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Book online «Time Tinker by Aurora Kryan (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Aurora Kryan

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my pockets for my phone. It took forever to find it in my jacket and when I did the platypus had disappeared. I frowned as my mind felt foggy and I looked back to the run down part of the barn. I vaguely remembered I was going to look at it but then the platypus stuck its head out and talked.

“If you’re going to go come this way.” It said.

I felt like a puppet as I obeyed and began to follow it. Someone roughly jerked me back when I was about to pass over the threshold. My mind snapped back to reality and glanced back to see Kevin glaring at me.

“That’s where Maria Bocdia haunts, forever stuck where she died.” Toshi said.

Kevin crushed my shoulder as a noise came from the second floor of the house making me look up. A beautiful girl was dressed in a corset dress with her hair all curled like she was going to prom. The only thing that startled me about her was the fact she was a ghost. I took a side long glance at Kevin causing my chest to constrict in pain. He was looking at her so lovingly and she was returning the look.

Returning the look? Was she aware of us?

I forced myself to look away from them. It was making me so sad. I had heard of time riffs and death echoes before. She was in one, stuck forever reliving her death over and over again. And Kevin had to watch. I’ll save her for him, I thought. Just as I did her eyes flickered to mine and she smiled.

“Are you ready?” She said to me.

I blinked wondering what on earth she meant. She turned from me jumping in and out of focus for a second and then walked off to the door I assumed use to lead from her room. Kevin groaned at my side as he traced her every move with his eyes, I looked at him still confused about what Maria said and why she flicked.

Rift detected,

my processor told me just as I saw it open I the door leading from her room. Then at that moment I knew what she meant and I bolted from Kevin heading for the rift.

I’ll save her.

“Jenny wait!” Toshi yelled.

I heard him run after me so I picked up the pace jumping from his out stretched hand at the last second and into the rift.

Ch@pter 5

As my finger tips brushed the rift I screamed. It was destroying my circuitry, destroying me. I screamed again as it sucked me in up to my arms. Someone’s hands wrapped around me and pulled trying to free me from the quicksand like time rift.

“Kevin you’ll get sucked in too!” Toshi yelled.

“Then why don’t you let go of me.” He snapped back.

I couldn’t hear Toshi’s response because my head was pulled in. I stopped screaming and looked around then down at my skin. It looked human and when I tried to get my processor to do a scan I only got my thoughts asking for a scan. After a second I realized I might be human. My whole body had been sucked into the rift, along with Kevin and Toshi. I ran from them only to run into a solid Maria. I looked at her wide eyed.

“Jenny if you meant what you thought there is only one way. You must stop my death yourself. But tinkering with time is dangerous. Are you ready to accept the consequences?”

I deliberated for a moment.

If she lived He probably wouldn’t have saved me. But I could live with that.

Nodding my head I took her out stretched hand and we started to flicker. I looked around and suddenly was afraid when I saw Kevin. He looked torn he was glaring and pleading with Maria and then he would look really sadly and wishfully at me? But then before I could be sure of the second emotion they disappeared.

“Maria they-“

“There there, just ghosts. This is my past. The day Kevin came to school and fell for me.”

“Wait how am I suppose to save you if it’s not the day of your death.”

She said nothing and disappeared. I looked around spotting her outside of a school. She wore a ninja outfit and she was talking to two other girls dressed like ninjas.

Ok this is bizarre.

More kids dressed like ninjas walked past the three girls. I blinked this was getting weirder and weirder as I realized everyone was dressed like a ninja. Not like Naruto but like kimono tops and short shorts. I glanced down at myself and stumbled back I was wearing a black kimono and matching shorts.

A dazzling katana was strapped to my side decorated with black beads and white skulls on the hilt. My fingers ran over it as I shivered from a sudden chill. Glancing up I almost screamed as a translucent Kevin glared down at me trying to grab my wrist. I tried to step back from him feeling afraid of his pricing stare but I couldn’t. It was glaring through me right to my soul, striking me in place. He lifted his hand to try and touch my cheek. I felt the cold chill and then he started to warm up and solidify.

“No!” Maria screeched.

Both of us jumped from the sudden noise. Kevin spun like he was going to go to her rescue but instead ran back into me. I gasped first at the fact Kevin was half solid and then at the monstrous demon cat growling at him.

