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Book online «Shadows by S Robinson (moboreader TXT) 📖». Author S Robinson

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to use certain herbs to get the best out of it or how a Folip heart could be boiled and dried out to make an ointment to soothe burns. However Anan had very few friends. No-one he could confide in or talk to about anything really without being laughed at. Magora was always too busy and Sofi was too young to understand his musings over new ways to forge and shape metal or his lifetime goal to see more of the outside world.
So he spent his spare time with Dago, reading or developing new techniques to put to use in the forge and in secret he practised his sword and archery skills, away from the looks and sniggers of the other boys in the village. He didn’t want anyone to know he could use a blade in case they asked him to join the hunters on their outings; whilst he was good with a blade the thought of killing anything made him feel physically sick. He had always decided he didn't want to use weapons however after a severe beating from Hann and his cronies a couple of years earlier he had decided it wouldn't harm to look after himself if he ever needed to.

Anan didn't want to go back to the forge that afternoon the sun was out and the bellowing fumes from the forge on top of the suns sickly heat was not appealing. So he decided to take a stroll down to the paddock, and see if anyone needed help with the Folip. At least he would be outside he thought. He wandered passed the church where the younger children were having outdoor classes with Sister Felicity. He jogged a little to catch up to Ms Anna. Ms Anna was one of the oldest settlers of Bockley and she had hundreds of stories to tell and she acted like a grandmother to everyone. Anan loved the old ladies company. Ms Anna was struggling to drag a bag of apples home.
“Can I give you a hand Ms Anna” already reaching out to take the bag, she nodded in agreement,
“you are a gentleman Anan, thank you. This weather is too much for this old lady and I’m not as strong as I used to be” with that Anan threw the bag over his shoulder and followed the little old lady to her home.
“you may be old Ms Anna but your gonna out live us all” Ms Anna laughed and said “flattery young sir wont get you anywhere” and they both laughed all the way to her home. Her home was like every other, stone built, with a small thatched roof, the stone was mined from the cliff side and was extremely durable. The front room was fusty smelling with little collected piles of dog hair dotted over the floor, every dog in the village belonged to Ms Anna apart from Dago who she had given to Anan as a birthday present for his tenth year. There were about thirty dogs that roamed the village feeding on scraps but their presence kept the rats and other vermin away from the homes and Folip pens which kept everyone happy.
“Drop them in the corner for me sweetie” Anna motioned to Anan, as she carefully lowered herself onto her favourite seat, not covered in dog hair.
“would you like a glass of water Anan” shaping to get back out of her chair. Looking at the uncomfortable look on her face Anan replied
“er, no thanks Ms, I best be getting off I’m going to the pens to see if they need any help” as Anan spoke he was eyeing up the big bag of apples he had just brought in, Ms Anna must have caught him looking and gave him two apples for helping. As he turned to leave he suddenly felt dizzy, the room began to spin and he could see a pair of burning red eyes inside his head, his mouth went dry and then everything went black.

Anan woke with a violent start, kicking out and upturning a jug of cold water. “Easy lad, easy” it was Magora “just lie down”, Anan's head was throbbing and his body ached like he had fallen of the cliff onto the rocks below.
“ What happened to me? I...I.. don’t remember, how long have I been asleep, the festival, the preparations”? his foot started hurting now and it felt wet, probably the water he thought to himself.
“Anan, the festival has been and gone and you have been unconscious for the best part of two weeks” Angie looked pale white and withdrawn with big bags under her eyes, she obviously hadn’t slept properly in the last couple of weeks and it was starting to show. Anan was still trying to digest what had just been said and Magora or Mags as he called her had started to pick up the remains of the ceramic water jug that Anan had kicked over.
“I’ve been asleep for two weeks, but that cant be true, that’s not possible is it? I don't remember bumping my head and” Angie broke him off mid sentence
“ Anan you have been on deaths door for two weeks, running a high fever and mumbling strange names and screaming. You scared me and the rest of the villagers”. To Anan none of this made any sense how could he just collapse without any explanation. He began to think that the heat must have addled his brain a little.
“ Sofi has been praying for you hourly, the villagers have all been asking questions and poor Ms Anna nearly collapsed herself with you just dropping into a heap like you did on her bloody doorstep”. Well Anan couldn’t explain it, all he remembered was holding two apples then blackness. This was strange and if Mags didn’t know what was wrong with him then how was he going to know.


