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Book online «The Blue Moon by Madeline Gottlieb (top 10 ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Madeline Gottlieb

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help teach me how to use my powers?”

Rayl laughed. “Of course, boy, after all, you got your sword skills from Darek, all we need to work on is your magic.”

Zach had known that he was able to fight so well because of the warrior he was the reincarnation of. Even though no one had ever said it out loud, they all knew it was true as well. “When can we start?”

“Right now, if you’re ready.” As soon as Zach nodded, Rayl smiled and Cara heard him mutter something even though his lips didn’t move. Within seconds, Zach was thrown backwards and landed on the grass. “You said you were ready.”

Sighing and rubbing his head, Zach returned to his feet. “How am I supposed to stop that from hitting me?”

Rayl closed his eyes and smiled. “Concentrate on nothing but a shield protecting you.” Zach did as he was told and Rayl muttered different words. Cara waited for Zach to fly backwards again, but he didn’t move. She watched as Zach opened his eyes and smiled. “Good, boy, you learn quicker than any warrior I’ve met, much like Darek.”

“Now, I want you to hit me with something. Think of something simple, like fire, perhaps.” Rayl added, straightening up as Zach got ready.

Everyone watched as Zach stared at Rayl and pointed a hand at him, all his thoughts on fire. At once, his hand burst into flame and Zach juggled the fireball in his hand before throwing it at Rayl, who easily blocked it. “Whoa…” Zach whispered, staring at his hands, “how did I do that?”

“My boy, have they told you nothing? Not only are you the last warrior, but also a wizard. Most wizards take centuries to learn, but you are very rare, Zachary. Looks like this war might end quicker than we hope.”


After Zach had finished practicing with Rayl, it was sundown and everyone was at the inn eating. He waited as everyone finished and went back to their rooms and he caught Rayl, taking him outside so they could talk.

“You have questions of love, do you not?” Rayl asked, staring at the sky.

Zach shifted his feet. “I do, but it’s difficult. When I met Eiko, I thought I had loved her, but I know I don’t love her now. And then I met Teriha, and I felt the same way.”

Rayl nodded knowingly. “What you felt with Eiko was dark magic, boy. She was trying to get you vulnerable to use you. She was not on our side long before she finally met you.” He paused. “Teriha is a High Elf and outlaw.” When Zach nodded Rayl frowned. “But two love her and she loves one.” He turned his glazed over eyes to Zach. “And you wish to know who it is she loves?”


Rayl sighed. “Even if I knew, I would not tell you. It is for her to say, not I. But even if she did love you, she could not leave this realm, only Protectors and Warriors can pass through to the other realms.” When Zach opened his mouth to object, Rayl shook his head. “When this war is over, you must return home. Here, in Aulinaber, time is different. Where it is a few days here, it has been weeks where you’re from.”

Zach’s eyes widened. “So I’ve been gone for almost two months…”

The old warrior nodded. “I’m afraid so. But in order to find peace, one must sacrifice more than he wants.” He got up and looked at Zach. “Have you been told of the newest prophecy yet? Cara knows, as does Teriha, but do you?”

When Zach shook his head, Rayl shrugged. “I do not know it either. Ask Cara and help her figure it out.” With that, Zach watched as the man disappeared into the night, leaving him there knowing only one thing: if he didn’t survive this war, all of Aulinaber would lay to ruin.


“So, everyone else is still in Ceruhia?” Christian asked, sitting crossed legged on the soft grass. So far, no guards had come to Teriha, but they’d walked further from the tower anyway, trying to put a lot of distance between themselves and the tower. But nightfall, they’d come across a small backyard near an inn to stay at. Before settling down, they’d gotten a change of clothes. Christian and Zere wore similar things; black shirt, black pants that tucked into their black boots, and had their swords as their side.

Teriha, on the other hand, was wearing green and brown. Her shirt was cut very low at the top and cut right above the belly button and made a triangle around it. Around her neck was a brown collar looking necklace and her sleeves didn’t connect to her shirt, but started right above her elbow and went all the way to her hands. On her right hand, she wore a dark brown glove. Around her green shorts was a brown belt where her sword hung and her green boots had daggers in them. On her back rested her bow and quiver.

Teriha nodded. “I figured it was because Zach doesn’t know how to use his magic yet, and coming here would be suicide.” With a grin, she added, “Cara is fine, she’s missing you though.”

“At least she’s safe.” He whispered, staring at the fire Zere had conjured up. Flames danced in his orange eyes as Teriha knew he wanted this war to end so he could return back home and be with Cara.

