Read books online Β» Fantasy Β» A Pirate's Life by J.M. Burlock (best book recommendations .txt) πŸ“–

Book online Β«A Pirate's Life by J.M. Burlock (best book recommendations .txt) πŸ“–Β». Author J.M. Burlock

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J. M. Burlock




Yo ho ho!

The pirate's life
is one indeed
that's mighty hearty
and full of greed

We pillage others
to fill the need
of gaining wealth
and spread our seed

The seed of hate
is never kind
if you don't like it
we'll kill your mind

The days are long
and sometimes grim
the waters treacherous
leaving any life is slim

It's the one I chose
to live and die
as a fierce pirate
of the high seas, aye!

The Defeat of Blackheart

On a gray bleak morning, Eliza rose. She had decided to take over her husbands ship, whether or not the crew liked it. But it was taboo for a woman to be on board a pirate ship. So Eliza devised a plan to disguise herself as a man.

She knew this was going to be a hard job, but was willing to take it on. She would do anything to keep Captain Blackheart from gaining her husbands ship. For years he has wanted this ship since it was in far better shape than his own, and had many more cannons!

Eliza stood in front of her mirror and began the transformation. For days now she had quit putting up her hair, so it looked like she had been on the high seas. There was nothing she could do to hide her beautiful face, but she needed to take care her womanly figure. Taking some clothe she wrapped it around her breasts, then put some undergarments on. Then she donned her husbands outfit, put on his hat then stared into the mirror.

To further conceal her identity she began talking with a deeper voice, just like a man's. Eliza grew up hearing the way pirates spoke, especially her husbands gruff manner. She felt ready to take on the dutiful task of saving the name of her late husband. She would claim to be his brother, one Captain Juniper B. Hampshire, Esquire.

As Eliza walked onto the ship, the men turned and looked. They didn't recognize her, which was good. She walked up to the men to begin her speech, the one she had practiced ever since Theodore had died at the hands of Captain Blackheart. Eliza stood straight and tall, and looked the men squarely in the eyes:

β€œGood Morning men, I am your new Captain; Captain Juniper B. Hampshire, Esquire! I am Theodore's brother, and will be taking over the helm of the ship. If any of you have a problem with that, you may leave now.”
(she paused and looked around-none of the men moved)

Continuing, she said β€œI want to do everything in my power, with your help of course to keep this ship out of the hands of Captain Blackheart! My brother, God rest his soul; took pride in owning the finest vessel on the high seas. He also highly regarded his crew, and said ' you were the best men he could ever find.' Now I want you...those who are willing to stay on, to prepare the ship. We will set sail at dusk, as I have a devious plan to surprise the good Captain. Then I will avenge my hus... I mean my brothers' death. Well let's start getting the ship ready, I will be in my quarters looking over some maps. I will be scouting out the best spot to ambush the tyrant Captain Blackheart!

The men stood staring at her, still quite unsure of what to do. As she started to walk away, Eliza turned and sternly yelled β€œ Quit lollygagging around... we have work to do!”

When the men heard that, it was like Theodore was standing before them. They began running around preparing the ship, checking the cannons to make sure they were ready, and doing all the other odd jobs that hadn't been done since their former Captain had died. When he was alive, Theodore ran a tiptop ship, and took pride in how the Exeter looked.

With her head turned away from the men, Eliza smiled. 'So far things are going well', she thought as she walked into the Captain's quarters. After sighing, she exclaimed out loud β€œI will get back your good name as the fiercest pirate on the high seas Theo, mark my words.”

As Eliza walked over to the set of maps on the desk, she said β€œ Oh Theo, guide me and show me where he is hiding. Then we will do this together, as I can feel your spirit with the ship. Please show me the best place to avenge your death!”

Just then there was a knock at the door, and Eliza said β€œEnter” in a high pitched voice. Almost forgetting that she needed to sound like a man all the time. She cleared her throat to make out like something was caught, then gruffly yelled again β€œEnter!” It was the first mate, Charles, and as he walked in he said β€œ Sorry Captain- just wanted to let you know everything is ready to set sail.”

Eliza or Juniper stared at the maps, then asked β€œWe have enough food supplies? We will be gone a long time, and where we're going there are no ports.

The first mate exclaimed β€œ Yes sir, I believe we do, we have a good years supply, longer if we ration that.”

Eliza pulled her pocket watch out, briefly stared at it then said, β€œ We set sail in four hours!”
( she paused)
Then said,” Tell the men to eat and rest up....for where we are going it's treacherous waters.”

The first mate was curious as to where they were going so he peered over at the Captain and asked, β€œ Ah Captain, just where are we going?”

Eliza answered gruffly, β€œ You'll see, just go tell the men. I have a lot of thinking to do.”

The first mate answered, β€œ Yes Sir!” then turned, and walked out shutting the door behind him.

Eliza walked to the porthole and looked out. Even though she was more than ready, Eliza wondered about the men. Were they ready for the battle she knew that would ensue. Theodore always talked about ambushing Captain Blackheart at Donavon's Cove. He was sure to get trapped, and with the β€œExeters” fire power- defeat was eminent.

She wouldn't tell the crew where they were headed until they were well away from this port, the only home she had known. Now this ship, the beautiful and illustrious β€œ Exeter” would be her home. That is until she defeated the ruthless enemy, the infamous Captain Blackheart!

Soon the β€œExeter” set sail with Eliza/Juniper at the helm. The crew were all eager to hear where they were heading. But she never said anything, and had decided to just let them stew, until she felt it necessary to share with them their final destination. The left the bay as the men went about their given duties. They had always been a loyal bunch, so Eliza knew they would do whatever was needed to protect the famous ship β€œThe Exeter!”

Chapter 2

The Impending Battle

The Exeter sailed for many months, and the men grew more restless not knowing their destination. And so far Eliza did a great job concealing her true identity. She herself was forgetting that deep down she was a beautiful woman!

Since Theodore died she had done without many things. It was hard, but she kept her mind on the task at hand. Many times she thought about confiding in one of the men, then she could fulfill her sexual urges that crept up in her body. But she couldn't risk him not telling everyone else. So Eliza kept quiet and suffered in silence.

Seeing the men growing more restless, she called the first mate into her cabin. She pointed at the map- at Donavon's Cove. Eliza spoke β€œ See this spot, Charles. This is our destination- we are going to ambush Captain Blackheart there.”

The first mate, replied β€œ Oh good spot, but what makes you think he will be there?”

Eliza continued speaking in a solemn way, β€œ When my brother wrote to me, he told me about this place and claimed it was Captain Blackheart's hide out. I'm sure he is hiding out after he bludgeoned my brother to death.”

Charles stood thinking, then said β€œ Sounds like a good plan, but what will we do to keep the men in good spirits. The haven't pillaged anyone in ages, and many are growing more restless everyday.”

β€œHmmmm...... seems that is something to take in consideration. Tell the men where we are headed, and the next ship they see to pillage it and destroy it. After they have taken all the valuables and food supplies. After all we are a pirate ship, and need to let everyone know the β€œExeter” is still afloat. Go now, and tell the cook to prepare a snack for me.... bring it quickly, I'm famished.”

The first mate said, β€œ Yes sir, Captain. I'll send the cook in right away!”

After he shut the door, Eliza sighed. She began thinking 'this was more than I thought it would be.' She walked over to the porthole, and while looking out wondered how long she could keep this up. Just then

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