Anan decided it was about time he got himself back outside and working again. After being away for so long he felt extremely lethargic as he had done nothing but lie on his bunk for the last few days. He had a small room to himself, with a big window in the side wall which faced the forest. The walls were covered in books because Anan loved to read and learn anything he could about anything really. His entire wardrobe consisted of three shirts two long pairs of pants and a short pair for hot days. Throwing his legs over the side of his bunk and pulling a fresh shirt from his extremely small collection he exited his room. He threw some water over his face from the basin in the kitchen and pulled a huge piece of bread off the cob on the side. He finally noticed the house was empty and began to wander where Mags and Sofi were. He left the house with Dago at his heel. The dog was always with him. The only time Dago was not with him was when he was in bed. He started to pass several of the settlers who were deep in conversation when they noticed him approaching and began to break off into little groups and walk away from him. That was strange, why would they ignore him like that? He put it down to bad timing and continued his walk to the forge with Dago. Rounding the corner he bumped into Hann and his two brutish friends Broc and Fran. This was one of the things he hated about living in such a small area, he couldn’t get away from the people he didn’t like
“oh look boys its the rat and his ugly pet” Hann's every word was etched with venom and with that he gripped Anan by his shirt and threw him against the wall of the nearest building.
“Unfortunately Anan, we have been bored over these last few weeks as you have been.......what was it Ericou said boys, oh yeah unavailable!” Anan knew what was coming next, he was always the punch bag and this was just something he had gotten used to. Hann had never liked him and he didn’t know why. He must have upset him in an earlier life he thought. The other two just followed Hann around like Dago did him.
“so we have a bit of catching up to do” then there was a loud crack as Broc struck a large piece of wood against the wall inches from his head and it splintered “your head next rat” barked Hann and drove his knee into Anan's midriff, his breath escaped him sharply and he fell to his knees holding his stomach, he could feel his throat burning as he tried to stifle a cough, Fran by this time had Dago tied to a post and the dog was barking his head off “YOU NEVER FIGHT BACK.....COWARD” and another blow, this time to the ribs forcing another cough, whilst Anan was trying to think of a slick way out of this or a clever remark another voice could be heard calling his name. Not wanting to be caught in the act Hann, Broc and Fran left him there on the floor crying to himself.
“Anan......Anan” it was Sofi, Anan staggered to his feet and rounded the corner wiping the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand
“I’m here, what’s the matter Sofi”
“why does there have to be anything wrong for me to come and see my big brother” grinning from ear to ear she had such a mischievous gleam in her eye.
“I just bought you some bread and jam for your lunch” Anan then realised she was only there to avoid her first lesson in church.
“you need to get to school, if Mags finds out you haven’t been she is going to make you work instead ” Anan knew Sofi hated the thought of work and really liked the fact she had brought him dinner, it meant there was no risk of him bumping into one of the thugs who would no doubt be looking to finish what they started so he was grateful. However he didn’t like the fact she was ditching lessons to do it and he told her as much. So Sofi left with a flea in her ear and rushed to the church. Anan watched her enter the door, smirked to himself and turned to see Dago finishing off a slab of meat Fran must have given him to try and keep him away whilst they ruffed him up. He took a deep breath called Dago to heel and entered the forge for the day ahead.

He had been working the forge all morning, making a new war hammer for Ericou the Battle Master, his existing one was extremely worn down. This was something else that baffled Anan, Bockley had a Battle Master; yet they never ever came across another living soul apart from its current occupants, to even think about war or fighting was just ridiculous and pointless. He had nearly finished the hammer, he had moulded the head and shaft and now just needed to fit the wooden handle. The wood was baked in Glofire, a magical heat source that infused the wood with unbreakable strength and unnaturally light to wield. Obviously this helped as the hammer head and shaft were very heavy. It was a two handed weapon and with Ericou wielding it, it was doubtful he could ever be beaten, with his inhumane strength and lightning speed, he was more than formidable. Anan had worked the forge since
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