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Book online «Vampires And Witches by Kayla Trautman (top 5 ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Kayla Trautman

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heavier. I sighed and let my hands drop from his face to his chest. “It’s all clean . . . are you okay, Keith?” David asked warily. I looked up at him and saw that he was watching me with tears in his eyes. “I’ll be fine.” He whispered. I reached up and touched his face wiping his tears away. He touched my hand holding it to his face. David sighed, “I’ll go tell the others that they can come in now.” Then he left.

I said, “I’m sorry.” He frowned and I knew exactly what he thought I was apologizing for. I said, “For not being able to promise you.” He relaxed a bit and pulled me against him. I layed there with my head buried in his neck and my arms wrapped around his neck. It hurt a little because my shoulder wasn’t fully healed but I just ignored it. And as long as I didn’t move it, the pain would be gone. “Doesn’t your shoulder hurt? It’s not completely healed.” Keith asked.

I sighed, “A little. But I can handle it. I don’t wanna move right now. I just wanna be right here with you. Promise me that we’ll be together. Forever.” He tensed, “As long as you live I’ll be right here.” He must have known where I was going with this. I said, “No. Longer. Forever. I wanna become one of you.” He turned and kissed my cheek, “No. I promise that we’ll be together as long as you live. But . . . I won’t . . . I won’t let you destroy your life.”

Someone touched my back. I sat up and looked. It was Hilary. She was sitting next to me, “David told me what the boy said. Are you okay?” I nodded, “Yeah. I’m fine now.” Diana sat down on the other couch with David. I layed back down on Keith and whispered against his neck, “Please?” “No.” He said coldly. I sighed, “Why not?”

“What are you asking for?” Hilary asked. I said, “To be a vampire.” Hilary sighed, “That’s not something you really want. That’s nothing that anyone should have to go through.” I nodded, “That’s what I want. I want to be with Keith forever. One lifetime just doesn’t seem to be enough. And it wouldn’t go against anyone here because my mother already gave you permission to. So he’d still have a place up there . . . if another witch were to get past me. But if he wouldn’t have a place up there if he were to change me I would just go to William. He’s already heading to hell.” Keith got up and placed me on the couch. Then he stormed out of the house.

I looked at the door after him and sighed, “He doesn’t want me to become a vampire.” David said, “No. And with what you just said he thinks that there’s not gonna be a way out of it. Either one of us does it or you’ll go to William.” I shook my head, “It’s my choice.” I got up and left.

Keith was sitting on the step with his forehead in his hands, “Why would you go to ‘him’ to turn you?” I said, “Because I wanna be with you forever. And if you won’t change me . . . he’s the only other vampire I know who’s willing to do so. And then when I was a vampire . . .” “I’m not talking about because he’s the one who killed our baby! I’m talking about why would you go against my wishes for you to become a vampire?!” He interrupted yelling at me.

I stepped down off of the porch and stood in front of him, “Because it’s my choice. I want to be with you forever.” “What happened to what you said before? About you not wanting to become a vampire?” He looked up and yelled at me. I replied, “I wasn’t in love with you then. I am now. And I’ve changed my mind. I love you and I want to be with you forever.” He yelled, “I don’t want you to be!”

It was like he just slapped me. He didn’t want me? I backed up breathing heavily. I turned around and started walking down the drive. Keith gasped and ran up to me, “Ariel . . .” He grabbed my wrist and turned me around to him, “I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant.” I asked, “You don’t want me? That’s why you don’t want me to become a vampire because you don’t want me?” He shook his head, “No. It came out wrong. I want you. I want you forever. But I can’t be selfish and destroy your life just because I don’t wanna lose you.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, “Please. Keith. Change me. I want to be with you. Forever. That’s the way I want my life to be. Just you and me.” He sighed, “Let me think about it. Okay?” I nodded, “Alright. I love you.” “I love you too.” He bent down and kissed me.

Chapter 14: Try Again

Later on that night Keith decided to take me back to the house. The house that we were going to move into. He had carried our dressers here earlier. I went to sit down on the couch but he grabbed my hand, “Lets go upstairs this time.” I nodded and followed him upstairs. The bedroom had a bed canopy and the sheer purple curtains hung loose covering the bed. Our dressers were against the wall on the other side of the room. I said, “I’m gonna go get changed into a night gown.” I went over to the dresser and pulled out a satin red night gown. It just covered my butt. It had only straps. No sleeves. I got changed and when I turned around Keith was already in bed. He was covered by the blanket up to his waist. His clothes were on a pile on the floor. He was smiling at me. He held his hand out, “Come here.”

