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Book online «Shadows by S Robinson (moboreader TXT) 📖». Author S Robinson

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see Anan the Nami spirits keep the life balance of this world and breaking these terms would lead to punishment” Anan was starting to lose patience with this women, she wasn't answering his question. She was trying to palm him off with a mythical story. He just glared at Mags and stood up raising his voice,
“ I don't need a history lesson Mags, I want an answer” for some reason Mags recoiled from his gaze and was starting to look scared and backed away from him.
“You be careful Anan, you have no idea what Mags has gone through to keep you safe and if you interrupt a second time I will make sure you cant open your mouth again” Ericou had stood up and unsheathed his hammer glaring at Anan
“do NOT test me boy”
this had the desired effect and Anan sat back down and apologised to Mags for the interruption and she continued

“Before Jangaar was granted his power he fell in love. He turned away from his life of deceit and murder and tried to make a home with Clara, your mother. The Nami were angry and greedy and said he had deceived them and as recompense they took Jangaar's soul. They left him broken, to serve them for eternity, to become their reaper. They locked away his soul in their chamber and they placed the key inside Clara”.

Mags was now visibly crying, Anan could still not, for all his learning, work out what she was trying to say

“ Losing his soul made Jangaar what he is today a murderous sorcerer who's aim is to cause as much death and suffering in his quest for his key. The Nami themselves became satisfied as times began to change and with Jangaar under their control, they had more power over everything. They became greedy and death is now not enough for them. They have grown to appreciate the torture Jangaar is inflicting on the everyday man. He knew where the key to his soul lay and with the Nami behind him he hunted your mother like a man possessed. What he didn't know at the time was that his Clara was pregnant. His key was not inside Clara but lay deep inside his unborn child”

At this she looked at Anan and Anan knew exactly what was next and fear gripped him.

“You are Jangaar's key and now he knows where you are, he has a hundred lifetimes to hunt you and he will never give up. I don't believe he cares that you are his son. He cares only for himself and releasing his soul which will give him his freedom”. Turning an extremely pale colour and without uttering a single syllable Anan exited the room into the bar area, his mouth was dry and he felt sick to his stomach. He wanted a drink, a strong drink, this might wash away the lies and the truth. Reaching behind the bar he pulled up a bottle of spirit, uncapped the top and took a large mouthful. He gasped, the burning sensation shot through his whole body and made him shudder; inside his head screamed in protest as he put the bottle to his lips again,
“ just one more” he thought; only this time he didn't get a drop as the bottle smashed in his hands, startled he turned round to see Sofi in wet clothes looking furious. Without saying a word Anan walked over to where she stood and hugged her. He didn't want these stories to be true, he didn't want to lose the family he had come to know and love and he hugged her harder. He felt safe there and it was a strange feeling. Consoling Anan was making Sofi's temper cool and she forced him to go home and to take his time trying to absorb all he had just been told. So Anan headed back to his home. It had been a shorter trip than he had thought and still he didn't know all he wanted to.
His head was buzzing and he wasn't paying any attention at all and when he looked up he bumped straight into Hann knocking them both backwards. Anan began apologizing almost immediately until he looked up to the see who it was and the big cheesy grin that had appeared on Hann's face. “I didn't think you would have had the brass to come looking for me”
“not now Hann, I ain't in the mood for this crap as well” and Anan tried to pass but Hann crossed his path
“what you mean you ain't got time.........there is always time for a little pain” and Hann swung his right hand at Anan's head. The blow missed the intended target as Anan had rolled his shoulders to avoid the punch. Hann threw a second punch and missed also.
“why are you moving are you feeling brave ratty” Hann kicked out and again struck mid air.
“like I said I ain't got time for this so go away” teeth gritted and fists clenched Anan stared down Hann. He had had enough of the beatings and Hann was going to get his if he carried on. Hann's eyes widened and he took a step back, something akin to fear emerged on his face and he looked lost. Anan had never acted like this before but the way he was feeling he could have taken on an army and still wondered if that would have satisfied his anger. Hann made no reply so Anan just continued his march back to the house leaving a dumbstruck thug in his wake. He entered the house kicking of his boots in temper before flinging himself onto his bunk and his head began to spin. So his real father is the harbinger of death and wants a mystical key that he Anan holds inside himself. The lady who has raised and watched over him for the last sixteen years is actually some type of Magi and the so called farmers of his village are a hidden army of warriors who can perform magic. This was going to take a long time to digest and with that last thought Anan closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.
Anan was running and running and getting nowhere fast a pair of burning red eyes were closing in around him, then he was riding a beast through a forest and the eyes began to dissipate.

