Read books online Β» Fantasy Β» A Pirate's Life by J.M. Burlock (best book recommendations .txt) πŸ“–

Book online Β«A Pirate's Life by J.M. Burlock (best book recommendations .txt) πŸ“–Β». Author J.M. Burlock

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she felt a presence come over her, a warm feeling.......and she knew she could do this with the help of Theodore.

The cook knocked and walked in with the snacks. Eliza said, β€œ Just put them down on the table, and tell the first mate I don't wish to be disturbed.”
The cook said, β€œ Very well Captain,” and walked out.

As Eliza sat eating her snack, she heard the men excitedly yelling and screaming. The first mate told them the good news. They were all happy to get to pillage a ship, and best of all getting to avenge the death of their former Captain. And many looked forward to be pillaging again, for it was their way of life. As Eliza sat in her quarters, she began to doze off. She had wild crazy dreams, it's the same one she was always having. Where Captain Blackheart sneaked on board the Exeter, and took Eliza hostage. Upon seeing her real identity the crew sided with the diabolical Captain Blackheart.

She tried getting away, but his grip on her was to good. Captain Blackheart was just to strong, and to spare her life would be against the pirate's code of honor. In her dream, she kept hearing him say β€œ Unless.... unless..” then she would wake up. Never finding out what the 'unless' meant.

Eliza laid there staring at the cabins ceiling wondering if this was an omen? Would he actually be able to get on board the ship? If so, would he actually kill a woman, no matter what it was for?

She got up looked out the porthole to see an impending storm looming off toward the east. Something dreadful was ahead, just what she wasn't sure but felt her re-occurring dreams had something to do with it. As they neared the ominous clouds, again Eliza began feeling something terrible was coming. What she hadn't realized was that there was a spy on board, one of Blackhearts own men. He had been on board and was slowly getting others to take his side, wanting Captain Blackheart to own this vessel!

The first mate knocked on the door, and Eliza answered weakly, β€œCome in.”

As he walked in, he asked. β€œAre you alright Captain, you seem troubled about something?”

Eliza answered, β€œ Oh just a bad dream, Charles. The same one I always have.... where Captain Blackheart takes command of the ship.”

Charles said, β€œ Oh sir don't take mind to such nonsense, it's just a dream. Nothing to worry about, we.... your crew won't let anything like that happen. The men would like to know if we should head toward the storm? Sure as hell looks like a messy one?”

She stood staring out the porthole, and said β€œ Aye, it's going to be rough, but we will manage since the 'Exeter's' a sound ship. My brother has written to me about fiercer storms that you have weathered. Tell the men continue forward, but batten down the hatches as we venture into the rough waters. Oh.... and Charles tell them I'll be out to say a prayer that we survive anything that comes out way!”

Charles looked her way, saying β€œ Aye Captain, will do.”

He had never heard of a Captain saying a prayer before, but knew they all had their own ways of doing things. He turned to walk out, stopped then said, β€œ Is that all sir?”

Eliza replied, β€œ Yes, now go!”

Charles answered β€œ Very well, sir!”

Eliza stood looking out, and quietly said β€œ He knows Theo, I don't know how but he knows I'm a woman.”

As they approached the edge of the storm, she walked out and the men gathered in front of her. Eliza stood looking at them......then began:

β€œMen, I am going to rely on your strength and courage to get us through this storm. I have never dealt with anything like this, and whether any of you are religious I feel it would be appropriate to say a prayer. To have God's help that we all survive what's inside the storm. It could very well be where our adversary is hiding. We must never underestimate what the treacherous Captain is capable of doing. After all he was able to ambush Theodore when he wasn't looking. So let us bow our heads and pray we all remain safe.”

They all slowly bowed their heads, as all were very loyal to Theodore. But this new Captain they weren't to sure about. After a few moments, Eliza looked up and saw the storm. As she felt the wind getting fiercer, she said β€œ aye men here we go!” They began going back to their stations and getting ready for the rough seas that were ahead.

