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Book online «BLoodline Rising by A.J. Alvarado (book reader for pc txt) 📖». Author A.J. Alvarado

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red from head to toe when mad.

He chuckled at her, only making her tremble with rage, what was he doing here? He was the reason she left Mexico, and her little island. She didn't want him to find her! This was no fair, how did he find her? The same questions kept repeating in her mind, each time filling her with more anger.
"What are you doing here?"
"I am here on behalf of the queens last dying wishes, princess Sophia."

David looked at his mom then at the old bat, then back at the old bat, then his gaze settle on his mom. How did she know him? Was it true that before was his grandpa, and not just his grandpa, but the king of some god foresaken island? And what of his grandma? The king just said that he was here on the queebs last dying wishes. That must mean she was dead or just about. David closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, not sure of what to make of this newly found information, but one thing kept come back and back agin in his mind. His mom lied to him, not just any lie, but a lie that could drastically change his life.

Ana looked at David from where she stood, his posture was slouching, and she knew he was upset, she watched as he stared at the wall infront of him, the look of deep concentration in his eyes. She lied to him, and she knew he would sooner or later dwell on that subject, but for now she had to focus her atention on her dad.

"Sophia, you need to return to the kingdom and take your rightful place as queen, your mother and I are ready to retire."

Ana fliched at her name, oh how long has it been since she heard the former name of past. She shook her head and looked her dad straight in the eyes,

"My name is not 'Sophia' anymore, it's 'Ana', and that's why i left to begin with, I didn't want to be kept in our palace, studying all say, for pete's sake, the whole kingdom is set-up like the 1400's! There's no electricity, no running water, you don't have indoor plumbing and everything is too bland! All I wanted was to be free, free to dance and sing, free to play in the garden, have friends and be my own age, but you never allowed that!", Sophia yelled at King David.

King David looked at his daughter with somber eyes, seeing the pain and nger that now filled her eyes, burning holes into his skull as she spat words of venom. She was a whirling hurricane that filed the room with words tht went for very long unspoken. Or at least not until today.

"Soph- Ana, I'm sorry for every doing that to you, but you have a duty, and that duty is to your kingdom, and if you are not going ot take your throne then I have no choice but to offer it to your son, the prince."

The king looked to David, and placed a firm hand on his shoulder, David gulped not knowing what was going to happen next. He looked at his grandpa and stood there in silence for what seemed like forever.

"David, are you willing to take my place in the throne and rule over the little island, your mother can't argue against you if it is your will to rule."

David looked at his mother, now he could finally fit in somewhere, and not only fit in bout be the boss and ruler, but what didn he know about ruling a kingdom? He didn't know anything, not how to go through coronation, or manners, wht spoon to use for soup or how to sword fight. He didn't even know how ride horse.

He looked at the king, not daring to look at his mother when he answered with a quick nod. Yes he did want to go, now more than ever.

The King smiled and grabbed the prince by the arm, bringing him closer before squeezing him in a tight hug, David choked out with the sudden loss of oxygen.

"Great! You need not take anything with you, we will get you fitted with many clothes there. We will need to make arrangments, though, with the airport and be on our way by tommorrow."

David finally looked at his mother when the king walked out the door talking to himself. His mother looked hurt and irratated. David crossed the room to her, embracing her before looking up onto her eyes.

She knew that David had made up his mind, and she also knew this would do him some good. He didn't belong and never would, she knew this, but she couldn't bear him leaving. She hugged him for a few minutes not letting go, then she stepped back and led him to the couch and sat down.

"Are you sure David?", she asked.


"But are you sure? You could always stay home with me, I could quit my job and find one with more suitable hours. If you're doing this because I don't pay attention to you enough, I swar I can change."

Ana tried, knowing she could change his mind, she knew that wasn't the reason, bur she had to try.

David looked at her and looked her in the eyes. He just shook his head and stood up.

