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Book online «Blood Moon Forest : Series Book 1 by Falicity Davis (best historical fiction books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Falicity Davis

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looked in the mirror and put my hair up in a tight bun and made sure no strands were loose. An enemy could use that to there advantage. I looked at my mother black shirt and pants and huffed loudly as I climbed out and went over to Zafara and took her black sweater, seeing as she wasn't wearing it.


I looked at my mother in confusion. "I have to leave you here, they will come when im gone." She said and I nodded and grabbed her up in a hug. She squeezed me back and I chuckled quietly. I let go and seen she was refusing harshly to lt tears fall. "You're so grown up. I know you don't want a mate, but don't reject him. I know what it does to people, Look at aunt Loretta, Shes cooky now." I laughed and smirked. "are you saying im cooky?" I said and she laughed pushing my head away. She grabbed Fara up and hugged her tightly telling her not to let me kill anyone. "Hey, I've been keeping the count down, besides there rouges and they attacked me first." I said wit ha huff and she her golden eyes. I was born with her eyes but after what happened with the expressionst they changed to pale green. Zafaras where dark blue. My mother laughed a whimsycal laugh that was surely fit for a Luna. She smiled and we said our final good byes.


"Well," I said and sat on a bench. I looked at her and she looked beyond cold. Taking off the sweater I gave it to her. "I can tell your cold. Bond I said and she nodded greatfully. I looked around and seen it was getting dark. "I'm excited, to kick Derdras ass." I said, and smirked something wild. "Yea, it's about time someone teachs her. She needs to keep her omega legs closed." She spat hatefuly. "I mean shes pretty." She said and I looked to her before we started to laugh hard. "Yea and the Alpha of The Blood Orchid Pack is my mate." I said with a snort. I leaned back, and looked at the moon.


Zafara let out a yell and I jumped into stance. I seen a guy in all black with glowing yellow eyes putting a neddle in her arm. I went to jump at him, but a I felt a needle being stabbed into my neck harshly. I heard a raspy whisper before it went blank.


"I hope your ready for The Blood Moon Forest, baby doll."


  I rubbed my ankle as I fell from a tree infront of a group of huge werewolf men. I had wanted water and I went and found a creak. On my way back I climbed a tree trying to get out of there sight and now here I was. "Whats your name, pup." I'm guessing he's a gamma. "Watch your tone." I hissed loudly and he narrowed his eyes."You have no clue what pack I-" He was cut off by my laugh. I smirked as one with dark blonde hair spoke up, His gold eyes burning into his friends head. "Mate, I think she has Alpha blood." He said I grinned something wild. "Yes, From a low life pack most likely." He growled and I snarled my eyes flashing green. Talk about me fine, Talk about my pack. Your dead. "No acutally im so high up I could knock you off your damn feet." I growled fiercely."Oh whats that pack. Maybe 5th ranking, in america." He laughed and I smirked. I used my speed And held up two fingers. "Ranking two." I said and they looked like I said nothing. "Well We are just tad bit higher." The ego filled boy said. In my ear. He went to touch my thigh, But I seen a whiz of black and smirked at the smell. I seen the body fall to the floor and at an awkward postion. Dead. 


"Mate." I heard then I wiped around to see Zafara with the one who told his friend I had Alpha blood. He had a mucular build. He would be taller then my brothers and that's tall. They gazed one another and I tilted my head to the side. They looked in love ad they didn't even know each others names. I walked away, Confused at how they could look at each other with out knowing each other like that. It baffeled me. Climbing up a tree, I sat on the thick tree branch and pondered as I waited for them to come out of there dazey haze. "Hey, Come here." Zafara yelled out. I looked down and seen her with a twinkle in her eye and the guy standing next to her. I stood up and seen I was maybe 15 feet off ground, I shurgged and crouched down, jumping onto the ground and looking at her. "Yes?" I asked her and she mindlinked me a loud giggle. Well she's happy. "This is raymond Beta, of well he won't tell me, But any who. This is Jameela, the Alphas daughter." she said. I looked at him and stepped towards her. He grabbed her waist and pulled her towars him. "Look, I've known her since diapers. I've killed for her. Don't assess me as if im a threat to her. Oh and she's my bestfriend. Break her heart, I'll break your face."I said and turned towards the worn path to the creak. 


