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Book online «The Next Generation: Scarlet by Jaden Bieber (classic romance novels txt) 📖». Author Jaden Bieber

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throw a fire ball at the creature who was coming, but it disappeared into thin air. What the..
"Oh, Seth, she is just darling." A male voice said. A man appeared out of the darkness of the forest. He wore a red sweatshirt with faded blue jeans. He has blond hair and dark brown eyes.
"Jackson," My dad said, smiling, "Fancy meeting you here."
"Guess so. Why did your daughter try to burn me?" He asked.
"That, my friend, is a good question." My dad said.
"I DIDN'T KNOW WHO IT WAS! I still don't. But Hi." I waved and continued jumping. Jackson waved back.
"Scarlet, this is Jackson. He's my friend who is also a mage. He helped me through portals when your mother wasn't around." I nodded.
"Nice to meet you, Scarlet." Jackson said, then turned his attention back to Seth. "Jeez, man, you just disappeared."
"Had to. Maylin was still wanted at the castle. And my mother didn't like me hanging around anything but dragons." While my dad explained his disappearance to Jackson, the water bored me.
"Hey, Dad!" I yelled to get his attention. He looked to me. "I'm gonna explore, that," I pointed to the forest, "'Kay?" At first, he didn't seem to like the idea, but he just nodded. I wanted to know a little about the place I lived around before exploring a totally different world.
I made my way through the trees. I was an quiet as a wolf. I didn't know how far I was into the forest now, but it was pretty far. The sun crept through the trees. When the wind blew, it was like a weird kind of disco ball.
I heard a growl at this point, and it didn't sound good. I turned fully to a beautiful gray wolf. Our wolves are bigger than the ones you'd find on Earth because, well, they're werewolves.
"Am I on bad territory?" I asked innocently. I didn't even know if that question made sense. It curled it's lips back and showed teeth as it growled this time. "Is that a yes?" I asked, wincing.
I took a side steps until I passed the wolf. It watched me the whole time like it was going to eat me. It still showed it's teeth. What the heck?!
"Ok, can you please stop that!" I got a good look of the wolf. "Stubborn males." I mumbled. I just shrugged since it didn't stop growling and started to walk away. Whatever. If it's not going to talk, I'm not going to deal with it.
I heard something fallowing me, so I turned to see it fallowing me. I frowned and stopped in my tracks. I folded my arms across my chest and looked into it's beautiful crystal blue eyes.
"Now what?" I asked. I got a growl, but it pushed me with it's head. "You want me out of the forest?" It nodded. "Why?" It growled again and gave me another push. "Fine." I frowned and ran out of the forest. I could hear him running behind me until I reached the opening.
I ran out, out of breath, and landed in the lake. Now I was soaked.
"Are you running from something?" My father asked. I looked up to him and shook my head.
"I was kicked out!" I threw my hands up as if saying, "Here we go again," or, "Unbelievable!"
"By who or what?" Jackson asked, laughing.
"A wolf! I guess I was on his territory or something." Then I remembered, wolves pee to mark their territories. I winced and washed my feet good in the water. Mean wolf.
"Ready to go?" My dad asked. I nodded. FINALLY.

When we left, we stopped back home first so I could change. Jackson kindly opened the portal for us, just 'cause I didn't know how.
We ended up in front of a beige house with white window panes. Dad knocked on the door.
Seconds later, an older woman opened the door. I looked at her.
"Seth, very nice to see you again." She smiled at him. He nodded. Then her eyes turned to me. "Oh my, she looks just like her.."
"I know. It's scary." My dad agreed. I blinked.
"Come in, come in." She said, excitedly.
"I'm sorry, but I have something I need to do." My dad said.
"Oh. Ok."
I turned to my dad and smiled. "Bye, Daddy." He took me into a hug.
"Be careful." He whispered into my hair.
"I will." I promised. He pulled away and kissed my cheek.
"Love you."
"Love you, too." I smiled. We parted ways and I shut the door behind me. I looked to my grandmother and smiled.
"Hello, Scarlet." She smiled.
"Hello... What do I call you?"
"Whatever you want to."
"How about... Gran?"
"Hello, Gran." She laughed and hugged me. I hugged back.
"Welcome to Earth, honey. You start school tomorrow."
"What grade will I be in?" I asked her.
"Mhm. Your aunt Lexie will be here to meet you shortly."
"My aunt?" I asked. I have an insect?
"Yes. Your mother's sister. Well, adoptive sister."
"Oh. Why is she an aunt?" I asked. Gran laughed.
"It's just what we call them... And you're going to school tomorrow.. Oh god."
"My dad taught me everything. I know math, science, L.A.L, and social studies on Earth. I did a spell to get myself cached up. I guess family the first thing you'd learn in school." I frowned.
"Let me show you your room. It was your mother's old room. We never got rid of her clothing either, so if you need clothes.."
"Really!? Cool! I'm living more like my mom than I wanted. Woo!" I cheered as I fallowed her up the creaky stairs. She opened a door. I fallowed her into a beautiful baby blue room with matching bed sheets and what not. The room smelled fantastic.
I flopped on the bed and tried to get as much as my mother's scent as I could. Gran smiled.
"Do you like it?"
"Yes, very much." I stretched. The bed was comfortable, too.
"I'll let you get comfortable. What would you like for diner?"
"Pizza." I instinctively said. I guess my Dad forgot to take me out. Even I forgot.
"Ok." She walked out, shutting the door behind her. I decided to look around.
I didn't find much, but I did like my Mom's sense of style. All of her clothes fit me, too.
"Scarlet, Lexie is here!" I heard Gran yell.
"Coming!" I yelled back, opening my door. I walked down the stairs. I saw a girl, well, a women. She had curly dirty-blond hair and green eyes. She was pretty.
"Hi." I smiled at her. She looked amazed and surprised at the same time.
"Oh my god, Mom, she's like... her twin." Aunt Lexie said. I guess I really looked like my mom, huh?
"Right?" Gran agreed.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Hi Scarlet. It's nice to finally meet you!" She hugged me, then pulled away." I heard something ding in the kitchen.
"Oh. Pizza's done!"
"YES!" I said, and ran into the kitchen.

