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Book online «the first by jessica kibble (best books to read fiction TXT) 📖». Author jessica kibble

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was home I was fucked, dad would lock me in my room and I would only be aloud out for pack hunts if I was lucky but that was so I could do his work and he would get the feed.


As I left my dorm a 6am the next morning with my bag, the rest of the girls in my dorm where asleep. After I had creeped out I walked to the duty room and sat out there,whating for Beta Sam to come and get me, when he got here he did not sound please at all.


"Go get in the car now, I will be there soon," he said


I walked to the car know that he would be here soon and once we where of school property he would go off, no dout he would hit me but that would only be because dad would have told him to but nether less it was still painful having a person who lived in the same house willing hit you just because he was told to. I tosed my bag in the back then headed around to the passager seat and got in, I put on my seat belt and sat wating for him to come back. when he got to the car he went strate to the drivers seat, and started the long trip back.


"Give me your phone's" was the first thing he said when we got of school ground. reluckently I reached into my pocket and handed the two phones over.


"Here," I said


"What the hell where you doing Ava, it was a week, a fucking week what the hell was going through that stubben brain of your, ha what," he yelled


" I had to save my pack," I wispered back


" Your what, your pack is 10 hours way, and not only that you are young and female, how many times do we have to go through this, your place is at home not out there protecting people or pack, god help me you are so lucky your father will only let me hit you 4 time, or other wise I don't know what I will do," he said still yelling


And that's when I snaped, I was over that name calling, being told I could not do things because I was a girl and most importantly not having anywhere to go, getting told I was not a werewolf because my mother was human and not being able to hang out with people because my father was a werewolf.


"STOP THE CAR, I am over all the bull crap, and not my pack they felt more like faimaly then any of you people ever have, I am over my father and I am over being told what to do, so let me out of this car and I am going lone," I yelled know that there was no way back, not only had I renoce the pack but saying I would rather go lone, that was the biggest insalt I could do.


After that I felt the car stop, I went to open my door but it was locked, It was dark out so no one could see us but I knew what was about to happen. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as his fist hit it, it happen again, and again. Then felt a punch hit my face, it was harder than any others had been in my life, then every thing started to go dark but the last thing I heard was his voice saying


"That will teach you, you stuiped girl"


And with that I was out cold

back home

 The  first thing I noticed was the car was still off when I came to, I knew I had to open my eyes but I felt a sharp pain as someone toched my face, I kept my eyes closed in pain but then I heared his voice,


"Wait it go beta, hopefully it will teach the little bitch some manners," my father said as he pocked it again


"Well I did not mean to hit her that hard but when she started bad mouthing the pack and you I lost it," beta said


And at that monemt I felt the anger rise in me again and I snaped at my father.


"You want people to hurt me, you fucking coward hit me you self if you are so high and mighty, I would think you would jump over the moon once you heaird I rencounced the pack but no like always you just get one of your drowns to give me a shiner," I snaped my wolf boiling under the sufface.


" Ava, Ava, Ava, how lovly it is to see you again, but tell me this why would I get rid of my bargaining chip," my father said with a grin


" I am not just an object you can trade me for, you basted," I fought back


"Yes you are, and if I am not mistake I am not the basted here you are," he growled


"I might be a basted but lest that mean I am not a fully member of this pack I would rather die then that,"


"Good because this time next year you will be gone of my tertory for ever, I am trading you for the youngest son of the wattle pack, they need a mate for there oldest son and a place for there youngest and they where over the moon when I told them my idear, now go to you room you are boring me now,"


I would have loved to fight my father but he used his comanding skills on me (this is where and Alpha can make some in there pack bend to there will) so up to my room I went.


I looked around my room, rembering all the thing that had happened in here. There where holes in the walls from where I had been pushed into then or my father had punched them when he lost his temper, the old carpet had blood stains from the vares blood nosie and cuts over the years, and the old bed I have had sence I was 5 and it was now starting to break.


I could not get over the fact I was going to be trade like some pet, or old piece of funture. I knew my father was an asshole but to trade me, that was low even for him.


Two weeks past slowly, only geting food when people remembered that I was up here and only being let out once to serve drinks at my fathers party,( witch as you can guess ended with some new brussies).

the new wolf

 After surviving two weeks at home and finding out my fathers plan. I knew I had to find out about that Alpha, where he came from, why he was here and most importantly would he help me?


When I got back to school on sunday night, I was quicky tosed out of the car and left to get to my dorm on my own. When I walked into my dorm I tossed my bag on my bed and grabed my towel and shower stuff from my bag and headed to the bathroom. It would be about 20min's before the girls in my building would be back up. I defently had to finsh my shower before the girls came back and get my clothes to the wash, I knew I smelt my father would not let me into the bathroom for a shower for the whole time I was home because


He said " Why would I waste water on a stuiped piece of shit like you."


After I was done in the shower and finshed with all my other stuff the girls where starting to get up dorms but before I could talk to any of the I walked to bed and the moment my head hit the pillow I was out.


"Beep,beep,beep" was the sound I woke up to at 6 in the moring, after turning of my alarm I quickly changing into my losse clothes I left the dorm, not even bothering about geting shoes on. I started to run the moment I was out of the dorm, running on to the school road and taking the path that only knew about and headed in to the scrub. Once I was far enough in I started to change into my wolf form.


After my change was complet I was a black wolf, with a amber patch on my back where my birth mark was. I started to run know I could only stay like this for half an hour and thats when I saw him, a magnificent tan wolf only a few yards infrount of me, it was to late to run he had smelt me and was coming this way.


"Who are you" there was a snap in his voice


" I could ask you the same thing, I know you are not ment to be here I am the only wolf ment at this school" I snaped back


"Wait I know you, you are that girl who got sent home for fighting my friend," he growled now defintly anoed


"So what, you can't do anything, if you kill me you will be found and the Alpha of this pack is not kind to lone wolfs on his land"


After I was finshed specking he ran off, but I knew that this would not be the last I saw of him, just because he could not hurt me as a wolf did not mean he could not get me as a human.


I ran back to the road only stoping at the end of the scrub to change back, I sprinted back down the road and to my dorm. Once I was inside my dorm I was met with the everyday caos of the school day, girls doing there make-up to inpress the boy and worring about homework due to day that they had forgot all about. I quickly packing my bag and get shoes on, I ran to the dinning room because I was already late witch is not what I need on my first day back.


I walked into the dinning room and got my named marked off.


"Ava, your late and you are not even dressed in you school uniform," said Miss Vandermeise 


"Sorry Miss I went for a run and lose track of time," I said apoligetily


" Well I don't care you have missed breakfast, if you ask nicely the dining room ladys might give you some breed but don't hold it to me, and don't be late again or you will be on detention." miss said


I walked to the end of the dinning room and grabed so bread from one of the ladys and heared back to my dorm, by the time I got up there I had finshed my breakfast and was about to get changed when my only friend ran in.


"Ava, thank god you are back I missed you so much," stella yelled, "you have made such an influance, everybody was talking about it and lets just say that you in the boys "get revenge" books, so you might just want to watch your back."


"Well it's nice to see you to, thax for that vote of confidence but I don't think any of them will try anything after I droped Lucas,"


"How are you not scared, all the

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