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Book online «FURIES by Shannon Burton (miss read books TXT) 📖». Author Shannon Burton

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my turn was over I sat back down and doodled in my notebook. I knew today would be pretty easy so I didn't care to pay attention, even if I was in my favorite teachers' class.


"Alright looks like we have one more new student." Mr.Eli exclaimed.


"And what is your name?" Mr.Eli questioned.


"My name is Damien." A husky voice said.


The girls in the class giggled when they heard the new guy speak.


When I lifted my head to find the owner of the voice..My heart stopped. He looked exactly like him just older.His eyes,his hair,his voice. It had to be him.


"Hey are you alright?" Tera whispered in concern.


"It's him." I said shakily.




"Why don't you take a seat next to Tera and Zhara." Mr.Eli said to Damien.


I watched as he walked to our desk. He had grown taller and had more defined cheek bones. He was a whole lot more muscled then before but other than that, he was still the same. When he reached the table he nodded to Tera and then me but other then that he didn't seem to know who I was.He sat on the left side of Tera so I was no where near him.


Tera began to write in her notebook and in seconds she sent me a folded piece of paper.


Its him..from the dream, Isnt it?


I tore up the paper and nodded to her.Tera and I were both tense through the rest of class. Time went by slow and I was just itching to look at him but somehow I found control.As soon as the bell rang we both were out the door before anyone.Neither one of us had a second period so we headed out the back of the school to the woods.


We had been coming down here since we were freshman. If you walked far enough through the woods you would come to a clearing that contained a small lake. Oregon is covered in so many forest it's impossible not to find a lake or stream.As we walked I thought about Damien. When we reached the lake we both sank slowly to the ground and made ourselves comfortable.


I knew Tera was dying to crack this case so I spoke up first, "How is this possible?"


"I have no clue but it is definitely weird and a teensy bit creepy.What do you want to do about it?" She questioned back.


"He didn't seem like he knew me so maybe nothing needs to be done." I said with hope in my voice.


Tera seemed to think over my answer and from her expression I knew that my answer was unlikely.


"I don't think so. There seems to be more to it then just a dream Zhara."


I didn't want to continue on with the matter so I pursed my lips and looked off into the distance. Tera knew not to bother me when I got like this, so we both sat there in silence.


After a while we both decided we were hungry and headed back to school for lunch. When we walked into the cafeteria the lunch line was pretty full.Kids filled every corner of the cafeteria and it amazed me that there was any air left to breathe.I got in line behind Tera and saw that her head was turned as far left as it could go. When I turned to where her attention was I understood why she couldn't look away.Sitting at a table in the far left of the cafeteria was a beautiful blonde haired man and Damien.


The blonde haired guy looked up and smiled at Tera. She turned her head away so quickly I am almost certain she got whiplash. I had never seen her so flustered before. When we reached the front of the line we both grabbed salads and I let Tera lead us to a table that couldn't have been farther from the two beautiful men.


"Psst Tera." I whispered.


No answer.Tera didn't even lift her head from its downcast position.


Damien and the other guy left the cafeteria twenty minutes later and Tera both let out a sigh of relief.


"Hey are you alright? You almost lost balance of your head."I joked.


"I don't know what happened.It was just that..Oh I don't know." She threw her hands in the air in frustration.


Neither one of us touched our food and I could guess two reasons why.


We both emptied our trays and pushed our way through the still crowded cafeteria.


"See ya after class," I yelled.


She gave a wave of her hand and headed down the hall and to the right.


I walked into Calculus and took a seat by a window. Only one more class to go and I could get out of here. Kids began to pour in from lunch and I tensed up when I realized that Damien,the blonde haired guy, and I, had the same class. To my utter dismay the blonde guy sat directly behind me.


"Don't." Damien growled at the guy behind me.


I dont know what that was about but I really think that blondie should listen.


Luckily there were no seats near me so Damien went to sit on the other side of the class room.


Ms. Rayne walked into class and the room of teens settled down. She began to drone on about what should be expected this year so I began to look out the window and daydream. I had completely forgot about the guy behind me until he lightly tapped me on my shoulder with his pencil.


"What's your name?"He asked.


"Zhara." I whispered.


Ms. Rayne sent us a pointed glare.


"What's yours?" I questioned back.


" I'm Talon." He said in a voice nearly identical to Damiens.


"What was your friends name?"


"Tera." I said.


I figured since he was obviously fishing for information I might as well do the same.


"Alright everyone pair up and we are going to play Calculus Jeapordy." Ms.Rayne explained to the class.


"Be my partner." Talon said.


Damien tried making his way over to Talon but the girls were blocking his way in hopes that they would be paired with him.Fortunately Ms.Rayne paired him with Tiffany, sending all of the girls into a jealous frenzy.


