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Book online «Trinity's Blood by Authoroffantasy (good beach reads .TXT) 📖». Author Authoroffantasy

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mad at myself and starving.
“What do you mean oh that’s nice? Don’t you see how hot he is?”
“Well yes but I am raised to not stare and crowd a person, because all of my life I’ve been crowded with maids and nurses. It’s not very fun.”
Everyone just laughed and when they saw I was serious they stopped. I started to laugh too, but I kept it low because if I laughed too loud, well you know what would happen. Willow waited for everything to calm down then she scooted next to me.
“Hey, Tristian and Puppet are in your next class. So lucky!”
“Oh no…next class is gym.”
“What about it, oh that’s right you can’t really participate can you?”
“Well my doctor said that I can’t run, but if it’s like easy I could do it.”
“Great because in gym today we’re doing dodge ball, that’s not too bad, is it?”
“Not bad at all, my doctor even said himself that I could play dodge ball…that was his favorite thing to do in high school.”
I smiled because I could actually play something today in gym. The rest of the days, my principal and doctor say, I have to just sit on the side and keep track of everything in gym we’ve been doing. I looked up at the clock and the bell rang, guess it’s time for gym class. Willow walked with me over to gym then she left for her math class. I walked in and immediately a guy ran up to me.
“Hey, you’re that new girl, Trinity right?”
The blond haired blue eyed guy just watched me and when I nodded he grinned.
“Hey, you want to hang out in dodge ball…you know I could protect you if a ball is heading your way.”
“Um…sure I guess.”
“Great oh and my name is Felix.”
“Well Felix I have to go change in my gym clothes, I’ll be right back.”
I rushed into the girls’ locker room, found my locker and quickly dressed. All of a sudden I felt these eyes on me and I turned around and it was Puppet. She was sitting down next to her locker about three feet away. I just turned back to my locker, took a breath, locked it, and walked off. Every girl was checking herself in the mirror but I knew what I looked like so who cared.
“Hey Felix.”
“Hey, Trinity, ok the rules are simple all you have to do is throw the ball and try not get hit. And if someone else catches the ball you threw, then you’re out too. Got it goldilocks?”
“Yes I do, thank you.”
And that’s when the whistle blew and everyone was throwing. It was very fast and such a thrill. I picked up a ball and threw it hard but I missed.
“That’s alright goldilocks, keep throwing.”
That’s exactly what I did; I kept throwing until finally I hit someone. I was so happy of myself that I didn’t notice a ball was hurdling my way. Felix wasn’t such a good bodyguard since he was all the way at the other end. As I watched it come I say a girl grabbed the ball, inch away from my face. I let out a huge sigh of relief but when I saw who it was I tightened up again. It was Puppet and she was serious.
“Thank you.”
She smiled and ran back to her spot where Tristian also was. I watched at how everyone else threw the balls and started to throw more. It wasn’t long till everyone went to the locker rooms to change. I started to take off my shirt and I felt eyes on me again, I knew she was watching. Instead of turning around I continued to get dressed.
“You were really good out there, Puppet right?”
I heard not response and decided to turn her way as I put my pants on.
“So how long have you lived here?”
“About two years...give or take.”
I nodded and locked my locker. She was still just sitting there in her gym clothes. I decided not to say anything about it.
“Well thank you again for saving me from that ball, bye.”
I walked out and forgot that I had left my purse so I went back but when I did there was no purse and no Puppet. I looked around but couldn’t find my purse so I just shrugged, all I had in there was a picture of my nurse Lucie and maid Olive. Also three bucks, lipstick (even though I don’t put it on), and my pills! Oh no I forgot I had my pills in my purse and I’m supposed to take them before I start driving home! I walk out into the halls and see Puppet and Devin walking, I catch up to them.
“I’m dearly sorry but I can’t seem to find my purse…did you see if anyone may of took it?”
Puppet nodded and grabbed my little purse from out of hers. She handed it to me and smiled.
“You left it there so I decided to give it to Tristian because his next class is with you.”
“Oh thank you so much!”
“No problem.”
I thanked her once more and jogged to my Science class. I saw Tristian was sitting right behind my seat. And decided it wasn’t a big thing. I sat down and everyone looked in my direction. I just concentrated on the teacher as he explained today’s lesson and soon enough he was picking who we had to work with in a group, there was five people in my group: Orlando, Fritsch, Alley, Me, and Tristian. Everyone started to get to work except Tristian who just sat in the corner waiting for our analysis. If I could do this so could he, so I walked up to him. Everyone in the class watched me stop right in front of him, he barely looked up.
