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Book online «Family of Outcasts by Aaron McLeod (best books under 200 pages .TXT) 📖». Author Aaron McLeod

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a bit of a problem.” He pointed again at Ariana. She looked down and saw blood staining her night gown in between her legs. She also began to notice the cramps she was feeling.

            “You’re lucky. I don’t touch any woman who bleeds on her own. Why does that happen anyways?” Ariana looked back up at Kristoff and growled at him through her gag. “Oh, right. You can’t talk. How stupid of me.” Kristoff began to laugh as he continued to eat the kestrel meat.

            “It’s not just my lucky day. It’s a lucky day for my friends. You see, my friends and I haven’t had a proper woman, or a boy for some of them, in a long time. Most of the ones we have don’t even fight back anymore. You all will be a nice addition.” Kristoff finished heating the kestrel and kicked dirt into the fire he had made. He then walked over all the unconscious bodies and kneeled beside Ariana. He rubbed his finger across her cheek. She pulled her head away from his hand, but Kristoff took hold of her hair and pulled her back and continued to rub his finger on her cheek.

            “So soft.” He said. Ariana could have sworn he was drooling. “And those dark silver eyes. I can’t imagine anything else more tempting.” Ariana closed her eyes tight so he couldn’t see her eyes. He let go of her hair roughly and walked back to gather up his things. Sitting down, he pulled out a small piece of parchment along with a piece of coal and began to write on it. Once he was finished, he rolled the parchment up and then stood up. Holding his right arm out, he whistled loudly and waited. He stood there for a few moments until suddenly a large black hawk perched onto his arm. Its talons went into the thick leather glove that he was wearing but he did not seem to mind. Kristoff opened a little cylinder that was attached to the hawk’s leg and placed the parchment inside, then sealed up the cylinder.

            “Go back.” He said and pushed his arm forwards as the hawk took flight and flew to the west. “They’ll be here soon. I think you’re going to like it with us. Sure most of us are rough around the edges, but eventually you learn to love us, usually in more than one way.” Kristoff burst out laughing. Arthur and the others were beginning to regain consciousness. “Oh, seems like your little friends are starting to wake up. I guess the only thing to do is the pass the time. And show them some of what’s in store.” Kristoff stood up and walked over to Hannah, who was lying down on her belly. Kristoff grabbed her by the hair and began to drag her in front of the others. She woke up completely and began to scream in pain. Her screams woke everyone else, who all quickly began to struggle with their bonds trying to get free. Ariana herself tried again, but to no avail. The bonds were just too tight.

            Kristoff let go of Hannah’s and let her fall down onto her side. He kneeled down and took hold of her face and forced a kiss on her cheek.

            “I hope you like it rough,” Kristoff said as he gripped Hannah’s breast roughly. She cringed and screamed as he pulled on it. “Because I’m going to be merciless with your little cunt.” He pushed turned her over onto her belly and started to lift her night gown off her legs. He stood on his knees and started to undo his belt.

            Suddenly, a small rock hit him across the temple of his head and Kristoff fell down to the ground. Hannah tried to get up from her belly, but kept slipping. She then felt a hand caress her head. Panicked, she flailed herself and turned around, only to see Azoth standing above her.

            “It’s okay Hannah. I won’t hurt you.” He said softly as he rubbed her forehead. She quickly slowed her breathing and calmed down. Azoth turned his attention to Kristoff. Kristoff was redoing his belt and trying to regain his senses. Azoth ran towards him and punched him square in the jaw, causing Kristoff to fall to the ground. Kristoff let out a yell of pain, but quickly got back to his feet. He drew his bolo knife out from its scabbard and pointed it at Azoth, who was just inches away from the tip of the blade.

            “Stay…Where…you are.” He said in between breaths. Azoth stood very still, never breaking eye contact with Kristoff. “Do you know who I am boy? Do you know who my friends are?”

