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Book online «Vamp Huntress Hunted by Mariana Mendoza (best thriller books to read txt) 📖». Author Mariana Mendoza

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his offer and he went back to pout in his bed.
When I came back out of the bathroom, I was back to fresh with all my clothes on. I had eyeliner in my pocket which was good because I looked like a mess with my old mascara smeared on my face.
The sire smiled up at me as I walked towards the door.
“ I’ll be waiting for you in my room before morning comes.” He said.
I blew him a kiss and winked at him before my normal expressionless expression came back on my face. I quickly went down to the kitchen and took out my mug and pulled out a bag of AB-Neg. out and began to pour it into my mug.
“ Wow, girl, who’d you fuck with? Because even though we can’t glow anymore, you’re glowing.” Sauda said from behind me.
I turned around to see that she was smiling, in a happier mood.
“ How’d you know?” I asked.
“ While we can’t glow, the air around you is different. You look more wild and I can tell you want to smile so bad right now.” she said.
I aahed and sipped my drink.
“ So, who’s the lucky guy?” she asked.
“ If you’re thinking Kass, then you’re way wrong.” I told her. When I looked up at her from my drink, I could see relief in all of her body. Her muscles relaxed and her eyes weren’t as intense.
“ What do I care if you had sex with Kass or not, Kira? I don’t mind at all.” she said, trying to play it off.
She knew I wasn’t buying it because I put my drink down on the counter and looked at her with my best ‘did you get that bag from the douche bin?’ look. She sighed and caved in, metaphorically speaking.
“ Fine, I like him, a lot. How’d you find out anyways?” she asked me while was sipping my blood. I looked at her as if she was the most dumbest person in the world, which at this point in time, she was. I sipped a but of blood and spit it all out on her face. Everyone looked at us.
Sauda had closed her eyes and after a moment, she opened them and gave me a bored look, almost as good as mine but not good enough. She wiped her face with her hands and looked back to me.
“ Yeah, yeah, I know, karma’s a bitch.” she said even before I could get the words out of my mouth. I gave her a hint of a smile and winked at her. She smiled and grabbed a napkin and began cleaning her face.
“ Friend, you know me so well.” I sighed to her in satisfaction.
She grunted and just left me standing there all by myself so she could go clean herself up. I was about to leave too, to go to the gym that we had outside but Lestat swiftly came up to me and blocked my way from the door. I wanted to throw him up in the sky with my foot up his buttocks.
“ Hello, Kira, how are you this morning?” he began.
I nodded and sipped my bloody good drink before I answered him.
“ Just fine, lord Lestat, just about to head out to train my keepers.” I mumbled.
He nodded and looked around, then looked back to me, looking at me as if he expected something from him. He looked at my mug and I finally understood. Did he want me to serve him something to drink? Did he think I was a slave or something?
“ Lord, are you by any chance thirsty? Do you want something?” I asked him.
He cleared his throat and stood up a bit taller and was more still, puffing up to look supposedly manly and serious.
“ Uh, yes, sure, why not? Do you have any A-Neg. with tea mixed in it?” he asked me.
OF course, he was British. Oh, and yeah, about the ‘manly’ pose…. it… it just wasn’t working for him. He looked like a tall stuck up girl. Was he already infected with snobphoma or was he already born with it? I was curious but I said nothing and just raised my hand. The vampire next to me lowered her head and I told her to get the ‘man’ what he wanted. She gladly did it quickly and efficiently. When he got his drink in his hand, he sipped slowly. I wanted to roll my eyes so bad but I didn’t because he was a guest and he could suggest the International council to have a different representative for the good new US of A.
“ I apologize that sire and I have not been able to tend to you, lord Lestat, but as you can see, our house is trying to find and get The Ghost before she escapes our grasp.” I muttered out.
“ Of course, I understand, no need to worry because your friend, Sauda, has been showing me a little around. If you mind me asking, may I go and see you train your keepers? I’m curious to as how you keep your keepers fit for anything.” he said, intrigued.
I waved off his compliment, trying to pretend as if I was a british girl blushing by such compliments.
“ Oh, lord, it is nothing. I’m sure there must be other keepers that are much better than mine.” I murmured out.
