Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Moon by S. D. A. (a court of thorns and roses ebook free .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Moon by S. D. A. (a court of thorns and roses ebook free .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author S. D. A.

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How immature, I smiled.
Again I sang softly, "Walking down by the bay, staring up at the planes..." My eyes closed, I pictured myself ice skating. One step at a time I glided over the stone and leaped over a rail. "That aren't there anymore." I kept gliding, my heart was pounding, I wanted to jump, to run, to skate... I spun a 360, and kept spinning. Leaping, dancing, my legs carried me past the others. My eyes were still closed, but I could feel eyes on me.
I slowly spun a 180 and crouched low for a turn. Beautiful.... My head jerked up and I leaped into the air...what was that?! I didn't know, but I kept moving without opening my eyes...
Only to run into someone. I fell. Gran and my brothers ran towards me. Cool arms lifted me up off the ground. A strange face was smiling in almost apology at me. I almost fainted. The smiling face grew stricken a little.
Then some blood dripped from my leg, and when I looked down, I saw it sparkle. The stranger wasn't hurt visibly and yet I heard him say, "Ouch."?
"Ohmygosh, I'm so terribly sorry!" my words were jumbled "I was leaping around like an idiot and wasn't paying attention! I'm sorry!" I tried to stand up. My breath made a whosh sound as I collapsed back onto the ground. My legs burned like fire, and stung like ice; my head was another story. So painful... Everything went black as my head hit the ground.
How much more stupid can I get, I thought. The darkness was swallowing me up like a wave. I tried to fight it. But I was swallowed, and saw a feather... a white feather in the darkness... I reached for it as it came to a stop at an endless bottom. Trumpets. A swan. Me. Wait, me? What?! Whats going----!
My breath stopped. The strange boy I knocked into earlier... was standing right in front of me. I looked at my clock quickly. It had froze. 11:10. I tapped it persistantly, only to look at a black butterfly fly out of it. It's wings shimmered a fiery trail of purple as it flew, like the purple painted on its wings.
A Butterfly? pretty..... my mind thought. I reached out to touch the marvel. Like glass, the butterfly shattered. It seemed my own soul cracked. I was lost in the darkness. Randomly, I recalled what kind of butterfly it was. A Hell butterfly.
Another Surprise

