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another room, I was so frustrated to lose one second without seeing her. I hopped onto the next tree to get a better view of the room. They were speaking about something looking at a picture frame and suddenly her face lit up with excitement and she hugged that guy. Envy burst out through my veins, I stopped myself from going and killing him.

I saw the people leaving one by one. I waited for her to come outside; she stood on the road alone. This will be the perfect time to kill her, I thought.

I heard a car honk and squinted through the fog to see who it is? The car is directly heading towards her. I turned to see her; she froze and closed her eyes in fear. I'm sure that the car would run over her if she won't move.

"Let her die after all that's what I wanted, right?" one voice said in my mind.

"Save her." The other voice said.

I sat there contemplating what to do.

"I want her to die in my own hands." I said jumping off the tree.

I pushed her away from the car. She still closed her eyes and is hyperventilating; I placed my arms around her. I wanted so badly to hug her and caress her. She peeked at me.

"Kill her, now." My voice started again.

Her beautiful eyes full of such innocence and the way she looked at me remained me so much of her. I pushed her away from me and ran into the forest once again.

"Cathy is right, I can't kill her." I said to myself.

"Still I can make her father suffer if I turn her into one of us." I thought.

Cathy overheard my thoughts.

"You can't turn a human unless they offer themselves willingly." she remained me.

"I'll make her love me and then she will one day ask for it." I replied.

Cathy sighed and sat beside me. Cathy is my sister and Matt is her mate; we are the only family left after the vampire hunters attacked our coven in which I lost my mate too.

An image flickered in my mind where my mate was lying in a pool of blood and Daniel was charging at her with a sword. Her last smile, my anger flared. Cathy and Matt gently squeezed my hands.

I am determined to make him pay for it.

<Summer's POV>

The stranger's black eye's haunted me in my dreams. We looked all over the college but couldn't find my rescuer. Day's passed by, Dan and I got really close.

I came early home to get ready for my date with Dan. I kind of have a feeling that he is going to propose today. I looked my best in blue I did my hair up.

I rushed downstairs when I remembered I forgot to lock the kitchen door. When I reached downstairs I saw a kitty at our kitchen door, she stared me right in the eye. Its gaze made me uncomfortable like it's watching me. I shushed it away from the door, all the time it stared at me. It felt really weird.

"Summer." I heard Dan calling me from the front door.

I tried to calm my nerves. I don't want to look over excited about this and I don't want him to know that I knew the surprise which spoils his fun.
"You look gorgeous." He said smiling.

We drove to nearby restaurant enjoyed the meal. I waited eagerly as to when he would propose but that didn't happen in the restaurant. May be somewhere else I thought.

"Let's walk sometime." He said.

We walked for a while and he stopped near by a tree.

"Do you remember this tree?" he asked.

"It's this place where you said goodbye to me many years back."

He knelled and took out the ring from his pocket.

My eyes were moist; I rubbed them with back of my hands.

"Summer, I don't want to lose you again. I want you in my life forever. I promise to give you everything you wish for. I promise to make you happy every day of my life. Will you marry me?" he asked.

I cried with joy and hugged him. That's the sweetest thing anyone ever said to me.

"Yes." I whispered in his ears.

<Shadow's POV>

I watched her all the time. I didn't know what else to do. I don't know how to make my first move towards her.

I saw her getting ready for a date with Dan. This Dan guy is getting on my nerves. I really feel like tearing him apart whenever I saw him going near her.

I was furious when I saw him going down on his knees. I waited patiently to see what happens next, My rage burst when I saw summer accepting him. I jumped down the tree and ran into the forest hitting everything that is in my way.
I sat on the lake where I and Nina used to come. She liked this place very much. I felt my anger drain out just by sitting there.

"It's time, I make my move. Daniel, get ready to lose the only thing that matters to you." I cried out loud.

I watched Summer slip into the bed and she smiled staring at the ring.

I waited until she is sound asleep and tip toed into her room. I made sure she isn't awake and removed the ring from her finger and returned to my tree.

She woke up yawning; she still didn't notice the ring missing. She went to wash up soon she'll find out the ring missing. It's time I make my move when she frantically rummaged all her shelves.

I smiled at the way everything is going.

<Summer's POV>
I didn't notice the ring missing until now. My heart panicked. I searched frantically everywhere but I couldn't find it. I turned upside down the whole house still no sign of the ring. My heart cried so hard. I slumped on to the sofa crying when I heard the doorbell ringing.

I hurried to answer the door wiping my tears. If it is Dan what will I say? He will be upset with me, I thought.

I answered the door; a man stood facing his back towards me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He turned towards me. I stared wide mouthed looking at the person before me. He is strikingly handsome and almost like a hot model.

"What do you want, sir?" I said regaining my conscious.

"I believe this is someone's in your home." He said showing something in his hands.

I moved closer to look at what he is showing my ring. I shrieked with joy and hugged him which I doubt is the worst thing I have ever done. As soon as I hugged him I felt some tension build up between us, He flinched at my touch. I pulled back and looked up to him and saw his dark eyes, the same eyes that saved me. It must be him.

"Where did you find it?" I asked.

"In your lawn." he said smiling.

"I would like to thank you over a cup of coffee but I am afraid I'll be late to college." I said genuinely.
"It's okay, I have to leave too." he said ad left without a word.

How did it get there? I am sure I saw it on my finger last night, I thought. I didn't want to lose it again so I safely hid it in my jewelry box.

Three days passed by with nothing out of usual same boring classes and chat with friends. I waited eagerly for the time when I would spend my time with Dan. Its fun having him around, he makes me forget everything. Even with Dan I couldn't remove the stranger's image from my mind. He seemed to haunt all my dreams these days and on top of that I saw one day that black kitty on my window staring at me when I woke up. I freaked up to see it there.

"Does your Dad come home today?" Dan asked me.

"He called me in the morning; he seems to be tied up with some work may be one more week. I think." I said thinking about him.

I miss him. Usually Dad goes on trips and sometimes he gets so stuck up with work that he may take 2-3 weeks to return home.

Dan drops me at home every day and picks me up in the morning. I sat in the lawn trying to read for the first time after I came here.

I finished almost 10 pages when I felt like someone watching me. I turn around to see but I couldn't find anyone. This thing is getting on my nerves, I thought.

I thought of making a cup of coffee when I saw the stranger walking on the road. I ran after him thinking of what to call him. Thank god! He turned back to see me.

He flashed an alluring smile.

"Do you remember me?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I wanted to say thanks for everything."

"Would you like to have a cup of coffee?" I asked him tentatively.

He seemed to think about it for a moment and then he nodded.

I sat him in the living room when I went inside to make him coffee.

"What's your name?" He asked me.


"And yours?"


I knew this name from somewhere, I thought.

"Do you like reading books?" he said examining my bookshelf.

"Yeah! a lot." I smiled.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"In the near by town." he said.

"What do you do?" I asked.

He flinched at my question. I tried of asking him more when Tony came into my home.

I introduced her to him. She whispered in my ears

"Oh!!!hottie. Who is he?" she snickered.

I punched her.

"Did you forget today Dan has a match." she said.

"Sorry about that, you go on. I will join you after sometime." I said.

She laughed and left without saying anything stupid and embarrassing me in front of him.

I showed him all my books. He read all those books, he looks like person born in literature.

I hurried to pick up the ringing phone.
"Honey, where are you? the match is about to start." he shouted above the cheers.

"I'm on my way." I said.

"Well! come fast."
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