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Book online «The scent of the cursed blood by Kenzhie Addie (top 10 novels to read txt) 📖». Author Kenzhie Addie

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Chapter 1: The first encounter





2014, October, Wisconsin, USA




Two weeks after my dad's burial, my stepmother just disappeared all of a sudden, leaving me alone in the empty house. Though it was not something new since my dad was a jet-setting type, leaving me most of the time with my step-mom, who wasn't around most of the time as well. However, this time around, my dad won't be around for good. He was tragically attacked by a wild animal of some sort while he was on a hiking trip with his two close buddies. Fortunately, his friends were fine, but unfortunately for my dad, he didn't survive and what was strange the most, his blood was drained empty. What animal could have done that? I honestly didn't believe that it was a wild animal. It was something different, but I didn't know what either, so I'd just stick to the police report for now.


“Cassy, we will miss you! We've just started being friends yet you're going away already.” Jesse mopped and hugged me, pulling me back from my deep thoughts. We were in our new favorite spot in the school cafeteria having our lunch. It would be my last day attending the same school with them since tomorrow I'd be flying to Europe.


“I know. If I can choose, I'd stay here, but what can I do? I'm just seventeen.” I said gravely, willing myself not to cry. I just couldn't cry in front of other people even with friends. I didn't really like showing my emotions to anyone and that might be the reason I didn't have many friends. I was a very reserved and aloof person which often mistaken as a snob. But just as I'd finally made friends, I'd be moving to a place called Hampstead in North West London where I would be staying with my only close relative or probably my only relative, aunt Mary. All I knew about her was, she was my late mom's cousin and a spinster. My mom had never mentioned about aunt Mary since she died giving birth to me before she could even say anything to me.


“Why does your only relative has to live in England? My God! It's more than three thousand miles away! I'm really gonna miss you, girly...” Lea grumbled and hugged me as well. I knew they were avoiding mentioning my dad's death, afraid that I would breakdown or something and I was thankful that they didn't. I couldn't talk about it, not yet. I was still hurting...


“Yeah, me too.” I tried to hide my sadness, but failed. I'd really missed them since they were my only friends. My whole high school life from 9th grade to 11th grade, I was always alone and when Jesse and Lea became my friends, I was really happy. Sadly, I'd be leaving soon to another continent that I'd never been in my entire life. A foreign place where I knew nothing of and the one thing that I was dreading of, I'd be transferring to a new school where I'd be treated as the new kid with no friends. It would be like back to zero again. I let out a mouthful of air from my lungs. I'm surely gonna miss Wisconsin...








London Heathrow Airport




I sighed as soon as I got out of the airport, feeling homesick already. Welcome to London, Cassidy. Welcome to your new home... I lazily took a cab and told him my aunt's address. Unknowingly, tears started falling from my eyes as the car started to move. I hadn't cried since I heard the news that my dad had passed away even during his burial. Not a single drop, but now, all the kept emotions I had hidden for weeks just burst out. My shoulders shook as I cried my heart out when the realization finally sunk in. I'm an orphan now... I told myself bitterly. My dad's gone and I'd never gonna see him again.


What kind of life is waiting for me here?


“Are you alright, hun?” The kind-looking cab driver asked when he heard me crying. I just nodded and wiped my tears, willing myself to stop from crying. I was glad the driver didn't pursue on talking to me, but occasionally peeked through the rear mirror to check on me. He looked concerned, but still I would want him to just leave me alone since I was not in the mood for any conversation. I stared out through the window to avoid the curious driver's eyes. We were traveling for the past forty minutes when the car suddenly made a rumbling sound, then the car slowly died down at the side of the road.


“What happened?” I asked, a bit worried.


“I'm so sorry, hun. Car engine trouble. Will it be alright if you take another taxicab? I believe, it will take quite a long time to fix this arse of a car.” The cab driver gave me an apologetic look. I sighed, but nodded since I had no choice. After I paid him, I took my luggage, got off the car and looked for another cab. Unfortunately, all of the cabs were taken so I decided to walk while I searched. I didn't realize I was walking far from the main road.