After a few moments, things unfroze and I blinked. Then I looked at the stranger who caught me. The butterfly was gone. He just stood there in front of me, motionless, looking at me. I stared right back, though it was kinda getting to the point where it freaked me out. His eyes were a silvery metal like color, brighter and sharper than anything I'd ever seen.
The boy was the first to look away. I followed his gaze to a swan. The swan hissed at him. Then like water,the swan came to me. It seemed to guess I wasn't a threat, for she didn't hiss. Ok...just a little bit weird, but hey, it's just a dream. Right...?
I couldn't keep my eyes off the swan. It was beautiful; snowy white with large eyes. I looked down, bowing my head. The swan paused a moment, bowing its own head. That stopped me short.
Why the heck did I just bow my head? How come the bird did!? I couldn't believe what I was doing. What a weird dream. I made a face at that.
The beautiful creature kept moving, all the way to me. It looked at me with those big eyes. To me, it seemed to be smiling.
That's because I am smiling and you bowed out of respect, silly goose. I jumped. Someone was talking to me. IN MY MIND! I paniced, freezing in the spot.
No need to be afraid little bird, huh you're slow... I mean no offence!
Uhhhh----? I'm sorry?? I'm a little startled to hear you speaking to me... I thought in apology, shaking my head. Was it weird I was talking to a swan? Oddly enough, I didn't think so. The swan smiled; she seemed to understand.
Rowan you've met Tristian before, right? Oh! Jeez I'm so forgetful! My name is Hana, I'm your friend... Hana smiled. But then she looked angrily at the boy called Tristian.
Have you two met? Hana's tone was surprising, something I couldn't name was in it. I looked at Tristian, to get a better look. He was at little over six feet tall, with dirty blonde hair that curled at the ends. In all he was what I would call pretty "bad-boyish". Then again, he stopped me from falling onto my face. Something like sadness washed over me.
That was weird... I looked again at Hana. This was getting weirder by the second.
He stopped me from falling just before I came here. Something was off. I could feel it. And I didn't know why or how. Thats when I saw a wolf staring at Hana from a distance. I turned to see Tristian looking intently at the thing, and almost a look of anger had started contorting his face. The beast stopped staring at Hana, and looked at me.
Rowan... I couldn't stop staring at the wolf. It had called my name. How did everyone know my name? I was talking to Hana... and the wolf came out of no where! Gold eyes stared at me from across the darkness.
Rowan... my lady...please----I felt eyes all over me. One pair was Hana's as she moved closer to me. Warm, soft feathers embraced me as a cold wind shook through my body.
"Thank you." I whispered. I was strangely happy the creature behind me was there to hold me up. More importantly, her wings brought mental security, filling me with relief.
I could still feel other eyes on me. Tristian's eyes. They were confused looking. A mix of emotions were on his face. Eagerness, confusion, pain, sadness, anger... Anger and pain was winning over, as far as I could see.
Hana hissed when Tristian walked toward us. The wolf silently followed him, a copy, a shadow. When he reached us, I was shocked when he smacked me across the face. The blow stung like ice,and burned like fire, just like my leg had. Around me, the warm feathers trembled as Hana shook, outraged profanities rushed through my mind. Hana hissed again. Black spots were taking over my vision as Tristian struck me once again. I tasted blood.
Blackness swarmed above me, darkening the shadows already there. I looked at the furry beast that looked at me in sympathy from behind. Why? What? I whimpered. Why was I dreaming of this? What was going was on?!
I'm sorry my lady, Rowan. You can call me Lupin. I- I'm sorry about Tristian... he's very wor----. All of a sudden he yelped. I leaned over to see Tristian's foot make contact with his rear.
Seeing Lupin getting hurt made me feel like my skin was on fire, and not in pain. My heart.... Did I have one? It seemed it shattered again. A scream filled the air when he raised his foot again. I covered my ears; the sound hurt too much... Then I covered my mouth. The terrible siren like screams were coming from there...
The wolf looked at me in grattitude, my screams a distraction, as he bound away for protection. Like a ragdoll, Tristian yanked my arm hard enough to pull me off the ground. Only to be smacked again, but harder so now I really could taste blood... Yet as more dark spots bloomed my vision, Tristian then held me. That's when he leaned away, only to lean forward with those silver eyes, and his lips touched mine, at first soft like Hana's feathers.
"Why, Rowan? What have you done? Rowan! Remember!" His voice echoed off the darkness. Before he kissed me again, his eyes were a golden honey color, nothing of silver remained. Neither did my thoughts. Tristian's lips crushed mine, all softness gone. My first real kiss, and I could taste the sadness, bitterness, and an unknown feeling filled the air. Then I saw a Hell Butterfly before collapsing onto the ground once more.

New Kid

The darkness released me, and with a gasp I sat up. Gran was holding me in her arms. Lewie and Ben were a foot away, looking down. It was almost like someone died.
"Gran? What happened?" I croaked. It sounded like I lost my voice. I sat up straighter, remembering my dream. Hana.... Lupin....Tristian. Weird. I shuddered.
Gran went still, and looked at me. A smile of relief broke out on her face.
"You fell, you flightless bird." she scolded gently.
"Oh yea... My bad?" I already remembered, I just wanted to play it up a little bit. Lewie looking like he was seeing a ghost, he walked towards me. He reached out to touch my cheek. It stung where his finger brushed against my skin. I silently winced.
"Your face..." he whispered. Again his finger brushed the cut where Tristian smacked me. Was it really a dream? The pain was so real. I looked around. There he was, standing nearby. He smiled though it didn't reach his cold eyes. It was like he was there with me. How could someone I just met be so darn cold? Gosh dammit, I'm so confused!
"How are you feeling, Ms. Walker? I'm sorry I ran into you like that." He sure didn't sound that sorry. In fact I thought I heard some cockiness in it. My hand twitched, remembering when I fainted. Ohhhhh.... I wanted to hit something. I was going crazy. What was that, when I passed out?
Trying not to seem too fake, I gave a tight smile, "I'm obviously great! Not a scratch on me." Gods help me, my cut oozed a little bit; the traitor. I bit my cheek, still smiling.
Gran gave me a look. Lewie and Ben.... were too busy now looking at an insect crawling up the stairs. Oh boy... Todays your lucky

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Free ebook ยซMy Moon by S. D. A. (a court of thorns and roses ebook free .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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