The three sat in silence as the flame flickered every now and then. Teriha messed with her braided hair that hung over her shoulder and Zere closed his eyes, drifting off into slumber. Letting out a sigh, Teriha leaned against a tree and closed her eyes as well. Christian sat there, his orange eyes sparkling in the moonlight as they drifted down to his stomach. He lifted the edge of it and stared at the half-healed wound. He’d woken up in the forest of Valor, where the sprites told him that they would be unable to heal the wound completely but gave him the choice to return and help his friends. If he agreed to that, the sprites would use their magic to keep the poison at bay until either the war was over or Christian was killed.

He sat there in silence, wondering what would happen if any of them found out. Pushing the thought out of his head, he sat back and watched the forest carefully as his friends slept.

Teriha woke up near dawn; Christian was still awake. Her silver eyes stared at Zere, who was still asleep and wondered why he had come back to Ahuson after so long. She sighed and looked back over at Christian. “I’ll take watch now; you need some sleep.”

Christian smiled and nodded, laying down on his side and closing his eyes. Teriha stared up at the sky, the stars fading as the sun rose. As Zere started to move, Teriha watched as he looked around carefully, looking suspicious. Teriha closed her eyes and could hear the sound of leaves crunching under Zere’s feet. When the sound was quieter, Teriha opened her eyes and realized Zere was no longer there.

She got to her feet and grabbed her bow and quiver, shaking Christian. “Christian, get up, now.” She hissed. The two stood up and Teriha motioned for him to be quiet and follow her. Christian nodded and grabbed his sword, following her into the woods. The two crept past the trees, Zere in eye site. Zere continued to glance around and he moved quickly. He finally came to a halt in the middle of the woods and waited until another man showed up.

“They’re back behind some inn in the town.” Zere said, not trying to hide the fact he was betraying them. “They’re both asleep, so hurry up.”

The man nodded and Zere watched as he ran the way the three had come. Teriha and Christian ducked down behind bushes and held their breath as the man ran past them. Slowly, Zere followed, a giant smile on his face. When the two were gone, Teriha sat there, staring at Christian as they realized Zere was a traitor.

“We need to go, now, Teriha.” Christian whispered, pulling her to her feet. Making sure it was clear, Christian grabbed her hand and the two ran in the opposite direction of the inn, hoping to make it back to their friends alive.


“They aren’t here!” The man with Zere turned around and glared at him. “Were you followed?” When Zere didn’t answer, the man punched him in the face, watching as he fell to the ground. “You idiot, Renin will not forgive you!”

Zere laughed. “So be it, right about now, I’d rather die than betray my friends again.”

“Your friends? They know you’re a traitor, you idiot, there is no going back to them. Let’s get back to Renin and tell him of your loss.” The man chuckled humorlessly as he shoved Zere back towards the tower where Renin was.

The two walked quietly, but Zere had hundreds of thoughts floating in his head. He never wanted to betray his friends, never. But it was that or his life and Teriha’s; he had saved her, but she’d never know that. He took a deep breath and decided his fate then. With one quick movement, he turned and punched the man in the face and kicked him in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. Realizing he’d forgotten his sword, he jumped on top of the man and continued to punch him.

Just when Zere thought he was winning, the man pulled out a dagger and shoved it into his stomach, twisting it. The man enjoyed the gurgled noise Zere made as he fell onto his side, the dagger still in him. With a laugh, the man got to his feet and watched as Zere tried to fight death. He bowed and jerked the dagger out of Zere’s stomach and went on his way.

Zere laid there, his throat full of blood. He knew he was going to die and he was ready. He opened his dark brown eyes and stared up at the sky, thinking only of Teriha. Find Teriha Vacon of Ceruhia and protect her. Tell her that Zere no longer lives; show her my death

, he whispered in the winds. When the last word was out of his mouth, he took one last shaky breath and went limp.

You Need To Have Faith

“The blue moon is coming,” Cara whispered to Garret, her gaze on the warrior that was practicing his magic against Rayl.

Garret nodded. “It is; Renin is getting ready as well.” Everyone but Zach knew what would happen on the blue moon; no one wanted to be the one to break the news of the prophecy to him, that he would have to kill Teriha in order to bring peace.

The two sat there, watching as Zach threw powerful balls of fire at Rayl, who easily knocked them away with his hand or countered it with water. “Cara, do you ever think that he will just give up?” Garret asked, turning his eyes to the red head.

She shrugged. “I have, but I also have faith in him. He was basically taken from his home and family

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