The pizza was AMAZING! It was like, the best. But then, Gran gave me sushi. THAT WAS EVEN BETTER. I guess my dragon instincts kicked in at the taste of fish.
I fell asleep rather easily that night. I couldn't wait for school!

Chapter 3.

Gran woke me up at 7:00am. I showered and picked out an outfit. Gran straightened my hair and gave me the 'scene' style, she said. I wore a purple T-shirt with 'Panic at the Disco" written across it in splattered black paint. I wore black skinny jeans with purple and black b-boy converse. I liked the way I looked.
On the way to school, we stopped at a store named "Staples". We got a black and rainbow checkered knapsack, and some pens, pencils, and note books.
"Remember," She said, as we drove to the school, "Your name is Scarlet Holmes. You're from Japan and you just moved to New Jersey."
"But I don't know Japanese."
"'Cause you're not Japanese."
We pulled up to the school. I memorized the moment. This school was beautiful and clean. It was made up of light redish-brown bricks.
Gran walked me to the office. Kids looked at me, though I was too shy and ignored them.
We walked into the principal's office.
"Ah, you must be Miss Holmes." He said, perfering to me. I nodded shyly. "Well, since we went over most of the paper work and such yesterday, here is your schedule." He handed me a piece of paper.
"So I can go?" Gran asked.
"Yes." The principal said. I hugged my Gran good-bye and watched her walk out. As she walked out, a boy walked in."Detention again, Dakota?"
"Yes, Principal Marian." The boy said, carelessly. He looked to me and his eyes widened. He had dark brown hair, almost black, and beautiful crystal blue eyes like that wolf I saw yesterday.
"As your punishment, Dakota, you will show this girl around." Mr. Marian said.
"Fine, whatever. C'mon, girl." He said, walking out. I ran to catch up to him.
"So, your name is Dakota?" I asked him. We walked side-by-side.
"Yeah. You?" He asked.
"My name is Scarlet."
"Nice to meet you." He rolled his eyes.
"Wh- hey! I saw that eye roll. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning..." I walked with my hands behind my back.
"Look, I'm gonna give you this little tour, then you're never going to talk to me again. 'Kay?" Glared at me from the corner of his eye. I looked innocent as I nodded.
"Library," He said as we passed a door.
"What's a library?" I asked him. He stopped in his tracks and rose an eye brow.
"You're serious?"
"Serious as... whatever is really serious." I said, smiling.
"A room full or books. You rent them."
"Can... you show me?" I asked, shyly. He frowned and shrugged, walking into the library. He help the door open for me. I would've thanked him, but I was too distracted. This room was filled with books!
"You take a book," He said, picking out a random book. He took my hand want walked over to the librarian. She cocked an eyebrow at Dakota.
"You're renting a book?" She asked him.
"You ignore the librarian, she stamps it, puts it on your record, and there. You rented a book." He frowned. I watched the librarian do as he said. She handed him the book, still wide eyed. He took my hand again and brought me to the other side of her desk. He put the book in a basket that read "return" on it.
"Then you return it, when you're done. Now let's get the hell out of here." He took my hand again and pulled me out of there.
"Jeez, are you not a fan of libraries?" I asked him.
"No, I just want to get this over with." He scowled.
"The tour?"
"No." He said, sarcastically. I frowned.
"Whatever. Go to wherever you want to go, then. I'll figure it out on my own." I said, putting my hands on my hips.
"Says the girl who didn't know what a library was."
"What was that?"
"I'll give you a damn tour, but like I said, just don't talk to me again."
"Whatever. Let's just get this over with." I said, mimicking him. He didn't like it. Not at all.
"Why are you even at this school?" He asked me.
"I want to be? Duh." We walked by another door.
"This is Mrs. Kayne's music room."
"Can we... look inside?" I asked. He sighed and opened the door. We walked in to see a women playing the piano. She stopped when
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