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Book online «Tainteds by Monika Rose (best time to read books .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Monika Rose

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to quench her thirst. She knew it then and there. 


She, then, created the Fallen Angel town. 


She filled the barren land with green trees, fertile brown soil, beautiful colorful flowers and sparkling lake with clear water. She raised the land above the sea level and let the sea of Heaven rage around the town. She created the evergreen forest with blood, sweat and tears. She created the animals to roam inside the woods, she created the birds to flock in the sky and she created the sun and moon.


She created a town equal to Heaven.


Since she is a Fallen Angel who created a Heaven, the town was called as the ‘Fallen Angel’ town and the sea which is still raging around the town is called as ‘Heaven’ sea. They say, the water in the Heaven sea is as sweet as the Angel’s tears.


This is the story of the Fallen Angel.


And many have said that Angel had created 5 people to protect what was hidden in the town. Aurora died to protect that precious jewel and in her absence, she was someone to look after the jewel. So, she created 5 people with the powers of Fundamental elements. Air, Water, Earth, Fire and Snow will combine to protect the jewel she had kept hidden for centuries and some say, the jewel is still hidden in there.


And because she created the town with such a feeble heart with betrayal, the place attracts many supernatural beings. I don’t believe any of that, for we’re living in a 21th century where those ‘supernatural’ things are just a fairy tale. But Mom does and the whole reason for her to move into Fallen Angel town is because of the awesomeness of the town.


"Of all the towns...Why did you pick up Fallen Angel, Mom?"




I reached home precisely in 10 minutes after I hung up the phone call and took of my boots, ruffling my hair a little as I walked inside. Mom was buzzing around, talking with someone on the phone while the movers packed the things in crates and boxes, lifting it up to the truck in front of our home. I nodded my head at Mom, acknowledging her and climbed up the stairs, to take one last look at the home I was brought up for the past 16 years. 


I entered my Dad's room, his scent is still mixed in the air and I grabbed some of his old t-shirts, stuffing it inside my travelling bag. I changed out of my jogging clothes to a simple one. I wore black skinny jeans and a white top with a faded blue jacket. I took the maroon colored scarf, wrapping it around my neck and I hopped into brown lace up boots. I let my hair free, with side braid and I traced my fingers over the pendent I love so much. 


It's a pendent that has both the Moon and Sun in one piece. Half-Moon decorated the right side of the pendent while the left side was dominated by Sun's face. This was given by Dad on my 10th birthday and I loved it.


With a sigh, I took one last look at the home and memorized all so that it'd be forever etched in my mind.


"Lucy? It's time dear," Mom's voice shook my from my thoughts and I gave her a nod, a soft smile adorning my lips.


"I'm coming," I mumbled, taking my bag and started to walk out of the house. I glanced at my home, my hazel eyes took every inch of the beautiful and cute cottage before I climbed into Mom's van. 


With a smile, Mom took off and entered the freeway while I drowned myself in thoughts, feeling a little excited to move into Fallen Angel town, despite my uneasiness that settled when I came to know about the history of it.


I hope to start a new fresh life in Fallen Angel...Let's see how my life goes there...



Chapter One


 Welcome To Fallen Angel


‘Let me live in my dreams
Where I can be what I want to be,’


I was falling, falling endlessly into a dark bottomless pit. I could feel my body withering in pain, the burning sensation spreading through my veins, heating my blood and flesh.


Toe-curling screams erupted from my lips, tears leaking down from my eyes to my cheeks, my heart stared to beat faster than ever, pumping hot blood inside me.


I felt the need to open my eyes, want to see what’s happening to me. And soon, I felt a sudden urge, driving me to open my eyes. Just when I did that, lightning crashed beside me and I was hit with another painful seizure.


I screamed in pain, my fingers turning to fist and I arched back, tears streaming down my cheeks. I could feel my bones and flesh burning

As if I was the one who hit by the lightning.


Everything was black and I couldn’t see anything. My eyes felt heavy and I wanted to be relieved from this pain
I wanted to end this pain
.I can’t take it all


‘Let it go
Platinum’ said a male’s voice. It was rich and smooth, sort of like ice cream sliding down my throat. It was soothing too, calming my senses but something bothered me. The tone was soothing
But I could detect a hint of coldness from the voice.


Suddenly I stopped falling down, suspending in the mid-air and my hair floating in all directions. I was whimpering, which could be heard by me even though I was technically in unconscious state.


Someone trailed their long and slender fingers up my arm to my wrist. I yelled them to stop, because I could feel my flesh burning where they touched.


“No!” I shouted, wriggling to free from their tight grasp. “It burns! Please, stop it!”






I suddenly woke, sweating and gasping for breath, startled by the unusual nightmare. I gulped and looked to my right where I saw my Mom looking at me in concern.


“Are you all right?” She asked anxiously, touching my forehead. “You’re sweating!”


