“No,” Randon said, sweating. “You saved me from my sister and my mother, and I am going to save you from that seductress.”

Two parts tore at Rick inside. That tiny screaming voice was amplified by a chorus of other voices of family and friends who wanted him to be happy and free from his addiction, while his desire for Daisy demanded that he go back to her right now and leave with her and the pack.

“Interfering…” Daisy-the-wolf rose up and sprang at Randon.

With a look back, in that split second, Randon shrank into a cat and jumped onto Rick’s shoulders.

Daisy the wolf ran smack into Rick, sending them both staggering back toward the open bathroom. Rick pulled Randon-the-cat off his shoulders and into his arms, drawing him away from Daisy who immediately shed her fur and became a beautiful woman in all her glory again.

“Oh wow,” Matt muttered, staring.

“I can see why he can’t resist,” Tom said.

But Rick stared at her while she swiped at where Randon-the-man had been. He pulled back. “Hey, don’t hurt my cat.”

“Where did that guy go? He was interferin’,” Daisy snapped, her voice sharp yet still enticing.

Randon-the-cat hissed at her from atop Rick’s naked shoulder.

She bared her teeth at it.

Rick pulled Randon-the-cat away from her, staring at her hard. A notion settled in his brain like a granite stone, and it sank into his consciousness until it stood there as a monolith. He said, “He’s my friend. Am I not allowed friends outside the pack?”

Daisy blinked her blue eyes at him, shocked. But then she reached out and touched Rick’s face with her tender fingers. “They won’t let us be together.”

He could feel himself sinking back into that lulling attraction—yet his consciousness had anchored on that granite stone of thought which drew out another question, “Are you saying I have to choose?”

She stared more, surprised. Then closing her eyes, she sighed. “I don’t want to force you. I want it to be your own desire to be with us.”

Rick could feel his will melting again. He was slipping off that stone of logic.

“Liar,” Matt said. He glared at her like he wanted to slap her.

Daisy shot him a dark look. “Not a lie.”

But Rick pulled back from her, looking to Matt who nodded to him. Then Rick took another step back from Daisy, staring at her. “Tell me, Daisy. Why do you want me?”

Blinking at him, so angelic in her beauty, Daisy laughed sweetly and kissed him. “I love you. You are sweet, passionate, good, handsome, and I feel a deep connection with you.”

But Rick side-glanced to Matt who cringed and glared at her, shaking his head.

“Why are you lookin’ to him?” Daisy asked, her voice taking on a sharp edge.

Sighing, Rick gazed at her and said, “I told you, Matthew can read behind your words. He knows what you truly think.”

Daisy paled. Her eyes darted to Matt who leaned away from her with disgust.

“Problem is,” Rick murmured. “I find you irresistible. I am entirely attracted to you as a wolf. But logically… out of all the women I have known, I would never have chosen you for a wife. And I don’t believe in sex just for fun.”

She flustered, instinctively pulling back. On her face, even Rick in his mental state as an addict for her could see that all her plans were falling apart. Daisy leaned up once more to him and gently kissed his lips. “But I do want you.”

“That, I know,” Rick said, nodding. “I feel it every time we touch. But I can’t live like that.”

She stared more. “Why?”

Rick groaned, clenching his hair. “Like I said when I first met you—I have responsibilities.”

She reached out to him, but Randon hissed back. Hissing at him, Daisy then kissed Rick again, whispering, “But isn’t wolf life easier? Don’t you crave to be part of the pack?”

“That’s it!” Tom stormed off to the bathroom again.

Rick groaned, wondering what Tom was about to do next.

“Pack life…” Rick shook his head, “was also intoxicating. But Daisy, if I actually left with you, and we had pups together, what do you think would happen? I would not inherit anything of my family’s fortune. No money. Dad would be forced to…” Rick peeked sharply back to Matt realizing what he had just overheard in his thoughts. “Not a word! I know what you just heard, but… Not now. Ok? We won’t discuss it now.”

Matt stared at Rick then into space. He looked completely floored by the thoughts Rick was holding back—all the details about the Loup Garou, his father, and his half-brothers and sisters.

Randon-the-cat hopped off Rick’s shoulder and pulled into human form, hopping to Matt’s side for the scoop.

Daisy screamed when she saw it. Perhaps she had not realized that Randon had been the cat, but had assumed he had escaped into the bathroom and she had been arguing with a black cat in the room.

“Grow up,” Randon snapped at her then turned to Matt for the info.

Rick followed, shouting to Matt who looked dazed over what he was learning from Rick’s thoughts. “Matthew! Don’t you

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