I went over and climbed on the bed. I layed beside him and layed my arm around his waist, “I love you.” He rolled me over on my back and climbed on top of me, “I love you too.” He leaned down and kissed me. He ran his hand down from my cheek to my neck. To my shoulder. To my breast. I pulled back, “Keith. Stop.” He pulled back and looked at me, “What? What is it?” I shook my head, “I want to do this with you. But I don’t want to have another baby.” “Why not? I know it’s not going to replace him. Nothing can. But why not try again?” I sighed, “Because I’m scared. I don’t want to lose this one too.” He smiled, “I’m scared too. But we have to move on.” I nodded, “If you’re sure. I’ll do it.” He smiled and kissed me as he started to undress me.


When I woke up I was sore. Ugh. That wasn’t a good sign. I opened my eyes and realized that I was alone in bed. I went to get up but my arm hurt when I put even a little bit of pressure on it. I looked at it. It had bruises on it and I couldn’t move it. When I touched it, it hurt like hell. I said, “Keith.” He wasn’t in the room. He would’ve heard me if he was in the house. I yelled, “Keith!” I got up without using that arm. It still hurt but I wrapped a sheet around me and made my way out of the room, “Keith!”

I still didn’t get an answer. Nothing. I went downstairs and went into the kitchen, “Keith!” He wasn’t here. At all. I went back into the living room and sat on the couch. I picked the cell phone up off of the coffee table. I called the house.

“Hello?” It was David. I was already crying from the pain. I said, “David. Where’s Keith?” He said, “He called me. He said that he was going hunting. He said he was upset because he hurt you again and he didn’t want to take his anger out on you. What’s wrong?” “I guess he didn’t bother to check me for anything more than just bruises. I don’t know. But my arm hurts and I can’t move it.” I replied. David said, “Alright. I’ll be right over. Just give me five minutes.” “Bye.” I hung up and just dropped the phone.

I layed my head back against the couch and just sat there without moving. I couldn’t stop myself from crying. It just hurt too much. I didn’t scream or make any noise but I cried. I didn’t move my arm at all. I didn’t touch it. I just sat there completely still.

David ran in and sat on the couch gently beside me on my left, “Which arm is it?” I said, “My left.” He started examining it and when he did I winced and grinded my teeth together to keep quiet. He sighed, “It’s broken. Damn it. I can’t believe that he let his feelings get in the way of making sure you were okay.” I said, “I’m not mad at him for this. But I can’t say the same for him just leaving like that.” I layed my head back and closed my eyes as he went to work on putting my arm in a cast.

David carried me back to the house and sat me down on the couch. “Do you want anything? Something to drink?” David asked. I nodded, “A glass of juice please?” He nodded and went into the kitchen. Hilary came down the stairs and she sat next to me, “How are you feeling?” I shrugged, “Sore. I’ll be fine.” She sighed, “I’m sorry he didn’t bring you here.” I shook my head, “No. Don’t apologize for him. He’s gonna have to do that himself when he gets here. He should’ve checked me instead of letting his feelings get in the way.” She put her arm around me, “It’s only because he was upset that he hurt you again.” “That still doesn’t explain why he left without making sure that it wasn’t anything more than just bruises.” I said. David came in and handed me a glass of juice, “Here you go.” “Thank you.” I took a sip.

About an hour later the door opened and Keith came in. He came over to me and frowned when he saw my arm, “Your arm . . .” “It’s broken. But you wouldn’t know that, would you?” I interrupted. He said, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t . . . I tried not to hold you so tightly.” I got up and went over to him, “You think I’m mad because you broke my arm? No! Haven’t you learned anything about me? I’m not mad about that! I’m mad because you just left without saying anything to me! You didn’t even bother to check me! To see if I was okay! You just assumed by what you saw that it was only bruises!”

Keith touched my face, “I’m sorry. I was upset and I didn’t . . . I wasn’t thinking.” I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me. I said, “Well next time just don’t get upset. I told you that I wouldn’t get upset if I got hurt when you loved me.” He kissed my head, “Do you forgive me?” I nodded, “Yes.”

I smelled something. It was different then food. And
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