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Book online «The Blue Moon by Madeline Gottlieb (top 10 ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Madeline Gottlieb

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on a large chair, as if he was a king. “Ah, if it isn’t little Teriha. How are you?”

Glaring, she lifted her head and spit, blood splattering on the floor. “Do not speak to me.”

Renin laughed, his pale green eyes reminding her of Garret. “Well, I would kill you now, but since you are the crystal, I cannot.” Teriha stiffened; he knew that the crystal had been returned to her, which meant he knew Garret was with them. Still, she said nothing.
Stephen rolled his eyes. “How will we use the power of the crystal if it is her?”

Renin laughed and slapped Stephen’s back. “Dear boy, we only need her until we have the time to cut the crystal out of her. It’s not like it just disappears; it’s simply inside her.” Stephen nodded, smiling wickedly. “But, until then, little Teriha here shall be treated as a guest.” He turned his attention to Stephen. “Go have one of the maids pick out the finest dress we have and give it to her.”

Teriha stared at Renin, dumbfounded. “Is there anything you want, Teriha?” He asked, staring at her with those green eyes.

Finding her voice, she nodded. “There is a boy in your dungeon. His name is Zere.” Renin yawned and nodded. “I want you to let him go, unharmed.”

Renin stared at her, his forehead creased as he thought about what she said. After minutes, he smiled. “As you wish. Now, let me show you to your room, yes?”


Stephen stood near the window as Renin paced around the room. Teriha was in her own room, guarded by the best men they had; Renin didn’t want anyone but him touching the crystal or the girl. “What does the crystal do exactly, brother?” Stephen asked, staring at the stars.

“Like I said before, it will allow me to control everyone and darkness shall sweep over the land of Aulinaber and everyone shall bow to me.” Renin replied, giving his brother a half smile. “And, if I learn of another way to get the crystal, you can have the girl.”

Renin’s brother chuckled. “Thanks, she’s beautiful. But of course it would be by force.”

“By force,” Renin repeated, staring out the window. “But we need to work quickly, before the power of the crystal awakens completely.”

Stephen gazed at his brother from the corner of his eye. “How powerful is the crystal? It seems that it can do more than just command people.”
“It has power beyond your knowledge, brother, trust me.” Renin said, walking out of the room. Over his shoulder, he said, “Go release the boy named Zere, but first, bring him to me.”

Bowing, Stephen followed him out and made his way to the dungeons, a smile on his face.


Teriha didn’t know what to do; they were going to kill her and she had no way of getting out. She walked over to the window, looking out over the ledge. The drop wasn’t that far, but she didn’t have anything to use if she got out. Glancing around the room, she smiled as her eyes found the bow and quiver. “Idiots,” she muttered, picking it up.

She set the bow and quiver on the bed after pulling the sheets off and tying them together. Hoping it’d work, she tied on end to the bed post and threw the other out the window. Picking up the bow and quiver, she put them on her back and took a hold of the sheets and slowly climbed out the window.

She walked down the wall of the tower carefully, taking her time. Realizing she was almost on the ground, she let go of the sheet and dropped onto the ground silently. Taking an arrow out of the quiver, she got the bow ready and crept around the corner of the tower, coming up to another door. Hearing voices, she pressed herself against the wall as the door was shoved open and a boy was knocked out of it, falling to his knees. There was laughter as the door shut and Teriha realized it was Zere.

Glancing around, she stepped out and grabbed his arm, not flinching when he tried to lunge at her. “Teriha?” She nodded and helped him to his feet. “How’d you get out?”

“The window,” Teriha smiled, grabbing his hand. “Let’s get out of here before they realize I’m gone.” Nodding, the two took off towards the forest, leaving the tower behind. The two ran for a long time, unsure of where they were or even how long they’d been running. When they finally came to a halt, Zere was breathing heavily.

“Where have you been all this time, Teriha?”

“With the last warrior, Zere, and his protectors.” She smiled. “Cara, Meri, Seyren, and Garret are there too.”

He nodded. “And Christian?” News had traveled to the dungeons that Chris was alive once more, but Christian was wounded.

Teriha sighed. “He is in the forest of Valor, healing.”

“Is that where I’m supposed to be?” A familiar voice sounded from above and feet hit the ground. Teriha’s eyes widened as she recognized Christian. His orange eyes were bright and there was color in his face.

“You’re fine again!” She laughed, throwing her arms around his neck. “What are you doing out here?”

Christian returned the hug and held her at arm’s length. “Before I left the forest, the sprites told me that you needed help and they told me to wait here, in this forest.” He shrugged and turned his attention to Zere. “Well, if it isn’t Zere!” Smiling, he pulled Zere in for a hug and patted his back.