“Amazing... Don't tell me, I'm lost. This is just what I needed on my first day here.” I muttered to myself as I looked around. I checked my watch and it said; six past twenty in the evening. It was getting dark already so I looked for someone that I could ask for direction when all of a sudden I hit into something hard which had almost made me fall on my bum if I didn't grab hold of it. I glanced up, expecting a wall, but I was surprised to see the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen in my entire existence. I didn't even think there was such a person as handsome as him who existed. His beauty was beyond comparable not even the handsomest actors, singers, or any other celebrities could surpass or much less be compared to him. He had this pair of seductive, icy-blue eyes that looked like they were glowing in the early, dusky night. His glossy raven hair slightly shadowed his right eye with silvery-white streaks on his fringes making him look so hot like a rock star. A perfect nose and red lips that were so tempting, but what was most striking about him was the paleness of his skin. I had pale skin too, but he was way paler than me in a different degree. It was like he hadn't seen the sun for a very long time. My fancy thoughts were disrupted when I lifted up my eyes to see his gorgeous blue eyes turned dark with rage. “I-m s-o sorry.” I apologized nervously, thinking that he got mad because I bumped into him and didn't say sorry. I continued when he didn't answer, “I didn't m---”


“Let go.”


“W-what?” I was confused. He appeared furious, but surprisingly his voice sounded enticing. I bet he can sing well... I dreamily thought, forgetting about his scary stare. He was very tall, too, I noticed as I craned my neck to gaze into his mesmerizing blue orbs. I'd think he was more than six feet tall.


“My arm. Let it go, this instant.” He commanded in his really nice, husky voice. Wait, what did he say? I didn't catch what he was saying since I was more focused on his voice and his abnormally fascinating face.


“Um, w-what was that again?” I asked shyly, still a bit stuttering as I gaped at him.


“Are you a fool? I told you to let go of my bloody arm. Now, would you mind letting go?” His chilly and rude remarks splashed cold water in my face, which made me get back to my senses. I let go of his arm, feeling embarrassed for realizing that I'd been gripping it the whole time. But one thing that hit me though, he was freezing, like ice-cold freezing. He felt like a hard, cold metal that was why I didn't realize I was grasping his arm till then. I honestly thought it was a lamp post or something.


“You're freezing cold. Are you OK?” I whispered almost to myself as he turned his back on me and started walking away, but stopped in his tracks when he probably heard my voice which I doubted he would. I also wondered why he was so cold when it wasn't even winter yet. It actually still felt a bit summery around here.


“I will be as long as you are not around.” He said calmly, but it was contrary to what his eyes expressed. They were glaring at me with the utmost contempt while his chest was heaving in an uncontrollable manner. He looked so scary, but I couldn't understand why I didn't feel scared at all. I was, in fact, worried.


“I think you're not OK. You're trembling.” I walked toward him, but he backed away immediately, while giving me a deadly glare.


“Do not ever come near me!” He hissed and ran off, disappearing into an alley, and leaving me awestruck.


“What the hell was that...” I uttered to myself in confusion as I stared at the alley that he disappeared into. Honestly, that was really weird and creepy. I tried to just shrug it off and started to walk in the opposite direction when my phone vibrated in my jeans pocket. It was Aunt Mary calling, so I stopped and answered it.


“Where are you now, Cassidy?” My aunt's clipped voice sounded more irritated than worried that I began to worry. I'd be living under her roof for a long time, after all.


“Um, I think I'm lost, aunt Mary.” I replied, feeling a bit anxious about my situation. I heard her sigh before she replied.


“Can you describe the place where you are now at the moment? I will ask someone to fetch you.” She said afterward. I felt relieved hearing that and gave her the description. I waited for the car my aunt said would fetch me after the call ended and occasionally I glanced at the alley where the weird yet beautiful guy disappeared into. I wasn't really sure, but I could strangely feel like someone was watching me, observing my every move. I shook my head to get rid of the creepy thoughts I had and decided to play a boring game in my smart phone to ease the uneasy feeling I had. After a few minutes of playing it, I got bored so I just listened to a music instead and hum along with it while I closed my eyes. I felt relaxed all of a sudden. After all, music had always been my safe haven ever since I was a kid and felt lonely or scared of monsters under my bed. Yeah. I believed in monsters. I knew they were real even until now. I just didn't get to see them. I had finished listening to a few songs when a fancy red sports car stopped in front of the foot-walk from where I was standing and then a tall guy went out of the car. A handsome blonde with brown eyes. He lazily walked toward me and without a word, took my luggage from me. He then went to the back of his car and effortlessly placed my luggage in the trunk.


“Hey! Who are you and why the hell are you taking my things?!” I yelled and walked toward him with my hands on my waist.


“Are you not the niece

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