“Bad dream
” My voice was raspy and hoarse, as if I’d been screaming all night. “W-What happened?”


“You were screaming,” Mom started to explain, passing me a water bottle. I took it gratefully from her, gesturing for her to continue as I drank some of it. “Something along the line ‘Stop! It burns!’”


“I did?” I blinked, dazed from the nightmare and shook my head, to clear all those traces of it.


“Yeah,” said Mom, nodding her head. “When I touched you, you started to scream even more and I freaked out. You were shivering and sweating a lot
Then at last, after screaming your name, you woke up
Same nightmare?”


“Yeah,” I sighed, running my fingers through my now-sweat hair. I groaned in frustration. “Great, now my hair is wet with sweat!”


Mom chuckled. “You almost had a total breakdown and all you care is about your hair? Seriously?”


“What? I love my hair!” I defended, pouting. Mom was still chuckling, clearly amused by the whole situation. “So, have we entered Fallen Angel town?”


“Yeah, almost 30 minutes ago.” Mom informed me, turning to left. “It’s strange, though


I blinked. “What is it?”


 â€œThat’s when you started to scream


I started to scream right after we entered this town?” I asked, my eyebrows cocking up in astonishment and slight confusion.


I wouldn’t say that
” said Mom, frowning as she thought about it. “You were whimpering when we entered the town and after few minutes of driving, more like 10 minutes I guess, you started to scream
It was scary, Lucy
Like you’re being tortured or something


I laughed, though it came out in a shaky manner. “Mom, come on! Think rationally
As if someone would torture me!”


She still wasn’t convinced, so I had to reassure her that nothing will ever happen to me.


“Besides it’s just a dream,” I said, smiling at her worried face. “
I mean, a nightmare, so don’t worry
I’m fine.”


“I hope so,” she bit her lips before concentrated on the road, thinking about something very deeply. I sat straight in my seat, watching the scenery passing my eyes. I saw my Mom’s reflection in the mirror and frowned. I could see regret and fear on her face.


“Are you okay, though?” I queried, turning to face her. “It looks like you’re more shaken than me,” I joked.


Well, you scared me, okay?”


I giggled, brushing my bangs outta my way and faced the windshield again. I sighed, propping my head on my palm and looked out.


“Are we there yet?”


.We’ll be there within
” Mom trailed off, looking at her watch, calculating the distance and time. “15 minutes
So if you want, youcan take another nap.”


“Nah,” I shook my head, shrugging. “I think one nap is enough for me today


“Hear hear,” she laughed, agreeing with me as I relaxed in the seat, staring at the scenery whizzing past my eyes.




” I stared at my home, open mouthed and wonder in my eyes. “This house is so cool!”


It’s a small, two storey house, covered in grey with blue paint. There were few bushes in front of the lawn, protecting with some white fences. I could see some wild flowers and vines creeping along the window and some buds, at the early stage of blooming, could also be seen. Mom parked the car outside the house while I stared at it with a jaw dropped expression.


Hey! It’s cute, okay? And I like cute things!


“I know, right? This was your grandmother’s house.” Mom informed me proudly.


“Wait, your Mom or Dad’s Mom?” I raised my eyebrow, waiting for her explanation.


“My Mom, of course,” She rolled her eyes, unlocking the back seat and walked to it. “Their house is at the end of the next street.”




“Come on, help me up,”


“Oh, yeah, sure,” I took her luggage from her hands and she took mine, which is awfully lightweight as I imported my entire luggage in the moving truck.


“When is the moving truck going to arrive?” I questioned her as I took her luggage to the door while she was rummaging through her bag, to get the keys.


“It might be today or definitely tomorrow,” She answered, fishing out the keys and quickly unlocked it. Opening the door, I placed the luggage in her room which is in the ground floor while Mom dumped all my things in my room, which is on the next floor.


I observed my room, which is neat and simple, by the way. There was a Queen sized bed in the middle of the room, covered with silvery white bedspreads. To its right, there is an attached bathroom. There was a body-length mirror opposite to my bed and a study table next to it, with a night lamp on it.


Overall, it’s neat and simple.


“Do you like it?” Mom asked excitedly, her eyes sparkling like a little kid getting tons of chocolate when she saw me observing my room.


I smiled and nodded. “Yep, I like my room
It’s spacious and
neat. Plus, I love the colour.”


“I know platinum is your favourite colour, Platinum.” said Mom in a teasing tone, causing me to roll my eyes at her stupid pun.




“Sorry,” Mom giggled sheepishly. “Okay, I’ll let you settle down! Later we can go to Heaven Beach!”


My eyes lit up. “We can?!” I asked happily.


“Yep! Now, start unpacking!”





The Sunset is so pretty!”


“I know, right?”


Mom and I were sitting on the beach, enjoying the Sunset.

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