            “No. I don’t. But I don’t need to know. All I know is that I’m going to kill you, no matter how much you beg for mercy. I don’t offer any for a fucking animal like you!” Azoth declared. Kristoff began to laugh. He spat out blood from his bleeding mouth and suddenly lifted his bolo knife to strike Azoth. Azoth stepped back and lifted his falchion up, still in its cloth cover, to deflect the attack. He held it in the reverse grip, which nearly caused the bolo knife to slide off the edge and strike him if he hadn’t held it there with two hands. Taking his chance, Azoth kicked Kristoff in the belly, which caused him to stumble backwards. Azoth took the cloth off the blade of his sword and held it properly in one hand. Just as Kristoff regained his footing, Azoth made an overhead attack which Kristoff was just barely able to deflect. Kristoff tried to punch Azoth with his free hand, but Azoth ducked down, pulled his sword down and slashed Kristoff’s leg. Kristoff began to scream and fell to his knees. He made another wild swing at Azoth, which Azoth easily deflected. Azoth took hold of Kristoff’s sword arm and quickly cut off Kristoff’s hand. Just as Kristoff was about to put his other hand up to beg for mercy, Azoth slashed Kristoff’s throat open.

Blood sprayed from Kristoff’s throat and splattered all over Azoth’s face and clothes. He fell to the ground, choking on his blood and trying to mutter some words. Azoth threw lifted his blade over his head and struck Kristoff across the face. He pulled his blade out and struck again.

“No! Mercy! For! A! Worthless! Fucking! Animal!” Azoth yelled was he hit Kristoff. With each strike, blood continued to paint his entire face red. Soon he stopped, breathing heavily and looked up at the sky, opening and closing his eyes slowly. Suddenly, he looked back and saw the entire group staring at him in horror. Azoth dropped his sword and fell to his knees, running his bloodied hands across his bloodied face. He let out a loud scream in anger. His scream could be heard from great distance, as he could hear all kinds of beards fly away from tree’s that were a few meters away from where he knelt.

Azoth let his hands fall from his face and he down at Kristoff’s mutilated corpse without emotion or expression. He formed his hands into clenched fists and looked out into the forest.

I can’t leave them. Not after this… He thought to himself, trying to repress the tears forming in his eyes. Not after this…

Chapter 9

It was the following evening, and Azoth was wide awake as he watched over the sleeping group. With no fire, they were all huddling together for warmth, but Azoth had stayed away from them so that they would know if someone approached in the night. After Azoth had cut everyone from their bonds the previous day, he took what he felt would be useful from Kristoff. He took a small, half empty water skin, his bolo knife, his hunting bow and arrows and his boots, which Azoth gave to Arthur to wear. The rest he left to rot along with Kristoff’s corpse. They left the camp in haste, as Ariana told Azoth how Kristoff had sent a message via bird and that more were probably on their way.

            And so they pushed forward as quickly as possible throughout the day, trying to get as far away from their camp as they possibly could. They only stopped once and that was for when Azoth went into a nearby stream and cleaned off the blood that had caked his face and his sword. Afterwards, there was no stopping for any of them. Azoth stayed at the back this time and directed them on which direction they should go. He always looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was following them. So far, there were none.

            Azoth was still angry over what Kristoff had tried to do to Hannah. He was angry that he had to stay with all these children. They couldn’t look after themselves in the world and he didn’t want to be their constant babysitter. He wanted to leave them to their fate and just go on his merry way. But then he’d slap himself for thinking that way.

            I can’t abandon them. He kept telling himself. I won’t let such a thing happen to them.

            Azoth wrapped his arms around his legs and shuffled closer to the tree at his back. He felt around his neck to try and find the leather string necklace he was wearing. He’d managed to keep it hidden from the rest of the group. Taking the end of the necklace, Azoth lifted it off his neck and held it in his hand. With little light given from the moon, he couldn’t see its markings. To make up for the lack of vision, he felt around the end of it so he could have a visual of it. It was a small piece of steel that was molded into a wing shape. It was an eagle’s wing in just before flight with a tiny amethyst gemstone on the edge of the topside. Azoth gripped the necklace tightly, taking care not to do anything to damage it. He suddenly heard a loud snap. Acting quickly, he put the necklace back on, tucked it into his shirt and took hold of his sword. He leaned back and pretended to be asleep, listening carefully for any approaching footsteps.

            There was another snap. Azoth gripped his sword tighter.

            “Is anyone out there?” A man yelled out. Azoth loosened his grip, but kept one eye open. The moonlight provided the outline for the person approaching. Azoth couldn’t make out any colors or outstanding features, but he could see that the approaching man was very short. Just as the man passed the tree, Azoth stood up and grabbed him, placing his place up to the man’s throat.

            “Speak. Or see the life drained from your body.” He said quickly. The man let out a started yelp, but quickly quieted himself.

            “I am just a humble innkeeper, lost in the forest on his way back to town.” The man said.

            “And your name?”


            “And how do I know I speak the truth? That you do not have a group of bandits with you to ambush us in our

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