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Book online «Forbidden Love, Twisted Seduction by Libby Enticknap (classic literature list .TXT) 📖». Author Libby Enticknap

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sword away into a scabbard on my back. I hear the click of the locket as there Chappe locks into place. The demon closest is about three meters away from my position, quickly I grab a hidden blade from my thigh sheath. My timing is good. Whilst rotating left I push up hard so I am airborne, I see my pray and with no hesitation I strike it with my blade. My blade is so fast that my pray doesn't even see it coming. Good. The demon looks up at me, I show no emotion, I just gaze at my blade as it hits the pray. On target! I hear the cracking as the blade plagues into its skull, not letting anything get in its way. Its body drops to the ground, No hesitation I withdraw the last of my small blades. Grinding my teeth, I aim for this ones heart. Another one hitting the dirty floor just as my feet touch the forest ground. Sword weighting heavy in my right hand, withdrawn and Ready to attack. Six left, apparently deciding to do a attack together. Always liking a challenge. I Breath deeply, I raise my sword into guard. Letting my own instincts take control. I run to them, mud and debris fly’s up into the air, with the sudden rush of movement from my path.

Upon them in seconds, I sink the tip of my sword through one of the demons eye sockets. Hearing the pop of its eye ball as I push it clear through its skull without difficulty. Brain, murky blood stains my face and body. Bringing my left foot up, I press off against this creatures chest extracting my sword, in high guard with both my hands on it firmly now. I turn delivering a deadly blow to a chest, just as its claws cut into the upper of my back. The tender skin hangs disturbingly open. Pain! No time to think, I continue this onslaught without mercy. I give into the bloodlust and let it consumes me completely.

Emptiness! I stand alone in the forest clearing. Breathe, I tell my shaking beaten body. Staring at their lifeless bodies mangle upon each other. Time seems to stand still, even if for a short moment. My wounds heal but both our blood cling onto my body, a reminder of the heartless monster I have become. A Glittery gleam of the sun breaks through the sky, makes me come to my senses. Time! Need to keep moving. Now. Only a matter of time before more creatures are sent to capture me. I Collect the two small blades and shelter them into there secret sheaths, I decide to head to the lake in the distance. Hope in vain that it will mask my scent from what ever is to come for me next. Barefoot I walk on, I make it to the treeline ‘Evelyn’ such a quiet whisper I nearly thought I had imagined it completely. Heart pounding. I glance over my right shoulder, to a pair of glaring pitch black eyes. The assassins leader, props himself up while he still grasps his chest wound tightly. Not breaking eye contact. Like a snake ready for it's final prey, I stalk over to him slow and silent.

Softly I run my hand down to the inner side of my left thigh, erotically tranquilizing slowly, withdrawing the blood stained blade. His black eye's watch intensively to my every movement. I Drop to my right knee beside him, with my blade pressing just hard enough to see a little line of blood drip down his neck. Deadly still, probably scared for its worthless life as I could easily slit his throat with a flick on my wrist. Pleasure of that thought brings a seductively sweet smile to my lips. Moving my face closer to his, our lips a bare breath away from each other. I whisper “Ready to die!” I dig the side of the blade deeper into the tender skin of his neck, forcing him to lay completely on the forest floor, my left hand pulls roughly downwards at his matted black dirty hair. Exposing more of his neck to me. My left leg going around his waist, now I am a top of him in a dominating position. No way to escape, Death! The only thing left for him now, but still this creature makes no protest. No attempt to defend himself. Nothing, just those dark eye’s that stare intensely at me. I lean my face down closer to his neck, my tongue traces up the line of blood that drips down. Intoxicated. I hear his blood starts to pump faster and faster around his body, his veins look even more enticing now that my thirst is centre front of my mind. A groan escapes his lips. My teeth lightly penetrate through the skin at the side of his neck. Teasing. I feel his left hand caress my thigh, it ignites sensations buried so deep, even I thought lost, to surface through my body. Not being able to resist the temptation any longer l sink my teeth in deeply. His bittersweet blood flows inside my mouth, I greedily gulp down as much as possible. Trying to quench the thirst, I close my eye's in pure heavenly bliss. His hands clutch onto my thighs so tightly.


