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Book online «Family of Outcasts by Aaron McLeod (best books under 200 pages .TXT) 📖». Author Aaron McLeod

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on his own if he ever got separated from the Black Hawks and how to live out in the wilderness alone. Ashrik, the leader of the Black Hawks, taught him how to read and write as well as how to fight. Ashrik never spoke of where he came from. Any time Azoth asked him, Ashrik would give him one of the filthy jobs that involved lots of cleaning. Azoth also made a lot of friends as he grew older. There was Grolag, one of the green skinned orcs from the Endless Mountains, home of his clan, Clan Shivervane. Galwyn and his little brother Filverel, the deadly elf duo who’s skill with two blades were unmatched on the battlefield. Finally, there was Agatha, the woman who claimed to be from the north, beyond the Endless Mountains. No one ever believed her of course. To them, there was nothing beyond the Endless Mountains. She was one of the prostitutes who accompanied the Black Hawks. Not only did she watch over Azoth when he was sick, once he was old enough, she taught him how to be a good lover for a woman should there ever be a time. Azoth refrained from going into the details of that.

            When the Black Hawks moved to Halvalen, the elves capital city within their massive forest kingdom, Azoth was given two options; to leave the Black Hawks and continue his current life, or to train as a warrior under the tutelage of the elves. Azoth still believed in his dream to become a great warrior, so he chose to stay with the elves. He hadn’t seen Ashrik or the Black Hawks since then.

            Azoth stayed as the apprentice of General Osron, the head of the elves warrior class and the leader of the elven armies. At this point, the war between the elves and humans had been going on for eight years. The Black Hawks were friends of the elves because of previous dealings they’ve had and because they refused to answer the kings summons for mercenaries. Half-way into his first year with the elves, Azoth abandoned his training and became a soldier on the elves side. He had fought with the Black Hawks before, but was never involved in an open battle or a siege. This was his first actual war. Azoth killed his own countrymen to defend the elves.

            When the war ended, he left Halvalen and the elven forests so he could return to Adradien and make amends with his family. After months of travelling on his own, he finally reached his father’s estate, only to find that it had new owners. Apparently, shortly after Azoth ran away, his father’s estate was attacked by bandits. His mother and father were both killed, but his sister could not be found. So Azoth went out in search of these bandits and hopefully, find his sister. He had finally found them the previous night and tried to sneak inside their camp. Azoth was spotted however and while defending himself, was shot with an arrow. That is when he decided to run. When he thought he had gotten away from them, he started to search for shelter, which later brought him to Greymoor Orphanage.

            “And now we’re here.” He finished. “I am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused all of you. It was not my intention. However, I cannot take any of you with me. You would all slow me down and I can’t keep an eye on ten people at once. There, I’ve told you what you wanted to know. Now let me eat in peace.”

            Arthur kept trying to push those words at the back of his head so he could sleep, but they kept coming back no matter how hard he tried. It had been a lot for him to take in one sitting. It would be even more difficult to accept Azoth’s story. All he wanted to do was sleep.

            Eventually he was able to sleep, but only for a short time. Before the sun had pierced the darkness, he was already awoken by Donan.

            “I’m sorry Arthur, I know you need sleep, but you may not have much time.” Donan said hastily. “Come. Hurry.” Arthur’s weariness quickly dissipated as Donan hurried him to get up. They hurried to the kitchen where Donan was gathering up small bundles of food, mainly of a few small bread loafs and some cheese. He wrapped them up quickly, then grabbed a large bucket and headed for the door.

            “Go and wake the others, Arthur.” He said as he went out the door. Arthur went back to the fireplace and quietly woke everyone else. As he went to each of them, he whispered what Donan had said to him. Soon they were all awake except for Emilia and Rosie. Donan came back to the house with the bucket full of water. He placed it on the table quickly and pulled out a large water skin.

            “What’s going on?” Arthur asked.

            “I fear that the townspeople are searching for you all. If they find you here, they’ll burn my house down and have us all executed. Even my little girl.” Donan said as he undid the water skin and started to fill it with water. “You should all be on your way, deep into the forest. There are enough supplies here to last you at least a week, maybe longer if you’re careful.”

            “Donan you can’t just force us out. Come with us, you’ll be safe.” Arthur began to protest.

            “Enough boy!” Donan yelled. Emilia quickly came out of her bedroom to see what all the commotion was about. “You’ll do as I say and go. I cannot keep you here anymore.” He finished filling up the water skin and sealed it tight. Donan started to tie up all the bundles together as tight as he could so no food would slip out. Arthur was hesitant as he reached for one of the bundles.

            Azoth went up and grabbed one of the bundles and the water skin and headed to the door.

