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Book online «Trinity's Blood by Authoroffantasy (good beach reads .TXT) 📖». Author Authoroffantasy

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get to see a rainbow, it doesn’t rain much here.
“You have 3 months.”
I couldn’t breathe, I felt as if everything went still, everybody who had entered my life had never been there, like I was falling through this gap that lead to nothing but sorrow, pain, and misfortune. I sat there, the doctor sobbing and the clock ticking in the background, waiting for him to say he could do something but I knew that couldn’t happen. I only had three months to live and that wasn’t enough time for me to do all four things on my list, or at least one.
“I’m so sorry my lady…I’ve tried everything, I failed you.”
“No Augusto, you did not fail me, I am very grateful. I think you can leave now, you have much business to carry on.”
“My lady I can stay if you wish.”
“No, that won’t be necessary.”
I watched as the doctor slowly got up and walk out the door, which opened when both Tristian and Puppet came through. They didn’t look me in the eyes and wore frowns. I knew they had listened in and heard how long I had.
“So 3 months…I’m going to get an F on my first report card. Dang it.”
I was trying to be funny so the awkward feeling between us three would go away. It was useless because Puppet started to cry a little even though I barely knew her.
“Please don’t cry because if you do I’m most likely to.”
Puppet quit and looked down at the floor. I only then noticed that Tristian was calling someone and the fact that this could get out scared me so I grabbed his hand and pleaded no.
“Don’t worry I’m not going to tell anyone, I’m just calling my parents to see if maybe they could do anything.”
Tristian wasn’t the kind of person to break down; he was the leader, the one who stayed confident in what would happen next so no one else would be worried. I must say having him here made me feel much better than even the doctor.
“How about we carry on to sixth period, we still have to do that group project.”
Tristian barely glanced at me as if he was ashamed of himself. I slinked back and lay down. Puppet stood up and helped me get up too. I was wondering what she was doing, because she was still looking at the floor.
“Sixth period is over in five minutes…I think it’s safe to say that we won’t have to worry about it. How about we go tell the staff we’re leaving. Our father and mother will see if they can do anything ok?”
Tristian had gotten off the phone and we all left the school. Instead of driving myself I went in Puppet’s car which was very stylish and very fast. Tristian went in his truck and we all met at their house. Right when we pulled in the other kids showed up and when Tristian and Puppet said nothing to them they came to me asking questions.
“What’s going on? Why are you here? Why won’t you say anything? Why is Tristian and Puppet sad?”
Tristian stepped in the way as if he was protecting a monster from an angry mob. I watched as he took control and everyone calmed down. Puppet grabbed my hand and led me inside the house were the parents were standing in the hall.
“Welcome Trinity, to our home. We are preparing dinner, would you like to join us?”
The father had dark black hair and blue eyes, the mother had brown hair and brown eyes. I watched as they held out their pale hands, people were right they do have the same color of skin as me. It was the first time I had ever seen something like that so I smiled. I shook their hands and proceeded to the living room where we all sat down. I sat between Puppet and Tristan because right now they were the only people who could back me up and I knew them more than anyone else.
“So Tristian you want us to see if there was another way for her to live longer, am I right?”
His father was just like Tristian, in control of the whole scene. It was nice not to worry about what the nurses would say to me about what I was going to do in the amount of time I had.
“Alright then Trinity may I have a look?”
“Sure, do you want to do it here or?”
“Let’s go to my room and I’ll check everything and then we’ll be right out ok?”
I began to get up and Tristian’s hand reached out and grabbed mine. I looked down and this time slowly got up and followed his father to the bedroom, which was far from a bedroom since there wasn’t a bed just papers and documents. Maybe he liked to work a lot and had little sleep…whatever it was I didn’t ask.
“Ok I’ll do a quick check on your height, weight, and other basic things and then I’ll get started looking at your throat, lungs, heart. Any possible way those organs could affect you.”
After about an hour of him examining the paperwork and notes he had taken down on his notepad he looked p at me and frowned. My other doctor was right about me dying; let’s just hope William doesn’t think I am dying sooner than 3 months because I would freak out. When I got back into the living room I could tell that Tristian ad Puppet had told everyone my problem, I didn’t say anything and just sat down. This was all too fast for me, but I needed to just keep going because from now on everything would be a little faster.
