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Book online «The Thievery Wish by Bugz Rox (popular books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Bugz Rox

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eyelids heavy with sleep, my wings tucked snugly against my back the thought of what happens now? flitting across my mind as I fell deeply asleep.

Butterfree, butterfree, flying everywhere.The sun shining on a golden lock of hair. And as the sun wavers above the horizon, shining gold onto everything it touched, Robert Frost's poem flits through my mind.

Nature's first green is gold,

Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaf's a flower;

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay.

As a butterfly flutters in front of my face, I felt myself changing, shifting into more catlike features. I woke in a sweat, that was close, if I hadn't made myself wake up, I would have shifted in front of people. That's something I can never afford to do. I could get put in a zoo or they may do experiments on me. Not something I would wish upon any creature, much less myself. It was still late, not much before midnight. The part of the day in which I'm the strongest they wouldn’t of had a chance. I sat in silence and in darkness until dawn, at which they came and awoke the Twins. Haha they didn't get to wake me up.    

"Breakfast time! Com'on we're gonna be one of the last people in there. We'll have to wait in line. Com'on!" Jessica shouted at me and Carly. Ugh, processed food. Gross.

We were walking down a wide hall with many cells lining the walls. There were other prisoners fumbling around trying to get up to breakfast and every time we passed a guard they mumbled, "God bless you," to us.

"What type of prison is this?" I questioned the twins.

"It's for Catholics or Christians or somethin' like that, they seem determined to make everyone here their religion." Carly answered me in a simplistic whisper.

"One is that not illegal, and two I state lame, these guys need a hobby." I whispered back as we entered a large and loud room. I am tempted to put my hands over my ears because they’re sensitive and it’s too loud.

The Twins expertly weaved among the tables until we got to one in the far back away from everyone else. “Hi’a! We got a new cell mate, this un’s a real kicker. Shadow, this is Sam and Justin. Sam, Justin, this is Shadow. This is where we sit at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, think you can find it again?” Jessica introduced us.

How do you respond to that? I felt the same safeness and trustfulness towards them as I did the twins, maybe I’m getting soft. We sat down, while the other four were talking and eating I was listening to everyone elses movements and conversations. I lightly touched Carly’s arm and motioned toward the clique of four men and women walking our way.

“Look at what the cat dragged in, a goodie two-shoes.” This was the lead female.

“If the cat dragged her in then what the hell did it do to you?” Carly asked in a voice of pure hatred.

“What’d you say to me you little bitch.” The lady rounded on her.

 “If the cops are cats and Carly is a female dog then in retrospect Carly would be able to kick the crap out of the cops and therefore free herself from this lame prison. Also you did not specify what type of dog, henceforth she could be a great dane and bite the rudeness out of your attitude.” Nope wasn’t getting soft I definitely didn’t like this one. Sam and Justin looked at me like I’d just sprouted extra arms and legs. “Besides if I was a goodie two-shoes I would not be in here I grew up sitting up straight.”

“Only goodie two-shoes sit that straight, genius.” One of the lady’s  men piped in.

“Very educational that answer was, makes you sound manly. I have better grammar and I have never stepped into a school in my life.” My voice was heavy with sarcasm, almost as heavy as the amazed stares I was getting from everyone. I stood, bowed, and said, “Now if you would excuse me I have things to do, keys to steal, bars to mutilate.” and walked away. I wound my way between the tables almost as skillfully as the Twins and made my way back to our room only brushing against a guard to lift a chocolate cigar off of him. I dropped the top part of my orange jumpsuit  showing my white tanktop and only the tops of my tattoos. Giving people only a hint of what’s under the shirt. Sam, Justin, and the Twins chose that moment to walk in.

“Yes I can talk, no I do not like it, yes I have tattoos, no I am not showing, yes I stole this cigar off a guard, no I am not playing twenty questions. The end.” I spoke immediately hoping to avoid playing twenty questions with the boys. “Those two can fill you in on anything because I trust you two, as well as I do them. Know that I do not lie and the threat of me skinning you applies for you, too.”

The boys turned on the Twins seeking answers, the Twins filled them in quickly. I waited patiently until they were finished for any unanswered questions and got a, “So who did your tattoos?” from Sam.

“A very talented artist.” I said as we went out into the yard for exercise.

Chapter 2: Escape

On Friday we were all shepherded into the cafeteria, I seemed to be the only one who had no idea what was going on, so I guess it’s a normal thing.