We played the game for the remaining 40 minutes of the period. Talon and I asked each other questions back and forth about each other,Damien,and Tera.I learned that Damien and him were brothers and that they had just moved from Salem, Or.They lived near Falling Creek which was 3 miles from the school.It surprised me that they lived there because it was one of the darkest forest in Oregon.The trees are so dense that hardly any light seeps through so it's not the best place for camping or living.I also learned that Damien is 18 and he is 17 and they have a little sister named Anya and an older brother. Their last name is Ashford and they like to keep to themselves.


Talon was really cool to talk to and he was also pretty easy on the eyes,to put it mildly.He was not as stunning as Damien but he was a close second. He had a light shade of green eyes and dark brown hair.He had more muscle than Damien but he wasn't as tall.I looked over to where Damien sat with Tiffany and I looked him over.For some reason I liked this guy.He was beautiful and edgy yet he kept me at an arms length.As I watched him his eyes looked up and met mine and I found it so hard to look away.His eyes had lost all of their usual hardness and it was like looking into liquid pools of light.I became emersed and I wasn't sure if I would ever get out.Before I could embarass myself I tore my eyes away and felt oddly empty.


"You like him don't you?" Talon asked.


I looked up at him and tried to lie.I didn't want to be so translucent with my feelings but something in me wouldn't allow it.


"Yes." I breathed.It was like a heavy burden was lifted off my chest and I could breathe a little better.


"Don't let his aloofness fool you he's not as unaffected as he seems."


I contemplated his words and a piece of me ached to believe him but the rest of me knew it was for the best that I stayed away.


"Everything will happen in its own time Zhara.It doesn't matter if you'd rather it not." Talon said.


It was as if he had read my mind,but I knew my thoughts were on my face as clear as day.


So rather than continuing on the road the conversation had taken I pulled out my notebook and doodled.I spaced out through the rest of the class and it wasn't until Talon shook my shoulder that I remembered where I was.


"Where is this?" Talon asked.


I looked down to see him holding my notebook.The drawing was of me and Damien standing on the cliff.Everything around us was burning.I snatched my notebook from him and shoved it in my bag.


"Oh nowhere.I was just day dreaming."


He gave me a cryptic look and stood up.


When the bell rang I grabbed my bag and raced to the door.When I made it out into the hall I began walking to my locker but a light tap on my shoulder stopped me.I turned around to see Damien.


He was even more beautiful up close.I let out a deep breath and tried to treat him just like any normal person.


"Wassup." I said. Did I really just say wassup?


    He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.Every muscle on his arm flexed and a sigh nearly escaped my mouth.


"I don't want to be harsh but I really think that you should stay away from my brother and me."


"And why's that? I questioned.


"I'm not any good for you." He said as if that explained everything.


I gave him a quizzical look and waited for a better explanation.


Another sigh escaped his perfect lips and he shifted uncomfortably.


"My brother told me that you liked me and I would prefer that you didn't."


Awww now this was making more sense.And I must admit it hurt like hell.I wasn't good enough for him and he was trying to break it to me gently but I didn't want to be pitied.


"Listen, I think your cute but please don't be so full of yourself." I stormed off and left him looking flustered.


Fine I would stop liking him just like he wanted me to, but that was something easier said then done.


I found Tera waiting for me against her locker.


"Hurry up and get ready to go. I'm starving." Tera complained.


When I looked up to give her a piece of my mind her eyes were locked on something going on behind me.I turned around to see Talon striding towards us.


"Hey Zhara I just wanted to tell you that were having a bonfire party at the Willamette River this weekend so if you wanna bring any friends your welcome."


I noticed when he said friends he gave a pointed look at Tera.I really didn't wanna go because I was angry with him for telling his brother, but if I didn't he would know it was because of Damien.So I decided to go.


I turned around to see Tera staring at the ground and fidgeting with her hands. Something was going on with her and I was going to find out.


"Yea sure we'll come. Just tell me the details tomorrow."


He gave me a cocky grin and walked away. Damien was waiting at the second flight of stairs for his brother and he looked pissed.


I turned back to Tera and scrutinized her. She was slightly paler than usual and her eyes were wide with fear.


"What's going on Tera? Every time he comes around you lose all your usual confidence!"


"Let's just go. I'll tell you once we get to your house." She said back.


The drive to my house was unusually quiet. Tera was in a contemplative mood and I was extremely tired. When we finally made it to my house we both grabbed some snacks and went to my room.Tera started the fire place and I got undressed. We both sat cross legged on the couch and stared into the fire.


"So what's going on Ter?"


"I don't know. He just..scares me."

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