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Book online «The Next Generation: Scarlet by Jaden Bieber (classic romance novels txt) 📖». Author Jaden Bieber

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me know what I want to in Japanese at that point.
"Kon'nichiwa." I said.
"Kon'nichiwa." He repeated.
"Say, 'Watashi wa, baipora bakadesu'."
"Watashi wa, baipora bakadesu?"
"I agree. You are a bipolar dummy." I said, giggling. He frowned.
"I am not bipolar."
"'Kay." I nodded. "Say, 'Watashi ni kisu'."
"Watashi ni kisu?" I leaned over and kissed his cheek. I pulled away. "What did I say?"
"Kiss me. And I did." I smiled.
"You don't look Japanese." He said.
"I'm not. I just lived there with my Dad for a while. I picked up on the language." I said.
"I see."
"So, tell me about yourself." I said.
"There's nothing really to tell." He sighed out. I pouted. He reached over and picked me up, placing me in this lap. I blushed.
"There must be..."
"U menya yestʹsekret." He whispered in my ear.
"What about a secret?" I asked.
"I have one."
"Secrets, secrets are not fun. Unless you share them with everyone." I did a little rhyme. "And by everyone, I mean me."
"I don't know," He said in a husky voice, "Can I trust you?"
"You can use me as a cover up." I said, thinking he was gay.
"I'm not gay!" He laughed. Oh. Damn.
"Then just tell me. I have a few secrets of my own."
"I know your secrets."
"You're not really from Japan, are you? You're not even from this dimension." I tensed up. His grip around my waist tightened. I leaned my hands and head on his broad chest. I could feel a 6 pack...
"How would you know?"
"You're not even human..."
"Right. I'm a sex god." I said, sarcastically. He laughed, but not for very long.
"You know, we've met before." His lips were on my neck. I couldn't process what was going on.
"We have?" I asked. "Once upon a dream?" I quoted the movie 'Sleeping Beauty'.
"I'm glad you think this is funny."
"I'm sad you don't." He nipped at my bottom lip.
"You're a mage, aren't you..." He nipped my ear.
"How'd you..."
"We've met before..." He said, looking into my eyes.
"W-we have?"
"Yesterday, to be exact."
"I don't remember meeting you yesterday."
"Tell me, what happened yesterday. Strict detail."
"I woke up, peed-"
"Go on."
"Ate a cheese omlet for the first time. Went to a lake. Met my dad's friend Jackson. Almost killed my dad's friend Jackson. Was kicked out of the forest by a meanie butt wolf-"
"Y-You're that wolf?"
"Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner."

Chapter 5

"Werewolf... I should've known. You're eyes reminded me of the wolf's."
"Am I still a stubborn male?"
"Da." I smirked.
"Chert vozʹmi." He groaned.
"What?" I asked.
"You don't know how much that turns me on." He grinned. I blushed.
"A lot, I suppose."
"School's almost over..." I sighed.
"Wait, why were you kicking me out of that forest?" I asked.
"My pack was around. They'd kill you for being in their territory. I saved you. You're welcome."
"Thanks..." I was confused. Very confused.
The last school bell rang. I went to get up, but Dakota pulled me back down. I looked into his eyes curiously.
"Sorry. Nevermind." He let me go. I smiled and got up. I helped him up.
"I'm not just a mage, you know. I have a little dragon and human in me." I said. "Well, I have some human, some mage, some raven mocker, and some dragon." I explained.
"I'm just a werewolf." He said, blankly. I giggled. "When are you coming back to our dimension?"
"On the weekend maybe." I said.
"We could hang out then."
"If you're not to cool for me." We walked side by side down the side walk to where the cars are. He chuckled.
"You need to tell me your story." He said. "Why you're here and such."
"You, too."
"Will do. It's a promise." We shook on it.
"See you tomorrow."
I got into my Gran's car.
"How was your first day?" She asked.
"Awesome! I didn't get a locker yet, though. I just kept my bag in the office for now."
"Cool. Who was the boy you were walking with?"
"Dakota. He was my tour guide."
"If only I were about... 20 years younger." I giggled.
"You'd still be too old for him." I said, seriously.
"Well, ouch. Jeez." I laughed.
"I'm sorry!"
We drove home. I told Gran about my mac&cheese with chicken nuggets discovery. They're yummy! Gran promised to buy some when she could.
There was a knock on the door while I watched an anime, a Japanese cartoon, called Kodocha. It was funny as hell. Gran said it was my mom's favorite.
"Oh, Scarlet, you have a visitor." I paused it and walked to the door. My dad stepped inside and shut the door behind him. I ran and hugged him.
"Hey, how was your first day?" He asked me.
"Awesome! And by the way, pizza is amazing, but I like sushi better!"
"Sushi?" He asked. I got some left over from the fridge and popped a roll in his mouth. He chewed and swallowed. "THAT'S AMAZING!"
"You two are so immature." Gran laughed.
"Thanks, Nora." Dad said, sarcastically.
"I take it as a complement. I rather be immature and entertaining then an old stick in the mud." I said, talking like Sana.
"She's watching Kodocha, isn't she?" Dad asked Gran.
"Mhm." Gran smiled.
"I love it!" I exclaimed. "Anyway, Dad, how was your reunion?" I asked, making fun of the word he used to describe it as.
"Turns out my mother's dead, but my other friends and family missed me and I plan on seeing them again. They really wanted to meet you, Scarlet."
"This weekend!" I said.

