Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Korith by Ruby Cora (ebooks online reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซKorith by Ruby Cora (ebooks online reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Ruby Cora

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Chaptor 1: Enter Korith

A dark figure moved throw the clouds his wings long and pointed, yellow scales, eyes as blue as a new moon, and long horns coming from his head. Carga allowed the wind to carry him on his way to Unagoruth the land of dragons and humans. As he felt rain pelt down on his scaly body a form moved behind him Carga turned his head and saw a red mass moving at blinding speeds. Carga tryed flying faster but the thing fallowing him was faster. It slammed into him and he felt himself fall from the sky just as he was about to hit the ground sharp claws cought him and set him gently on the ground. Carga turned to look at the figure and found that it was another dragon one he knew well Carge laughed and said "you cought me vary good your getting better Korith". The female dragon smiled with joy she was younger then Carga 1000 years in fact with red scales, green eyes, a nose horn and spines going down her back to the base of her tall. Korith couldent help bursting with laughter "master I cought you hahaha". Carga sighed his father wouldent have stood for childish remarks but time changes as with all things. Carga then said "for a moment I thought you were a phoenix how unlucky that would have been". Korith knew what he ment since before she was born a war between dragons and phoenix has raged and thing only got worse for the welps. Finally Carga looked at her and smiled "your mother would have been proud of such a skilled hunter you are becoming and of how beautyfull you became". Korith felt a bit of sadness go threw her as the memerys of her mothers death filled her head then she said "yes mother would have been proud". Then she began to walk away tears formed in her eyes but Korith pushed them back and took to the skys there was more then just sadness anger also grew deep in her vains. The sun was rising when Korith and her master Carga got home to there den Carga looked at Korith with a worried look "your still in pain from that day arnt you my student"? Korith turned around and nodded Carga nodded back at her and continued "if you ever want to talk about it just say the word I dont want you to loss hope Sarus was a wonderfull dragoness she saved my life once". Korith smiled "talking about your war stories again master Carga". Carga laughed alittle then felt a shift in spirit energy the phoenix were coming....

Chaptor 2: Phoenix Attack

Carga and Korith were the first to get into the air but it dident take long for the entire Unagoruth dragon clan to gather together as one. At first they were far off then a large flack of phoenix were fluttering in the air then just stayed in one place waiting for the dragons to make there move. Carga laughed "they are scared to make the first move". The clan bursted into mucking laughter all but Korith who just looked at the phoenix leader Smagus who had killed hundrads of dragons even welps. Smagus also killed her mother and Korith wanted nothing more then to tear him apart. At first a few Phoenix broke ranks and charged forward then they all charged the Unagoruth dragons did the same. Korith let out a battle roar and slammed into a female phoenix her claws tore into its neck and Korith endded the phoenix quiklly then she did the same with another as it charged here. Carga was intangled with a young phoenix it was female but unlike other others with one was blue it laughed as it bit into his flash. Forceing a scream from Carga the blue phoenix continued by clawing his belly slowlly to make the pain last longer Carga then started laughing himself. The phoenix was confused then before it could finish its attack Carga's tail stabbed threw its back and into its heart. Carga let the phoenix fall to the forest below and moved forward with a small group of drakes. Korith dodged a dive attack and grabbed a phoenix with her claws then bit into its neck and tore its head clean off after 2000 years of suffering all that Korith felt for the phoenix kind was hate. That was when she spotted there leader Smagus was riping into a drake with such force the the young dragon was dead before he could even strike back. Korith charged with a roar she rammed into Smagus pushing him back a bit but no where near taking him out. The pheonix laughed and said "I remember you your mother gave herself up to save you I killed her slowlly hahaha". Korith grew quite enraged and replyed with a snarl "you will die for those words". Smagus smiled as Korith came at him just as she was about to ram him again he moved out of the way and kicked her in the back of her neck cutting his foot on one of her spines. Korith turned around with a grin then said with even more anger "today my suffering ends". Smagus screached and charged head on the two clashed and for a moment it looked as if nather were harmed then a small cut appered on Smagus's neck and a long deep cut in korith's right eye appered. Carga saw the whole thing and knew that Korith was hurt and that she wouldent be able to defeat Smagus. He roared forward however Smagus turned around and side kicked him. Korith was having problems seeing the pain was just unbereable when her vision cleared she saw Smagus grab Carga the rip into his neck then with a loud screach threw him down to the forest floor. Korith was in shock she never thought that her master would become a victom of the war insteed of continueing to fight Korith landed and looked for Carga. She looked for hours but she soon found him on the ground laying in a puttal of blood Korith ran over to him Carga pulled his head up and said "my student my beautyfull Korith are you well". Korith felt tears swell in her eyes "yes I am fine master and you will be too". Carga laughed even if he was weak he was still the calm master Korith had known then his smile left as he said "I'm sorry to say but it is my time to be at peace my student but do not cry Korith stay proud find that monster of a pheonix Smagus and give him this". Korith watched as Carga pushed a small spike a vine was tied aroud it with the last of his strangth Carga wrapped his broken claw around Korith's neck and fell to the ground dead. Korith placed her clawed hand on his face and closed his eyes then she whispered "sleep well master Carga"...