            “He’s right. We can’t stay here. Most likely he’ll have a mob here shortly after sunrise.” He said. “If you want to live, you’ll follow me.”

            “Whatever happened to not taking us with you?” Arthur asked.

            “I’ll take you deep into the forest. That’s it. Now grab your bundles and hurry.”

            Before Arthur could argue further, everyone grabbed a bundle for each of them and headed to the door. Donan passed the last bundle to him and a pouch that jingled as it moved.

            “You’ll probably need to buy some proper clothes and provisions whenever you get the chance. Emilia and I discussed it last night and we want you to have what we’ve saved up. It’s enough to buy you what you need if you don’t waste it. Come on lad, take it.” He put the pouch into Arthur’s hands and started to push him out the door.

            Just as Donan and Arthur walked through the door, the sun was beginning to break upon the horizon. There was still much groaning from the other orphans. They were not used to being awoken at such an early hour. Azoth was already headed deeper into the forest, leaving the others behind.

            “Azoth, wait!” Arthur called out.

            Azoth continued walking. “I didn’t say I’d wait for you. If you want a guide, hurry up!”

            “Donan, are you sure you’ll be okay?” Arthur turned back to Donan as he gripped the pouch of gold tighter.

            “I’m sure. I’m just sorry I couldn’t do more to help you.” Donan replied. The others were beginning to follow Azoth without Arthur.           

            “Why did you help us?”

            Donan sighed heavily and looked down at his feet. He tapped both of them one at a time before looking back at Arthur. “I helped you because Hanalos was my friend and even though none of you were of her blood, you were like family to her. And I look out for my friends family.”

            Arthur could feel tears forming in his eyes, but quickly wiped them away. He grabbed hold of Donan and hugged him tightly. The shorter man hugged back awkwardly.

            “Many thanks.” Arthur said.

            “You’re welcome. Now go boy. You’ve dawdled here enough.” Donan pushed Arthur away. Arthur turned to face the group, who were already becoming difficult to see in the trees. He started to run forward to catch up to them and didn’t look back.


They had been travelling for only a short time, though it already felt like they had been travelling for an entire day. In three hours, they had gone over two leagues. If they had been taking the road, they’d have been able to go farther. However, because of the brush, the slippery hills, rocks and forest debris, they were slowed down. It was also incredibly difficult for Brendwin because of his injuries. Often times they would stop for a few short moments so someone could replace the person carrying him. It was easier with Hannah than before. Her wound still caused her great pain, but so long as they kept it bandaged and cleaned, it didn’t slow her down as much.

            Azoth looked back at all of them and sighed. He placed his pack down and waited for everyone to catch up.

            Once all of them had caught up, he spoke. “Have a little food and rest. Share the water evenly or else we’ll run out too quickly.” Azoth opened the water skin and took a quick swig of the water, then passed it to Ragosh. He then sat down on a rock and started to undo his food bundle. Arthur sat underneath a one of the giant beech trees. The ground was moist from the morning mist, as were all the leaves. Arthur undid his bundle and broke off a small piece of bread. It was very dry and stale and tough to chew. He took a sip of water to help swallow it. After taking another piece of bread, he leaned back against the beech tree and looked up. They had never been this deep into the forest before. Arthur had always seen the forest as dangerous and ugly, based on the tales he was told as a young boy. Now that he was actually sitting inside of the forest itself, the best way he could describe it was pretty.

            Ariana was sitting on a log with Jade. Jordan passed her the water skin. She took a small sip of the water and held it for Jade, who took three large gulps of water.

            “Not so much Jade. We need to save some for everyone.” Ariana said, pulling the water skin back.

            “But I’m thirsty.” Jade whined. “And I’m tired. I don’t want to keep walking.”

            “We have to keep going. If we don’t, the bad men will catch us. Do you want the bad men to catch us, Jade?”


            “Neither do I. We’ll keep going and then we’ll find a place to stay and we’ll be safe.”

            “Are you sure?” Jade looked up at Ariana.

            “I’m very sure.” Ariana hugged Jade gently. Jade hugged back.

            Ariana noticed Azoth was wrapping his curved sword up in a cloth. She let go of Jade and walked over to him. Azoth stopped wrapping up the cloth and looked up at her. He observed her for a moment, and then went back to wrapping the blade.

            “If I may ask, what kind of sword is that?” Ariana asked hesitantly.

            Azoth finished wrapping. “What’s it to you?” He answered rudely.

            Ariana was taken aback for a moment at how Azoth responded but quickly got her thoughts back together. “I’ve only ever seen straight swords, never one with a curved edge such as that.”

            Azoth remained silent.

            “Well are you going to tell me or not?”


            “And why is that?”

            “Because I don’t see why it’s any business of yours.”


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