Anan smirked in his sleep and his heart beat settled but in the dream the beast had left and he was alone with his thoughts and with what he had recently learnt it was a scary place to be and he opened his eyes.


Anan felt something wet pressing against his face and pulled his head back to see Dago sat there licking his chops looking very satisfied with himself. Anan chuckled to himself wiping the drool off his face and trying to focus, he had been asleep for hours and then the daunting feeling of seeing everyone who was involved the day before struck him. He started to feel sick, he had never been any good at confrontation and he had a feeling this morning was going to be full of it. Dragging his body out of his cot he staggered through to the kitchen to find it empty. There was a cold bowl of porridge on the table which really did not look very appealing and a glass of mayberry juice with a note that just said “come to the waterhole” he shoved the paper into his pocket and picked up the juice. He didn’t feel like eating but he seemed to have a nagging thirst he just couldn’t quench. Finishing his juice he decided to get washed up and make the dreaded walk to the waterhole and try to piece together yesterdays events and what was to come next. He stumbled around the house trying to find a clean shirt with Dago at his heels the large dog just ambling next to him. He found a shirt on the floor and picked it up and put it to his nose, it smelt of smoke with a little hint of sweat. Well this was all he could find so it would have to do. He left the house Dago at his heels and headed for the truth. On arrival at the waterhole he noticed how quiet the whole village seemed he pushed the doors open and found out why the village was so quiet. They had all packed themselves into the small pub. A slight murmur of conversation broke out on his arrival. “its about bloody time” he heard and he lowered his head and walked straight to Mags who was sat on the bar itself.
“good morning Anan, how did you sleep?” he smirked to himself, only Mags could be so blasé about the whole situation
“I slept fine thanks Mags, I wanted to say sorry for the way I acted yesterday I was childish and disrespectful I”
“stop now Anan before you say anymore, it was your right yesterday. Now as you are here I assume you wish to know more about who we are and what we are going to be doing next” Anan hadn't thought about what came next he had been so caught up in the past the future had gotten lost somewhere
“yeah I suppose I have Mags”
“good” and Ericou slapped a huge paw on his shoulder
“I told you he would be fine Mags, the boy is made of sterner stuff” and Ericou positioned himself at the front of the room and cleared his throat loudly.
“the outcome we have dreaded the most has happened and Jangaar has found our little haven and the boy we have tried to hide” he paused and that moment the audience was captivated and at the same time unsure as to the correct course of action “now this is an open meeting so any ideas would be grateful” there was silence in the room so Ericou continued “I see us having only one of two options..... option one we stay, we will certainly fight and probably die, but we die our way in trying to protect this lands only saviour” and he gestured to Anan who suddenly felt a hundred pair of eyes settle on him and his cheeks began to redden “or option two.......Anan leaves this place in secret and makes his way to Vangoor. We hold off the enemy here and fight and probably die but again we die warriors deaths knowing we did our part to save this land” most participants in the room almost looked pleased at the last part
“I would die a happy man with my sword in hand taking some demons along the way so I don't mind which option you choose for me”
“I second that Smyt” and Smyt and Cain had stood to show there willingness and Ericou smiled and nodded his head in acknowledgement. Several of the others began to rise slowly from their seats with mumbles of “kill the demons” and “protect the saviour” the mutterings grew and in no time the entire room was stood apart from one table and everyone turned to see Hann, Broc and Fran sat at a table sitting down defiantly “we shouldn't be fighting anyone Ericou” some mumbling started and Ericou raised his hands to quite the noise
“its an open meeting, everyone must have their say” Hann rose from his chair and began to point at Anan “why must we all die for him, he is not one of us he has no family here, why are we showing him any loyalty at all” again whispers
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