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Book online «Time Tinker by Aurora Kryan (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Aurora Kryan

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anything to them but I guess it did. Diamond smiled more and drew her purple katana.

“Great I need to practice my sword skills. And this kills two birds with one stone.”

My reflexes kicked in and I drew my own sword. It felt awkward in my hands until she attacked and then I knew what I had to do. Block her blow then pull back strike forward with a down ward swing followed by swooping upper swing to the shoulder. I nicked her drawing first blood.

“Very good now it’s my turn.” She said.

She spun like a ballerina with her katana held out. I back tracked to avoid her razor tornado but just as I managed to get a safe distance away I screamed and fell forward. Diamond laughed in my ear.

“Don’t believe your eyes around a ninja.” She said as she pulled her sword from my shoulder.

I collapsed to the floor panting as I closed my eyes tight. I caught a glimpse of Kevin looking worried.

I can’t give up yet, not yet!

Ch@pter 8

My eyes flashed open as something in me snapped. I pushed myself up and swiped Diamond’s legs out from beneath her. Picking up my sword I leapt onto a table and readied myself. I was going off pure instinct I didn’t know I had. Spinning my katana I pressed the dull side against my arm. The stance freed my left hand for another weapon of to grab her. I blocked her blow for blow as she yelled at me and struck out madly when she changed her stance to a more aggressive one.

I saw an opening and struck out using my wrist to flick the tip of the sword out to cut her arms. Glaring she charged striking out with her sword. I dogged making a fast block but missed a dagger she had hidden. I sucked my stomach in to try and avoid the strike but she changed the path at the last second bringing the dagger up. It forced me to push her away or be gutted. But still even after that the dagger dove into my hand. She smiled backing off before she disappeared. I feel to my knees panting.

“Sword master please come here.”

My head snapped up to the familiar voice. Maria, the past one, was holding the other girl by the throat. I got to my knees and made my way slowly to her. I was feeling light headed, not from blood loses but just plan light headed.

“No she lost Maria!” Diamond shouted from the shadows.

She charged me again. I reacted slow but still fast enough to drag my katana up her arm. She screamed trying to cut my chest but I shoved her away just in time to get just my top cut open. The past Maria grabbed her shit and jerked her back yelling at the two girls. I would have laughed but I was dizzy and my vision was messed up. I almost didn’t make it to the counter where I let my forehead slam down on the table top. I moaned at the coolness. Someone cleared there throat and I looked up to see Maria.

“Sorry about those two. They don’t like male ninjas or newbie’s.”

“It’s ok no one was hurt right?”

“You where and your shirt it’s...” She trailed off.

I looked down to see myself exposed. I blushed madly and quickly fixed it in time to look up and see Kevin looking off blushing too.


I was flipping out in my head but played it off as nothing.

“Say what’s you name?”

“I’m Jenny.” I said holding my hand out to shake.
She took it.”Maria Bocdia.”

“Maria.” Diamond said quietly.

All of us turned in her direction making her shrink in on herself like she was a totally different person. Maria huffed waved goodbye to me and drug the girls off. As soon as they were out of sight I wobbled and started to fall to the side. I hit something solid and warm making me open my eyes.

“You ok?” Kevin asked.

I closed my eyes forcing out a breathy ‘no.’ I was having trouble breathing and I felt like I was on fire. My vision was blurred so bad the farthest I could see was the spot of blood of Kevin’s shirt right in front of me. And to top it off my head was killing me.

Ch@pter 9

Air rushed around me causing me to open my eyes in shock. I thought I might have started falling again but to my surprise Kevin was carrying me down the hall.

“Where are you taking me?”

“The nurse where else.” He stated matter-of-factly.

“You’re not my mother and you have no authority over me.”

“I’m older.”

“I’m eighteen that makes me an adult.”

He sighed and continued to carry me.

“Put me down!”

I shouted so suddenly he dropped me on the spot. Bending over I hurled blood and collapsed to all fours as I started at the blood.

Was I completely human?

This wasn’t something that happened before. Not to my robot body. And then I blacked out.

“Never mess with the Tiara clan, were poison masters.” A hallucination of a black Diamond said to me.


“Jenny, Jenny, Jenny.” Kevin was yelling at me.

Slowly I opened my eyes and attempted to sit up. I gasped at the pain consuming my body. I felt like I had been run over. After a moment of straining to sit up I fell back on the bed. There was something seriously wrong.

“Jenny you awake still?”

“Unfortunately.” I said.

Something brushed my hair and I opened one eye to see Kevin frowning at me. I let my eye close again figuring I was in the nurses office.

“What the heck!” I said springing forward suddenly.

“Hold still!” He yelled at me.

I just stared at him. It was Kevin, current Kevin, in the flesh.

“How did I?”

I couldn’t fathom how but I seemed to be back in the present.

“That would be my doing.” Said the platypus from before.
“I’m hallucinating.”

“Oh right sorry I like this form.”

A cloud of white smoke engulfed the small creature and when it cleared the second girl who had helped Diamond stood before me.

“Kimberly Giles of the Giles clan, masters of transformation at your service.” She said bowing.

Ch@pter 10

I waved at her like an idiot completely lost.

What was going on?

Someone knocked on the door and Kevin went to answer it.

“All you need to know it you succeeded. But not at what you wanted to do.”


“You’ll see.” She said.

She stepped back to show me the people who had entered. I gasped there was Diamond, now black, standing next to Maria. She was smiling at me proudly. I blinked and rubbed my eyes before I looked back at her.

“But it wasn’t the day you died.”

“Nope it was the day Kevin fell for me. I died on the way to prom with him.” She said as she walked over and plopped down on my bed.

Kevin sat down on the other side and took my hand. I looked at him like he was the robot freak and not me. Then it hit me.

“If he never liked you, you wouldn’t die. So that means…” I trailed off looking at him.

He smiled kissed my hand, arm, forehead, and finally my lips.

“It means if you say yes were going to prom tonight.”
My jaw dropped.

So that was her plan, she was evil.

“Then the ninja thing?” I asked.

“Is real, but the robot thing was Toshi using genjutsu on you. Don’t you remember who you are Jenny?”

I blinked looking down at my bandaged hand. I was Jenny Lynn the ro-, no descendent of the Lynn sword masters. I attended a ninja academy in the mountains. It was a coed school but the boys didn’t dare try to join, at least until Kevin showed up. I fell for him but he fell for Maria. She died and I wanted to help him so they decided to use genjutsu to help me through the rift. Looking at Maria now I was surprised she had made him fall for me and not her again.

“You deserve a chance. I had mine.” She whispered in my ear.

I smiled at her and laid down. I was so worn out from this messed up situation. Rolling on my side I grabbed Kevin’s retreating hand. He sat back down and brushed the hair from my face. He moved in to kiss my forehead again and I moved placing my lips on his for a kiss.

“Yes” I whispered against them.


Text: Cover from goggle and the rest is a dream I had.
Publication Date: 09-22-2011

All Rights Reserved

To Kimmycub101 and Angel92996

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