It wasn’t true, though. I’ve trained my keepers very well and everyone knows our house’s keepers were the best since we had won both the national and international keeper games last year. Many keeper leaders in the games always tried to spy on my children, wondering what the secret to my success was. Like I would ever show anyone; I surely wasn’t going to show this man my secrets either, lord or no lord.
“ Oh, stop it, miss Kira, but yes I want to see how you train them.” he said, more eager this time.
I gave him a slight nod and walked to the back door of the house, he following me. My keepers must have sensed me because they lined up quickly in one big row. I had two hundred ten vampire keepers under me, while the other hundred and ninety had other different types of jobs. Only one hundred five vampires came this early in the morning night, the others would come at the end of the night because they were busy securing the border and watching over the house.
Kass quickly came to me and lowered his head a little. He gland at Lestat and said nothing, his face expressionless, almost as good as mine.
“ Kass” I said bluntly.
“ Keeper leader, they have finished their laps.” he said.
“ Impossible, they all look perfectly fine, not even bending down slightly.” I said.
I looked at my hundred and five keepers but they were all too busy staring (or glaring) at the lord. Their faces showed nothing, just like I had taught them.
“ Well, I had to stop them at some point so that they wouldn’t get tired for the training.” Kass remarked.
“ Fine,” I said and walked back and forward so that I could get all of my keeper’s attention and not have them looking at the stranger.
“ Okay, remind me, what did we do last week?” I asked.
“ Strength” they all muttered out. I nodded and some of my keepers’ faces went up.
“ Okay, which means today we’ll do agility and next week we’ll do some more of emotional and mental control. Ready?” I said in a low voice.
They all nodded and stood up straighter. All of my vampy children sniped or snickered just as I said those words because they knew what would happen next. One way a kept others in the dark was that I used gibberish talk to tell them what they should do so that only we could understand each other. Lord Lestat wouldn’t know what hit him.
“ Okay, today we’ll be peeling the turkey, mashing the pies and you have to use the knife in all of your battles. I’ll be accepting challenges today so if you think you’re ready to beat me, go ahead and try.” I said and they all quickly got a partner and began to fight. I watched over them as they all used vampire speed. I walked around and straightened some people out while I punished others by making them run a thousand laps in five minutes.
“ You know they call her the snow queen?” I heard Kass tell Lestat. My ears perked up and Kass talked a little louder, trying to catch my attention. I stopped walking and just stood there, watching my kids fight and get bloody.
“ Why?” Lestat asked.
“ When Kira fights, she lets her hair down. Now, most people think that stupid because they can grab it but in reality she’s going way too fast that its impossible to catch it and while your eyes can only see her cold, white hair, she’s kicking you ass. Her graceful movements and her fighting technique makes it both effective and look as if its snowing.” Kass explained.
Right, if I was graceful then I would be queen Cleopatra.
“ Would you like a little taste of her fights?” he asked.
“ I would love to, thank you, Kass.” Lestat said.
I cringed, knowing where this was going. I heard Kass whistle, making everyone stop fighting. They all looked to him, wondering why he had stopped their battles.
“ Since lord Lestat is a guest, I have offered to show him a demonstration of keeper leader’s way of fight, how about we all watch so that we can learn something from her.” he yelled out. Every one of my keepers cheered out loud and began to circle around me. I crossed my arms, not liking of what was going to happen next.
“ Keeper leader Kira, would you please spoil us and show the lord some of your fighting?” he asked me.
I had no other option but to accept. I didn’t want the sire to lose his position just because I didn’t want to show the births muffin eating lord how I fight. I nodded and just let Kass do the rest of the work.
“ Okay, how about let us challenge our dear leader to a fight of one against ten.” Kass said. I wanted to frown and slap him until new brain cells grew in his head. He knew that seven was something that I had been practicing but I hadn’t mastered it yet. Did this loser really want to humiliate me in front of the lord? Right, like I would let him.
“ And even more challenging so that Kira won’t feel bad about hurting her opponents, how about we get our ten strongest students in the front.” he said.
He walked into the space that my students had made for me. Oh, so he was gonna fight me too? Fine by me. I gave him a hint of a mischievous grin. He gulped quickly but looked around to get the top ten vampies up in the front.
My ten students stepped forward. They were all in pairs of twos. I had a pair who were the fastest, another pair that was the strongest, another pair that could tell where a next hit would land, another pair that could copy me almost
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