Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป A Witches Heart by Lisa Marie McDonagh (the best novels to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซA Witches Heart by Lisa Marie McDonagh (the best novels to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Lisa Marie McDonagh

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on," he said and grabbed my hand. Then, much like the first day, I got a shock when he touched my hand. If he felt it, he ignored it- and my little jump- and proceeded to drag me to the house.  
When we entered, I balked. "Wow, you're loaded." When I saw him look down, embarrassed, I realized that I had said that out loud. "Oh, sorry, I just meant that it's so big." The inside looked almost like a mansion. It was so open, well this floor was, you could easily see the kitchen and the dining room from the living room. In the living room there were two couches and the biggest TV that I have ever seen. 
He laughed a little bit. "Not what you were expecting, huh?" 
"Uh, no, not by a long shot." 
"Want to see my room?"  
"Sure." He seemed a little hesitant to grab my hand this time, but he grabbed it and pulled me upstairs with him.  
His room was about the size as mine, but had a bigger bed and the walls were white instead of light blue. He also had a balcony; I saw that almost ran to the door. His room overlooked the city; you could see the office buildings and the houses start to light up as twilight set in.  
I didn't hear him come up behind me but suddenly his voice spoke in my ear. "One for the views, are we?" I gasped and whirled to face him. He laughed. 
"Can you stop sneaking up on me, that's twice now," I complained. 
"And for your question, I just like landscape. It's so pretty. My mom used to be and artist so she painted the most imaginative pictures. I had always thought that the landscapes were the prettiest." This was the first time that I could talk about her without breaking down. 
He thought about this for a moment. "Hmmm, I guess you do have a point." 
I laughed. Then I saw something below us. "Let's go swimming!" 
"Yes, swimming," I said, then frowned as I thought of something. "I don't have a suit." 
"You could barrow one of my sister's old one's. She went of to collage last year, but she leaves some clothes here for when she visits." 
"Awesome!" He went into the room next to him and grabbed a white two piece for me to put on, then went back to his room to change himself. 
He was done before I was. When I headed downstairs, he was waiting by the edge of the pool. Since he didn't show any indication that he knew I was here, I decided to play a little prank on him. I snuck up behind him as quietly as I could, but when I tried to push him, he suddenly wasn't there. And since I had prepared to use most of my strength to push him into the pool, I was off balance and fell in.  
When I came back up from the war water, he was laughing. "Daren!" 
"That was mean!"  
"How was that mean?" he asked innocently. "You were about to push me in, all I did was simply side step."  
"Ugh," I groaned. Then I smirked and grabbed his ankle to pull him in. He wasn't ready for this, so he fell into the pool with me. "Ha!" I said. Then we were both laughing. 
We ended up staying in the pool for a half an hour before we got tried and got back out. I huddled in my warm towel; the outside air was cold compared to the warm pool. "Come on, let's go change. I-I want to tell you something." For some reason, he wouldn't look at me. But I shrugged it off.  
When I was back in my normal clothes, I went back into his room and sat next to him on his bed. "There is something that we have in common that you don't know about," he said, looking at the floor the whole time. 
"What? I don't understand." 
"Please, just listen, this is important. I'm-I'm." He took a deep breath and tried again. "I'm a witch," he whispered. 
"Um, please say that again. It almost sounded like you said witch." 
Then he looked up. I didn't know why, but his eyes were afraid. "I did." 
I laughed, it was semi-hysterical. "That's not possible. You- you're just-just crazy." I sat getting off the bed. 
He grabbed my wrist to stop me. "Wait. Look at the door, just look at it." I did, the door was half way open. But then he mumbled, "Bouger," and flicked his wrist toward the door. The door swung all the way open. I stared in shock.  
Then when the initial shock passed, I felt emotion again.
Chapter 8 
Or... maybe not...I was still numb. I let him pull me back down onto the bed.
I lightly tugged on her wrist and she fell back onto my bed. "Katheren," I whispered, using her full name instead of the nickname that I usually call her, "Are you alright?" I know it was a stupid question, but I asked it anyway. 
"A witch?" she asked with a difficultly. 
"Yeah," I mumbled, not looking at her. I was absolutely terrified that she would run from me and never come back, I didn't understand it.  
"How does that work?" he voice was strangely distant.  
"It depends on their aura. The stronger the aura, the more powerful they are. Everybody has an aura, but most people's aura consists of multiple colors. Witches- and warlocks- only have a single color aura, which is how they get their magic, from their aura. Aura is invisible, but some witches have the ability to see it. I can. 