“Break the genjutsu Kevin. I let you come to observe that was all.” Maria said venomously.

My foot stepped back finally like I was released from Kevin’s stare that held me. The white cat Maria was sitting on growled at Kevin as he backed up trying to grab my hand. He let it drop and Maria landed on the ground before him.

“Kevin please let her do it.”

“No I won’t let you change her life too.”

“She wants to change yours!”

“What?” He said confused.

“She’s not some trespasser or threat she’s a girl with a past and future that needs changed. She can do that weather she means to or not. So leave!” She yelled.

The cat hissed and leapt forward snatching Kevin away.

Ch@pter 6

My heart skipped a beat and I started to reach for him. Maria clamped a hand over my mouth.

“Shh they can still see you and if you scream it will be over and you’ll fail.”

My eyes widened and I turned away from Kevin as he screamed at the cat. It was so hard to look away but I had to.

Maria wouldn’t hurt him, right

I had to brush the thought aside as I gasped again throwing my hands up to cover my mouth. Kevin! He was strolling up to the school, hands shoved in his jean pockets with his head down. The studenst all watched him, and I realized just then they were all girls.

What is this a female ninja school?

Kevin walked right past Maria’s past self and I found my body being propelled forward. I wanted to hug him and ask if he was ok after the cat took him. But as I neared him I realized this was the past Kevin he wouldn’t know me. I was pulled up short as I started to stop too late. I collided with his back knocking us both down. Closing my eyes tight I readied for the impact that never came.
I opened my eyes to look up at Kevin holding me. Blinking a few times I felt a blush creep over my cheeks. I found the feel of his skin against my human skin lovely. Jerking out of his arms I coughed and straightened my kimono top.


.” Sorry I didn’t see you.”

I did too that was the problem.

“That’s ok. Are you lost too?”

“Uh yeah I just started school today.”

Half lie I was lost.

“Me too, what clan are you from?”

Clan? What is he talking about?

I was fighting with my sleeve trying to think up an answer before I was found out. Thankfully just as I was about to answer Bocdia a shrill bell rang out making him turn.

“Where late, “I sighed internally,”Can we walk
together? Maybe if we work together we won’t get as lost.”

“Ok” I breathed out.

I was a wreck at this point. What was I suppose to do? Maria didn’t die today and I was here to save her. If I got too evolved with Kevin he might not run into Maria.

“I just remembered I have to do something first sorry.” I said quickly and ran around the corner of the school out of view.

Pressing my back to the wall I slid down to the floor to catch my breath.

“What are you doing?”

I looked up to see Maria’s ghost frowning at me.

“I don’t know what I’m doing or suppose to do. I know I need to save you but you don’t die today.”

“How do you know that?” she asked.

“Your outfit” I motioned to her, “you’re in a prom dress. Today you’re wearing a ninja outfit.”

She smiled at me and laughed.

“Very notable of you, your right I don’t die today. But you don’t need to save me. You need to save him.”
I blinked lost again.

“Save him?”

She nodded placing her hand on my arm so she could pull me to my feet. We started flickering again and I found myself in a hallway.

Ch@pter 7

“Where am I?”

“A few minutes from where you where” She said and disappeared.

“Maria!” I hissed.

She needed to give me more than that. She was starting to annoy me with her vague answers and disappearing acts.
“Look at this, he burses so easily.”

I turned my head to the sound of the voice and followed. I had to walk down the hallway and into an open room to find the source. I slid behind a rack of weapons and watched like a ninja. Kevin was on his knees glaring at one of the girls Maria had been with. She was extremely pale and holding a knife to Kevin’s throat. I was ready to lung after her but I wasn’t sure if Maria would come or not since they seemed to be her friends. My decision was made for me when the black ninja holding him drew a line of blood from his shoulder.

“Stop!” I shouted as I sprang from my hiding spot.

The girls looked at me and Kevin shook his head no. The white one spoke up first.

“And who are you?”

“My name is Jenny and that” I pointed to Kevin,” Is my friend.”

She laughed giving the knife to the other girl.

“My name is Diamond I come from the Tiara clan. What about you?”

I paused biting my sarcastic come back off,

again with the clan question.

‘Say Lynn’ Maria whispered in my ear.

“Lynn” I said obediently.

It was my last name but I wasn’t sure if that meant

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