Sitting down Zafara kaid her head on my lap, causing him to look confused as she fell asleep fast. "Don't take it personal. For one I'm her Alpha, for two we have bond." I stated. He looked at me to elaborate and I explained it to him. "What kind of girl she?" He asked me and I smiled a ghost of a smile. "She is the kind of girl who is always smiling and loves to laugh, Make me people laugh. If you where to fall she would be there to pick you up.She is the one that says sorry even if its not her fault. Even if she is feeling like the scum of the earth, she will never let you know how she feels. She is in love with the concept of love but afraid to fall in love, Knowing faling hurts, because she has already lost so much." Isaid while picking up her head and setting it in his lap.


"You know her so well." He mumbled to me as he brushed her skin softly. He looked so awed. "Yea, Take care of her." I siad and he looked at me with determenation. "I will. She's worth and so much prettier then rubies and pearls." He said and I smiled at them. "What's your pack?" I asked and his face went blank. He looked torn. "I'm proud of my pack. But, I know it will scare her away." He said looking at the water. "It's you're job to tell her. I just wanted to know." I said and he nodded. I looked out at the water and smiled at it. It was pretty the way it trickled over the rocks. I can't wait to be home, Sit at the watering hole with Mikah, Mekeel, Kole. God I missed Kole. He most likely wouldn't shift. He was born so early and when he was born his soul didn't unite wit hhis wolf. There is a chance that his wolf is just aseep, But we usally shift at a young age seeing as he is an Alpha and he is a boy so it should be even earlier. I still Love him. 


"I'm the Beta by birth of The Blood Orchid Pack." He said, His stealy gaze on me. "Nice, But I won't tell her. Thats you're job." I said and he nodded as relife colored his features. "Where is your Alpha. I always thought he was the type to be and ego-filled air-head." I said and He gaped at me. "Don't let him hear you say that. he'll kill you. And he'll sleep just fine." He said and I smirked. I stood up infont of him and grinned big. 


"Im Jameela Roslie Martinez. Daughter of the Alpha of The Blood Warrior Pack. I'm Amazing. And I can fight. i'm sure I could rip out your jugular if I wanted to." I said and he chuckled. "I see what she meant when she said you had a huge pride and ego for your pack and rank." He said and I nodded. "If you keep talkking like that we'll get along just fine. And by the way. I could so kill you're Al-" I was cut off by a smell. "Wow, That smell." I said and then I remembered. "Fuck." I hissed, Hitting a tree. Zafara jolted up looking at me. "That smell. I don't want to meet whoever this douchebag is." I growled. "She doesn't want a mate." She told Raymond quietly. I snarled at the air growing aggitated, Trying to fight my wolf. 


"Alpha." I heard raymond say. "What, Im not you're alpha." I snarled. He shook his head. What the hell is wrong with people. "Look at me." I heard a voice say, Agitiation in his voice. "hwo the fuck are you." I snarled my alpha tone seeping through. He barely flinched as I whirled around to look at him. He had pitch black hair. Blue eyes that were so dark they looked black. His body was even taller and more toned then Raymond. HE was a work of true beauty. I had the urge to jump on him, something I never feel. 


"Mate, Mine!" He sanrled and I flinched back, My eyes wide I turned and ran the other way. "Fuck!" I yelled. God I never get what I want. 









 I ran fast up the slightly slanted ground, not shifting knowing my wolf would take control and run back. I was slowing fast and I could hear Zafara running after me. I fell on the tree and waves crashed at me. Mixed emotions flooded my body make me numb. "Zafara, I have to run hep me." I said and seen Raymond walking, confusion coloring his face. "Okay, lets go." She said. She grabbed me and I ran the other way. My legs were beyond numb, and I was still pushing forward "I have to shift." I muttered as I heard pounding of paws. His wolf took control. I shifted and took off, having better balance in this form, but stil slow as I

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