Chaptor 3: Rainy Night

Korith dident fly back to her den insteed she walked along the forest floor the slash across her eye burned with pain. However Korith did think the wound was bad in fact she loved it the wound would always remined her of what she was fighting for. The ski was dark and cloudy rain poored from them Korith looked into a puttal she saw the cut across her eye and said to herself "you are all I have left now". Then she heard a russaling in a bush korith turned to see a dark yellow eyes watching her Korith walked closer to it and said "come on out young Crocamorp". Then a green scaly animal walked out and said "if I took you back to my swamp you would feed me for weeks". Korith looked at the smaller reptile and laughed it had a Crocs head and scals but walked and talked like a human. Then the Crocamorp pulled out a spere and threw it at Korith it made a bloody hole in her left wing. Korith glared at it and said "please dont do that again if you do I will crush you with my tail". The Crocamorp smiled showing her teeth then said "I'm quite cold here mind if I use your wings as shelter untill the storm passes"? Korith sighed and replyed "I just threw a spere at me and now you want my wormth such a strange race you are". Korith layed down in the soft mud an allowed the Crocamorp to sleep by her Korith herself began to get tired so she layed her head down and closed her eyes. Sleep came fast as it always did however korith dident see the nightmere coming. In her dream Korith saw a large camp filled with orcs they were pulling something. Then to Koriths horrie she saw that is was a dragon the life stabbed out of him then they threw him onto a fire and began to cook him. Korith turned her head away as the orcs feasted on the dragons body then darkness took her. The next scean was Korith trapped in a cage she tryed to break free but it was useless then a orc commander walked up to her and said "this one will do take her to the stables and brand her". Then the nightmare was over Korith knew too well that the nightmare wasent just a dream it was her futur Korith saw a new world were dragons were slaves to orcs. Then the Crocamorp awoke with a hiss and said "that was a good nap by the way my name is Susa". Korith nodded and replyed "I am Korith I must perpair for war so I bid you farewell". Then Korith got to her feet and took to the air with only one thought on her mind Smagus....

Chaptor 4: Shadow of Nexus

Korith walked threw the forests the sun was just riseing into the ski Korith could hear birds awakening but that wasent all something else moved threw something with fire. Then a stream of blue fire crossed Korith's path forceing her to stop. Then a blue phoenix came from the fire and said "master Smagus asked me to kill you slowlly and bring him your head". Korith cocked her head in cunfusion "dident Carga kill you"? The blue phoenix laughed and replyed "that old fool please Nexus is phoenix and like all phoenix fire dose not harm me only return me to essence". Korith felt her right eye tingal then rage filled her heart "well your out of luck cause I'm not a fire dragon". Nexus smiled "good I want a challenge tell me what type of dragon are you"? Korith laughed then she glared "I was born in ice my mother was a water dragon and my father was an earth dragon". Nexus jumped back with a odd look "well well this is going to be fun indeed". Korith snorted and breathed calmy in then her green eyes flashed white and ice shot from the ground and stabbed threw Nexus's left wing. Nexus laughed and tore his wing away from his own body then said "sorry sister its going to take more then that to kill me". Korith's eyes flashed white again as another ice spike shot from the ground and went into Nexus's other wing. Again Nexus tore nis other wing away still he laughed then blue fire came forth from the stubs that had held his wings it twisted and turned untill new wings formed. Korith gasped as Nexus landed and bowed then said with a

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Free ebook ยซKorith by Ruby Cora (ebooks online reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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