Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป A Witches Heart by Lisa Marie McDonagh (the best novels to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซA Witches Heart by Lisa Marie McDonagh (the best novels to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Lisa Marie McDonagh

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when I concentrated, I could easily see her notes. It made no sense to me why I couldn't see the simple drawing of the girl next to me, unless... no, she couldn't be a witch, could she? Well either way, I had to find out and if she was a witch, or a warlock- which I defiantly hoped she wasn't- I would have to tell my family.  
When the bell rang at the end of first period, she gave a small yelp and accidentally threw her pencil. I chuckled quietly, and picked it up for her, then leaned back against my desk. "Here, you dropped this," I told her and handed it back to her.  
"Thanks," she said, closing her notebook, and taking the pencil. She still didn't look at me, and that annoyed me. That and looking in her eyes was a way to tell if someone had a magical aura. Technically, everyone had an aura, most were like rainbows, a multitude of different colors, but witches and warlocks had a single-color or pure aura, which gave them the ability to use magic. Looking into some ones eyes one way I could tell color some ones aura was, that and physical contact, but that seemed weird to most people for a stranger to touch them.  
So I tried to get her to look at my again. "Hey, since it's your first day, how about I give you a tour, you know, help you find your classes..." 
Her head snapped up then, and she started at me, bewildered for some unfathomable reason. She had the most brilliant jade colored eyes that I had ever saw, I felt as I could get lost in them... Focus, I mentally yelled at myself. I looked into her eyes, and searched for her aura. Usually, auras were invisible. But I was one of the few witches capable of seeing them, but from her... nothing. . "Uh, s-sure," she stuttered.  
"Great, my name's Daren, by the way, Daren Coventry. You're Katheren, right?" Like I would forget her name...  
"Yeah, but everyone calls me Kate or Kates," she said as she put her books into her bag that was on the back of her chair.  
I liked Kates better than Kate, Kate was too normal, and she was remarkable, stood out, but in a god way. "Hmm, well Kates, what's your next class?" 
"Um, chemistry, I think."  
"Awesome." For some reason, I very much liked this, and smiled widely. Her face went blank, did I do something wrong? "Come on we don't want to be late." Then I grabbed her hand, partly to make sure she was coming and party to see if that helped me to see if she had a magical aura or not. But the second I touched her, I shock ran up my arm and I felt extremely light-headed. She yanked her hand from mine. "Sorry," I said through clenched teeth, fighting the dizziness. Then I pulled my expression together, "'Cause there is nothing scarier than a pissed off Mr. Berkeley." 
I still had no clue if she was a witch or not? What was she? A powerful witch that had been able to block my power? That had to be it; the only things with no auras were dead... or warlocks... No, she wasn't evil, I knew that, somehow. So what was she? I would find out.