"My aura is a dark blue. For some reason, blue auras are the most powerful, light blue is the most powerful of all. Then comes green, purple, red, pink, yellow, then the least powerful is white. The most powerful color of aura for a warlock is black, then their least powerful is brown. There are many different colors that can be seen but the shades don't entirely matter." 
During my whole speech, Katheren was silent and staring at the wall in front of her. "But just having a solid color aura, doesn't mean that the person can use magic at any time. First, they must be able to control their aura, then be able to focus it- usually through the use of words," I continued.  
She shook her head suddenly. "You said before that 'We had something in common that I don't know about'. What did you mean by that? I am confused." 
"I didn't tell you all of this for nothing," I told her. "I believe that you are a witch..." 
"What?" she shrieked in denial, which caused me to look up at her, surprised. 
"I said that you are a witch," I whispered. "That necklace, your mothers, it doubles as a protection charm, she was a witch, that makes you one also. I can't see your aura, so this is what I have to go off of." 
"If you can't see my aura, then you might be wrong! I can't be a witch! I am not!" She was shaking her head and edging away from me. I tried to grab her again, I couldn't allow her to leave, she could get herself hurt, especially if people are after her. "Ha-have you ever used magic on me?" 
"Yes-" but before she allowed me to explain it was because she almost had a panic attack, she was screeching at me. 
"How dare you?! Never use magic on me again!" 
"I wouldn't-" 
"Never again! I want you to leave me alone!"  
"But I-" 
She ran towards my door, but before she left, she turned to say one last thing to me. "I bet you used your magic on me to make me like you-even love you, I was just part of your twisted game! But you will never control me again, never!" Then she ran out of my room and down the stairs.  
I had heard the door slam, but I couldn't move. She loved me?! Me? I felt my heart squeeze, I realized why she meant so much to me, why I had always wanted to be with her, and why what she thought of me meant so much, I loved her too. And now she was afraid of me, thought I was crazy. I wanted to scream in frustration. I had to get her to trust me again, for both her and me. I would never forgive myself if something ever happened to her; I had to keep her safe. That, and since I knew that she had loved me once, I couldn't just let her go, I would win her back.  

Chapter 9 
'I believe that you are a witch.' 'I believe that you are a witch.' His words swirled around endlessly in my head. I stumbled through the frigid Settle night as I made my way to my aunt's house. I had known the way because we had dropped off my school stuff before we headed to Daren's house. 
Daren. His face also was in my thoughts, accompanying his words. Had he forced me to love him? Or was that all him, just him? Even though I knew he was dangerous, I wanted nothing more than to be with him right now.  
But was he really that bad, he had never done anything to harm me. And he wouldn't have used his powers to make me attracted to him; I knew that he was better than that.  
Could I be a witch? I looked down at the necklace that I always wore. Was my mother a witch? I couldn't see the charm or spell or whatever he said was on it.  
Was Daren just crazy?  
No, I knew him well enough to know that that couldn't be true.  
I was so confused. I finally got to my aunt's house. I ran up the stairs and into my room, I turned on one of the CD's that I made then fell face down into my bed. 'Twisted' by Carrie Underwood started to play and I groaned.  
Even though this wasn't the best song to get my mind off of everything that was running through my head, I started to sing. "...It's twisted, messed up," yeah that's right, "the more I think about it, it's crazy," I knew that too, "but so what? I may never understand it. I'm caught up and I'm hanging on. I gonna love you even if it's wrong..." I stopped singing abruptly and listened to the rest of the song in silence. I did love him, but that was a line that I couldn't cross. I had to stay away form him.  
Suddenly, I was crying, I didn't understand the sudden heart wrenching pain I was in. I ended up crying myself to sleep.
I woke up the next morning groggily and sleep deprived. I kept dreaming about Daren, but I could do that anymore. I had to ignore him completely. My aunt gave me a ride again today. She knew I wasn't in the best of moods, but didn't push me on it. That was one of the things that I loved about her, she gave me space when I needed it.  
When I got into math, who else was sitting on my desk but him, I groaned. "What do you want Daren?" I asked venom thick in my voice. 
He flinched slightly from my hostility. "I came to apologize" he whispered, "and to explain some things, just please hear me out." 
I ignored him and set my bag on the back of my chair. "Get off of my desk
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