“Umm, you think you can sort out these chemicals?”
I placed some bottles with different colored liquids in front of him and he barely looked up.
“Please, we’re all doing something else.”
It was little more than a whisper but I heard it and it was a yes. I smiled and said thank you, walked back and started again with the counting. After our group project was over Tristian put the chemicals back into place and had ordered them by alphabetical names.
“Very good class, we’ll pick up on the project tomorrow.”
We all headed out and I took some of my pills in the parking lot. Now I didn’t feel like one pair of eyes was staring at me, I felt like six pairs of eyes were. I looked over my shoulder and there was the Verne’s looking at me. I watched as first Reese and Xavier crawled into their car, then Devin and Puppet, and finally Tristian.
“That’s kind of creepy.”
I got into my Rover and drove off to my mansion, and that’s when it happened. It wasn’t just one cough but it was many, I had taken the other pills too late. I started coughing really bad and I got out a tissue and coughed into it. I looked at it and there was blood splattered, it wasn’t much but I still was coughing up blood and that wasn’t so good. I knew I couldn’t drive home because I’d probably have an accident so I pulled over and looked at where I was. I had taken a wrong turn or something because I didn’t know where I was and it would get dark soon.
“Oh great *cough cough*, maybe I can find a house around here and ask if I could use the phone.”
I left my Rover on the side, hidden from the on passers because I wouldn’t want it stolen, and headed up a while towards a two story house. It was the closest so I headed down the driveway and automatically noticed three of the five cars in the driveway; this was the Verne’s house. At least I knew these people, kind of.
“Hello, anybody *cough cough* there?”
The door opened and a real nice couple who came out. They looked only thirty but I knew they had to be at least a little older than that. It was probably Tristian’s parents.
“I’m sorry to disturb you but I don’t really have a *cough cough* oh no.”
I looked down at my hands and they were covered with blood. The man stepped forward and said to me to open my mouth. Of course I didn’t say anything but did as he said.
“My husband and I are doctors…are there someone you needed to call for your illness?”
“Uh yeah ca I you your phoe?” I said though my mouth as it was still open for the man to see.
He backed away quickly as he saw me shake violently from trying not to cough in his face.
“Here you go, do you want to come in and sit down?”
“I’m fine thank you.”
I started to call my doctor when I heard the sound of quads coming up. There were the kids, the couples on two quads and Tristian by himself on another. Oh how nice, they’re going to see me, think I’m a stalker or something, and call the police. Now the phones ringing and I’m trying to stop shaking but I can’t for one, from the coughing and two, from being caught.
“Hello, Dr. Iran speaking.”
“Doctor it’s me, Trinity, I started coughing again, I think it’s because I may have taken the pills a little late. Anyways I don’t know where I’m at; I turned on a street that’s lead me to a dead end. I think the street was Harry Avenue. Can you send someone to get me?”
“I’ll get a hold of two of the people at your house, probably Lucie and Olive, is that ok?”
“Yes, please make them hurry.”
“Yes my lady.”
I hung up the phone, ran to the door and knocked, the parents came out took the phone and asked if there was anything else they could do.”
“No *cough cough* thank you I’m *cough cough* ok.”
“Well ok sweetie, I hope you make it to your house ok.”
“Thank you, bye *cough cough*.”
I started to walk to my Rover when I heard the quads right behind me. I didn’t even want to turn around, maybe they wouldn’t notice me. I was wrong because Reese and Xavier came up in front of me.
“What you doing here?”
Xavier was skinny, not built like Devin was. Reese looked like one of those models you see in magazines. It was kind of funny how they didn’t fit together but they did. Just like Puppet was small and childlike, Devin was built and tall…they didn’t fit together but they did.
“I just had to *cough cough* use the phone.”
“Are you lost because we can point the way back to the road?”
That was Reese, she was very confident and snobby, but it fit her and I didn’t say anything but shook my head.
“Well where’s your car at?”
“It’s over *cough cough*…”
My hands which I cleaned before I left the front door, was now covered in blood again. I saw the entire kids stop and watch me, seriously.
“Hey are you alright?”
Xavier got off the front of the quad and so did everybody else except Tristian, who wasn’t looking at me at all.
“Yes I’m *cough cough* fine.”
“You sure? Do you want to come in or anything?”
That was Puppet; she came up to me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. That’s when I saw the other Land Rover pull up next to mine.
“I’m sure *cough cough*, there’s my helpers right *cough cough* now.”
I gently walked forward towards the other Land
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