Jessie inched closer to my ear and whispered, “It’s the nuns, they come every Friday to help us turn to the ‘Faith.’”

"Oh, again that is illegal," I told her.

"Right, they're breaking the law and we're in here because?" Carly asked indignently.

All the prisoners must have looked a sight, everyone sitting crossed-legged on the linoleum cafeteria floor. The preacher walked in and I smiled, the smirk of a cat who has caught their prey. I recognized the slightly stooped posture, the scarred hands, and the gravelly voice that betrayed years of shouting orders. Zane.

"Why are you smiling like that? It's kinda creepy," Jessie asked from beside me. I flashed her another, real, smile. Zane's eyes were on mine the entire process, where here spotted nonsense about the 'Almighty God' and how we should 'reconsider our fates'. When the process ended, those who wanted could shake the 'preacher's' hand. I bounded up to the preacher.

"Watch this 'un Preacher Dan," One of the guys by Zane warned, "She's a rougue, I've heard a lot about her."

"What? About little old me? I am honored," I said, putting my hand over my heart theatrically. I shook Zane's hand, smiling slightly more when I felt the note that pressed into my hand. I joined the others, smiling wider as I took in their shocked expression. I soundlessly made my way to the cell I shared with the Twins.

"What was that about Shadow? What happened to your Goddess? Or did that preacher woo you with his amazingly old features?" Carly asked, disgust clear in her voice.

"Zane. His name is Zane. He was and always will be my mentor," I said as I opened my hand, the note folded neatly inside. I read it aloud for everyone to hear.


Kitty Kat,

     You seem to have gotten into quite a pickle, and with the Signing so close, too! I understand you got arrested because of another, but if you are not at that signing then the whole treaty will fall apart. It will be a blood shed. So, you will escape. With the help of us all of course. Inclosed with this are the picks you left at the cabin. In three days' time there will be a 'disturbance', you will need to get to the place where they keep a prisoner's stuff. Get your stuff, we will be there to pick you and anyone you want to come with up. Do not be surprised to see Mekhi, he will be picking you up. Do try not to kill each other.

Be safe,



"What does that mean?" Justin asked at the same time that Sam asked, "Who's Mekhi?"

"That means that we will be getting out of here and Mekhi is a boy I grew up with, he is annoying and has deluded himself into thinking that he can actually beat me with weapons," I answered in a huff. Three days. "I do not suppose that one of you two can pick a lock?"



 "Well, I suppose I shall have to unlock your cells myself. It sucks when I have to babysit newbees," I grumbled.

"Newbees?" Jessie asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Yup, everyone needs to know how to at least pick the simple locks, let alone the Forever Locks here," I answered staring lovingly at the lock on the cell door.

"Forever Locks?" Carly asked, mimicking Jessie's look.

I nodded, "It is an incredibly difficult lock to pick thanks to a series of features, including a hidden keyhole with an ingenious design, from an unknown Asian manufacturer. The locking mechanism also appears to be unable to be shimmed thanks to its design, thus meaning it cannot be bypassed from the shackle. It can, however, be bypassed by one person I know of. They can unlock anything and anywhere."

"Who?" Sam asked.




Three days went by in a flurry of planning on our part, everyone else was still boring as usual. Although, we did have a few more run ins with the lead female, whose name I learned was Victory.

"Is everything ready for tonight?" Jessie asked as everyone sat down for dinner on Monday night. I nodded my head.

"Of course, I know the way to your cell, Jessie and Carly will meet us outside the door to the property room. I will pick you up, Mekhi will pick us up," I said shrugging.

"This isn't your first jail break, is it?" Justin asked. They had gotten used to my way of speaking and walking quietly in the shadows.

"No, I do not have time to waddle in jail," I replied evenly.

"And the pigs can't put you in here longer? Or do they just not care?" Sam asked.

"I know Tommy, besides I think they gave up trying to detain me. They must have figured out that they can not and that I have forces outside that would die for me," I said.

"So question that just hit me; What's the Signing?" Carly asked. I stared here squarely into the eyes I couldn't see until she snapped at me, "Stop it! I just wanted to know, okay? It sounded important for them to spring you to attend."

I sighed, "The Signing is a signing of the records that make peace between the for nations, the ones I told you about. I have to be there because I was the peacemaker, remember? We meet every five years to renew them, make sure everyone still agrees."

"Oh." I smiled at her before turning to the other three.

"We need to pack anything that you have in your cells, we will be getting out tonight," I told them. We got up.

"You still need to eat," Jessie mumbled. This had

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