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Book online «Dawn by S.C. Taufa (read e book TXT) 📖». Author S.C. Taufa

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my friends then you would know her.” I stepped towards her and offered my hand to be polite but she didn’t take it so I took it back; she wasn’t making a good first impression. Dayna looked me up and down with raised eyebrows making Mitchell get restless and uncomfortable. He looked at me apologetically and grabbed Dayna by the arm gently then guided her to the door. Once she was out the door he said to her, “we’ll talk later.” I could tell by her face that she knew she was in trouble and Mitchell shut the door in her face.

"I’m sorry about that; I didn’t think she would be so rude.” He sounded worried about it but it was nothing to worry about so I smiled to reassure him.

“Its fine Mitch there’s nothing for you to be sorry about.”Saying something to assure him more of how I felt, he sighed in relief but could tell
that I didn’t like his sister very much.

Revelations and Changes

“Just drop your bag anywhere then we can go for that walk I mentioned earlier.” I could tell that Mitchell was making sure he didn’t say anything too intimidating. His bed was messy from being slept in and his room was covered with clothes. I threw my bag at the wall, which I knew was his sister side; and glanced at Mitchell as I did it. He smiled when there was a loud thump against the wall and I smiled when there was a, “Hey!!” Mitchell and I laughed quietly then shut up when there was a clatter at the window. We went over to the window to see what had made the noise; two guys were standing outside and one of them was about to throw more rocks but the other one grabbed his arm and said something. I heard Mitchell sigh, by the sound of the sigh there was something he didn’t want to do.

“Mitch are you okay? You’ve gone all quiet.” I asked curious but concerned.

“Yeah I’m alright. Are we going on this walk or not?” He asked jokingly, I smiled at him and we left the window. I followed Mitchell out the door, he shut the door behind him and he also locked it. “I lock my door whenever I’m not home and I’ve two keys so I want to give you the second key; if you need anything when I’m not here you can get in as well.” Mitchell gave me the second key as we walked down the stairs. He looked over his shoulder then stopped and I stopped to see what he was looking at; it was only Dayna. I hooked my arm through his then pulled and he moved as soon as I pulled. He hadn’t noticed that I had my arm through his so when I let go it surprised him. I was walking close to him; he opened the back door and held it open for me. I smiled at his gentleman generosity, he smiled back but my smile vanished when the two guys came around the corner. I didn’t know them, they looked eighteen and I didn’t trust them. Something about them made me feel uneasy; Mitchell must have sensed my unease but couldn’t see it on my face (my face had turned into a mask that concealed my unease). The two guys kept coming even though they could see my expression, the thing that stopped them was Mitchells’ concerned expression and their faces become guarded. I almost laughed out loud when they called Mitchell over to them. I realised that I’d had had a slight uneasy feeling before they had come and it had gotten worse with them together; they’re half-bloods and they didn’t know about me....yet.

“Mitch lets go for the walk, I have something to tell you. Your friends can come if you want them to.” I called over my shoulder with an emotionless voice as I walked towards the forest and I didn’t care if he followed or not. When I was in deep enough I hid behind a tree to wait for Mitchell; he took his time but I knew the reason why when he came alone.

“Michelle? Where are you?” He called as he walked past my hiding place then I jumped onto his back and said, “Open your eyes.” He stopped trying to get me off when he heard my voice. “Michelle, why did you have to do that? I could have hurt you.” Mitchell exclaimed and I laughed at him.

“Hurt me? Yeah right, anyone could hurt a girl. I’m not any girl you know, you walked right past me and didn’t know it, and even a vampire would’ve missed me. Shit!” I had said too much in my passionate little speech, I jumped off his now stiff back and took a few steps back. He spun around fast, faster than he would have before.

“You know about vampires?! So you would know about wolves then wouldn’t you?” He sounded pissed off but I just watch him just in case he changed without warning. “Are you going to say something or not?” His voice shook when he said that.

