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Book online «Korith by Ruby Cora (ebooks online reader .TXT) 📖». Author Ruby Cora

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bit of laughter "you were doomed from the start of this battle I cant die not by you anyway only my master can destroy me". Korith understood she lowered her head in defeat Nexus walked up to her and the feathers on his wings turned into blades. Nexus raised them high in the air and SNAP Korith looked up and gasped Nexus's neck had been snapped by someone. Then a Draguth walked up to Korith and smiled "hello sister Korith". Korith nodded and got to her feet "Nuka of the hellfire clan its so good to see you". The Draguth laughed then asked "what happened to your eye sis". Korith's smile faded at the question "its nothing for a young draguth to worrie about". Nuka laughed "well then I wont question you but tell me were are you going". Korith rolled her eyes and said "i'm going after Smagus the phoenix who killed my mother"....

Chaptor 5: Dragon hunters

Nuka gasped "really your going after Smagus but you couldent defeat Nexus how could you possibly defeat Smagus". Korith smiled "I dont know how al kill him but I will this scar will be mended". Nuka looked at the scar running down Korith's right eye then smiled "yes you will kill him and I will help you I know a group of ex dragon hunters that could tell us how to crush the phoenix you hunt". Korith spat on the ground then sighed "fine take me to them". Nuka nodded and started to skip down the forest Korith fallowed she just couldent beleave that this draguth was her sister but still Korith had to admitt she was strong in battle. Soon they were out of the forest and onto a wide plain there Korith stopped and said "how far do we have to go"? Nuka turned around "were going to the city of Neruth home of lord Nusus and his nine qweens". Korith stood there shocked then she said "wait I thought humans banned dragonkind from entering the city". Nuka laughed "your a dragon since when did you fallow human rules". Korith smiled "your right Nuka I am a dragon i do what I want we will go to the city of Neruth and see the dragon hunters". Then a net fired from a bush and wrapped around Nuka then a group of humans walked out. The leader laughed and said "hello ladys cant let dragonkind roam free you could hurt someone". Korith grawled and said "you humans should mind your selfs and not what we do then prohaps your towns and citys wouldent get burned down so much". The human hunter glared at Korith then pulled his sword out "al kill you myself bloddy beast". He ran out Korith who just grinned and tripped the human with her tail. The human hit the ground with a thud but was unharmed Korith looked at him and said "now leave us be and no harm will come to you and your friends". The human laughed then charged forword Korith's eyes flashed yellow and a storm in the ski began to form then a bolt of lighting came down from the ski and struck Korith's nose horn. Then she fired the lighting into the human and shocked him to ash the other humans gasped then a woman said "your the lighting dragon of Carga you even have his claw". Korith looked at the claw necklace around her neck then said "yes I am so please dont test me or you will end up like your leader". The humans started walking away Korith turned to Nuka and helped her out of the net then Korith said "never mind on the hunters were just going to have to find another way to kill Smagus". Nuka nodded and climed onto Korith's back then said "we should get moving there will be more hunters like them looking for pray".

Chaptor 6: The true foe

For what seemed like weeks the south dragon dens had been under attack by the phoenix horde. Now Kale was getting worried day after day phoenix had swarmed the dragon hunting grounds killing off anything that a dragon could eat they were trying to cut off there food suppiles. Kale walked down the den his golden scales glowed in the darkness the black smug on his eyes burned how much longer could he and the rest of the dragons hold out. Then he heard someone running down the cave hall a young looking dragon ran into him and said "the phoenix are back there counter strikeing from the west we have to get out of here before its too late". Kale pushed him into the side of the hall and said "we are not running from those monsters young one if they beat us here then all hope is lost we have to hold our ground". The younger dragon nodded his head and ran back the way he came Kale fallowed him outside where a group of dragons were battling the phoenix army Kale wasted no time in getting into the air he charged at the nearest phoenix and knocked it out of the ski. Then two phoenix attacted from his right Kale dodged and looked at the two phoenix then smiled. Vines shot from the ground and wrapped around the phoenix and tore them apart Kale then looked to see a large cannon fire from below and nail a dragon in the gut. The dragon fell from the ski screaming Kale looked at the cannon for a moment then said to himself "orcs but why"? Then the cannon fired again this time it nailed him in the shoulder shattering it. Kale closed his eyes as he hit the dirt then he felt chains being wrapped around his body. Then nothing but darkness when Kale awoke he was in a cage being pulled by oxen orc soldiers walked beside him as Kale became fully aware of what was happeing the phoenix were just a trick to hide the true foe the orcs were enslaveing dragons. Kale dident know why but he knew it had to be stopped but by who he was sure all the dragons were dead or caged who could save them from this fate. Kale sat up and thought for a moment Carga was dead and the child he raised was missing that was when Kale knew who would save the dragonkind from enslavement Korith was out there somewhere Kale knew it all he needed to do was wait.