Chapter 3 


The rest of the day was uneventful and mildly embarrassing. The only class that I made a complete fool of myself was gym, being as uncoordinated as I am. I had made a few new friends, mostly girls. I had three classes total with Daren and lunch. We talked mostly about the school and places to hang out in the city, nothing to personal though. 
"So how was your first day?" he asked as we headed out of our last class, English.  
"Um, horrible," I teased him, "No one would talk to me except some creepy guy that kept following me." I pretend shuddered. 
Daren laughed, "So I am following you now?" 
"Hey, I never mention any names, but yes." We both laughed. 
"Well do you want me to beat this guy up if he doesn't leave you alone?" 
"No, I think I can handle him, he doesn't look so tough..." 
"Oh, I don't look tough and I am creepy?" 
"Sounds about right," I laughed at his attempt to look hurt.  
He stopped me when I headed in the opposite way to my aunts car. "Hey do you think that we can meet up later?" he asked innocently. 
I stopped and turned to face him, this was unexpected. "Um, sure, when and where?" 
"How about tonight? At eight-ish?" 
"I'll ask my aunt, where are we going?" 
He smiled, "It's a surprise." 
"Okay," I gave him my number then started to leave again. "Oh," I gasped and whirled around to face him. "I forgot to thank you for the tour today, uh, thanks." 
"Any time, see you at eight," then he turned and headed for his car. Wow, I thought, he was a sophomore and he had a car?  
"Hey hon," my aunt said as I got into her car, "How was it, not too bad?" 
"It was great, Aunt Lynn, I made a few new friends." 
"That's great," she said jubilantly, "so no one gave you a hard time?" 
"Nope," I said, relieved, I knew she would have made a big deal out of it if someone had. "Oh, I almost forgot, could I hang out with someone tonight, at eight?" 
"Sure, where are you going?" 
"Um, not sure, he never said." 
Crap, she picked that up. "Um, yeah, Daren, uh, Daren Coventry I think." 
"Oh, I have met him, a very nice boy, very much a gentlemen, glad that you met him." 
"You met him?" I asked incredulously.  
"Sure, his mom works with me down at the office, he comes in to bring her lunch all the time and he came with his mom when she came over to the house." Ironically, my aunt worked as a social worker, she was very good at her job, well considering that she had no kids of her own, and was a little childish at times. 
"Yep, well, here we are, I have to go, so do you think that you can handle things by yourself?"  
"Yeah, don't worry about me; just concentrate on your work." 
"Okay, I'll call later, bye hon." 
"Bye Aunt Lyn," I said, and then got out of the car. To me, it was surprising that Aunt Lyn was still single. Lyn Whitney was a shorter brunette with shoulder length hair and my green eyes. She was much prettier that I was and extremely nice. I guess that she just didn't need a guy. 
She lived in a relatively larger Victoria style home near a city park. It was all white and had a wrap around porch and was two stories and even the second story room had balconies! I guess when you lived alone, money started to add up, I mean wow. I had visited my aunt's house before, with my parents, my mom always called it a castle and I would always be the pretty princess... I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the tears start running down my cheeks. It had been two years and I still couldn't think of them without crying!  
I headed upstairs to my second story bedroom and dropped my bag on the ground, then went out on my balcony. The view was amazing, my room was in the back of the house, so it over looked Highland Park. Then it started to rain, great, just great. I sighed then headed back to my room to start my home work.  
I finished at six and went downstairs to make myself dinner, my aunt worked from four to about eleven so I ate alone every night.  
I had been living with my aunt for two months now, so I was used to being on my own most of the time. Then I took a shower and got ready for whatever Daren had planned for tonight.
"Hey ma," I said as I entered the house. 
"Hello Daren how was school, anything interesting happen?" 
"Actually yes, do you have a chance to talk before work?" 
"Sure, but only fifteen minutes, what's up?" my mom asked as she sat beside me on the couch.  
"There is a new girl at school, Katheren Whitney-" 
"Is that Lyn's, niece? Oh that poor girl," she frowned looking sad. 
"Yeah- wait, what?" Poor girl?! Why? "What happened?" 
"Oh, her parent's were killed and now she is living with Lyn, even though Lyn isn't sure how to raise a kid..." 
"When?" This was not the reason that I had thought up for her moving up here, I knew my mom knew her aunt, I thought that she was just getting some time away from her family or something, I was way off. 
"Hmm, I am not sure, oh, what were you saying about her?" 
"Oh, well, what does it mean if someone doesn't have an aura?" I asked her, my mom knew much more about our magical word then I did. 
"Well, one of three things, they are dead, they are a warlock and are blocking your powers, or an extremely powerful witch. Why do you ask, you know this already," she asked, confused. 
"Well, this Katheren girl, she doesn't have an aura, or I can't see it, I just don't get it." 
"Hmm." My mom paused for a moment, thinking it through. "Well, I don't believe that she is dead, for other people have seen her, not just you..." The weird thing is that, all witches could naturally see spirits. I guess maybe it was because since we could summon them we needed to see them or something. It was weird; you couldn't tell they were dead until they passed though something, it was very confusing. "And I don't believe that she is a warlock, even though that is a possibility," my mom continued.  
"I don't think she is evil either, I talked to her when I could, and she seemed very kind." 
"Hmm, well I would like you to find out, but be careful, she could be dangerous." 
"I will ma, oh, just so you know, I am taking her out tonight, you know to show her the city, to get to know her better." 
She nodded. "Well any sign that she is a warlock, you get out of there and call my cell right away, got it?" 
"Okay, got it." 
Then her watch started to beep. "Oh, well got to go, be careful," she stressed. 
"Mhm." She pecked me on the cheek, ignoring my grunt of protest and headed off to work.  
I got up threw some leftovers from last night into the microwave and did my only homework, math. I was horrible at it, and it didn't help that I paid more attention to the new girl then the lesson. It was harder than it should have been to do the simple assignment, but my mind kept wondering, always to the girl. Was she a witch or a warlock or something entirely other? Not only did I wonder about that, but I also thought about what my mom had said about her parents? They were dead? That must be horrible, that was unimaginable to me, to have lost both my mom and dad. How did she deal with that? Then I even started to think of her in general, how she looked, the way she smiled, the way I felt when she laughed... I shouldn't be thinking about that, she could be dangerous, evil... But then on the other hand, she might not be... No I couldn't be thinking like that
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