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Book online «Dawn by S.C. Taufa (read e book TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author S.C. Taufa

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similar to curtains that obscure you from the world while you lay underneath them. I rested there for quite some time and as the sun stared to go to visit England I heaved my now stiff body off the nice warm ground to shoot like a rocket towards Mitch’s place. At the fringe of the forest I came to a skidding stop to change back and take my shoes out of my mouth. Shoes don’t taste nice trust me on this. I swatted my hair out of my eyes. I really need a haircut. I put my shoes back on and walked up to the house. I turned the door handle at the same time as another person did the same; we startled each other Mrs Cronk and I. Something was up, maybe I should have come here, if I’m the cause of it. “You haven’t seen Mitchell have you darling?” Mrs Cronk looked worried.

“Not since lunch but I have an idea where he is. Can I come in please?” I did have a hunch and only a hunch. “Sorry,” Mrs Cronk moved out of the way.

“It’s just
I’m so worried about him. He’s been doing this for the past month and not getting home until late at night.” Mrs Cronk looked to the forest again and sighed.

“Don’t worry Mrs Cronk I’ll have him back before the time he usually gets back.” Mrs Cronk nodded still with the look of worry on her face she walked past me to the lounge room. I stepped outside once again shutting the door behind me and walked to the forest. “Mitchell! Get home right now! Your making your mum worried so get your bloody butt home now!" I yelled into the fading light.

“What’s all the yellin’ for? I was on my way home.” He just shook his head mockingly as he walked past so when he opened the door I slapped him up the back of the head. His mum who was standing in the lounge room doorway covering a smile, I didn’t, and I pushed past him before he speedily reacted by trying to grab me around the waist. I dodged making him shoulder the hallway wall but it didn’t stop him from coming after me. He chased me around the lounge four times, through the kitchen three times and up the stairs. I skidded in front of his room, fumbling with the key to unlock the door. Finally I got the door unlocked then slammed the door behind me and locking it from inside with the key in the hole so he couldn’t unlock it with his other key. A loud thump sent the door frame shivering as Mitch come racing after me maybe thinking it was unlocked. “Shit!” Mitch quietly swore, “Let me in Michelle, I won’t do anything if you do. Any way I don’t want to break my own door.” I quietly took my key out of the door, slipping the key into my bra where he wouldn’t dare try getting it from. I listen intently as the his key goes into the door, hearing the clicking of the lock I tensed ready for him to warily come in. He didn’t waste any time coming in like I thought he would. He charged into the room slamming the door behind him, quickly locking the door behind him so I had no escape route.

“You said you wouldn’t do anything if I let you in, you better not.” Warily watching him so I was ready if he did do something, I stood absolutely still; which was a bad idea. Mitch crouched where stood getting ready to pounce, growling playfully. Suddenly he rocketed towards me and in that moment I realised that he was very much like me, a purebred. Force of his pounce and my solidness knocked the wind out of both of us. As soon as I had enough are in my lunges I laughed but Mitch wasn’t laughing with me. Mitch began trembling uncontrollably, the first sound of shifting bones reached my ears and Mitch bit his tongue so he didn’t cry out. He rolled off me but I had to get him somewhere his family can’t see or hear him, especially in this state.
“Mitch, I’m going to take you to the forest where your family can’t hear or see you, OK?” He gave a stiff nod when he failed to speak. I slipped my arms under his legs and under his shoulder blades to lift him. The sound of footsteps stilled me and Mitch still as much as he could to.

“Is everything alright in there? We could hear a lot of thumping that’s all.” It’s Mrs Cronk, phew.

“Everything’s alright Mrs Cronk,” I wheezed. “We’re just a bit winded from Mitch tacking me.”