“I’m sorry to say but three months is the right time and I can’t do anything for you.”
Everyone looked at me as my locks covered my pale face. To them I looked like sleeping beauty but we knew when it was my time for me to go to sleep, I wouldn’t wake up.
“That is alright and I thank you for at least trying. I think I must go now, though, my helpers are waiting.”
I barely whispered but they all heard me and I got up shook the parents’ hands and said goodbye to everyone. I walked outside and remembered that I had come in Puppet’s car so I fell to my knees and for the first time it rained. It poured down upon me and my locks turned black and straight. My clothes began to feel cold and the air around me turned into ice stabs on my tender skin. The next thing I knew I was being carried inside by Devin and Tristian, Puppet, and Sally were watching me carefully. The mother, as if mine, stroked the strand of hair away from my face as they laid me down on the bed. I could with the redness from my eyes; I looked dead no doubt…because they were all watching me with scared eyes. It was like they’ve never seen this before; well truth is it’s a very rare thing.
Tristian took my hand into his and we were both cold but his hand was strong and I knew my hand was limp in his. I had no strength, no energy, it was like I already surpassed the 3 months and I was dying in front of, what seemed like, my family. I closed my eyes and I could feel Tristian trying to shake me but it was so cold and I was so tired form the crying. I fell asleep.
“Are you awake yet, sleepy head?”
It was like a dream when I woke up to Puppet carrying breakfast into the room. I tried to sit upright but a hand across my chest kept me down. I looked to my right and Tristian was sitting there. He was dead serious and I could tell by his eyes that he was trying to keep me safe so I waited for Puppet to sit beside me.
“What time is it?”
“Oh it’s ten in the morning; we decided you needed rest from school today. I hope you don’t mind?”
I did mind a little, I wanted to go to school but I knew from the information from yesterday I was in no shape to go.
“No not at all.”
“Great because today we’ll get to spend time together, we’ll be best friends!”
“She’s always like this to everybody here, so you’re not getting special treatment.”
Tristian smiled at what he had said and I did too. I didn’t like being in their house, because I had just met them and it was all too weird to be putting my worries on their shoulders.
“I’m sorry.”
They both looked at me, confused.
“I’m sorry for putting you through this. It is not your worries, I should leave.”
Puppet smiled and made me eat a bit of the soup she had made, it was very good, and just wiped my mouth like a child’s parents does.
“You don’t have to apologize, silly, we have come to take you in. You’re not like other kids at the school. All about being cool, who kissed who, and what kind of background did they have. You are simple.”
“How am I the one that is simple?”
“You told us your name; you’ve been nice to us even though most people don’t because we don’t accept them, you tell the truth and don’t lie to cover something up and you actually repay favors even if I don’t want you too.”
“The whole dodge ball thing was my fault, none of yours. I was raised to be like that, I was raised to be a princess even though I’m far from it.”
“Oh no, no, no, you are just that in our eyes.”
“Yes, you are a princess with blond goldilocks that you could twist your fingers in, blue/gray eyes that see over the land you own, your pale complexion is unlike any other human in the world, and you are tall, young, and beautiful. In those words I announce you a princess.”
Puppet was a dreamer of some sort but she was nice and if she really meant she wanted to become best friends then that was one thing off of my list. I am so happy at this point I could laugh hysterically but I restrain myself because I’d probably have to uncheck that on the list.
“So your parents are famous artists you say?”
Tristian was trying to get to know me better and it was a nice gesture but anything about my parents I shied away from. It was bad enough I’d have to even call them my parents.
“I’d rather not talk about them.”
“Not really.”
We all smiled and Puppet put another spoonful of soup in my mouth. I waited for it to go down and suddenly remembered about my pills.
“My pills, I have to take my pills.”
“Don’t worry, Trinity, we took care of it. You swallow in your sleep, you know that?”
“No she doesn’t Puppet, you just made her swallow.”
I was just glad I did and didn’t care how it was done. I lay back down and then sat straight up again.
“Can I get up now, then?”
I wait for Puppet to move the chair and I get up. I look down at myself and I had shorts and a large baggy t-shirt on. I looked up at Puppet as if to say “what the heck happened to my clothes?”
“Don’t worry I helped you get into something more comfortable. I wouldn’t let him do it considering he likes you.”
I blushed and she grinned. Tristian didn’t say anything but left the room
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