"I'm goning to go, that isn't the reason, and this will be my new fresh start. I can't just live here in this hole without any hope, without any purpose. This, this is my chance, my chance to grow and prosper and be the best I can


David gave her one quick hug and walked to his room. He turned on his computer and wrote a journal entry before he closed to screen, then flopped onto his bed and put his earphones in before starting off the song were he left it.

Ana went to the door and examined the damage, then went into the side closet and pulled out the power tools. She dragged and heaved the heavy bags to the livingroom then put the door in the from. She searched th ebag before she found the extra door hings, she replaced them, then the lock. She screwed in the bolts and sanded down the broken wood. When she was finished, she struggled with the bags to put them back. WHen she made it to the closet and put them away, she went to the restroom ans started the shower, then she stropped down her clothes until she was complety naked then got into the shower, feeling the pulsing water hit her muscles.

When she got out, she pulled a robe around her shoulders, and a towel around her head, she made her way down the hall to check on David, when she peeked in ,s ehwas him asleep with his iPod on. She swept silent across the floor and took out the headphones from his ears and tucked him in. She kissed his forehead then left the room to change.

David smiled, his mom kissed his forehead, she must of thought he was asleep, little did she know he wasn't. He missed the nights when he was little, and his mom would come in everynight the read to him and say a uick pray before tucking him in and kissing his forehead goodnight. He lifted his head and looked back once he heard his door close. He knew he hurt his mom, but in no way did he regret ever agreeing.

Chapter 3
David woke up the next morning, his head was throbbing from all the thinking he was doing the night before. Today his grandpa would be picking him up and taking him back to the kingdom from which his was to rule from. He took a suitcase form the hall closet, but put it back immediately, remembering that the king had said not to take anything with him. He went into his room looking around for the last time before he left, then he went to the kitchen and made himself a snack.

After he was finished eating, he heard a knock at the door and went to answer it. The his grandpa and king of Monterrey stood there smiling at him before he walked in. When he closed the door he walked over to the counter and picked up his mess before he went into the livingroom to talk to his grandpa.

"Grandpa, I don't know anything about being royalty. I don't know the ways of a kingdom, about knights or coronations. don't know how to sword fight or even how to ride a horse. I don't know if this will work out is what I'm trying to say," David replied before the king could speak out.

The king just smiled warily. He knew this and he perfectly intent of show ing his grandson the ways of the court and what of kingship. He patted David on the shoulders and stood up before him.

"Dear little one, I know of such things, don't not worry over something as little as not knowing how to move a weapon to and fro, or how to mount such a kind and calm animal, it is the study and work you must set your mind to. I will teach you the ways of the law and court, then when your time has come, I will crown you as king to the island and you will rule until it is time for you to give up the throne."

David sat in the chariot waiting for his grandpa to come after aying goobye to his mother. When the king finally arrived, they sat down at ease then the horses started to pull the carriage foward, justling the people inside. I bet this looks funny but amuzing to anyone else!

david thought to himeself before settling down in his seat, his future was bright and cheerful.

David slept for what seemed like an hour before he was shaken awake. He opened his eyes to see the airport in the distance. When carriage came to a stop, he climbed out and looked around dumbfound. He had never been in a plane. He waited by the door for weemed like forever, waiting for his grandpa to get everything arranged with a flight manager about transporting his carriage. When the arrangements were made, both of them went inside and to the gate. King David pulled out the plane tickets from a pocket in his robes and handed one to little David, then they passed by the flight attendant, handing her the tickets.

David was Nervous, but very excited! He didn't know what was going to happen, but he did know that he was in for an adventure. He was 15 and going to rule an island!

Chapter 4

David pulled out his iPod from his pocket and stuck the earbuds into his ears. He scrolled through his music, stopping on one song he hadn't heard in a while and laid back. Just waiting, waiting, waiting on the world to change, one day our generation is going to rule the population. . .

David woke up two hours later. HE looked out the window and saw the rising sun, the light rays kissed the clouds and everything in its path. The orange glow was beautiful and calming. He closed his eyes and pictured

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