Pain! So Abruptly, my body clenches over in a torment of shock, suffering and horror. I stare at this monster but without really seeing him. Haunting memories assault my mind, it burns through to my very soul, flashing images of the night I don’t ever want to remember. My very own personal nightmare. I shake my head rapidly trying in vain to lose it. ‘my own blood strains my hands and lower body’ my body trembles for what I know is to come. ‘A new-borns first cry fills the silently cold night’ A scream of pure agony rips from my lips, I grind my teeth together. ‘bones being broken’ The sounds so surreal, as if it was happening again in this moment of insanity. red hot tears stream down my face, unable to withstand anymore. In tortured madness I stop it the only way I know how. Both my hand press against my head, not a thought cared, I crush my skull. Crack, Darkness!







Chapter 2 The Awakening





Mistakes. How can one living being make so many of them? Over and over again without fault. It stays within you, Locked. even if you have buried it deep down inside. That numb feeling that hits you right in the chest. where you panic like you can’t even catch ones breath. when it suddenly hits you when you least expect it. Desperately you try to grasp a breath only for that heavy weight to hold you under, without releasing you from its deadly grip. Times can change but past times can not. Burdens we carry on with us. Reminds. You can not run away from ones own self. Even if you truly wish it. The worst is you live on, carrying the knowledge that so many time's things could have been so different. Not even being able to justify ones own actions as being to naive or to blinded by love to see the real picture. Fault! I can lay fault at the monsters that were able to do it, but in my very soul I feel I am to blame. Everything comes back to my own chooses. I was once foolish to believe in love and for everything to be everlasting and happy. Oh how poetic I was back then. Without a care. Regardless of the destruction that would start to spread like wild fire the more time that passed us by. Every decision and action I make has a consequence to this domed world. People can be punished for other people's mistake, not even knowing who’s really to blame for their own suffering. Blindness. See I didn’t care about any of it, all I cared about was my own happiness. Are happiness. From when I was a small girl I was told that I had been chosen by our higher being. My body and soul were to be a sacred vessel. Pure, untouched. Needing to be protected at all costs. That every single drop of blood that pumps around my body was sacred to. There was a prophecy told about what the future was to hold for me, this world depended on it. For it’s own survival. It all fell on deaf ears. Unbelieving to the nonsense told to me by the elder widowers. Thoughts only of them trying to make me scared, into doing what they wanted me to do. Control. Over me and my future. I would not have it! I have been running from my past. Trying in vain to believe that it’s not who I was, or what I really am. Running and running. In this endless circle. Losing myself. The real me. Maybe that’s the real reason I’m running, cause I don’t know who or what I really am anymore...A soulless monster. Without any chance of redemption. A lost hope, in this downpour of misery. Broken. Without any chance to even be able to comprehend a different path in life. All I want is to finally be happy and free. Instead of this numbness. This empty pit of a hollow hole, where once I had cherished so dearly, my babe safely within. Now an agonizing memory. Of what once lost, is lost forever.







 Drifting. Timelessly in and out of consciousness as my body slowly start's to repair it’s self. Blistering warmth assault my skin. flickers of orange and yellow colours pass my closed eyelids to the black of the night sky. The only real indication of the time passing by. A gentle sensation of floating endlessly about without any real direction, only at the mercy of the harsh cold winds pushing back and forth. Sounds come and go all around me. Unrecognisable as the darkness begins to descent shutting my mind off to complete nothingness just an empty void. Where anything is possible. Black and white dots appear dancing together to a mute melody. Motions so violently spinning out of control. Helpless into giving into the oblivion. Unwilling to arouse back into the world that has nothing to hold me. Apart from punishment. My own endless guilt and heartache. Eternity’s could have been and gone while I stay in this half state of lifelessness.


The silence shattered. All around me. Mutters of conversation grow closer over head, not able to make any sense of the words quickly spoken aloud. Disorganised. Weightless as if my body has taken flight. Swaying Free from the ties of this earth into the clouds above. Finally. I faintly smile into the light of freedom and the heavenly blissfulness, ready to meet my maker at last.


My eyes flutter open as if in a dreamlike trance. Confusion. I’m in a strange foreign room, my vision is blurry i can only focus directly above. Dark wooden planks make the ceiling, the rest of my eyesight was seeing double of everything as soon as I move my head. A head ache takes a hold

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