Chaptor 7: Korith's power awakens

Korith and Nuka walked down a low hill that was when a young dragon landed close by he was wounded with blood pouring out of his snout. Arrows were sticking in his neck and sides slowlly he walked up to Korith and said "the dens were over run by orcs last night lord Kale asked me to find you and tell you that he and many others have been taken as slaves to the orc highlands". Korith closed her eyes as a child she had fallen for Kale however she knew there was nothing she could do not at the moment anyway. Korith looked at the young drake and said "I cant help at the moment I must finish something when I am done I will come but untill then Kale and the others will have to hold out". Nuka stepped forword and said "but Korith they need help". Korith glared at Nuka "I said no Nuka right now Smagus must die when thats done al help". The male dragon's head went down as saddness filled his heart "you were our only hope". Then he turned around and started to walk away Nuka looked at the young dragon then ran after him Korith gasped "what are you doing Nuka"? Nuka turned around anger in her eyes "I'm going to help the other dragons with or without you Korith". Then she and the young male left Korith was alone she turned and grunted why should she care Kale was a strong dragon he could take care of himself. Then Korith thought about her nightmares what if Kale wasent able to defeat the orcs Korith was confused she wanted to scream with rage. Then fires sprang up around her Korith looked up to see a small group of phoenix laughing then one dived down and rammed its head into Korith's back forceing her down. The others mucked her and called her named Korith growled and said "GET AWAY FROM ME". Then a bolt of lighting came down and struck one of the phoenix killing it then more bolts of lighting. Korith felt the energy surge threw her body her nose horn sparked as lighting struck her again and again. It was painfull but were was the lighting coming from? Then Korith figured it all not Korith was enraged and had somehow formed a storm. However the storm wouldent leave it just continued to fire lighting down on her and she couldent take much more of it. Korith felt another bolt of lighting hit her and that was the last for she could no longer move Korith closed her eyes and welcomed the darkness she hoped that it was death finally there to take her soul.

Chaptor 8: The human child

Korith awoke with a jolt of pain the storm had gone but the pain stayed for a while longer Korith tryed to stand but couldent. Then she heard a voice say "wow a real dragon". Korith turned her head to see a human child starring at her he looked up and said "oh sorry I saw the storm and came to see what had started it". Korith sighed "you shouldent be around dragons child your kind might kill you for talking to me". The human smiled and said "I'm not like the other humans I like dragons I think there beautyfull". Korith couldent help laughing then she looked at the boy he had black hair, brown eyes, white shirt, and blue linen pants. Korith nodded and said "well then do you think I'm beautyfull"? The human laughed "yes you are vary good looking can you tell me your name". Korith replyed with a coughe "my name is Korith now can you tell me your name". The child bowed and said "I am Keeth tell me miss Korith why are you just laying there are you hurt". Korith nodded "vary baddlly my spine may be broken I cant move". The boy laughed again and climed on Korith's back he felt her scaly body then pulled out a bag and pour some type of juice onto her back. The stuff sinked into her and wrapped around Korith's spine healing the parts that were wounded. Korith got to her feet and said "thank you child please tell me what you want in return". Keeth clapped his hands and said "can I ride you"? Korith strached her wings and flapped them then she let the wind pull her up at first it hurt to fly but soon Korith was feeling quite happy. Keeth too was happy he held on to Korith's neck as they sored Korith allowed the child to ride on her back untill nightfall then she landed for rest. Keeth hopped off her back and said "thank you miss Korith I had fun if you want you can come to my house and sleep in the barn". Korith smiled but said "I will be fine here young one return to your family". Keeth nodded and ran off into the forest leaveing Korith alone for the first time in years Korith had felt the one thing she thought she would never feel again happyness.

Chaptor 9: Korith's revenge

Korith had awoken early and was once more off to hunt down the phoenix that had killed her mother as she was flying more visions went threw her mind
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