Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Moon by S. D. A. (a court of thorns and roses ebook free .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Moon by S. D. A. (a court of thorns and roses ebook free .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author S. D. A.

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Bye-Bye Birdy

As usual it was raining outside in dreary Seattle, Washington. My names Rowan.Rowan Walker that is. I'm a sixteen year-old who lives with my Gran, Ben and Lewie.They're my brothers. The three of us live with Gran because my parents Lillian and John were on a buisness trip. I was adopted in this family, so my parents aren't really my mom and dad.
There hasn't been a time when I haven't known it though. No drama, no secrets. And even though they aren't my biological parents, they've raised me for the last 15 years.
Jasmine, my gran, told me stories of where I came from and why I was given my name. Rowan is a lacey,frilly flower that is a pale ivy colour; my skin resembles the shade. Not to mention that it was a family tradition to name the first daughter of every Gates family after a flower. My hair is a curly dark brown, almost black looking, and my eyes are an ice blue. Not at all like Lewie and Ben. Lewie's eighteen, in his last year of high school hard to believe with the way he acts. His eyes seem to be the exact green of my mom's and the same sandy locks of Gramps. Ben is alot younger than me though, twelve and a half, with dark hair like mine and gray eyes like daddy's. Both of them were born in Sacremento, California. My mom, Paris, and my dad, Boston, Mass. Then there's me... I was born in Moscow, Russia; the most beautiful place on earth.
Anyways, back to mom and dad: Lillian and John work as lawyers, and solve cases all across the country. They're amazing and they always get the job done. Being popular like this causes us to travel alot. And Seattle has been my longest home yet. Two years.
'One day, I will find my own home...' I thought, my eyelids grew heavy, 'But for now, I'm content with where I am,with who I live with, and I will not leave the nest just yet.'
As I drifted into a comfortable sleep, I saw a family of swans below take flight under the moon. I watched them fly away from a branch in a tree high above. Tomorrow mom and dad were leaving for the airport. Another trip, in Conneticut. In this dream, a tear fell down my cheek and I watched the descending birds. Good-bye, little birds. Take care...


I woke up to a rare sunny day. Outside was a green wilderness, growth covering most areas. Smiling, I stretched and looked across my room. There was a stack of clothes and pair of shoes on my old wooden bureau. Remembering today's schedule I fell back into the pillows with a groan.
"Why me!" I said, my voice muffled with the pillow.
"I hate Mondays! Why does this have to be today?!" ranting as I threw the coverlet from around my feet to the floor. The air was so cold that my teeth started to chatter so I ran to the door in a flurry.
"Turn on the heat!" I called.
Sounds of bustling feet came from the kitchen.
Gran, you sneaky rat, I thought as she moved to the bottom of he stairs. Directly below my room. In front of the thermastate. Dang. Your good! She gave me a shrewed look and said:
"Get dressed, Row, and you won't be so cold. Now, please, hon, stop screaming like a maniac and dont wake up your parents for another hour." She smiles tenderly at me.
"Oh alright!" I whisper shouted. "But maybe you'd put the the heater up a notch, please?" I asked, softening my voice, giving my favorite grandmother a smile.
There was a twinkle in her eyes as she walked back into the kitchen with a smirk on her face. I went back into a pout as I rushed to the dresser, pulling my night-gown off as fast as I could. I decided to wear a salmon pink sweater dress with leggings for the airport. Yea, a liitle too much, for an airport. But this was the two out of five most important people in my world. Of course I was going to dress up for them!
It was going to be a long good-bye. I wouldn't see them for three monthes!
Downstairs the coffee pot was a brew'n and the smell of eggs wafted up the hallway. In the rooms across the hall of the old victorian house, the rest of my family was getting up to put on a play. Nice Ro. It wasn't a literal play, just a really sad good-bye. A dramatic one too.
It was always like that. For school,for camp,for walking the lizard. Always a little parting, a sad good-bye. But today was our first time separating from our parents on a buisness trip. The first. Mom must be a wreck! I went downstairs just as the first of three doors were opening.
'Its showtime!' I thought sarcastically, a grin lighting my face. Jazz hands...curtains are opened.

Good-bye Surprise?

I stood there in front of Sea-Tac Airport, waiting for my family to catch up. Even with half of mom and dad's luggage I was faster than them. The goofballs I call brothers only held a single bag!
How typical of them... I thought, rolling my eyes. 'Even dad, whos almost six feet-two can't walk as fast or stride as I.Nice way to take advantage.' I smirked at that.
I turned around, smiling as I said to my parents,"Did you guys get lost? I've been standing here forever when I thought I should call Sher---," I was caught off guard as Lewie swung me into a head-lock.
"Haha runt." Grr... I hate that nickname so much, I was in the mood to sock him."It was so funny I forgot to laugh."
He laughed as I threw a punch at his gut. "Oh really wise guy? You did laugh, only moments ago. Did you already forget? Well, you'll smarten up... eventually."
Ben looked at me with raised eyebrows. I had a poker face on and Lewie pretended to get mad. Ben and I looked at his face and we instantly started laughing. It was hard to run as we tried to get away from our maniac of a brother.
"That's it. You'll get it runts!" Lewie grabbed Ben by the shirt and threw him up on his back. Little ol' Benny sat there clinging to his broad shoulders giggling loudly. It was a hysterical sight.
"You're next!" Lewie said, grinning evily. His left hand shot out and snaked around my waist. I started shouting.
"Lewie you big bully! Put me down this inst-----!" I couldn't even finish the sentence, when I remembered something like this.
It was the first day of summer, Lewie and I were running through the grass, mom slowly walking behind us with her big ballon belly. Lewie, eight years old swung me through the air. I would be six years old tomorrow. And the baby maybe a week after. "We are gonna have a baby." Mama said."Another one!" Lewie said as he swung me through the breeze. I laughed, holding on to his neck."Our baby! A baby! Our new little baby!" Lewie and I crowed. Mama smiled and hugged Daddy. It made me smile, too.
I looked up at Lewie who was grinning at Benny and I. Together. A bright place in eachothers hearts. I looked towards mama and daddy. I threw my arms around Lewie and spun around. It was 11 years ago today we walked that beautiful summer day.
Mom and daddy joined in too, even Gran! We had our last moment together for awhile, spinning in a big circle. And when it was time for their planes departure, I was the first to give them both a tight hug.
"Love you, angel." he smiled.
"Me too, baby, I'll miss you! Be good! And please take care of Benny" Mom said, tears filling her eyes.
"And please for the love of God, don't change. No boys. And no trouble for Gran." Oh boy... I kissed her cheek. Gran laughed as she winked at me.
"I'll be good, but I don't know about these two..." I stuck a thumb at the goofballs behind me.
"Can I trust you?" Mom said.
Benny and Lewie... including Gran said, "Yes ma'm!"
"Dismissed." She called. And then they left.
Altogether the four of us watched them enter the plane, and with a single glance, they were off. We wouldn't see them for the entire summer...
And my summer only just began. On our way out... I met him...

Best Way To Get A Vision...Stupidity

My eyes wandered to the plane flying over our heads. It was their plane. We were late at arriving so it had to be. I looked at the wrist-watch that hung from my wrist; 10:58 am.
"I opened my eyes last night, and saw you in the low light..." I sang softly. Gran was leading the way down the stairs now. Lewie and Ben were arguing about who would ride shotgun.

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