When the two broke apart, Christian looked at both of them. “So, where is everyone else?”

Lessons On War and Love

“So, what do I learn first?” Zach asked, keeping his eyes on Cara the entire time.

After they’d all had a good night’s rest, everyone seemed to be in a better mood, especially Zach. Despite Teriha’s capture last night, it was as if she were still here, but they all knew better than to think that. The only reason they weren’t going now was because Zach wasn’t yet ready. When Zach turned his attention elsewhere, Cara smacked his head. “You must never be unaware of what is happening around you, no matter what.”

Cara’s eyes never left Zach to give a hint of Chris sneaking up on him, his sword out and ready. She watched as Chris swung the sword and knocked Zach’s feet out from under him. Groaning, he got back up, picking his sword up as Chris chuckled. He fell silent under Cara’s glare. “Try again.”

This time, Cara watched as he looked at Chris, but she could tell he could see her from the corner of his eye. She blinked once and Garret stepped up on the other side of him and lunged. Zach turned and blocked the sword with his own, shoving it away. At the same time, Chris swung his sword at him and Zach ducked, kicking his feet out from under him as Cara came at him. Getting back to his feet, he realized Cara didn’t have a sword and he hesitated. In that half second, Cara kicked him in the chest and took him to the ground, pulling out two daggers. “Poisoned, might I add.” She whispered as she knelt over him.

Zach kicked her off him and got back on his feet the same time she did. Smiling, he twirled his sword. Looking at Cara, he spun around Chris and caught him from behind, knocking his sword out of his hand and kicking him to the ground. He turned his attention to Garret and lunged towards him. Before Garret could touch him, Zach ducked and grabbed his legs, flipping Garret over his back. Grinning, he turned to Cara, who smiled and twirled her daggers. Taking a deep breath, Zach moved towards her and his eyes widened as she was no longer in front of him. He dropped his sword as he felt the sharp point of her dagger at his throat.

“You will meet many in battle who move more graceful than I, Zachary. Learn to watch, and you will be one step ahead of them.” Cara breathed heavily and patted him on the shoulder. “But you did well.”

Chris and Garret nodded their agreement and chugged water before walking over to John, who was watching with Meri and Seyren. Zach turned to Cara, his eyes watching Garret’s every move. “How long have they loved each other, Garret and Teriha?” He whispered, dragging his eyes to Cara.

The red headed elf stared at the warrior, her face expressionless. “Since they met, I assume. Garret saw her whenever he had the chance; she was allowed nowhere near the castle after the incident.”


Cara nodded. “It happened in the market place, where she lived. She was out with the man, Charles. They were poor, they had no money. One day, Charles stole an apple, I think it was, and gave it to the children who needed it more than they did. He got caught and Teriha stepped in. She took the punishment, and after that, she was known as a thief and outlaw.

“It’s law; outlaws cannot marry those of royal blood. That’s one of the three reasons she and Garret cannot be together.” Cara said, a sad look crossing her face.

“What are the other two?”

“She’s immortal, as Meri and I are. Teriha would watch Garret grow old and die while she stayed young. The other reason is because she is a High Elf now.”

Zach shifted his feet and wiped the sweat off his face. “What’s being a High Elf have to do with it?”

Cara looked up at Zach and smiled sadly. “High Elves cannot marry.”

When she said that, Zach knew what it meant for Cara and Christian; they could love each other as much as they wanted, but they could never actually be together in other people’s eyes. He groaned and remembered what he’d told her last night about how she and Garret could never be together. He’d never felt more like an ass than now.

“What more do I need to learn about my powers?” He asked.

Cara shrugged. “I’m not sure, I was never allowed near the warriors as they trained.”

“We know someone who can help!” John called, standing up. Cara and Zach watched as he turned to Meri and whispered something. She nodded and ran off, Seyren following. “He was the one who brought us here, his name is Rayl.”

Cara’s ice blue eyes widened at the name. “Rayl lives?” When John nodded, Meri and Seyren returned, a man following them; his eyes glazed and the markings standing out more than ever. Zach eyed the man, recognizing the same markings as the ones he had on his arms and chest.

“Ah, Protector Cara, it is wonderful to see you are well.” The man said, giving Cara a smile when she nodded. The man turned his glazed eyes to Zach. “You must be the last true Warrior of Light.” He bowed his head. “I am Rayl, the last surviving warrior, other than you, of course.”

“But, Renin killed all the warriors…” Zach trailed off, not sure what to make of any of this. “Wait, can you

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