What Eliza didn't realize was that, Captain Blackheart was hiding just on the other side of the storm....... waiting for the Exeter to come out.

Eliza wanted to avenge her husband's death, but didn't realize that Captain Blackheart was expecting her. He just didn't realize the lengths she would take to get to him. Dressing up, and acting like a man, was something he never dreamed she would do. He had been plotting the take over of not just the Exeter, but to make Eliza his wench.

When she finally got to him, Eliza wasn't sure what she was planning to do. For she had no thought of doing the actual killing. That she would leave to the faithful crew of the Exeter. But if she had to, she wondered if it would satisfy her. Getting revenge wasn't the answer she longed for..... it was more about why. Why he had killed Theodore in such a brutal and vicious way.

As the ship tossed and turned, Eliza watched as the men did all they could keeping the Exeter afloat. They couldn't see anything for a good two days, then off on the horizon there the blue skies of Donavon's Cove was in view. The men were happy, not only do they get to avenge their former Captain's name, but they made it through the storm.

As they got nearer, Eliza stood at the porthole. She was deciding on when they should go into battle. The men would need to rest up after the fierce storm, so Eliza thought it would be best to wait a few days. She rang the bell alerting Charles, she wanted to talk with him.

Charles knocked on the door, and heard her say β€œ Enter” and he walked in.

β€œCharles, I know the men must be very weary from weathering the storm. So I have decided to let them rest up for a couple of days. Then we'll decide who would like to avenge his death. You were the closest to my brother, so I can't let you risk your life because he lost his. You may end up being Captain one day, that is if I decide this is to much for me” Eliza spoke solemnly.

This surprised Charles, but out of respect he said, β€œ Captain Juniper you have done a fine job so far. And I will surely let the men know you are giving them ample time to regain their strength. And anyone of them would happily avenge your brothers death!”

Eliza stood waiting for him to say more, but when he didn't she said, β€œWell what else, I sense you want to say more?”

Charles looked down, and said β€œ Regretfully I feel the need to tell you....... that someone on board is in cohorts with Captain Blackheart. I have heard some conspiring to take over the ship, what shall I do with them?”

Eliza shot a look of disgust his way, saying β€œ They would turn against Theodore? The one man who gave them such an honorable job, being a pirate on this fine vessel. Bring them to me, then I'll decide what I should do with them.”

Charles said β€œ yes sir right away.” He turned and walked out of the cabin to gather the men.

Eliza never thought about any of this, but these men should be dealt with- to set an example. Theo would not tolerate any man going against her, or disrespecting the Exeter.

' Walk the plank' is what she heard a voice inside her say. β€œYes Theo, that is what I will do!” Eliza said, right before she heard a knock on the door.

Again off in the distance she heard someone saying β€œ unless.....unless....”

Eliza found herself tossing and turning in her bed. Theodore was at her side, he was smiling down at her. She could barely focus on what had transpired. Eliza finally spoke β€œ where am I? I don't understand what's going on. You're alive Theo........ how can that be? I thought that Captain Blackheart killed you.”

β€œ Shhhhh Eliza. You have been real sick for weeks. We weren't sure if you were going to pull out of it. The doctors feared you were going to die, but I kept calling you to come back to me.” Theo remarked happily.

Weakly Eliza said β€œ ohhhhh.... it was all just a dream.” She closed her eyes and sighed.

She wasn't sure why she dreamed about being a pirate, but was very happy nobody was going to be killed. Just then Theodore reached down to kiss her forehead, and said, β€œ I love you, Eliza!”

The doctor said β€œ Her fever has broke, I think she will be alright now. But she needs to rest a few more days, we should let her sleep soundly now.” They all left the room, except Theodore he sat holding Eliza's hand as she slept.

                                           Captain Blackheart's Revenge
      The ship tossed and turned as the storm raged on. Eliza was growing weary
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