“I don’t want to provoke you so I’ll try not to say too much....I’ve known about vampires, werewolves and wolves since I was little; when I had parents. Mitch my parents and my sister were killed by vampires and in return I killed one of them. I would’ve killed the rest but the one I killed bit me so I couldn’t and another vampire that wasn’t part of it saved my live. I’m in dept to that vampire and I didn’t tell you I knew because I didn’t know you were and are a wolf. If you had told me maybe you would know about me knowing.” I hate reliving the past and I let it go all the time but some people had to bring it up. He ran up to me, fast, and surprising me hugged me.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t even know that you lost your parents to vampires and I didn’t change until last year. Blake had been watching me every day waiting for something to happen. Ugh, I’m a jerk for jumping to conclusions based on what you first said. I thought you had kept it from me all this years because you thought I wasn’t worth telling.” He sounded upset now, I pushed against his shoulders until I could see his face and like I thought he had, tears were leaving tracks down his flushed cheeks.

“It’s alright Mitch,” I wiped the tears away with my finger. “We’ve hurt each other and there’s no need to be upset about it. Now we both know that we know about the supernatural and we don’t have to keep secrets unless ordered to.” By the end of my short talk he had stopped crying and was looking at me in a way he had never looked at me before; it sent shivers down my spine. “Did you hear that?”I suddenly said and turned around in Mitchells’ loose embrace. He let go of me and was on high alert. The sound had came again from behind a bush to my left, I tip toed towards the intruder that was behind the bush then hit the bush and it gave a yelp of surprise. I went behind it, pulled a skinny boy out from behind the bush by the scruff of the neck and took him over to Mitchell, and made him look at Mitchell when he wouldn’t. “He yours?” I could see the annoyance on Mitchells’ face and the anger in his eyes.

“Did Dayna put you up to this, Dylan?”

“Yes, no, yes, please don’t hurt me Mitch. She gave me fifty bucks instead of a twenty to spy on you two. I swear I wouldn’t have done it if she hadn’t given me the fifty bucks.” The boy called Dylan timidly pleaded. Before Mitch could say anything else to Dylan I turned him to face me and crouched so I was eye level with him. He looked about eight so this will be easy for him and me.

“Dylan, listen to me, I want you to say something after me and I want you to remember it, okay?” I coaxed gently.

“’Kay pretty girl.” Dylan already looked like he was already in a trance just by looking at me.

“I didn’t see anything,” I said.

“I didn’t see anything,” Dylan repeated after me.

“I didn’t hear anything,” I said seeing if he could hear me.

“I didn’t hear anything,” Dylan repeated again.

“And I didn’t get caught.” I add just in case Dayna asked if he did.

“And I didn’t get caught.”Dylan repeated perfectly yet again. By the time I had finished talking my eyes had gone light brown and he kept saying everything over and over again.

“Now stop.” And Dylan stopped. He looked as if he had only just woken up and I smiled at him. My eyes had gone back to their normal dark brown. “Run on home and hide that fifty bucks so Dayna can’t get it back.” I ruffled his hair and he smiled at me when I stood back up.

“She sure as hell won’t be getting this fifty bucks back. Bye Mitch, bye pretty girl!” Dylan ran off towards home and I knew Mitch had a lot of questions; he would be looking at me in that funny way all the people that see me do something unnatural.

“Later please Mitch. I’ll answer your questions later as well. I need to go and think things over for a while, so don’t come after me; I’ll be back before tea time.” I didn’t wait for an answer but ran into the forest like I always run from my problems. When I was far away from where I had left Mitch I took my shoes off and put them in a place where I could find them later on. I morphed painfully into my werewolf form; I hadn’t changed for what seemed like years. I had forgotten how free and wonderful it feels to run as a wolf. But the feelings of freedom and wonderfulness didn’t last long, it never does when there’s no one to share it with. I missed my pack so much.

After full out running for two hours strait I came to a speeding halt by a small stream. Panting and dry mouthed, I lapped at some water then padded over to those trees that limbs hang down to create something

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