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Vampires and Witches


My name is Ariel. Ariel Snyder. I have long blond hair and my lips are as red as a rose. I’m not like every other teenage girl you’ll meet. For one thing, I don’t date. I’m not a lesbian or bisexual or anything. I just like to keep to myself. I don’t like drawing attention to myself. I’m a senior at Radford high in New Jersey. I don’t wear skirts and dress up or anything. My usual wardrobe is a pair of gray sweat pants and a plain t-shirt. And I don’t wear heels or flats. I wear sneakers. I’m athletic. But not in cheerleading; if that even counts as a sport. I run. I’m a member of the track team. But the most unusual thing about me that you won’t find in other teenage girls is I’m a witch. Sort of. I don’t know what I’m called. I can’t do spells or anything. I just have special powers. I can sense when danger is near. Like if an accident or someone who is out to hurt me is near me. I sense it. And I can levitate in the air. I was able to go about ten feet up in the air before I had to come back down. Not because I couldn’t go any higher, but because I got scared. And I can move things with my mind. I can’t move people. Just objects. And I can see the future. Other than that I’m like any other human. I’m only as strong as I work out. I can’t run faster than the average human. Only as fast as I push myself. I eat normally and sleep normally.

When I was five I got my powers. When I was ten I lost my mother. The only one who knows about our powers. She was just like me. One day her powers weren’t working as good and she didn’t see that she would have a heart attack. I guess our powers don’t work when we’re sick or going to die from natural causes. Before she died she made me promise her that I wouldn’t tell no one about my powers. Not even dad. My mom told me that we were the only ones in this world with powers of any kind. Everyone else was a normal human. Ever since my mom died my dad has been in his own little world. He ignores me and I have to do everything on my own. He still goes to work and brings home the money we need to pay the bills and everything else. But it seems when he’s not at work or paying the bills or buying necessities we need, I have to take care of him. He took mom’s death hard. Too hard. It’s hurting him a lot inside. It’s hurting me too. It’s almost killing me but I have to hold on for dad’s sake. So I don’t let my anger and depression get outside of me. It stays on the inside. That’s probably why I always try to keep to myself. And why I run. I run away from the pain when I run. It frees me. It lets me keep the anger inside of me.

Chapter 1: Other Powerful beings

“Ariel! Can you get me a glass of soda before you leave?” My dad called out to me from the living room couch. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cabinet and put it on the counter. Then I got the 2-liter Coke bottle from the fridge. I filled the glass up and put the bottle away. I took the glass and handed it to my dad, “Here you go. I’ll be coming home late today after school. I have practice.” My dad nodded, “Thank you.” I grabbed my book bag and the keys to my truck and left. I got in the truck and drove off to school.

“Hey girl. What’s up?” Melissa said grinning as she ran to my car. I smiled back, “Nothing but cloudy skies.” Melissa grabbed my shoulders, “The most amazing thing happened to me yesterday after school!” I chuckled, “What happened?” She bit her bottom lip, “Well . . . Gregory loves me. He told me. And he showed me.” I sucked my teeth, “No! Melissa! Tell me you didn’t sleep with him the moment he told you he loves you.” Melissa nodded, “Yes! And it was better than anything I’ve ever felt. Of course it hurt at first but it was good! It’s way better than any roller coaster.” I rolled my eyes, “Melissa. Come on. He’s gonna hurt you and then I’m gonna have to hurt him.” We walked into class and sat in our seats. She talked my ear off about how good it was. And she gave me the nasty details. I smacked her arm when she first started telling me but then I just let her go on and I ignored her.

At lunch I was walking in line to get lunch when I saw a vision of the future. I just went into a deep stare and I froze where I was to everyone else. I saw a man with long black hair and muscles standing in front of me. He was staring at me with a deep grin. And when he bared his teeth I saw that they were extended farther then normal. And they were sharp. I looked frightened. That’s when the vision ended.

“Ariel. What’s wrong?” Melissa asked. She was standing in front of me. I frowned, “What? I’m sorry. I was . . . daydreaming or something. What were you saying?” She replied, “I was calling you. And you dropped your books. Are you okay?” I looked down and I saw my books on the floor. I picked them up and nodded, “Yeah. I blacked out for a moment.” I walked with her to the table that we always sat at.