“Ok, dinner will be ready in two hours so don’t tire yourselves out to much.” The receding footsteps of Mrs Cronk were a relief to both of us. Hefting Mitch up, I staggered to the open window getting my balance before climbing onto the window seal. Making sure I have a tight grip on Mitch I steaded myself, jumped and landed. I start running strait to the clearing I was in before when I had needed my alone time. Mitch had his head buried in my shoulder with tears of pain running down his cheeks. When I reached the clearing I took him under the river willow tree and gently lowered him to the ground. But when I tried to let go of him he grabbed me and held tightly to him. All I could do was mummer, ‘it’s alright’, ‘it’ll go away, and I promise ’and ‘try not to scream to loudly'. I kept repeating these over and over again until eventually his painful moaning ceased to exist. His grip loosened as he relaxed with a sigh, he seemed to be building his resolve to move.

“Can you get up?” He nodded, starting to get up but lost the strength to and fell back to the ground with a small growl of annoyance. I stood up a little stiffly from sitting in the same position for too long. I held my hand out to him in a silent question when he didn’t respond I opened and closed my hand. He finally let me help him stand up but he couldn’t walk by himself so I also helped him with that.

“Do you think you can catch a doe or do you want me to?”

“You should do it I can barely walk; I can only walk with you supporting me.” A set of river willows came into view. They make a great hiding place for when you want to get away from someone.

“Sit under here then; no one will see you here.” As I left the shady cover of the river willow Mitch made the most guy like comment I think I have heard from all the time I have been at his place. “Make sure it’s a good one or I’ll have to teach you how tell which ones are good and which ones are bad.” I could hear him chuckling when I didn’t answer. I shifted forms not worrying about my clothes; they seem to just disappear when I shift these days. Maybe it’s because of the fact I have gotten older or that it just happens when you reach a certain stage, I wish J-Rod was here so I could ask him. I caught the scent of a herd of deer and went into hunter mode; all human emotions put back into their corner.

A few minutes later...

Mitch drank the blood first than we both ate the meat after Mitch changed forms. I just realised I had made Mitch apart of my pack without even wanting too, no no no. I growled in annoyance at myself for not thinking about things before I did them making Mitch suddenly look at me with those questioning eyes.

Getway's and More Revelations

Our heads snapped up from where we were sitting chatting about being a werewolf at the snapping of a stick under a heavy foot. I tested the air to see if the thing that made the noise was someone we knew or if it was an animal or just a stranger. I moved slightly and Mitch stood up swaying dangerously. I quickly stood myself to steady him. He was staring at the spot where the noise had come from and it felt like someone was watching us from the shadows of the trees.
“Who’s there? Show yourself before I come over there.” Mitch’s voice was deeper than before, it’s excusable for a guy. We watched that spot for a few minutes before the person stepped out of the shadows.

“Blake. What are you doing here? I thought you were off tonight.” Mitch was obviously shocked to see Blake here; it was plain on his face.

“I’m supposed to be off. I caught Michelle’s scent as I was heading home and thought that it’s a bit odd for her to be around this part of the woods. Why are you in this part of the woods, Michelle?”

“It’s not really any of your business. So push off.” You stupid half-blood Alpha, I wish Jason
hadn’t left. “I can do what I want where I want and you can’t stop me, Blake.”

“Did you two go hunting together or something? I can smell blood and a weird smell, like there’s a solitary wolf somewhere close by.”
The breeze changed direction giving me a big whiff of Alex that come off Blake; that bastard.

“What’s Alex want with you Blake and do NOT lie to me?” I made a humanly growling noise keeping my human phase. Alex had to use half-blood wolves to do his job.

“Alex is worried about you Michelle. He wants you to come back, he wants you safe and where he can take care of you. He says, ‘please come back’ and that he will ‘stop staring at you if you come home’. Blake’s just the messenger, he’s just the messenger, he’s just the messenger

“You tell Alex this: I will not come back. It’s not my home, this, the forest is my home and I’m not leaving.”

“He ordered us to take whatever it takes to get you back and we are going to do just that.” Ordered, us, we? Alex wouldn’t go this far to get me back there, would he? Wolves surrounded my little happy place which just became my bad place to be right now. There were even wolves on the other side of the stream; we were totally surrounded.

“Ordered? Blake you’re an Alpha not a Beta. You don’t take orders, you do the ordering.” Mitch stated and like me he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This is becoming a nightmare like the one I had when I got bitten by

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