When Dad left, I ended up falling asleep next to Gran on the couch while watching Kodocha. I loved Earth. I loved how Dakota and I are originally from the same place. And he can teach me another language, even knowing I can just do a spell. But it just wouldn't be the same.

Next morning, Gran drove me to school and etc. We went through the same routine for getting ready as yesterday. Except I have a new outfit and we didn't need to go shopping.
I went to the office to receive me locker and lock. I was given an hour to unpack my things. While everyone was in homeroom, I emptied my knapsack and put the stuff in my locker. Note books, book I received from the office for my classes, and extra supplies such as writing utensils and calculators.
"Hey, Scarlet." I turned my head to Ronny.
"Yo." I did a quick wave. At this point, I was done putting my things in my locker and was leaning against it, trying the lock code over and over. I felt accomplished.
"There's a party Friday night. Wanna be my date?" He asked me.
"A party? For who?"
"Everyone. We go to have fun."
"I'm sorry, but I'll be away this weekend." I frowned. I'd like to go, too. Just... Maybe not as his date.
"That's ok. There's always next time, right?"
"Mhm." I smiled. I saw Dakota behind him. He turned a different hallway, though. I wanted to say hi to him, so I locked my lock and said, "See you later," to Ronny.
I turned corner to the hall way he did. I found him and a girl in daisy dukes and a tank top having a make-out session. I quickly hid behind the wall. I didn't think Dakota had a girlfriend...

I arrived to L.A.L in the second period. Mrs. Gratt, my L.A.L teacher, introduced me and sat me next to Bryce. I was happy about that since I did know her.
"Hey. Lucky seat, huh?" She smiled.
"Yes. I'm glad she let me sit here."
"What's up?" She asked.
"Tuesday." I frowned.
"The almighty, boring Tuesday. Hey, it's taco day."
"Mexican lunch." She smiled. I got excited. I was wanted to try it soooo bad. "Can you sit with us today?" She asked.
"Sure. I don't see why not." I smiled back. I glanced to Dakota. He was looking at me. I stared at him and did a quick smile, then looked back to Mrs. Gratt.

Next period was math. No Dakota. And I liked it that way. I don't know why, but he made me say, "Kiss me," and was going to do so. Then it seems he has a girlfriend. Maybe he's just... a player.
During math, a girl named Gracie caught me up, but of course, I knew all of this stuff already.
"Then you divide this into-"
"The 40 cubic measures and etc." I said.
"You're caught up, huh?"
"Yeah." I smiled.
"I hear they had good education in Japan."
"Yes, they do. That's how I know perfect English."
"They teach English?"
"Yeah, you know how we have a Spanish class? Well, they have an English class."
"Right?" I totally don't know if my information is correct. Oh well.

Next period was Lunch. I sat wit Bryce and Ronny and a few other people. Dakota sat with a group of people. Every time I looked over, they were laughing. Maybe he still wants me to stay away from him. I mean, he hasn't talked to me all day...
Was I jealous? No. I knew him for a day. Maybe I started to have a crush on him, but I don't think it'll stay.
"Maylin?" I heard behind me. I turned to see a boy with blue eyes and blond hair.
"Uhm. Who are you?" I asked him.
"Oh, I'm sorry. You look like someone I know."
"Get out of here, Trey. She's mine." Ronny said, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"You wish." I joked.
"I didn't... Nevermind." Trey started to walked away. I got up and fallowed him.
"Why did you call me by my mother's name?" I asked him when we got outside.
"Your mother? Maylin was your mother?"
"Yeah, but I killed her at birth." I explained.
"Oh, man..." He looked away. "Is Seth your father?"
"Why are you here?"
"I wanted to live a little like my mom..." I admitted. "Who are you?"
"I'm an old friend of your mothers and your aunt Lexie."
"Really? Are you a vampire?"
"Are you in secret from the Dark Castle?" He asked.
"Yes," I gasped, "Please don't tell. I want don't want to be sucked into that. My dad's been protecting me from that for years. Now I finally got some freedom-"
"Relax, kiddo, I won't tell a single soul." I let out a breath.
"Thank goodness."
"I'm gonna jet, but you better stay. I think someone wants to talk to you." He cocked his head behind me. I turned and saw Dakota staring... glaring at Trey. Trey kissed my cheek and walked passed me and Dakota. Once he was inside, Dakota walked up to me.
"What was that about?" He asked.
"He was an old friend of my mothers." I said.
"Mm. What's with you?"
"Nothing's with me? Why do you ask?"
"Well, you've practically been ignoring me. You won't even look at me." I looked to him. I didn't realize I had my eyes on the ground.
"I am looking at you." I said, looking into thoughs beautiful blue eyes of his. He came closer. He pinned me against the wall once again. I squirmed under him.
"Nyet. You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's going through your head. What happened?"
"Nothing!" I shot back, defensively.
"Please, tell me."
"Nothing. I was just shocked to hear Trey call me by my mother's name."
"Yeah, but you were ignoring me before that."
"Well, I went to say
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