I forgot about getting lunch. I couldn’t eat after seeing that. I have no idea what that was. Some pervert trying to scare me with his fake teeth. I didn’t even know the guy. I looked around the lunch room to see if it was someone who went to this school. But the guy didn’t look to be in high school. He wasn’t in the lunch room. The rest of the day I was more aware of the people around me. Until I was at practice. I couldn’t be aware of anything. That was the time I had to be free of my pain.

I got changed into my red short shorts and my white t-shirt. Then I went into the school yard. They had a track there. I stretched and then prepared to run. I took a few deep breaths and counted off to three. Then I ran. The wind was blowing in my face. My hair blew back. It felt great. Nothing could stop me now. I was free and strong. Life is too depressing and hurtful. And it would chase me and catch me. But not now. Now it was chasing me and I was winning. Finally I would outrun life. It would catch me later but . . . I didn’t care at the moment.

It was 5:30 when I was done. I put my book bag in the back of my truck and got in. I drove to the corner store. I needed a drink. I bought a bottle of water and headed back out to my car. But when I was about to get in I heard a little kid yell, “Help me! I don’t know where I am!” I put my water in the truck’s passenger seat and ran around the corner into an alley, “What’s your name?” I didn’t see anyone. But there was a shadow of a little kid between a box and a dumpster. The kid was crying, “I don’t know where my mommy is.” “Shh. Don’t worry. I’ll . . .” There was no one there when I looked.

“Humans are so dumb.” A man said from behind me. I turned around and that guy with long black hair and muscles from my vision was standing against the wall staring at me. I asked, “Who are you? And what do you want?” He answered, “Name’s William. William Shades. And I want you. You look mighty tasty.” I frowned, “What?” William was in front of me in a flash, “I’m hungry. And your blood smells mouthwatering. I’m a vampire.” What? “That’s not possible.” There couldn’t be any other magical beings in the world. He grabbed my shoulders and showed his teeth. His teeth got pointier. I gasped. He said, “Well it is possible.” He bent his head and he was about to bite me. But another man’s voice growled from behind him, “William! Stop!”

William stopped and turned around with me. He had his hand around my throat and he pressed me into his chest. I was having a hard time breathing. The guy had short blond hair; but it wasn’t too short; he would have to move it out of his face once in a while. William laughed, “Keith. So nice of you to join us. But I’m sorry. I don’t share.” Will said to me, “Ariel. This is Keith. He’s a vampire as well. But he’s too weak to feed on humans. He feeds on animals.” I brought my hands up to his hand that was around my neck and tried to loosen his hand up a bit.

Keith yelled, “Let her go! You’re hurting her! She can’t breathe!” He was right. I couldn’t breathe anymore. Now it was either he let go or I would find out how long I could hold my breath. Keith took a few steps forward and William threw me to the wall. I hit the wall and then hit the ground. I touched my throat and caught my breath.

I looked up at them and the first thing I saw out of them fighting was William throwing Keith back. Then he turned to me. He started heading in my direction. I had to do something quick. Sorry mom. With a wave of my hand the dumpster went flying into him. He got crushed between the wall and the dumpster. But he got right back up. He smiled at me, “Well, well, well. What do we have here? She’s a human with powers. Keith. I’ll let you figure this out and then I’ll be back for her later.” Then William ran and left.

Keith came over to me and held his hands out for me to take. I took them and stood up, “Thanks for saving my life.” He nodded, “Your welcome. Are you okay?” I answered, “Yeah. Neck’s a little sore but I’ll be fine.” He asked, “How did you do that?” I started to panic, “Um . . . I gotta go.” I went to walk around him but he grabbed my arms and slammed into the wall. I yelled, “Ow! Stop! That hurt! I’m still human you know!” He shook his head, “No! I don’t know! Sorry but I need to know! How did you do that?”
I replied, “I didn’t do anything! You’re just imagining things! Let me go! You have no right keeping me here!” He shook his head, “No! Not until you tell me what you are and how you did that!”

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