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Book online «the first by jessica kibble (best books to read fiction TXT) 📖». Author jessica kibble

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me more than before and now..."


"hey, it's ok, who cares what they think, i know that was wierd but you will get use to it ok,"


"no i won't i am not sitting there again,sorry," i said as i started to cry and with that i ran back up dorms, hearing him call after me.

the school day

when i got up dorms i shoved my school books in my bag and ran back out, i had to get out of hear. i knew once i was in the school area he would have to leave me be if i asked him to, how could i fuck this up so bad, the first day of being with and i blow it and over what a stuiped chick in my year who does not get the meaning of piss of.




"sorry," i qickly said as i looked up to see who i had bumped into and just my luck it was Tristan.


"it's ok, are you feeling better, i am sorry about before will you forgive me," he quickly studded out


"i'm fine, i just need to get to first class," i said bargining past him


"Ava i am sorry, you know i love you, i am sorry, you are the best thing in my life please," he begged


"look i am sorry to, lets just forget about it,i love you and you are the only person not trying to control me at the moment," i said


"thank you," he said walking over to me and kissing me, "i love you so muh and know that i will never try and control you,"


"ava and tristan please keep your love live to your selfs, by the way miss Vandermeise would like to see you two in the duty's office right away," sir said


me and tristan looked at each out now we where in shit, and i personly could not go home again. he must have seen the fear in my eyes because he gentle interlocked his hand into mind and said


"it will all be ok, i will never let anybody hurt you again,"


and with that i made may second trip to the office, and guess what i had not even been here half a term.





who knew duty's where so scary

 "knock, knock, knock,"


"come in," i heared a womans voice say from inside the room


me and tristan unlock hands, he opened the door than walked in with me quickly following.


"sit down" lady said


we walked over to the seats and quikly sat down, the seats where old and wooden, witch was probly to make us as uncomftable as posible.


"now do you two no why you are hear,"


"well it could be many resons, miss, but witch one are you thinking about," tristan said with a cocky grin.


"well, well someone is in a happy mood, Ava do you know why you are hear," she said glaring at me.


"yyy...yes miss," i studded out


"and what is that reson," she said gladly know she was making me uncomftable


"it''" was all i could said be for tristan interuped


"don't say anything eles Ava, now miss you can tell she is upset now back off, before i sue the school for undue herassment,"


"under what grounds," miss snaped back now lossing her cool


"winding up a witness when there is anouther person right here who is not scared or under any pressure, now me and Ava will be leaving now," he said still cocky


"no you will not, i know what you did and if you will not answer my questens i will just give out you punishment, you are both will be on afternoon detention for a week and you will be helping the dinning room ladys every night after dinner for said week now you may go." she snaped


i quickly stood up and left the room, i ran statrat to the bath room and manged to remove all my breakfast quickly that head to class.

the end of term

 sorry about this guys i now i am skipping over a large amout of time, i just need to get on with the story, if you want to know what happens in this time gap just ask and at the end of the book i will do a short chapture on some things that i could have put in here. sorry again, jess


the end of term came quickly me and tristan where still going strong and where starting to want more from are relation ship, (if you know what i mean), but with us going home the next day we would have till what till next term.


i was up dorms packing up my stuff when stella came in.


"Ava,tristan is on the dorm phone he wants to talk," she said (me and her had grown apart ever scence me and tristan had started dating)


"ok thanks stella,and bye the way i hope you have a good hoilday,"i said cheerfuly back


"you to," and with that she left.


i walked out of my dorm a few mintets later and reached the phone just as emily was about to pick it up.


"Em it's all good the phone is for me," i said know that anything  she said tristan could here


"look, just because you are dating tristan dose not mean that you can call me that and who would ant to talk to a pieces of shit like you,"


"tristan," i said


"fuck me dead"was all i heared her say as she walked away. i picked up the phone and placed it to my ear.


"hey, what do you want," i said


"come meat me in the scrub in 3 mins and bring your school bag ok, see you that,"


me and him had come up with a code if i was bring my school bag i was to stay in human form but if i was bring my phone it ment i could go wolf


"ok but" was all i could say before he hung up on me.


i ran out of the building and and up the road, to my favrot place in the world the place me and tritsan had are frist convo. i got there and he was already here.


"so what do you want," i said


"you need to tell your dad about us,"


"what, why, he will kill me,"


"no he wont,"


"yes he fucking will, you don't know him,"


"no he won't because the wattle pack has pulled out of the deal so now if you tell him you have found a mate it means he can get rid of you,"


"that's if he dose not kill me first, and what do you mean the wattle pack pulled up of the deal," i questened


"i mean they pulled out, your mother had words with them that made them reconsider,"


"fine, whatever, i will tell him but if i am not back at the start of next term i blame you," and with that i walked back up dorms and finshed packing.


the next day i got of bed and half dragged myself to get dress, one i was ready i ate a slice of toast and the got on the bus for my 10 hour trip back to hell.




to hell and back

 i got of the bus, feeling stiff and sour. my last bit of freedom was gorn now, left on that bus. i look around the car park of any one from the pack, not thinking that my father would be the one to pick me up. i walked over to him, i would not hold back, i was going to tell him right away.


"father, look there is something that i need to tell you," i said using all my power as i had in my voice.


"shut up you piece of shit, i lost the deal with the wattle pack and now i am fucking stuck with you, i will have to mate you to someone in the pack." he said pissed


"no you will not, i have found my mate at school and i will be going with him after this hoildays," i said knowing there was no was back


"you what, how, there are no other wolfs at that school and even if there are why would they want you,"


"there are two, me and him and i will be staying with him,"


"what pack is he from i need to talk to his Alpha," he said happy now, "see how quick i can get rid of you,"


"i don't think there Alpha will ever want to speak to you,"


"and why is that" he said mad now


"it's my mother," i yelled.


"no way, i knew she came wolf but you are not going to her pack, get in the car now," he said really pissed now."


"no," was all i said


"ow realy," and with that i was srounded, with no place to go.


"thud," was the last noise i hered before the world went black

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